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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    B12 pre-op

    ​I found this for you if it helps - "For Vitamin B12 deficiency, 125-2,000 micrograms of cyanocobalamin has been taken by mouth daily for up to 2.5 years or longer. Five hundred micrograms of sublingual (under the tongue) vitamin B12 has been used daily for up to four weeks." From this link - http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/vitamin-b12/dosing/hrb-20060243. Having said that I am quite surprised they didn't tell you how much because it is probably dependent on how low your B12 actually tested. I would probably call the surgeon's office and ask them and/or get a copy of the test and send it to your PCP and ask them. When will you have your surgery? I would think that depends too.
  2. Daisee68

    My file is in "Review" with Cigna!

    Best wishes! Mine was submitted on a Friday at noon and I got the approval by Monday morning, so fingers crossed you will have a response early next week!
  3. Daisee68

    Very bad back pains

    @@mishi - I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I wish I had some good advice. I have been a little frustrated with a tiny bit of discomfort this week and not able to take Advil but I can't imagine going through what you are going through. Have you considered seeing a rheumatologist? I just wonder if you have some sort of auto-immune disorder going on. Plus they deal with so much pain issues that they may have some suggestion for med other than NSAID's and narcotics. Do you have insurance? Insurance will typically cover chiropractic care. My other suggestion would be a TENS machine. I got one fairly reasonably off of Amazon and it does help with some muscle pain. At the very least it gives some relief short term. I hope you can find some relief soon! HUGS! Don't give up!
  4. Daisee68

    Truly Life Changing

    @@Nessa0121 - I am not married nor do I have children so I don't have great advice. I just wanted to encourage you though and say that the first week is really hard - not just psychically but emotionally - and that was while I was recovering alone. (My mom stayed with me a couple of nights and then I was on my own which I think might have been easier than being around others with food.) You are not wrong for wanting some help. Hopefully you can help him understand at the very least that you did just have major surgery and are recovering and just like it were knee or shoulder or hysterectomy, you would need a little help. I am sure other moms / wives will chime in but I just wanted to say hang in there! HUGS!
  5. Daisee68

    Tools/Items for Portion Control

    I used disposable baby spoons in the beginning to make sure I was getting small bites. May need to go back to that. Got sick yesterday after lunch and I think mostly because I was taking too big of bites and not chewing well enough.
  6. @@MichJohn77 - WOW! You showed great restraint by not backslapping her. That is one of the worst / funniest ones I have heard!
  7. Daisee68

    Finally post op!

    Congrats! Get some rest and sip, sip, sip and take your pain meds! No need to be a hero at this point. You can stop in a few days.
  8. Daisee68

    what are you eating?

    You are likely in the dreaded 3 week stall. Very common. Don't panic. Just keep sticking to the program and the pounds will add up eventually.
  9. Well as you know I have a long way to go to get where you are, but I guarantee you those folks aren't just being nice about how great you look. That loss is amazing! The too skinny part, I don't think they are either. You just probably look so different to them. My therapist asks me everytime I go (just yesterday in fact) if I can see my body for what it is now. And I can honestly say that I do; however, what I constantly struggle with is imagining how I can be the size that I am still and that is 80 pounds less than I was. The thing is I never really realized how heavy I was. Kind of dumb I know but I think I now know had a total disconnect between my head and my body - both in realizing my size and realizing that what I was taking in to my body was making me that way. Anyway, I would say these feelings are all totally normal, but you might want to get out your big jeans and hold them next to your new jeans and just study them for a while and think about the difference. Also look at some pics (maybe even pics of your jeans side by side) and at your measurements. Maybe some of that will help the realization kick in. Re wondering what is too thin, I have thought about this a lot (and remember I am the same height as you). The BMI chart seems off to me (which I had discussed with my sister before I read the post about it earlier this week) and in fact, before I saw your post, I actually changed my goal weight to 175 instead of 170. I am not hung up on a number and technically 175 will still classify me as "overweight" by 1 pound, but I am hoping, like you that my body will figure out where it wants to be and I won't get too hung up about the number on the scale or the BMI chart (again, I realize that may change when I get where you are). The only thing I have to compare it to is that when I was a senior in high school, I lost about 50 pounds from 200 to 150 (though I didn't stay 150 for long). I managed to get into a size 8 for a couple of things but mostly a size 10. But what I remember about that time is that I was REALLY skinny. I mean I looked too skinny. And then I started college.... Of course, I am no longer 18 and sizes have changed in 30 years, so I don't know what my end game will look like. Right now, I am so thrilled to have gotten in to a size 20 jean and 14/16 tops. I can't imagine yet what it will be like to be smaller. I stare in the mirror sometimes and think "where the heck did my butt go?!" Seriously not what I was expecting to lose so much of so quickly but I will take it! ​ ​ Oh and by the way, I don't know why but hearing from a dr "good job" is such a boost to me too! Especially a surgeon who typically has their thoughts elsewhere and running busy. That is a HUGE NSV and I totally get it! Congrats on a great trip and I hope all the compliments will stick with you to boost you! PS - what did the dr say about your neck? Hope it is healing well!
  10. Daisee68

    Bloating/gas- how long?

