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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    Problems or Opportunites?

    Not sure you have to follow my order. I couldn't remember them in order. Just throwing out some that's know I struggle with post-op and wish I had started sooner! ????
  2. You poor thing! I know you didn't say this to get sympathy but I just had to tell you I am only 11 days ahead of (bypass on 6/4) and if you were to go read some of my posts from 2 weeks ago (especially in reply to "Any regrets" ) you would see I felt very similar though wasn't able to express it as eloquently as you have ????. Take heart my friend. As I turned the 6 week corner things are starting to improve. You are right, it is not easy but I really think there is a light at the end if the tunnel for you.
  3. It was 6 weeks for me this last Thursday and I feel I am starting to turn a corner. I have heard several say 3 months was a but of a magic number for them. I keep telling myself that I am halfway through that!
  4. Ditto. My therapist is my best tool. She knows me WAY better than the surgeon, or surgeons office staff or NUT. She has walked thru this with me every step of the way and I don't know how people do this without a therapist. Ask your surgeons office to recommend a few and then read about them and interview them on the phone to see if you need personalities with one. Don't beat yourself up. This happens to a lot of folks. It truly isn't sheer willpower but it is using the tools the therapist can give you in combination with your sleeve. And definitely call your NUT and have them review your actual food log from the past week or so and see if the can give you some suggestions of what to change. Sometimes we need to confuse our bodies a little as they get too used to routine so more calories one day, less anothwr, different workout, etc. You got this! Look how far you have come!
  5. Daisee68

    Problems or Opportunites?

    Best advice I got from my NUT pre-or was just try changing habits. So for 2 weeks just tack your fluids and make sure you are getting 64 of, then add a habit the next 2 weeks get in the habit of now fluid 30 minutes before during and 30 minutes after a meal. Then maybe eventually slow timing your bites 1 minute apart and stop eating at 20 to 30 minutes, track food intake everyday, walk 30 minutes everyday, etc. Also use the time to cut out caffeine and carbonation. If you can build up the habits now, post-op eating will be much easier and if you lose weight in the meantime per-op great.
  6. Daisee68

    Should I chill out?

    Moving is good but don't overdo it. Your body repairs itself as you rest so give it at least sometime to rest. As my mom said "you don't have to close your eyes but you have to lay down and rest for a little while and have some quiet time" ????. For what it's worth, I felt pretty good in the first week or so (despite passing 4 kidney stones) but weeks 3 and 4 hit me hard. I went back to work a little too early I think.
  7. Daisee68

    I am flat out hungry (rant)

    Yep. I was hungry too but even if you have had acid reflux before it could be presenting differently. A Zantac helped that hunger pain considerably for me and there was another post a few weeks back on same issue where Zantac helped a few others. Might be with a shot.
  8. Daisee68

    Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?

    Not the worst I did but Jess reminded me I would order 2 chicfila chicken biscuits and 2 drinks so they wouldn't think both biscuits were for me. Or , on more than one occasion, I ordered breakfast at one Chicfila, polished that off and then drove thru another Chicfila to order another breakfast and I would hide my drink so they wouldn't know I had just been.
  9. Daisee68

    Nausea and Pain

    Yes! And it didn't start until 3 weeks and the constipation was horrible! I was given Zofran and it definitely helped the nausea And at 6 weeks out it is much better so I think it is sort of a 3/4 week thing. I even went to Acupuncturist and that helped a lot. Since it is the weekend, and you may not have heard from Dr you might try those seasick/nausea bands (do you know what I'm talking about - they go around your wrist and have a knob on them that presses on a certain spot in your wrist that is a pressure point). I didn't try them but was headed to when it mostly resolved. (I have known pregnant women to use them for morning sickness.) Also someone suggested starting the day with warm water with lemon or warm tea. It didn't really work for me but has for others. I also used Emmetrol which is basically like flat soda. It's high sugar so I don't know that I would recommend it for everyone but luckily I did not dump win it and it did help. (Find it near Pepto generally on the very bottom shelf or very top shelf - always have to hunt for it for some reason) Truly sorry ! I was hating my life and hating my decision but I have turned a corner now so trust that it will improve. Just be really patient with yourself. If you cannot hold down fluids, it becomes and emergency so be cautious not to get dehydrated.
  10. I really liked the Dannon LIght & Fit Greek Key Lime flavor. Also, one time I added a teaspoon (I think it was a teaspoon) of the sugar free Fat Free Jello pudding mix (cheesecake flavored) to my Fage 0% and a little Sugar Free Raspberry Syrup (Torani). It was pretty good. A little too think so I think I would use less pudding mix next time. Tomorrow I want to try a little PB2 and some chocolate Jello pudding mix - or chocolate Protein powder (which sounds pretty good too).
  11. Daisee68

    Gastric bypass risks.

