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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68


    Wonder if your dr was talking about a hiatal hernia? Apparently fairly common when you are overweight - it is your stomach pushing up into your esophagus (I think?) It can cause acid reflux type symptoms. I have a small sliding hernia. Not sure if dr will fix or not but if they do, it is pretty minor I am told. They just sort of stich it back down. I had a friend whose insurance did not cover WLS but did cover hiatal hernia surgery, so dr fixed that and charged insurance for it and then only charged her $3500 to do the sleeve while she was in there. Anyway, could just be dr was informing him you had this and he may have repaired it. Re fatty liver, it will go away with weight loss. Liver is an amazing organ that can essentially regenerate itself. Hopefully you can find all that out at your post-op.
  2. Daisee68


    I am sure one of the veterans will reply (I am still pre-op) but Protein is really key. A lot of what you are eating is carbs. Are you mixing any Protein powder with those? If not, you have to up your protein. You need to talk to your nutrionist to get a target but it is typically 60 to 80 grams of protein a day and you won't be getting that just by one protein serving in the morning.
  3. Daisee68

    Pre-Op Tests

    Same co-morbidities - I had to do Upper GI/barium swallow, EKG/stress test, psych eval, sleep study and 4 NUT visits. I will have pre-op appt Tuesday which I know involves some bloodwork.
  4. So I hope this gives you some comfort, but I am on an anti-depressant and no one even blinked at that. It's like they just expected it even. The therapist I saw for my psych eval I have continued seeing and she is truly a God send. I have seen her probably 10 times since Feb. and fully intend to continue to see her after the surgery. She has really helped me understand this disease I have (because lets face it, I didn't get to over 300 pounds just because I was a happy eater). I am a food addict and wow has this process been eye opening for me. @@SookieLei I a very sorry you had such a bad experience, but hopefully they are just being overly cautious. Maybe they will have a cancellation and can get you in sooner? I would keep calling and see if they have an opening. Good luck! And to others - don't dread it. Therapy is an important part of this process and I don't see myself being successful without it. (Though I have friends that didn't have to since they were self-pay and dr didn't require it if insurance didn't. Not what I would recommend but there you go.)
  5. June 4 for me. Pre-op is on Tuesday and start liquid diet on Thursday (only 1 week of liquid diet for me). Getting anxious!
  6. Daisee68

    1 night hospital stay?

    There is at least 1 dr here in Dallas that does sleeve patients as outpatient surgery - they go home same day! Seems a bit scary to me, but I had a friend that did it and she did fine.
  7. @ - I start my liquid diet Thursday (I only have to do 1 week for some reason). Did you lower your metformin during the liquid diet and/or have any low blood sugar moments? Sort of concerned about that.
  8. Surgery date that is. June 4!! I got approved by Cigna less than 24 business hours! (Filed on Friday at noon. Approval Monday morning.) I was so surprised! Now I am finally anxious because it is real! It was just sort of an idea up to this point. 4 weeks from today - I am sure it will go by fast...
  9. Daisee68


  10. Congrats!! Let us know how it goes!!
  11. Daisee68

    I can't believe this happened!

    I'm sorry. That stinks! Emergency or no and I know that is disappointing.
  12. My surgery is June 4 and I went in asking for sleeve and ended up at RNY mostly because I was having BAD acid reflux that day and she said with the sleeve that reflux can get much worse. I wasn't willing to do RNY in the beginning but 4 months later, I think I am finally ok with it. 1) Acid reflux / GERD elimination; 2) Type 2 Diabetic and RNY will resolve (mostly); 3) Longer track record; 4) My surgeon does A LOT Of sleeve to RNY revisions. She just said that many sleevers end up revising. I don't want to do this twice...
  13. Daisee68

    Liquid Diet

    I only have to do liquid for 1 week. I was surprised she didn't require 2 weeks. Not sure why.
  14. Daisee68

    Should I just self-pay?

    UPDATE - My endocrinologist recommended me for the surgery. He said it is going to affect some of my other medical issues but that we can deal with them as they come up. Had my last nutritionist visit and surgeon submitted to Cigna on Friday at noon for approval and drumroll please.... Cigna approved me!! Already - less than 24 business hours! So, now I am waiting on call from surgery scheduler. Excited and nervous!!
  15. Daisee68

    Am I obsessing to much?

    AHH! I have the same problem! Seriously trying hard not to, but I called the surgeon's office today with a question and they said "do you even have a surgery date yet?" Um no I don't but my last nutrition visit it Friday and then they will file with insurance so I am assuming surgery date by June, right? I felt stupid for calling. It's only the 2nd question I have asked (and the 1st one was just calling to find out results of sleep study and make sure I didn't need a CPAP - I did not...) My question today was about stopping estradiol. I had a hysterectomy Oct. 2013 and am on hormone replacement. My endocrinologist told me last week that they would take me off estradiol temporarily due to potential of blood clots. That will put me in to instant menopause, so I wanted to know for sure if they were going to do that so I could call my OB/GYN to see if there was another solution (topical cream, etc.). Anywho, with the response, I felt like I was over-obsessing. BUT FYI, it is WAY better than it was in January when I first started this journey! Opposite of you, I have told just about everyone I come in contact with that I am going to have the surgery, so I am sure all of my friends, co-workers and family are completely sick of me! They just think I am annoying know. Imagine how I will be the week before surgery when I am / have been on a liquid diet AND am suddenly menopausal! They will really hate me then!
  16. Daisee68


