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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    found out what was wrong

    Yikes! Sorry you had that trouble. So glad you went to your PCP and they did something about it!
  2. Daisee68

    cigna approval

    I also have Cigna and lost some pre-op but I don't remember their ever being a specific weight loss requirement - just that you had supervised diets and tried. Especially if you have any co-morbidities and you are only talking about a few ounces, you are going to be fine. They approved me FAST. It was submitted on a Friday at noon and I got a call from surgeon's office Monday morning that it was already approved. By the way, the one thing I didn't have at my last NUT apt was a letter from a doctor other than the surgeon recommending me for the surgery which my surgeons office said was required to submit. It does say that in the Cigna requirements but I had overlooked it. If you don't have this yet (or haven't been told about it), you might want to ask your surgeon's office so you can get that from you PCP or other dr (mine was my endocrinologist) to give them the day of your last visit.
  3. @@Stevehud - I saw that episode and had the exact same thoughts! And that was only 4 days before my surgery. It was heartbreaking when I saw the message at the end. I will say though that watching this show (in marathon form several times) helped me know what NOT to do
  4. Daisee68

    "Brave" choice?

    Thanks guys. Your answers really helped!
  5. I only met my surgeon once but I really liked her. The next time I saw her was 2 minutes before they rolled me in to the operating room and then the next day when she released me from the hospital. I really liked her though and was very comfortable with her and her staff. She operates out of the 3 different hospitals and I did change hospitals / offices mid-way through. (In the end not sure the other hospital was better, but it's done now.) BUT I will say this - you must be comfortable with your surgeon and most importantly their staff. It is the staff you will continue to work with. I have a history of shoulder problems (4 surgeries) and I wasn't comfortable with the first surgeon, but I let him do surgery on me TWICE only to have to have it finally repaired correctly by a 3rd surgeon (didn't like the 2nd one I met). The last guy was a wonderful guy and I returned to him 10 years later for repair on the other surgery and recommend him to anyone I meet with shoulder or knee issues. All to say it is very important to trust the surgeon and their staff. There is enough anxiety wrapped up in this whole thing to not question that part. All of your records will transfer - if you have to go get them yourself and carry them to a new dr. PS - I chose bypass over sleeve because of the acid reflux. The first day I met the surgeon my reflux was BAD and I commented on it and she said she really wouldn't recommend sleeve for me because of it.
  6. @@Padraigm613, so they did finally decide it was gallbladder issues?
  7. I am Type 2 Diabetic and went in asking for sleeve but decided on bypass - main reason was acid reflux potentially worsened with Sleeve (which I already battle acid reflux and could not take it being worse) and because it would improve my diabetes more quickly and lastly it was a longer proven procedure. As a Type 1 Diabetic though, I don't know what affect WLS surgery has on your blood sugars.
  8. Daisee68

    Great West Insurance thru Cigna PPO

    I have Cigna Open Access plan? (Not sure it is same as your plan but hope this helps.) Look at this link that someone else on this site gave me - I found it very helpful - https://cignaforhcp.cigna.com/public/content/pdf/coveragePolicies/medical/mm_0051_coveragepositioncriteria_bariatric_surgery.pdf The only thing they gave me grief about was the sleep study because the dr hadn't actually proved medically necessary (hadn't shown signs). They did eventually agree a home sleep study. Once everything was done and submitted, they agreed in less than 1 day. There is a 3 month supervised diet requirement occurring within the last 12 months and allow Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc. as long as it was supervised / documented by a doctor. They do require a letter by someone other than the WLS surgeon recommending you for the surgery. I had my first surgeon appt on Jan. 20. Approved on May 1 and surgery on June 4. (I could have probably done surgery a little earlier once approved but I just had some work conflicts.) Hope that helps!
  9. Just a reminder - every doctor seems to have different rules so be sure you follow your own doctors rules. They have their own specific rules for a reason.
  10. Surely they will allow you other liquids? I had to do the same but only for 1 week. I lived on broth. My favorite was Swansons Mexican Tortilla Soup broth. It was SO good! Only problem is that it was a little spicy so I needed to cut back on it. Also loved Swansons Beef Broth (still drinking that one post-op). Lots and lots of Water. Powerade zero. Propel Fitness water (I love the berry but there is also Orange, Grape and Fruit Punch I think). Tea. I even had some diet soda though I probably wasn't supposed to. It is definitely the hardest part of my journey so far. Try to just occupy your mind otherwise and keep your eye on the prize. I was terrified of it and was proud of myself that I got through it. After surgery, there is 2 weeks of liquids but you aren't hungry, so it is not quite as hard. @@roseluv3 - you make me realize how lucky I am not to have to feed anyone else right now. That has to be doubly hard to feed a family! Hugs!
  11. Maybe for the hernia? Not necessarily for gastric bypass. I was told I could go back in as little as 1 week (though I haven't). I will be out total of 2 1/2 weeks.
  12. Daisee68