    Ditto. Same story here. Dr recommended busload die to GERD and Diabetes. I resisted at first but eventually got comfortable with it.
  12. Daisee68

    Gout 3 weeks after sleeve

    As a very experienced kidney stone patient (calcium oxalate not uric acid), I would bet you have had this in your system for a while. It would seem unlikely for a stone to form and cause pain in only 3 weeks - they take longer to form. Now if you were on pre-op high protein it could have started back then. I would definitely get in to see a rheumotologist ASAP to get the gout under control and call your NUT to discuss how you can Address your protein needs. So sorry you are going through this!
  13. Struggling with same here. So far I have suggested walking at the mall for lunch and restaurants with tortilla soup so I know I can eat.
  14. Ugh so sorry. Sounds awful. But PS couldn't help but laugh out loud at the words "felt craptastic" ????
  15. Daisee68

    Mammograms - where a cup is turned into a saucer

    Got my mammogram today. The questionnaire did ask about weight change. I was talking to the tech about it and she said she had a patient that had bypass and lost a lot if weight and even though it was noted, the radiologist reading the images called her and asked if she was sure this was the same patient it maybe the films had gotten mixed up because the difference in tissue was so dramatic.
  16. Daisee68

    I'm so sick of water

    Ok, I haven't tried this yet, but I was in the dr office for my 6 week follow-up today and I was talking to a patient who is 1 year out RNY. She told me she makes a good shake with the Premier Protein vanilla, 1/2 banana, ice and Orange Crush liquid Water Enhancer (Found at Walmart). I can't have the banana just yet (and not sure you can either), but it made me think I wanted to post this new find. I am sure it would be good just plain in your water too. They also have Grape and strawberry. It does have sucralose (Splenda I think). Just thought I would pass this on...
  17. Daisee68

    New to this site

    If you survived 2 knee replacements, I guarantee you can do this! Just think of every step as physical therapy just like you had to do for your knees to be able to walk again. The pre-or diet is tough but gets a little easier. It will absolutely be worth it in the end though!
  18. The therapist I met for my consult has been the biggest tool in my arsenal. I have continued to see her and I see her WAY more often than the NUT or Surgeon. She has checked on me, given me great tips and just generally been the best sounding board. I honestly don't know how anyone is getting through the process without a therapist.
  19. Daisee68

    Before approval

    My NUT gave me great advice and suggested I start small by just changing habits you will have to take on later. For example, stop drinking 30 minutes before , during and 30 minutes after eating. Do that for a couple of weeks and then add a new one like stopping carbonation or getting in 64 of of water or logging your food so you can track nutrients, etc. All the while aiming for some higher protein lower carb food choices. But don't make it like another diet or it just can become another failed diet and the cycle that got us all here in the first place. Good luck! Welcome to the journey!
  20. I use 2 oz of Fairlife and then 3 or 4 oz of water (or 2 oz water and 3 or 4 ice cubes).
  21. Daisee68

    Vitamins and timing

    @hockeyfan7 - Curious if you are saying the calcium won't absorb with multivitamin because it is too much calcium or other reason? My multi does not contain calcium.
  22. Daisee68

    No one is noticing:-(

    1) I have heard 60 pounds seems to be a magic number for people to start noticing. As someone else said, everyone's tipping point is different, so tomorrow could be your day. 2) Some people are afraid to say anything as they don't know if it will offend you. Until someone knows you are ok hearing that, they may shy away. (To me telling someone they looked smaller was almost the same as saying they were HUGE in the first place. ) Don't get discouraged. Post before and after pics. We will tell you we notice.
  23. Daisee68

    Vitamins and timing

    I was told to take with meals and to split them up into different doses. So I take a Multivitamin and my calcium after lunch and a multivitamin and Iron and Biotin at dinner (iron and calcium needs to be 2 hours apart). Depending on how full I let myself get (too much sometimes), I do have to wait until my 30 minutes of waiting for liquid is up after eating to get the Vitamins, but my stomach is completely empty by then. My B12 is a nasal spray and only has to be taken once a week. Don't take your vitamins just before your meal. (I tried that and I got way too full too quick and couldn't get in enough nutrition.) Hope that helps!
  24. Daisee68

    How much is too much

    Most drs don't require you to stop drinking before and after a shake since it is liquid. I had the same question for my nutrionist. She said just not to drink Water DURING the shake. The only way I could get fluids in in the beginning was to use a one ounce medicine cup and set the timer on my phone for every 5 minutes and take a sip of that cup (only like 1/3rd). That way I was making sure to get 1 ounce every 15 minutes. It gets easier fast. I could only drink 4 ounces per hour the first week but it quickly progressed to 8 ounces per hour the next week or so and now I can drink 16 -20 ounces an hour (if I am concentrating). I still have to set the timer on my phone for every 3 minutes or so when I am behind and take a sip. Hope that helps! Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
