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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Well it was uncomfortable all night but able to sleep through it. At times I couldn't even turn over but I remember waking up at 4 and thinking there was no pain. Then when I got up at 6 it was back. Craziest thing though - it disappeared by 8. I mean completely. After all that I am pretty sure it was severe gas. I don't know how it why the ice chewing would have caused that but it's the only thing I can think of. Nurse said she is not convinced it is just gas so play it by ear today and call if it comes back. I'm drinking a shake now and it seems to be going fine for now. So weird!! Thank you for your concern!
  2. So I am not sure this is gas pain. It came on very suddenly at 5:00 p.m. and has barely, if at all, subsided and it is now 10 p.m. I took a lot of Gas-X and a hyrdrocodone and it got a little better so I drank a shake and then the pain hit again about an hour or more later. Severe abdominal cramping - like I cannot stand up straight. I called the on call dr and she didn't seemed too concerned - as far as she said it didn't sound life threatening but if I couldn't stand it I could go to ER and get CT scan. I don't want to go to ER so I have now taken another hydrocodone and praying the pain subsides. I think it is either kidney stone or gallstones. I am hoping kidney stone since I know how those are treated. If it isn't better in the morning (or I cannot take it anymore overnight), I will have to go get the CT scan. Hey good news is at least I am not nauseous like I have been for the last few weeks (and no fever so that is why she said it doesn't sound life threatening). Ugh...
  3. Daisee68


    @@Sharon1964 - A1C is an average over the past 2 to 3 months of your blood sugar levels so while the numbers you may have seen say fasting or after a meal seem "normal", your A1C wouldn't be high if your blood sugar levels were not high at some points during the day (say immediately following a meal).
  4. Daisee68


    Mine is generally 104 morning fasting post surgery without med. Ur reading is good (better than mine was with med). I am sure they will start tapering it down soon. Keep track of it and be sure to call Dr if u have sugar lows.
  5. Daisee68

    Swimming incision question!?

    I waited 3 or 4 weeks. Dr said when scabbed over and glue had come off.
  6. Daisee68


    Hmm. They also took me off before I left the hospital. Where r your sugars running - with the med?
  7. Daisee68

    I want to be.....

    @@The Candidate - LOL! Me too! Though I hadn't thought about that before!!
  8. Daisee68

    2 Week Update with Doc's office

    OK weird but I am having the same issue! I have a long history with kidney stones (and have passed several since surgery) but your explanation makes a lot more sense. Luckily I have a great urologist so I will follow up wit her in a few weeks and see what she thinks. Meantime I need to get on a schedule like u! I'm terrible to only go once it twice a day!
  9. I am afraid I don't have any great advice other than just keep your eye on the prize. The cravings are tough but each time you overcome one is a step closer to healthier life. What can you have? liquids only? I could only have liquids but it was only 7 days and I was craving savory foods desperately. The Swansons Tortilla Soup broth saved me (though it was a little too spicy).
  10. Daisee68

    Leg cramps

    Mine seems to be related to begin hypothyroid. Anytime I start getting the and I get my thyroid checked, it turns out I need to adjust my thyroid med
  11. Daisee68

    Insurance Coverage

    So I don't have BCBS but out of pocket Max should mean same everywhere. And you are correct or well you only have $2248.66 left (2900 less 651 credited). Yes you will have to pay this most likely to either the hospital or the Dr before they will do surgery. Don't pay both of them or you will have to get money back. (That's the boat I am in now.). Typically you have a coincidence after u meet deductible and before you reach out if pocket. So for example my confidence was 20%. So after my deductible. If I had a covered Dr visit of $1000, then I would pay $200 of that and insurance would pay $800. Then that $200 gets added to your out of pocket costs so u would then only have $2048.66 left to pay. Make sense? On your first question, I am going to let someone else answer for sure but my understanding is you have to do a lot of those visits before being approved - ie how else will Dr document that you have been educated in all those areas listed?
  12. Can you tolerate milk? Fairlife milk is pretty good and higher in Protein and lower in carbs. You could mix a little Protein powder with it or if you cannot take that maybe some sugar free syrups? I would recommend as @@ShrinkingPeach suggested and getting something with higher protein in it. If haven't tried Premier Protein ready to drink shakes, you should give them a try. They are pretty good - thin like milk and 30 g protein in 11 ounces.
  13. Daisee68

    Am I overeating?