    Feel lost...pleas help!

    Great loss. I had my first post op visit today (11 days post on). I had lost only 10 pounds since surgery but 26 pounds prior to surgery. I sure hope I can say almost 50 pounds when I get 2 months out! My mushy food starts Friday. Here are suggestions I was given - fat free refried beans with low fat melted cheese on top, mashed potatoes with protein powder mixed in, baked fish, tuna salad with very little low fat mayo, chicken salad with low fat mayo, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. (These are all mushy food phase but some of them will still work at your stage). I was told chicken thigh is better tolerated than chicken breast because it is more moist. Cook up some in your crockpot. Try Pinterest and search for gastric bypass or weight loss recipes. If you have been to this website yet - check it out - www.the world according to egg face.com. she has some great recipes. Look under the section about Bites which is a lot of mini muffin size crustless quiches. Definitely call your NUT and try to find a support group. People there can help with some foods. If you come up with anything awesome, be sure to let us know! Take heart. You are doing great.
  13. Daisee68

    Psychologist Didn't Document - Now I'm Pending...

    Just wanted to say that just stinks. So sorry!! Hopefully Aetna will clear you immediately after they receive that documentation.
  14. Daisee68

    Feast before famine?

    I confess I did it too. I actually did really well losing weight the first 6 weeks after meeting with surgeon. Then just mediocre the next 2 months. And then the week before my liquid diet, I had several meals I thought I might not have again. Probably 2 a day and then 1 healthy-ish meal. Obviously they don't recommend it, but I think it is very normal.
  15. Daisee68

    Just made decision!

    I have Cigna who requires 3 month diet. On my first appt, they told me probably 5 months from first meeting to surgery. It actually was slightly shorter. First appt with surgeon was Jan. 20; surgery was June 4. I actually could have gone a week or so earlier but I had some work issues I needed to work around. I had insurance approval on May 1 BUT I did all my appts very quickly and stayed on top of everything. Cigna only requiring 3 months diet really helped.
  16. I don't know the reason, but just thought I would weigh in that I had bypass 11 days ago, and so far my tastebuds are exactly the same. The Protein drinks taste the same, Water tastes the same, beef broth, etc. Not sure why it doesn't happen to all....
  17. Daisee68

