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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Ditto. Finally really started feeling more normal at 6 months. Hang in there. I can assure you that at 113 pounds down, I do not regret it at all now!
  2. Y'all I just have to come here and write something and hope that it will stave off the binge that I desperately want to have! My job officially ends tomorrow and I found out more about getting Sc#*$@wed today on my severance and I am just generally having a crap day. With all the destruction and devastation surrounding me from the tornados this weekend, I have no right to complain about not having a job when over 500 people/families in my town have no homes and I know that but that does not help me at this moment! My reality is my reality and I am ticked off that I am the one losing my job! The bad guys (and trust me there are some in this story) are not supposed to win! I know, I know, they will get their's in the end. All things happen for a reason. I'll end up better off. Yada, yada.... All those things are true but all I know right now is how bad I wish I could get drunk and eat a whole bag of potato chips! Yes clearly still a food addict. I truly hope this urge to binge doesn't last the rest of my life! Ok. I'm done. I just needed to get it out. I don't expect any responses. I appreciate that this is a safe place to vent.
  3. Daisee68

    5 days post op PAIN

    Hang in there! The 5th day was my worst day. Try a heating pad and/or ice pack on your stomach. It helped me. And don't be afraid to take your pain med! That's what it is for!
  4. Daisee68

    Loosing a lot of my hair

    Can also be protein deficiency. Are you getting enough protein ? For what it's worth, I am taking iron and eating enough protein. And am still losing hair. ????
  5. Daisee68


    Could be the Protein you are consuming or Protein Bars with high Fiber or Lactose intolerant maybe? Otherwise, yeah it is just part of the process. I'm 7 months post-op next week and still an issue.
  6. Daisee68


    Check out Poshmark.com. used clothes in all sizes. Also a great way to get rid of your clothes that don't fit and make a little money.
  7. Daisee68

    Sweet Tooth

    My fix is usually sugar free chocolate pudding snack mixed with 1/2 scoop of chocolate Protein powder. And actually the Premier Protein ready made shakes kind of cure that sweet tooth for me too. (Of course I crave more salty anyway, so I may not be the best person to ask...)
  8. Daisee68

    Medication and nausea

    Not sure which surgery you had. I had bypass. I struggled with nausea for a LONG time. (Still do on occasion.) You can get a prescription for it (I take Zofran) or it could be from acid reflux so if you aren't taking a PPI, you might ask your dr about that. I also find when I haven't had enough fluids, that I have more nausea. If you are worried at all about it, don't hesitate to call your dr and ask.
  9. Daisee68

    Warning - Pity Party for 1....

    Thanks so much to you all! I woke up feeling better today so your good thoughts, prayers and vibes worked! I went to work and managed ok most of the day until I walked out the final time and then man, I let loose a big UGLY cry! It was awful. My poor friend that was with me! It didn't last long and I'm ok now (mostly). Tomorrow begins a new year - literally. @@Babbs, I am sorry to say I have not been a consistent exerciser. I know it will help and I'm going to really start making it part of my day - now that I have so much time on my hands . Maybe it will become my new habit but likely I will be more like @@Elode and not so much! You will all be glad to know that I crushed up that bag of chips last night and after I ate a few more (oops), I threw them in the trash so nothing to come home and binge on again. I did have few bites of cheesecake at lunch today but didn't feel like a binge and I had room in my food budget for the day, so no guilt. Besides it is the crunchy salty chips that are my drug of choice and @@Margie122, you are probably right that it is a gateway drug for me. I have to keep those out of my house. Thanks for the love everyone. On to bigger and better! (Or maybe smaller and better in our cases!)
  10. Daisee68

    Warning - Pity Party for 1....

    Um yea, well just to be honest here, I did eat a very small snack size of chips. but at least it wasn't the giant bag of Ruffles I would have eaten in the past? Though that is only likely because I don't have it in the house. And to be clear, Water isn't what I was planning on drinking.....
  11. Daisee68

    Warning - Pity Party for 1....

    @@Inner Surfer Girl - How about drinking? I am pretty sure it would help at least for a couple of hours....
  12. Daisee68


    @@bugsy72 - Welcome!! It is really good! Though I certainly got sick of it after a while because I ate it so often!
  13. Daisee68


    @@bugsy72 - Here it is http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/08/pureed-foods.html
  14. Daisee68

    Where to purchase sample protein?

