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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    Thanks @Babbs. I think I was just thinking it was supposed to be something closer to 20 pounds in the first couple of weeks. Even my dr seemed a little disappointed when I had only lost 10 pounds in my first 10 days. Just thought maybe I had done something wrong. I know its a marathon not a race....
  2. Daisee68

    New milestone reached

    Woohoo!! Congrats! This is one of the biggest NSV's I am looking forward to! That and being able to put the airplane seats all the way down without bruising my darn thighs and hips!
  3. Daisee68

    Recovery time

    I went back to work today - 18 days post op. I am exhausted! It didn't help that I couldn't fall asleep last night until after 2 a.m. so I am operating on only 4 1/2 hours sleep but mostly it is about the new lifestyle. I had the drinking thing downpat by yesterday and today I have hardly drank 1/2 what I should. Could you survive going back earlier, probably, but it will certainly slow you down and you need as much time as you can to dedicate to learning your new eating/drinking lifestyle. As far as being up and about, I was able to move pretty well by Day 6 BUT I took my pain meds pretty regularly.
  4. Daisee68

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    @@bunnybunny626 - Don't get discouraged. My surgery was June 4 also and I have only lost 14 since that date. It is coming off slowly but surely - though according to most on here looks like we may come up on a stall soon. On that yogurt, you might try to find greek yogurt that has fewer carbs/sugar. I bought Fage 0% and then mixed in a little Torani sugar free Syrup - Caramel was great and so was Raspberry. Great Protein choice but need lower carbs.
  5. Daisee68

    3 Days Post-op----HELP

    Try small amounts of broth also. That helped me.
  6. Daisee68

    OA: All I hear are crickets

    @@Inner Surfer Girl - a telephone meeting? I like that idea!
  7. Congrats and thank you for sharing! Can't wait to get to that point!
  8. Daisee68

    OA: All I hear are crickets

    I had this same conversation with my counselor. She was saying se wished that OA had taken off more and worked like AA and NA. I attended a meeting once - years ago and it was uncomfortable too few people and was told there was no one to be my sponsor so I never went back. My dr does strongly encourage bariatric support groups and I haven't committed to that yet. (Gotta be honest - I want to be sure I find one that is helpful and not just a bitch session and "how to get around stuff" conversation like SO many Weight Watchers meetings I have attended so I am sort of hesitant.) I know there is a support group meeting near my home tomorrow. Maybe I will make myself go. Tomorrow is my first day back at work so not sure how tired I will be (see how I am already making excuses?!)
  9. Daisee68

    Day 18 post op

    Agree with everything. Fluid and Protein and Vitamins. I am Day 17 and finally getting in more calories. I use Premier Protein ready made shakes. Only 11 ounces and 30 grams of protein and taste pretty good. I also use Doc Hale's Whey-licious which is unflavored and can be mixed in as little as 3 ounces of fluid. I use Propel Fitness Water in berry and mix in a scoop of Whey-licious and get 20 g of protein. It actually is pretty good and quick to get in since it comes out to only 4 ounces or so of fluid which hopefully you should like be able to drink in 30 to 45 minutes now. Set an alarm for 5 minutes and take a sip every time the alarm goes off until you get used to it. it is the only way I am actually getting my fluids in - that annoying alarm beeping at me.n
  10. Daisee68

    Extra lethargic post-op day 5?

    Mine let up on day 7. honestly I woke up 1 week post-op and could tell before I got out of bed how much better I felt. Like night and day from day before. Make sure you are getting in as much Fluid as you can. Dehydration is very easy to get and will make you feel awful.
  11. Good to know @@GottaBeME*! Thank you for the info! I have a lot that I hope to donate!
  12. Oh Yay! I was wondering the same thing!
  13. Daisee68

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Same here. I was just associating it with swallowing too much - either Fluid or food. It happens even with my shakes and began happening even in the hospital with ice. I find if I slow down and take smaller sips and when that happens wait about 10 minutes or so before I put anything else in, it subsides and it doesn't occur the next time.
  14. Daisee68

