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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. I use Livestrong MyPlate and I love it
  2. Daisee68


    Fair warning - days 3 to 5 are the toughest and then it gets easier. You just gotta get through it. You guys got this!!
  3. Daisee68

    Severe heartburn 1 day post op

    Maybe try Zantac or Pepcid until you can get in touch with your doctor for a prescription? I took a LOT of Zantac those first few weeks.
  4. Can you drink some broth? That really helped me get through. I had a 1 week full liquid (no food at all). Or maybe can you try an additional Protein shake?
  5. Congrats!! That is a great victory! Everytime my drops under that new "0" mark, I feel so accomplished! I hit 239 this morning after almost a week of bouncing around 240 and 241. Can't wait to come back and tell you when I hit the 220's like you!
  6. Daisee68


    ​That liquid diet is TOUGH! Tuesday is so very close. You can do this!!! Post notes all over your house or have a loved one do it - my sister came to my house while I was at work one day and I found notes everywhere saying - almost there, you can do this, you are a rockstar, etc. It was such an awesome thing for her to do for me and it gave me great encouragement in those last few days when I wasn't sure I would survive those liquids. Hang in there!!!
  7. Daisee68

    Stories about gaining weight

    Yep, constantly. But to be fair, I think I have told similar stories. It was one of the reasons I didn't want to do the surgery for years. First, I want to say congrats on taking the step of deciding to pursue WLS and secondly, bravo for telling people! I am a BIG proponent of this. I know some people may not respond kindly, but boy those that do really make this easier. I have mostly received support and encouragement and from those that I haven't, I truly just ignore their response. The fact is, they just don't know better. This is YOUR decision and YOUR life. (And I suppose that is exactly what you could tell them if you wanted to.) NOW, how do you not become one of those stories that others tell in years to come? Be sure you have all the pieces in place and use every single too - Therapy, Nutritionist, Exercise, etc. I have been seeing my therapist since February and plan to continue to see her (as she has discussed with me) for at least 2 years post-op. The fact is, I think I can lose the weight fairly easily - I always have before. it is the keeping it off that worries me and it is only through learning new habits and developing a new lifestyle WHILE I am losing the weight that I hope to be able to maintain the loss. Now, I know I am only 4 months post-op, so perhaps this is all easier for me to say now but it is truly my goal and truly what I believe at this point. My therapist and my NUT are almost more important to me than the actual tool of the pouch. Without these 2 amazing people (and the incredible folks that have come before me and keep at posting on this board giving us sound advice), I would be at a complete loss. SO - not really sure that answers your question but now that I think about it - that is how I answer people when they tell me these stories. I tell them that I am not perfect but that I have put a plan together with my team and will work ever so hard to not be one of the people they tell bad stories about to others, but hopefully will be that one person they know that was successful that they can tell others about in the future.
  8. Daisee68

    fruit skins

    I am really wanting to add grapes to my chicken salad (as I did pre-op). Is it just the skins that are a bad idea? If I peel them, suppose it would be ok to add them?
  9. Daisee68

    Tools/Items for Portion Control

    Ugh I was just going to say how tired I am of my food getting cold. Cold fish for dinner - Gross! I have to go get one of those coffee cup warmer things! @@Namaste6 - I thought of another thing that is not portion control but was very useful - one of those hand blenders. It was great during puree stage to blend up Soups and such. And the coffee mug warmer will be helpful when trying to keep broth warm during the liquids phase. I kept forgetting to buy one so I used an insulated mug (like for coffee) to keep my broth warm in between sips.
  10. I had a new one today. I went to get a massage and facial (ahhh....) and after the massage she tells me to just put on one of their robes to move to the next room. Now normally, I would panic (or if I had been prepared taken my own robe) because no way I would fit in their random "one size fits all" robe - but it fit!! It was so cool to be able to put that on and not worry that it would be gapping open because it wouldn't close over my hips. It's the little things that keep me going....
  11. Daisee68


