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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    Previous dieting efforts accepted!

    That is Great news!! Congrats!
  2. Daisee68

    Insurance gave Dr wrong coverage info?!

    This is awful! I am so sorry! Is the insurance through your employer? If so, maybe your HR dept can help you? Either way, you should be able to access your policy in full IN WRITING to see what it says about bariatric surgery. If you do not find an exclusion, then they need to point you to exactly why they are denying the coverage (i.e a copy of the exact exclusion). Remember that each insurance policy is different. In other words, just because I have Cigna (for example) and it covered it, doesn't mean if you have Cigna that they will cover it. When I called, they told me about 50% of their policies cover bariatric surgery and 50% don't. Now having said all that, just know that even if they do have an exclusion in writing that they can point to, they also have to publish appeal procedures and you may need to follow those procedures to a T to try and get it covered. And don't just try once, if you get denied, try again. Someone posted the other day about how they got approved on what I think was their 3rd appeal. I think I would also contact your doctor's office to get a copy of the conversation they had - at the very least date and time - but if you can find out exactly what they told the dr office even better. Still doesn't take away the frustration and disappointment and I completely understand that, but I just wanted to throw out some ideas of what your next steps might be and hope having a plan gives you some hope!! Best of luck to you! Keep us posted!
  3. Daisee68

    So. Much. Pain. Help!

    ​I'm so sorry you are feeling worse. Have you called the surgeon? Maybe you need to be readmitted to get hydrated and get the pain under control? Don't be afraid to call them or to go to the ER.
  4. I'm so sorry that happened to you! They really were looking out for your best interest though. I had a nurse tell me when I was in the hospital once that they had a patient who hadn't revealed he had been sick and he ended up in ICU for a week. You do not want to go in to a surgery with a fever. I hope they can reschedule ASAP!
  5. Daisee68

    Feeling hopeless...

    @@tera1982 - yes please call a dr. Throwing up blood is very scary...
  6. Daisee68

    Feeling hopeless...

    Really sorry this happened but I gotta ask - throwing up blood?! That sounds very scary. Is this something you have done before?
  7. Daisee68

    Logging Food

    @@samskiles you can do a recipe on My plate but it is a little difficult to get to (or I haven't found an easier way). When you type in a food, go to the bottom of the food list and click on View All Results. Then go to the bottom of that page and click on Add a food to Database and then on that page you can click on Create a Recipe. I am sure there is a better way but this is the only way I found.
  8. Daisee68

    Best Protein Powders

    Premier Protein ready made shakes are good an I use Precision Engineering Whey Protein Isolate in Chocolate and Vanilla. For unflavored, I use Doc Hales Whey-licous.
  9. Daisee68

    Logging Food

    I also use MYPLATE
  10. You are welcome! A 12 minute mile is incredible! You have made some incredible health changes I'm sure. I bet you couldn't do that 9 months ago!! Congrats! Celebrate!
  11. Daisee68


    How you tried Gas-X? Also walking and heating pad help.
  12. Daisee68

    Calories post op!

    Calorie-wide you are fine. Does that 5 or 6 meals include protein shakes? If so, you should be fine. If not, you might be grazing. Send your food logs to your NUT to have them review. My NUT said not to worry about calories but just focus on protein. That's tough to do when you are tracking on a calorie counting site tho! I got up to 800 calories today for the first time in 12 weeks and it (unnecessarily) made me nervous.
  13. It drives me crazy! I take Gas-X sometimes and it seems to lessen it but could be wishful thinking or coincidence!
  14. Daisee68

    Easy recipes

    These look great! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Have you had other abdominal surgeries,? Sometimes there is scar tissue that require then to convert to open.
  16. Daisee68

    Oh CRAP

    ​I hate to tell you this, but apparently this is a very common side effect and may get worse with increased Protein. Once you can add more Fiber from vegetables it should hopefully ease up a bit. Talk to your doctor about what you can take to help - mine suggested Colace twice a day. Doesn't always help and I have to take Milk of Magnesia too.
  17. Daisee68

    How long to walk?

