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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Not sure the crusted one would hold up great as the top of the grill would stick. But it is super easy to stick in the oven for 20 minutes. Even toaster oven.
  2. So right out of surgery, I could only handle about 4 ounces per hour and each sip only about 1/2 to 1/3 ounce or it hurt. Within a week, I was able to drink closer to 8 ounces per Water. Now (4 weeks post-op), if I am really making an effort, I can drink a 16 ounce bottle in an hour. (Not all day...) My question is, as long as I am still sipping and it doesn't hurt going down (like it did in the beginning), is there an issue with drinking too fast? It won't hurt the pouch will it? As long as I am not "full" and overfilling it? I am sure this is a dumb question but just checking....
  3. Daisee68

    Is this normal?

    I get that if I eat too much or too fast. It I'd hoe I know to slow down and stop. Also need to take smaller sips.
  4. Daisee68

    Regretting it...

    So very sorry you have gone through so much. Anxiety and regrets are completely normal reactions - and that is for those of us who haven't been in mind-numbing pain or 2 surgeries so quickly! Have you worked with a therapist through this process? Mine is truly been invaluable. The one thing she kept saying when I was freaking out was to stay in the present. Think about today only. If you have a therapist, reach out to them. If not, call your surgeon and see if they can recommend one they work with that will understand what you are going through. Meanwhile, maybe you need something other than Xanax? Call whichever dr prescribed that and see if there is something else they can do. Deep breaths. You got this!
  5. Daisee68

    Pre-Op confusion

    I had the same problem. One NUT from a WLS clinic (who also worked with dialysis patients) was way more concerned about balanced approach. The NUT I work with now is way more concerned about Protein. (I am 4 weeks post-op.) When I talked to the new NUT about 6 weeks before my surgery, he explained that NUT's who are generalists often give bad info as it relates to bariatric patients. My NUT works with bariatric patients only and has for going on 10 years, so he has figured out what works. (Even then, you will find protein goals to differ among bariatric NUT's.) Anyway, the best advice he gave me was to just start working on changing habits. So maybe for the first 2 weeks, you make sure you are getting in 64 oz Water. Then the next 2 weeks, you add a habit such as not drinking 30 minutes before a meal, during a meal or 30 minutes after a meal and just keep building from there. Maybe 1 habit you can try is replacing one meal or snack a day with a Protein Bar (Quest bars are pretty tasty) or Protein Drink. Cutting out the carbonation is a tough one and I didn't give it up completely until the very last second (2 days before surgery) but I did start cutting back about 1 month prior. Maybe make a list of the habits you want to change, tackle one at a time and then by the time you get to surgery, these will all be old hat to you and make your transition much easier. Making some of the simple changes (including starting to exercise if you aren't) will likely lead to some weight loss naturally. As for your PCP and their NUT, there are always going to be some who say "can't you do it on your own"? Obviously not or we wouldn't be where we are, but I will tell you it is a question I asked myself even after surgery (i.e. a bit of buyers remorse). Surround yourself with those who are supporting your decision. You have 6 months, if you get there and change your mind, no harm no foul. You have new healthy habits. But at the end of the 6 months, you will have a better grip on your new lifestyle. By the way, not sure if your insurance requires this, but mine did (Cigna), and it was a letter from a dr other than the surgeon recommending the surgery. If your PCP is not game, that may be difficult to obtain. You might consider discussing more in depth with him now or finding a new dr before then that will be supportive of that decision so you will have someone who will write the letter if needed. (My endocrinologist was more than happy to write it and had discussed the topic with me for a couple of years before I decided to go forward.) Hope I haven't confused you more! Bottom line- find the right kind of support and seek out the right kind of NUT. And if you don't like the NUT or DR, find a new one.
  6. Congrats! I was able to go down 1 jean size last week and it was so exciting so I know the feeling! Great NSV!! PS - have you taken measurements? THAT is a motivator in and of itself, I promise!
  7. I am drinking a Premier Protein ready to drink shakes now so I looked at the info for you. It is 11 oz, 160 calories, 30 g protein and 4 g of carb (1 g of sugar). There is also an unflavored one I use called Doc Hale's Nutrition Whey-licious (http://dochalenutrition.com/product/whey-licious-canister/). It is 90 calories, 20g protein, 1g carb/sugar. I have mixed it with Propel Fitness berry Water (among other things) and it does have a taste but not necessarily an unpleasant one. The Syntrax nectars tend to have a little higher sugar - generally 18g of carb. Hope that helps! They took me off my diabetic med (Metformin only) before I left the hospital. Can't wait to see what my A1C is when they finally test it. Good luck!
  8. @@Babbs - no worries at all! I knew the potential of dumping. It's all good!
  9. Daisee68

    Feeling blah....