    I have had the pain under my right breast and believe it was gas as Gas-X took the pain away. Try some gas-X strips or chewables if you haven't. The emotions are totally normal at this stage. It WILL get better. You just have to get thru the first few weeks as best you can and stay hydrates
  12. Yes it's a problem. It is why you feel weak and tired. If you are unable to be up enough to make drinks, try some pre-made ready to drink shakes such as Premier Protein.
  13. Daisee68

    seems like more spammers lately

    I agree! I have seen a lot this week! I report them every time I see them, but not sure it helps much. They seem to keep coming back. Not sure how the board can avoid them though but you would think people honestly have better things to do with their lives!
  14. Thanks everyone! This helps. I can easily ignore the wrong advice from trainer. That doesn't bother me. And honestly while I am sore today, I am not where I cannot move at all which is what I was expecting. The fact is I am actually fairly strong (from having carried so much weight I suppose) but I am certainly "afraid" of what I can and cannot do. While working out I kept picturing those poor people on those TV shows where they work out like 4 hours a day (Extreme Weightloss (?) and Biggest Losers) and one thing I kept picturing was how some of the trainers are very encouraging and getting people to not give up. I always think that maybe they are pushing too hard and then sometimes I see the person just needed the pushing. I know my limits. (I have had rehab on my shoulders too many times to count so I know how to protect myself for the most part.) When I felt I couldn't go any further, I just stopped and she was really fine with that. (I wouldn't work well with those that would yell at me....) So, I think she might actually be good for me in some ways to get me to push myself without just giving up and saying "I can't do it!" I will just have to find the balance between challenging myself and not pushing too far. @@Inner Surfer Girl - Can we have oatmeal? I am actually not a fan, but she mentioned putting a little in my Protein shake? I will ask the NUT to be sure, but just thought I would ask how you use it since you mentioned it. I have never had quinoa but I know it also has protein and my NUT has mentioned it before. Maybe I will try that for dinner with some roasted butternut squash and a meat of some kind. Is it normal to be afraid at this point to add back in carbs when I have been so focused on protein?? @ - a half marathon??!! That's amazing!! Congrats! I appreciate your advice and promise I will watch it carefully and make her back off if it isn't working.
  15. Daisee68


    Try drinking from a cup with a lid on it so you don't smell it. That helps me anyway because it keeps me from smelling it
  16. Daisee68


  17. Daisee68

    Throat burps?

    Yep totally normal and totally irritating. I notice mine more when reflux is more active or had. Try some gas-X and make sure you are taking PPI.
  18. Daisee68

    Protein Suggestion!

    Try premier protein ready to drink shakes
  19. Search for the 3 week stall in the forums. It is a VERY common occurrence. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you need to.
  20. Daisee68

    I'm hearing mixed things...

    Everyone's program is different, so you have to wait and see what your doctor says. I had Clear liquids a few days, then full liquids and was released to "soft foods" at 15 days post-op to last until 6 weeks post-op which dr said was anything I could mash with my tongue. I chose to do pureeds for the first couple of weeks and then tried to transition to soft meats like tuna and tilapia but it did not work for me. I had to stay with pureeds for quite a while. When is your surgery? You will need to definitely keep touching base with a NUT to have a plan to go on a vacation in December.
  21. The first five days are the hardest. It does get easier. Please do not try to eat meat yet. (Not saying you were going to but just offering a safety warning just in case.) Your stomach is healing and it just isn't ready. Take your pain med if you have pain. This is not the time to be a hero. Try an ice pack or heating pad on your stomach. It is comforting and does help. Above all, know that what you are feeling is totally normal. I think every one of us went through it. You just have to get through the first couple of weeks and then things ease up.
  22. Daisee68

    Just got approved!

    Congrats!! Great advice @@Ashlegal!!
  23. Ok, this one is actually kind of funny. Went to get my haircut today. My hair guy knows about the surgery (I have told everyone) and I see him every 5 weeks. today he said "You really look different. I mean you look attractive." Umm, thanks? He went on to stumble over himself and say "not that you weren't attractive before, I just mean, um uh..." It was pretty funny....
  24. Daisee68

    I HATE protein shakes

    You could try Fairlife Skim milk. Or maybe try some unflavored protien powder in Soups or juice or I even mix vanilla Protein powder (about 1/2 scoop) into 1/2 container of greek yogurt. That helps. But mostly I have to tell you that you may just have to keep experimenting until you can find one you like. Your tastes sometimes change, so you have to keep trying. Some good suggestions are Premier Protein (chocolate, vanilla or berry). Try putting some Torani sugar free flavored syrups into the vanilla one to see if you can find a taste combo you like. Or I use Precision Engineered whey Protein Isolate (Chocolate and Vanilla) which I really like and I add in a little PB2. keep trying...
  25. Daisee68

    Settle a bet...3 week stall

    FYI losing ANY weight (especially 4 pounds in a week) is not a stall. A stall is NO weight loss for at least a week and more typically defined as no loss for 2 weeks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