    Recovery time

    I was going to say the same thing as @Djmohr. I am 17 days post op and go back to my desk job tomorrow. I have been working from home for the last week pretty consistently and just monitoring emails the week before. While pain level wise, I may have been able to go back, I am very glad I waited the 2 weeks due to getting used to new habits - getting up and moving at least every 2 hours, sipping Water every 5 to 15 minutes, figuring out how to make Protein shakes taste better and what the heck I was going to eat once I could convert to pureed foods. I started some foods on Friday and I was terrified I would be sick. So far I have not been, but remembering to not drink 15 to 20 minutes before, eating very tiny bites very slowly over 20 minutes and then no drinking for 30 minutes - that was hard. I am anxious about how to keep that all in check as I return tomorrow. I am very blessed with a very flexible job (though it is an hour drive away), so I likely will only work maybe 6 hours the first few days and ease in to it. (I left the house yesterday for about 5 hours of errand / shopping, etc. and I was pretty exhausted when I got home - though I only needed a brief rest before I felt better.) All to say - everyone is individual. My dr said I could go back at 1 week if I needed to, so if you have to, you will survive, BUT if there is anyway you can take 2 to 3 weeks, I would strongly encourage it.
  15. I packed up a lot of clothes and shoes in my closet yesterday to donate. I am only 17 days post op and while some of it was too big (lost some before surgery), some of it was just old stuff that I didn't need to hang on it anymore. I require tall plus size pants which are hard to find, so getting rid of almost all my tall dress pants (which is all I wear to work) was very overwhelming. I did it and don't plan to ever look back. I'll have tall pants tailor made if I have to! Meanwhile, my actual NSV is that suddenly my stomach has gone down enough that I can bend over and buckle shoes that have a strap around the ankle! I love these shoes but avoided wearing them because it was so hard to twist and get my belly out of the way so I could fasten them. I just wore a lot of slip on / mule type shoes. Can't wait to wear all these shoes now!
  16. LOL!! Everyone is different in that department. Afraid I am having the issues you are!
  17. I don't know if that is normal or not honestly, but I just wanted to say I am so sorry you had such a bad experience. I did have some pain on my left side and I didn't have revision, just first time bypass. Hope it gets better for you soon!
  18. Daisee68


    Hmmm...well every surgeon / NUT seems to be different which certainly is annoying isn't it? Hopefully others longer into this will comment.
  19. Yes, I did have heartburn and still do though it seems to be improving and yes it drives me crazy. Mine typically gets triggered with pain meds anyway, so not surprised by it though definitely annoyed. I am taking Zantac during the day and Protonix (Pantoprozole which is prescription) at bedtime. I had bypass though not sleeve. Call your dr and ask what you can take. I thought they normally gave you an antacid/acid reflux type med following sleeve for at least first few months.
  20. Daisee68


    Carbs or Protein? That sounds sort of high for carbs. Mine is that range for protein but much lower for carbs (ideally less than 50 grams I think).
  21. I had Zofran too. They should give you one that dissolves under your tongue. It subsides eventually. Could also be from the pain meds if you are taking any. It gets easier with the Protein and Water, but can you not do Protein shakes? That is what I survived on for the first 14 days and it counts as Fluid. For your water, pour it in a 1 ounce medicine cup and drink 1/3rd of it every 5 minutes (set a timer on your phone). You get 1 ounce per 15 minutes / 4 ounces per hour. Promise you will feel much better when you can get more fluids in. I am 16 days out and still setting my alarm for every 5 minutes quite often during the day. I can now drink more like 8 oz per hour and have been able to do since about day 8. (By no means am I drinking 8 oz every hour, but I am managing to get in 60ish ounces now.) Good luck! You can do it! Call the on-call doc for Zofran now.
  22. Congrats! I am 16 days post-op. I was just saying to my mom today that I remember saying in the hospital about the gurgling. I now think it was due to being too full from the ice (which I chewed A LOT of) because of the mouth dryness. The reason I think it was fullness (and yes likely partly because of the swelling) is that even after I came home, I would get that same feeling if I drank my sips of Water too close together. I started on pureed foods yesterday and a couple of times noticed the same feeling about 13-15 minutes in to eating. It does continue to happen if I drink too fast or gulp, so when I feel it, I back off. Best tip I got was to use a 1 ounce medicine cup, set a time for 5 minutes and sip 1/3rd-ish of the medicine cup every 5 minutes. That equals 4 ounces per hour. On about day 8, I was able to drink closer to 2 oz every 15 minutes. I know this is still new but I am still setting an alarm on my phone to remind me to sip every 5 minutes. If I get too full, I may skip one sip. If I feel behind on intake, I shorten the alarm to 4 minutes or so. I also downloaded an app that makes a sound of pouring water every 15 minutes to remind me to drink and allows me to track my intake. Back to work on Monday and not sure I will be able to have the sound every 5 minutes, but I think the 15 minute timer will definitely help until I can get in a habit.
  23. I know it must be very disappointing to hear that from someone and when I started my journey, I would have been devastated if someone said that to me. But they are professionals who have seen a LOT of patients and are really only trying to look out for your best interest. I am only 16 days post-op and this is tough. I am definitely a food addict and have been working with a counselor since beginning of February and it took me a while to admit that I was an addict, but once I understood it and accepted it, I am able to look at this whole process so differently (though I know this will be a battle the rest of my life just like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic but just in recovery.). My counselor has been my single most important tool in this process for sure. I am not sure if I am reading you correctly, and I don't want to assume, but if it is what I think (and it is real), please don't do this surgery yet. If you are not seeing a therapist, please do that first. The goal at the end of this is to be healthy - mentally, emotionally and physically. Remember they are not doing brain surgery, just stomach surgery and the brain is really the driving force behind it all. HUGS!
  24. Someone else posted about the exact same thing about the same time you did and I posted about it back when it happened to me. No worries. Get that Protein in. It is important for healing!
  25. Daisee68

    Weight gain after new sleeve

    Yep same thing here and I was devastated. It is coming back off. As long as you are following the rules - Protein, Water, etc. - you couldn't have done anything to actually cause a real weight gain. Your body is just adjusting. It will come back off.

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