    It is very hard in the beginning and I am not really getting a lot of Protein from my food choices yet, but I am relearning "satisfied" and getting used to textures. May not be the answer you are looking for but unfortunately "tastes good" isn't the name of the game right now. Saltines, while approved, may not be the best choice. Especially after something nice and salty like that, I'm not sure I would want a Protein Drink either. What kinds have you tried? Have you enhanced them with anything like some of the Torani sugar free Syrups? (I used salted caramel in my Premier Protein vanilla shake.) What have you tried to eat? The Ricotta Bake from TheWorldAccordingtoEggface.com is very good. Fat free refried Beans with some spices added in and a tiny amount of greek yogurt blended in makes it creamier and increases the protein. I have also been able to eat humus in small amounts, pimento cheese (with lowfat mayo), sugar free pudding cups mixed with unflavored Protein Powder, and greek yogurt mixed with a tiny bit of Sugar Free Fat Free cheesecake pudding mix and some raspberry sugar free syrup was my latest creation. Keep trying. If you can't stomach what you try, throw it out and try it again in a few days. It is really trial and error right now.
  10. Thanks everyone. @ Tilapia is on my approved list but no bread other than saltines. I was able to scrape the "breading" off. I was only able to eat maybe 2 oz of it, but it sure tasted good! I also had a tiny bit of roasted butternut squash (dice up really small that I bought in the vegetable section in Walmart). Only got in maybe 1/16th of a cup but what I did eat was also really good. I hadn't had this before and am happy to find a new soft vegetable I can eat. No guarantees it will all stay down I suppose but so far so good....
  11. Thanks @@Djmohr! I'm going to try to scrape most if the breading off then.
  12. OK great! Thank u for the reply! I haven't tried the Parmesan one. Will go that next time. I also have some orange rough filers with no coating but I have to thaw it first and forgot.
  13. Daisee68

    Moody Mornings

    I've always been grumpy in the mornings - but agree it has gotten a little worse since surgery. For me, it is a lot about being overwhelmed right now with making the right choices. Hoping it passes.
  14. Daisee68

    Telling Your Children

    I don't have children, so maybe I am not the best to weigh in on this, but my nephews (7 and 9) overheard my sister saying something to me about the surgery (about a week before). The 9 year old was very concerned and wanted to know why I was having surgery. She told him it was so I could get healthier. At the time, I had my foot in a boot for a fracture in my heel, so he promptly said "Oh good. So she won't have to wear her boot anymore". Yep! He did ask again another time, and I just told him that the drs were going to help me get healthier so I could do more stuff with him. I know your girls are older and they will see your change in eating, so it will be different than my situation, but I would think just stressing you goal for health and how it will increase your time and activity with them. Good luck! I am sure they will be supportive!
  15. Daisee68

    Tell the truth, exercising

    @@judyoz - I think you get a pass for now! Kidney removal? Ouch!
  16. Daisee68

    Depressing 4th of July

    I cooked chicken in the crockpot so it would be very moist and a good "dip" with refried Beans, avocado and sour cream that I could eat and I entertained at my house. Even so, yes, I was sad when I put that very small portion on my plate. I wasn't so much craving the other goodies (even though chips and salsa really looked good!), but I just felt sad that I didn't feel "normal". The feeling passed though - for the most part. By Labor Day, it will be a little easier!
  17. Daisee68

    Tell the truth, exercising

    I haven't exercised much. I got a stress fracture in my heel back in February and was in a boot for 9 weeks and now still have pain in my foot anytime I walk. Problem is I am using this as an excuse instead of going to ride the bike at the gym or at least moving around in the pool. I keep telling myself I will get moving as soon as I can sort out my foot issue. I hope I will! Mostly I still feel like my lazy old self...
  18. Daisee68


    I just asked my NUT this to clarify. Mine is 30 before, none during and 30 after EXCEPT for shakes. She said no need to wait before or after the shakes but probably best to not drink anything during (i.e. don't dilute the Protein by washing it down with water).
  19. Daisee68

    Am I doing this right?

    Not sure if this will help but I did my measurements yesterday and in 2 weeks I only lost 4 pounds but lost a total of 4 inches (added up from neck, arm, waist, hips, thigh and calf).
  20. Incredible! Thank you for the encouragement!
  21. So sorry u r going thru this. I'm 4 weeks out and still having issues. Yesterday was awful. Felt like I couldn't even leave the house (and this is about the 3Dr time where I actually almost passed out trying). To me, so far, this is the worst part. Better today (finally) after 2 Colace last night and a strong prescription laxative yesterday morning. I am told once we can have vegetables (fiber) it will get better. I sure hope so or next time I'm going to be in the ER!
  22. Daisee68


    Worry about liquids above everything in the first week or so that u r home. Set an alarm on your phone if u have to for every 5 minutes and sip 1/3Dr to 1/2 ounce (out of a medicine cup works. It holds 1 ounce). First few days u will only be able to get in 1 ounce per 15 minutes so u have to stay on top of it. I'm 4 weeks out (bypass) and still struggling getting in fluids so it's tough
  23. Ditto. Premier Protein. Headed to Sam's now to buy some. $15 for 12 pack. Have paid $10 for 4 at Albertsons and $25 for 12 pack at Tom Thumb. Chocolate tastes like chocolate milk to me. The vanilla is actually breathe good too. I put a little Sugar Free Salted Caramel Syrup in it and yummy!
  24. Daisee68

    Starting 2 Week Liquid Diet

    Are those the details of the plan given to you by your surgeon? Just curious because I wasn't allowed mozzarella or hard boiled egg. Mine was only a week so it was truly liquids only and I was limited to 3 shakes a day.
  25. Daisee68

    TMI! Question

    So more TMI - when do you know if you have an impaction and/or should call the dr? This has been a very long miserable day and still not complete relief and of course, now I have hemorrhoids making it way too painful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
