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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lana24

  1. Phowell, victory looks and feels good! at first I was doubtful but this IS victory. I stopped smoking after 19 years, I went from being winded biking one mile, now I can do 10 without flinching! I am happy with life and love, but mostly I feel pride in self and current accomplishments. I have never in my adult life felt this damn good!

  2. Hi Lauralee,

    Most of us know your pain...I have only lost a few pounds since being banded. Not until my third fill did the scale start to move again...and let me tell you I was frustrated and wondering what the hell was going on. I re evaluated my food, al though I was not cheating or eating too much I had to take fruit out of my diet because it causes me to simply not loss any weight. I have heard the same about dairy.. I suggest you not worry right now, heal your body and once you get a fill or 2 I am sure things will change. Focus on what you have already accomplished. You will get there...


  3. Good day all, and welcome to Onderland. I wavered back and forth for about a month before I felt like I was in wonderland to stay. It seemed like it just took forever to stop floating between 201 and 198..Now that I have been here for a while I have renewed hope. I bought some size 14 pants a week and a half ago, as of this morning they are too big...I don't think I will get more than one more wear out of them. So for those of you who are frustrated as I was, just know even if the scale is not moving..you need to keep moving! Its the only way there will be progress...I wish you all they very best with your journeys and just know you are not alone!


  4. I have noticed a change in my arms, but I do lift weights daily. When I started my arms were 17" as of this morning they are 13"...I have not lost much weight but the inches are very odvious. Goo dluck on oyur journey.

    Brandy girlfriend your pictures just keep getting better and better, in another month and a half I will post my progress. I am getting there, watching you helps.

  5. That is so true. People need to learn to police themselves and leave others to thiers. Not sure how you get the scale of your progress on the site but I am 3 months post op and have lost 37 lbs. looking to lose 50 more.

    If you click on any ticker it should take you to ticker.com, there you can make your ticker and post it on your "signature"...same place you go to retrieve messages. Congrats on your loss, that is a true victory!

  6. I was always hungry too before being banded. And I constantly craved sweets and fast food. Now I am almost never hungry and don't have those cravings anymore. You will love it!

    I agree with Carrie, until my third fill I was hungry still...but now ( although not at my sweet spot) I am content to eat what I bring for lunch and not search for other food. It is like your brain is re-wired in a way, not just your stomache!

  7. That is wonderful! That is what I am hoping for, a stronger, closer relationship with my husband. I am doing this first and foremost for me ~ but I want to be able to do things with my husband that I have never been able to before (in bed) :lol:

    I am so EXCITED! I mailed in the smart card from my CPAP so hopefully my ENT will release me so I can get a surgery date. I can't wait to starting living my life like I want to. :lol:

    My Dh did not want me to have the surgery, inspite of his feelings he was very supportive. He was more afraid something bad would happen during surgery. Once it was over he was fine. He always says, "your perfect just the way you are, if your weight bothers you then I will be supportive". And he is, sometimes I am at the gym in the middle of the night and he doesn't trip. He likes to see me happy so he can be happy.

    Alabamagirl, remember it takes a minute for the band to "work"... I had a hard time with this concept because I was exercising and eating less I thought well great soon the weight will come off. Not until my third fill did the scale start moving again. But keep up the healthy habit!

    My eyes have always been bigger than my stomache and that has not changed, I got some 8 oz size bowls to pack my food in...if I eat just that amount I am fine and comfortable...but when I try to just eat...then I get into trouble and then the pain of being too full kicks in which lasts for a minute.

    I wish you nothing more than the very best on this journey, it is wonderful :Banane20:when you start to find yourself again, discover new things that you learn to love like exercise...I used to hate it as well. But once I got over feeling like I was going to die (lol) it was all good!

  8. I totally agreed with your thinking. People seems to forget that our nation was formned on the and freedom for all. Lots of judgmental people out there

    I can understand, I know people are entitled to their own opinions. But why walk into a virtual room filled with smoke and then denounce smokers? :mellow:

    People do that when they are looking for trouble, trying to cause a fight...looking for chaos behind the throws of hurtful words. :cool2:

    Hiding behind this veil of virtuality...:tongue2:

  9. Alabama,

    My life has changed by leaps and bounds ( already). I am so happy I am sure people want to slap me constantly! But I can't help it, before the band whenever I tried to exercise my level of hunger would increase by 40%...now I can actually work out and watch what I eat, I stopped smoking and now my body is melting. Its only been a few months but I look better today than I have in years, I feel better and I am stronger. I can do exercises today that I could not even dream about 3 months ago. So to answer your question, yes I am happier. Did I mention sex is better too?

  10. I think it is time to admit that there are other additions going on in here right now, some are addicted to drugs, alcohol, food etc. but no one has mentioned the more dangerous addiction which is the addiction to chaos,

    the addiction to always cause a scene, complain, whine, talk louder and badder than the rest. Insult the rest of the world so ONE can feel better. Yes people this is an addiction as well, it is deep seeded and there is very little help except to recognize and walk away. Don't waste your breath, it does no good. There is no reasoning, just turn and walk away and the problem will disappear as if it never where here. After that....Toke on fellow smokers!!

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