    I think mostly gone at 5 days. Have you tried Gas-X strips? They really do help some of the gas.
  11. Daisee68

    Having a tough day

    The first week is rough. The questioning "what have I done" is totally normal. You just have to get through the first few weeks and then it gets easier. Hang in there! You will look back at this in a couple of months and realize it was a great decision!
  12. ​Ok I know, I know, no ibuprofen post surgery. But I had 2 cavities filled today and my jaw hurts and Tylenol isn't helping. When I was in my pre-op "class", the speaker mentioned never to take anti-inflammatories but if you absolutely had to, make sure to take a PPI with it. Well I am taking PPI still - twice per day - so do you suppose it would be ok to take 2 ibuprofen just this one time? Surely 2 wouldn't cause an ulcer if only used this once and used with the PPI. Thoughts?
  13. Daisee68


    Ugh that's tough. Hope you survived it!
  14. Daisee68

    what are you eating?

    Look at website thworkdaccordibgtoeggface. She has a link there for some pureed ideas. Ricotta bake is really good. During pureed stage I ate hummus mixed with a little unflavored Protein, Greek yogurt mixed with vanilla Protein powder, sugar free fat free pudding snack mixed which chocolate protein powder, pimento cheese made with half mayo half Greek yogurt, laughing cow cheese wedges, fat free refried Beans with cheese melted on top. This is a tough stage. You just have to bear it and get thru it unfortunately. In the next phase you can try scrambled eggs with cheese, tuna salad, chicken salad, fish, etc. For me I had to chop up the meat really fine before mixing it with the mayo or yogurt or even hummus. But it turned out I had a stricture so I may be a little different than what most can eat. Good luck!
  15. So sorry you are having such trouble! I promise it does get easier. I just wanted to tell you that my Dr said Zofran doesn't work if you are dehydrated. You don't want tobdrink because you're nauseated though and it becomes a vicious cycle. (Been there. Done that). Call your surgeon and ask if they will prescribe either Phenegran cream which you use on your wrist or a patch that goes behind your ear (I can't remember the name). That will help. Also if you are not taking acid reducer, you definitely need to. You will need to take these long term. Best wishes! Hope you have a better weekend!
  16. Bariatricpantry.com has lots of samples
  17. Daisee68

    3 days post op

    Day 3 is a rough day after any surgery (not sure why but it has happened to me with every surgery I have had). Know that it will get easier over the next few days. I drank a lot of Swansons Beef broth (can't stand it now because I had it so much!) It was very tasty at that time though. Just don't make too much at once because it will get cold before you can drink it. OR get one of those coffee cup electric warmers and keep the cup on that and it will keep it warm for a while longer. hang in there!
  18. Daisee68

    Need letter from Primary Care doctor, and I don't have one

    Hmm. That stinks. Hopefully your surgeon has a suggestion?
  19. Daisee68

    Need letter from Primary Care doctor, and I don't have one

    Why won't you OB/GYN write the letter? My endocrinologist wrote mine but honestly I see him more than PCP. Cigna approved right away (thank goodness). Otherwise I would consider setting up a physical with a new PCP. Would agree getting a recommendation from your bariatric surgeon is a good idea.
  20. Oh a d I also use Quest bars sparingly. It is the highest protein / lowest carbs I have found. I picked up some Premier Protein bars and they are good but man are they high calories! I have to be very careful with those.
  21. I haven't tried these yet but my NUT suggested nut butters which are in small individual squeeze packets. I think the brand was Justin's? Also she recommended Krave Jersey which she said is a little more tender than some. I have never been to Trader Joe's but I know there is one not too far away. The grilled chicken strips sound good. I'm going to have to check that out!
  22. For what it's worth, my therapist who specializes in not just Bariatric surgery patients but also eating disorders (and a recovered/ing bulimic herself) did say that chewing food and spitting it out is a form of bulimia. Be very very careful with that. @@MzStockton agree it is HARD! I watched a lot of Food network which was very strange but it is food I wouldn't have eaten anyway even if I could have. ???? you have made it 7 days now. You will get food soon and I cannot tell you how good that first bite of mush will taste! Hang in there. You got this! And PS I definitely went to bed a few times pretty early just to get away from the kitchen and thought of food!
  23. Daisee68

    Post Op Care Question

    Agree. No place better than your own bed!
  24. @@Dar200 - I thinking is fairly new in the last year or two. Not sure it works if you already know you have apnea but it's a good first start.
  25. You might call TSA and see if you can get any liquids through win a drs note requiring it to be medically necessary.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
