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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Mammalovell,

    Don't give up, sometimes even doctors reallly don't understand this weight is not simply a problem of glutony but a serious problem with the hardwiring of some of our brains...forgive him for being absent minded and for that moment just realize he was careless. Continue your journey knowing that you are your only and best advocate. You can do it, no matter which path you choose. Best of luck


  2. Really? When I used to smoke in my younger days (when I had to talk to school 10 miles through waist-deep snow:biggrin2:) all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch cartoons. My stoner friends and I would turn the sound off and make up our own dialogues. You actually can work out after smoking?

    I wonder if they sell doobies at Curves? In the vending machine next to the cigs?:biggrin:

    LMAO, if that were the case I would never leave the damn gym!:frown:

  3. Thanks for this thread! I found this forum 2 days after I was banded (5/29). I actually had to get my BMI down before I was eligible to have this surgery. Thanks to MJ, I was able to force myself to aerobicly burn off the access weight. I can physically push myself farther when I'm high. Thanks to weed I lost about 50 lbs. in 2 months, before even being banded!!


    I am SO trying that!!!:biggrin::teeth_smile::thumbup:

  4. HI everyone,

    I did a lot of reading before I had the surgery, I felt I truly understood what was expect of me and what my new responsibilities to self were but after getting home and feeling that hunger, not head hunger, physical pain hunger willing to eat your own young kind of hunger (lol). I am hungry but I am hungry to this degree because presurgery although overweight I was starving, my body was simply not getting whatever it needed. And now that I have had some Protein and some Water I do have some clarity... my advice is take a multi Vitamin, have a few swallows of protein and then a little later have some water... the whole world seems different when your body is getting what is actually needs and not what it actually craves! Good Luck fellow band wagoners!!


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