    This one has lots of samples - http://www.mybariatricpantry.com/ and great to work with. Also if you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you, they generally have some in small packages (such as Synthrax Nectar). I would also suggest trying the Premier Protein ready made shakes. You can buy these in 4 packs at a Walmart or some grocery stores. I really like these and they have 30g of protein.
  15. Daisee68

    So thirsty

    One more suggestion (though it doesn't solve the issue of why the thirst) - have you ever tried Biotene Mouth Spray? I have used it when I have had to take too much sinus medicine and my mouth drys out. I have used it since surgery without issue. Might be a short term solution for you.
  16. I haven't tried this yet but I wasn't a coffee drinker before. I have heard good things about Click and actually ordered the decaf version (though I haven't tried it). The nutrient breakdown doesn't look too bad. For what it's worth, my NUT told me to stick with no more than 16 ounces (2 cups) of caffeine per day. So my opinion would be that as long as you are sticking to 2 cups per day and have to have coffee, why not have some Protein with it?
  17. I know people mean well, but I got a lot more of my favorite question "do you feel better?". Yes, yes I suppose I do but that just seems like such an odd question to me. It would never cross my mind to ask that to other people.
  18. Daisee68

    So thirsty

    Try Powerade Zero or even pickle juice. Both of those have electrolytes in them which may help with the thirst.
  19. Daisee68


    At 5 weeks you are likely able to move on to "soft foods" pretty easily. My dr described this as anything I could mash with my tongue. chicken salad, Tuna Salad, Refried Beans, pimento cheese, yogurt (with a 1/2 scoop of Protein powder added), sugar free pudding snack (with 1/2 scoop of Protein Powder added), fish (tilapia for example), hummus, ricotta bake. If you had sleeve, you may be able to tolerate a little more solid food but completely depends on your situation and your doctor and NUT suggestions. Check out http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.com which has a lot of great recipes and tips. There is also a section on this board about food that may have some suggestions. Hang in there! You will get there!
  20. Daisee68

    Protein powder

    Premier Protein ready made shakes are available at grocery stores and Walmart. I like them quite well and still drink at least 1 per day at 6 1/2 months post-op.
  21. Long day but feeling blessed - packed up my office today (laid off in a few days). My town was then hit with a tornado tonight. Utter devstation less than 1/2 mile away. It stopped at the end of my street.... Tomorrow work will start to help others who weren't as lucky including my step-father. Puts life in perspective for sure.

    1. jenschubbs


      Thank God you are alright and strong now able to help others. Hope there is much aide coming to your town and surrounding communities.


    2. Daisee68


      @jenchubbs - thank you. And I was thinking the same plus being out of work soon and will definitely have some volunteer opportunities to occupy my time. Very grateful that my home was spared. Worried about my step-father but grateful I will have the time and strength/health to help him.

    3. Sleeve_Sistah85


      Happy to hear you have life. Prayers for Texas.

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  22. Yep - ditto to above. Have been coloring mine every 5 or 6 weeks for at least 20 years pre-op and post-op. No issues. My hair stylist is also quite glad there is less hair now. Coloring it has not hastened the loss. Go for it!
  23. I am so sorry you are having a rough time. Yes I definitely did and I was already on an anti-depressant. I had to get the dose increased. This is an especially hard time for a lot of people - both the Holidays AND post-op. I found out I am getting laid off next week on the 31st, and not drinking or being able to run towards my addiction has been really tough, so I completely get where you are coming from. (Additionally, my father and my brother do not speak, so I have to do those Christmas' separately which is never fun so I really really get where you are coming from with family drama.) I wish I had some brilliant words to tell you to make it better, but I don't. I have been seeing my therapist consistently from 4 months pre-op to now (6 1/2 months post-op) and I plan to continue for at least 2 years. It really helps. I do strongly recommend reaching out to a counselor. She (my therapist) and what she has taught me has been the biggest / best part of my journey. I wouldn't have survived without her help. And as I sit here pouting that I lost my cushy job, I love that even though I am tempted by some of the food and drinks, I have been able to (mostly) steer clear and just stay focused on my health. I have actually outloud yelled at myself to put that food down! I did not say all that to overshadow or demean your feelings. I just was trying to commiserate and not sure I expressed it very well. I am truly sorry you are having a rough time! Feel free to send me a private message if you need someone reach out to. I am not always the best at giving the right answer, but I promise I will do my best and will always respond. HUGS!!!
  24. Daisee68


    Woo-hoo!! Great job!!!
  25. Daisee68

    So frustrated!

    Ask for Voltaren Gel. It is prescription TOPICAL anti-inflammatory so it should be fine because it doesn't process through your stomach. (At least I was told it would be ok.) Also as heather said, elevate it, wrap it and ice it - 20 minutes on/20 minutes off for probably 3 or 4 times per day. Also, I have been told that you can take NSAID on a rare occasion as long as you are taking a PPI. It probably won't be enough to really help your knee though. The Voltaren Gel should help until you can determine if something else needs to be done. Sorry you are having a bummer vacation!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