    My surgeon requires the sleep study to rule out apnea but says most of bariatric patients have it. I did the test but did not have apnea thank goodness. BUT I had a home sleep study. My insurance required a home study because it was cheaper. The equipment was sent to me, I hooked it up and turned it on and went to sleep in my own bed. It is cheaper so insurance companies prefer it and I was able to sleep better. If you have to do the test, ask if home study is an option.
  17. Daisee68

    Pack for the hospital

    That seems a little longer than most but I suppose there could be mitigating factors. See link below which is a very long post of details about what you need for the hospital. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/181994-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-upcoming-weightloss-surgery-thread/?hl=pack I think most people sum it up by saying they didn't use half of what they packed. Good luck!
  18. Daisee68


    Congrats!! I have 1 more nutritionist apt next week then we submit for insurance approval. I am hoping for May surgery but betting it will be June.
  19. Daisee68

    Should I just self-pay?

    Well I am certainly getting closer. Finally did the sleep study (at home). I DIDN'T have sleep apnea which I knew all along but dr required it. (One of the few conditions from being obese that I don't have! ). I have my last nutritionist visit on April 29 and then they should be able to submit for approval. One of my NUT appts was too close together (only 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks) so I bet Cigna makes me have 1 last appt. (Frustrating. I told that person I was supposed to wait 4 weeks, but they wouldn't listen. Still using the same surgeon but now a different location where there are different nutritionists and patient reps, etc.) Still seeing counselor - mostly once per week. Having some doubts about the surgery right now, but I think it's just cold feet. I have an appt with my endocrinologist tomorrow to discuss sleeve vs bypass to make sure I meet requirements for bypass. (I have a lot of other medical issues that won't go away with RNY and need to make sure RNY won't affect those health issues by keeping me from using the correct supplements, meds, etc.) Will feel more certain after I talk to him I think. Anyway, long story to say, thanks. I am still moving forward.
  20. Daisee68

    Lovenox injections

    I haven't had the surgery yet, so I don't know if my dr requires or not; however, my dad had to do this after his knee replacement. He was terrified but got used to it very quickly. Its not quite as bad as it sounds because it just goes under the skin, so you pinch skin on your abdomen and then insert the needle. It goes very quickly. Do you have someone else that can do it for you if you can't? I had to help with my dad's a few times and then he just had to figure it out.
  21. I am sure this is somewhere else too, but I haven't located it so I thought I would start a new one. I had a counseling appointment today and one of the things we talked about is understanding my reasons for doing this surgery. (I am still pre-op.) Not just the generic reasons - smaller clothes, healthier, etc., but really achievable and measurable reasons. My counselor said I need to solidify these so that that when I want to give in to that head hunger, I have something to combat it with. So here are my top few for now: 1) Functional "cure" of diabetes / off metformin 2) Never over a weight limit again - attic ladder, swim park slides, chairs! 3) Able to to have my picture taken and not turn away from the pic when I see it - no longer in full denial that I actually look like that! 4) Fit in airplane seat with both arms down. What are some of your reasons?
  22. Well, best of luck to you with your decision(s). Does the $50 dietician fee mean than all the other pre op tests usually required for the sleeve are also required for hiatal hernia repair (except for dietician)? If you don't mind answering, since you already indicated how much you paid for the EGD - how much was the sleeve going to cost you? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just curious. But again, I hope things work out for you. I have a friend who just went the same route with the same surgeon. No nutritional counseling or psychological testing prior to surgery required because they are not using insurance to cover the sleeve portion of the surgery and these requirements are just insurance requirements for some. This surgeon is known to be an excellent surgeon but not sure good at cutting means good at long term success. Just my opinion and why I have chosen another doctor. Having said that, my friend is doing very well (only 6 weeks out). It may work for her just fine. For me, without the counseling, I will never be successful at this.... (PS - the sleeve was done on an outpatient basis - home same day - first appt wasn't for 3 weeks - not the way I want to go). This isn't a post against Dr. Nick. Just to say it not the best choice for me.
  23. @@MsAlaineus - I had my 6th counseling appt today (also with someone specializing in bariatric patient). I actually said to her that given the ups downs I have had in just 6 weeks dealing with food issues (and I haven't even started a pre-op liquid diet yet!), that I cannot imagine how people are successful with this surgery without counseling. I am currently dealing with acceptance of being a food addict. It's tough to accept and a word I don't like very much but somehow / someway, I know I am going to get to the other side of this - and counseling may be as big if not bigger part than the actual surgery! Best of luck with your counselor. If you don't hit it off with her, look for another one. That relationship is very important.
  24. Congrats! Diabetes is a big reason for me to want the surgery too! Great advice on this website and I am sure you will find it helpful. Best wises with your journey!
  25. Daisee68

    Success! Praise God!

    Congrats!! Glad to hear all went well!

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