    I have been told you should stop eating after 30 minutes max or you can overeat. At 6 1/2 weeks I still cannot eat enough food to get in my Protein, so I have to supplement with shakes. Sometimes I can eat 15 to 20 small bites, but it really depends on what it is and if I last 30 minutes, then I just get rid of what is left.
  14. Daisee68

    Do you use PB2?

    I out some in plain yogurt the other day with a little protein powder and some sugar free chocolate Torani syrup. It was pretty good! Otherwise yes I use it in my shakes occasionally. It's pretty strong. A little goes a long way
  15. Daisee68

    Discouraged - need to vent

    Thanks guys. I really think it is my fault and not a stricture. The thing is when I ate chicken in tortilla soup, it goes down fine. And when I made sure to dip the deli meat in hummus it something that made it moist, it goes down fine. So I think it's just not remembering or maybe understanding how moist the meat must be. I will keep an eye on it though and call the Dr if it keeps occurring.
  16. Thanks. I did feel better and then tried chicken today for lunch that I had cooked in the crockpot and same thing happened. So back to liquids for 24 hours and let my stomach rest and try again. I clearly am not getting this lesson.....
  17. Mine wasn't too bad -6.4. I was on Metformin only though on the max dose. Sugars ran a little high day of surgery (up to 190 that I was aware of) but surgeon released me the next day WITHOUT metformin and said to just watch my sugars. My morning fasting runs around 104 and had been closer to 130 per-op with meds
  18. @@LipstickLady - I'm curious if you had to take these meds long term or if it was, hopefully, a shirt term solution. Still struggling with quite a bit nausea off and on myself and while Zofran helps, I'm hoping this is temporary
  19. You need to visit win your NUT and have them review your food log. You may need more or less calories or protein.....
  20. Daisee68

    Bypass July 7th

    Possibly. I was told to wait until day 15. All doctors seem different though so you need to check they plan they gave you. Have you been released to the next stage of foods?
  21. Daisee68

    Post-op day 2 and regretting

    @@Ashley1213 - Tylenol is fine but be careful if u r trying pill form. Generally no tablets unless crushed (different doctors say different things ). Meanwhile, you don't have to take a full dose if the hydro cod one. I think my dose was only 7.5mls so try a smaller dose and see if that helps. Hang in there. It does get better.
  22. Daisee68

    Deciding to keep my sleeve quiet....

    I told everyone and still continue to do so. I am excited about the changes and I too feel beyond blessed at the support I have received. For the couple that don't, I just ignore them. The thought of keeping this secret after hiding in silence about my food addiction all these years was just too much.
  23. Mostly you won't care. I wish I had taken a heating pad and earplugs. I asked for a heating pad at the hospital nicely many times. After 4 hours if asking my tone wasn't quite as nice. They did finally bring one. (I know the nurses are very busy and overworked and have much better things to do but I felt 4 hours to get it from "supply" was excessive. They will wake you up all night long. They switched my IV machine and it was loud - making an annoying noise every 5 seconds - I counted ????. I asked jokingly if they had ear plugs and the did and brought those promptly. Probably earphones with your iPod might be a good substitute. It's really not bad. You will sleep thru most of it when you aren't being poked and walking. Be nice to those nurses. As I said, they are very overworked. Good luck! You'll be fine!
  24. Daisee68

    Nausea and Pain

    Glad u at least heard from someone. Try very tiny sips. Use a medicine cup or shot glass and sip tiny amounts (1/3 to 1/2 ounce) and set a timer for every 3 to 5 minutes and then take a sip. I have to have the timer to keep me drinking when I get behind.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