    I need help PLEASE

    You will really need to get the info from your surgeon or NUT as they all seem to have different guidelines. If you are just wanting to try and shed some weight and get used to some guidelines, try out some Protein drinks, limit your carbs, make sure you are getting in at least 64 oz of Water, cut back on carbonation and caffeine. Those habits will all come in handy when you do finally start the actual liver shrinking diet.
  18. www.BariatricPantry.com is reasonably priced, fast shipping and has some sample packs.
  19. Re decaf teas, I am also supposed to not drink black tea (oxalate which adds to my kidney stone issue) but I found Republic of Tea that has decaf green tea (which I can have) in lots of flavors. There is a decaf green tea Ginger Peach that is really good http://www.republicoftea.com/ginger-peach-decaf-green-tea-bags/p/V01048 and I also really like the decaf green tea Pomegranate flavor http://www.republicoftea.com/pomegranate-decaf-green-tea/p/V00750. (I make mine by the cup and then pour over ice and add some more Water.) There are others I haven't tried yet and if you can drink black tea, there are loads of decaf choices.
  20. Sorry if this is TMI - anyone else have trouble going enough after surgery? I remember in the hospital that it took quite a while once I went in to the restroom (I didn't have a catheter) and I just sort of figured it was due to the anesthesia. Additionally, I ended up passing a 4mm kidney stone 48 hours after RNY and then another 4mm about 6 days after RNY. I have ongoing kidney stone issues, so that didn't surprise me necessarily but my concern is that I just don't seem to be able to go that much. I am getting in 50ish ounces (including Protein shakes) which I know isn't enough long term, but only drinking 1 oz every 15 minutes makes it tough to drink a lot more. I am 8 days post op now and just able to drink about twice that but still not having a lot of output. My first post-op appt is Tuesday so I can ask then if it is normal. Just thought I would ask if anyone else has had issues or if maybe I need to call my urologist on Monday.
  21. I had a huge Diet Dr Pepper habit (like 4 to 6 a day). I just couldn't give it up until the last few weeks before surgery when I knew it was getting real. I just didn't see why it was necessary so I couldn't commit. The carbonation is the issue post surgery. My understanding is the gas created by the bubbles will stimulate your stomach to make you think you can hold more than you can which eventually leads to eating more which leads to stretching your stomach back out. I will say that I was glad that I stopped the sodas (mostly) a couple of weeks before I went on my pre-op liquid diet. I had a major migraine and it would have really sucked if I had to deal with that at the same time as feeling so crummy from cutting out all the sugar on the liquid diet. So, my advice is cut back if you can - or just wait until you have no choice. For what its worth, I think there are a rare few drs who say carbonation is ok in moderation post-surgery but at minimum you have to wait 3 months. it is still not recommended but allowed in small doses (slippery slope for me, so I plan to still abstain) Re artificial sweeteners, I think they must be pretty ok because the stuff the NUTs recommend all seem to contain these - sugar free pudding, sugar free Jello, Propel Fitness waters flavored, G2, etc. etc. After the surgery, you will find you have very little room for anything other than Protein and Water, so by then, you will just naturally cut back on the unnecessary since you just flat won't have room for it. My advice, start changing I little thing per week now and getting adapted to that habit - such as stop drinking 15 minutes before, during and 30 minutes after a meal or eat protein first and then veggies and then fruit / carbs or just start drinking 64 oz of water every day and if you have room left, you can have a soda. Things like that. the more habits you have changed slowly before, the easier they will be after.
  22. Daisee68

    Ok weird, Pickle Juice

    So today I was at Walmart and found Bob's Pickle juice Sport! It is like those Ice Pops and can be frozen or not. It contains 2 oz of just pickle juice. Ahhh.... it hit the spot! Something about the electrolytes I think...
  23. @alilove2631 That is great to hear!! Really hope that happens for me too!!!
  24. Daisee68

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I never even knew about a binder..... I'm 1 week post op. Difference today versus yesterday is markedly improved!
  25. I have Cigna. They require 3 months nutrition visits and psych evaluation. I plan to do those things anyway as I think they are important for success. Have already had Upper GI (discovered sliding hiatal hernia) and had Stress EKG today. My dr requires sleep study. She says 80% - 90% of her patients have sleep apnea and she is not comfortable doing surgery unless we are either told we don't have sleep apnea or treat the apnea with CPAP. My sleep study had been scheduled for tonight; however, insurance won't approve the sleep study. They said the clinic records did not show sufficient excessive daytime sleepiness that might indicate sleep apnea. I am sure dr. is going to appeal but it made me think, am I just going to have to have all these hassles all the way through the process? I can actually (blessedly) afford the surgery and wonder if perhaps I shouldn't just pay myself and not have to wait and jump through so many hoops. (For what it's worth, I am type II diabetic with 46 BMI.) I have a very stressful work schedule during the summer and really need to get the surgery done by early May in order to have a little time to focus on health before the worst of the stress hits or wait until October when it is all over (which I don't really want to wait for). I am worried that once my nutrition visits are completed (April 30), then Cigna won't approve or will hassle and have to go through appeals until we just land in mid-summer or later. So, my question, should I just self-pay and skip all the mess?

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