    @@Karlnjax - take it easy on yourself! You had some complications and longer stay than some of us. You need and deserve the rest. Just get up and walk around the house a little to get started. It will get easier and then you can try a walk down the street (preferably with someone just in case you get weak). Everyone is different. I am not great at exercising myself, but I walked 3 miles yesterday at 11 weeks post-op and I was completely wiped out. (I was tired at 2.5 miles / 50 min but I had to keep going to get back home!) Your strength will come back. Be patient and keep up with the Protein and fluids. VERY important for your healing - much more so that true exercise at this stage.
  18. @@Marlymamamar - You may be panicking a bit. Your profile says you have already lost 90 pounds (assuming mostly prior to pre-op). That is a tremendous weight loss! I am assuming this took you a while and know that this is a marathon not a sprint. And you walked 8 miles at 2 weeks post-op? That is amazing! I am 11 weeks post-op and walked 3 miles yesterday and was quite proud of myself for that. Quite impressive that you would walk for what I am assuming is at least 2 1/2 hours straight. Truly you should relax and be proud of your accomplishments thus far. Now, having said that - if the scale drives you nuts, don't weigh every day and most certainly don't weigh several times a day. Weight doesn't work like that. Weigh in the morning before you eat and take that as your weight for the day. I do remember suddenly being able to drink so much more Fluid and worrying about it and rest assured, everyone confirmed that was normal. You haven't done anything wrong. Your swelling has just reduced making fluids easier. Once you start on soft foods and even more so on dense Protein, you will feel the restriction. Just stick to the program - protein (ESPECIALLY if you are walking 8 miles a day!) and fluids. You may be entering the 3 week stall a little early. (VERY common occurrence.) You are doing great. Be proud of yourself!
  19. ​Swanson's Mexican Tortilla Soup broth SAVED me on my pre-op diet. It was SO good!
  20. I am sure you are anxious! I was anxious and my surgery was just a 20 minute drive away! I so admire you for facing your fears to be able to get this done. You are going to do awesome!
  21. Congrats! My surgery was June 4 and I am down but not quite as much as you. I have had a little bit of a rough time adjusting but starting to feel a little more normal now as I come up on 3 months, so I am quite happy! Now if I would just exercise like you....
  22. Daisee68

    What was the deciding factor?

    I find it so interesting that so many people say sleeve is less invasive. It's what I thought too and ended up doing RNY because of acid reflux and because I never wanted to have to go through a 2nd surgery converting to bypass like some have to do. With the sleeve, they remove 85% of your stomach from your body. They can't put that back! I'm not sure how that is less invasive. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people who have great success with the sleeve, but please don't just do that because you consider it less invasive. It took me time to come around to agreeing to RNY but I sure am glad I did in the end. RNY is the gold standard with many many years of results and reseach. There are a lot of threads on here about the exact same topic. You will see lots of differing opinions. In the end it is a decision only you and your surgeon can make but don't be afraid of RNY. Once you research it more, you will see it is nothing to be feared.
  23. Daisee68

    Pain under left breast

    It could just be gas. Try some gas-X and see if it goes away.
  24. Best wishes! Can't wait to hear of your progress!
  25. Daisee68

    So. Much. Pain. Help!

    Oh my gosh! How horrible! I am so sorry that happened to you! When you are feeling up to it, you need to write a letter to the director of that hospital. That nurse needs to be fired! For what it's worth, you are almost past the worst part. day 3 to 5 were the worst (and for some reason Day 3 after any surgery if any kind is bad). If your pain is not being controlled, call the Dr and ask for stronger meds or if you can increase the dose. For the gas, try gas-X strips or chewables. They help immensely! You can also try heating pad on your back. I even had ice pack on my stomach and that helped. Above all do not get dehydrated. Use a medicine cup, and set a timer and SIP from it every 5 minutes. If you cannot get past the pain or cannot drink, go to the ER. I know you don't want to be back in the hospital but they can get the pain controlled and hydrate you. Hang in there. Promise it gets better soon!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
