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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    You are right @Babbs. She does look great! That gives me hope! Can't wait until dr gives ok to start researching it! I am obsessed with getting my arms done this year if nothing else!
  2. Daisee68

    Things I Didn't Know Before Weight Loss Surgery

    You know, I hadn't realized the part about skinny people being more supportive than not, but that explains why I have received so much support - everyone around me (even at work) is pretty thin / healthy. I have been so blessed to have incredible support from my friends and coworkers. (There is one friend that isn't but I knew she wouldn't be. She's just like that about everything medical.) Interesting observation... I tell EVERYONE (and I mean everyone - perfect strangers - about my surgery). I guess I figure if I don't act embarrassed of it and get it out there before someone says something, then I have the upper hand? I don't know. Like you, I don't quite grasp that I have lost over 100 pounds; however, mine is because I never really understood how heavy I was. (Crazy, I know.) So just probably the last 10 pounds or so have I realized that not only do I look different but I am actually starting to look - gasp - THIN! Concentrate on those NSV's. That is why we all did this - off the meds, better dr visits, fit in the plane seat, smaller clothes, etc. Those are the things that will help you realize the weight that is gone (said I after going to a movie today and realizing how nice it was to fit in that seat!) I too do not like the excess skin but constantly find myself staring in the mirror trying to decide just how bad it is. Most of it is covered up - except for the turkey neck and that BOTHERS me to no end. I will have my arms done if nothing else because I have always wanted to wear sleeveless (without the requisite cami over it). I can completely understand being anxious about your wedding dress, but girl, you are getting married and from the sounds of it to a wonderful person, so I agree with @@Valentina, spread your wings and fly! Congrats or your progress!
  3. I had RNY so I know it is not the same, but I have Graves Disease so I had my thyroid ablated with radiation iodine in 2011 so I have no natural thyroid function and take Synthroid replacement every day. My med did not absorb properly post WLS (and my endocrinologist told me to expect it), so I was hypothyroid for a while and had to up my med. Synthroid can be particular so it would seem reasonable that the balloon could mess with absorption but it would seem odd that you would be enough hypo-thyroid in just 10 days. It could have occurred prior to your surgery and just now revealing itself? Also remember that you have to be consistent with taking your med and eating - i.e. at least an hour after the med, no Calcium within 4 hours of med (or if you do, just do It consistently), etc. Not sure if that helps, but I thought I would throw you what I knew...
  4. Daisee68

    Help! Appetizer idea needed

    I have also done a Mexican 7 layer dip with fat free refried Beans, greek yogurt mixed with lime and chili powder (instead of sour cream), avocado, onions and tomatos (or pico de gallo), black olives, jalapenos and low fat shredded cheese. Huge hit and no one knew it was low fat. You can serve with chips, but I ate mine just on a plate or in a tortilla or lettuce cup. I have also made Buffalo chicken Dip - lite cream cheese, Frank's red hot, shredded roasted chicken, greek yogurt, lite blue cheese and lite mozzarella cheese. I took chips and crackers but used cucumbers and bell pepper strips to dip.
  5. Daisee68

    Who has Cigna ?

    With mine, they counted my first visit as 1st visit. And then I had to take at least 89 days to get in 3 more appts which were 25 to 30 days apart. My first visit was Jan 31. My last visit was April 30. There were 2 appts in between at the end of Feb and the end of March. My surgery was approved in less than 24 hours.
  6. Daisee68

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I watched and found the results depressing or I need to lower my expectations of what plastic surgery can do.
  7. Daisee68

    Starting an exercise routine

    I was also going to recommend the Leslie Sansone videos - Any of the walking ones. Trust me you get a good workout in some of the faster paced "miles" but start slow. Oh and PS - WEAR GOOD SHOES. I know this seems like an obvious to most but I thought, meh it's just walking. Ended up with a stress fracture in my heel. Had to wear a boot for 9 weeks (including while I was in the hospital for my RNY).
  8. Daisee68

    Who has Cigna ?

    I had Cigna and they covered my surgery. They told me when I initially called that some of their plans do and some of their plans don't, so you will have to check YOUR specific plan. IF your plan does cover WLS, they can provide you with their requirements in writing, but here is the one I referred to - https://cignaforhcp.cigna.com/public/content/pdf/coveragePolicies/medical/mm_0051_coveragepositioncriteria_bariatric_surgery.pdf
  9. Daisee68

    Green Tea Tastes Like Feet

    Love jicama. I have had it in Mexico on vacation many times. One salad was tossed with mango and line. So good! Re green tea, check out all the flavors of green tea on RepublicOfTea.com. they even have decaf versions.
  10. Daisee68

    VERY Rumble-y Gut

    I take Gas-X and/or Zantac and drink some water. Sometimes it helps. Depends on the reason.
  11. Daisee68

    BCBSTX- approved but Hubby's Employer X'd

    Agreed. Employer cannot overrule even if self-insured. Get a copy of what drs office received.
  12. Daisee68

    Questions and concerns on malabsorption

    Thank you for clarifying
  13. Daisee68

    Protein Water

    I have not found it yet myself, but I have seen a lot of people post about it. I seem to recall it is a little high in carbs so be careful (if that is accurate). I also hate Isopure. I have found other ways to get my Protein.
  14. Daisee68

    When swallowing tablets of medicine?

    I was taking very small pills (eraser sized) right after surgery (seriously 2 days). For bigger pills, even now (7 1/2 months out), I break the size pills you show in half just for safety sake.
  15. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it takes time. At 6 weeks, I could certainly tell a difference, but for me it was 3 months before I really started feeling more normal and then by 6 months I could tell a real difference. Hang in there. Just keep working. You will look back in 6 months and wonder where the time went!
  16. Thanks @@JamieLogical! You look great! That makes me feel so much better! Did you have the same kind of depression those folks did or do you suppose the show just exaggerated it for dramatic affect?
  17. Daisee68

    Questions and concerns on malabsorption

    I went through exact same thing - wanted sleeve, had bad reflux so surgeon said bypass was better, worried about the malabsorption, etc. I am only 7 months out so maybe it is too soon for me to really speak, but I can tell you that once I got past the first few months, I have really felt pretty good. I have had several Vitamin level tests and have always turned out fine. Before my surgery, I have had chronic kidney stone issues (related to a thyroid disorder / Calcium disorder) so I was seeing an endocrinologist. Even with these concerns, he was all for the bypass. He said as long as we monitor the levels and I take the supplements (which way easier and cheaper than all the prescriptions), I will be fine. And correct me if I am wrong @@James Marusek, but have you said recently that the malabsorption does eventually taper off? My diabetes is clinically cured, I am down 115 pounds and I feel great. I have not had any symptoms of dumping (though I do follow my diet pretty strictly for the most part.)
  18. I have way hex both episodes now and I know it is edited together what they want but I found both episodes depressing. None of them really looked that good after Maybe my expectations are unrealistic but I would be sorely disappointed if I still had that. Much stomach showing in this clothes after surgery. Maybe they just had bad clothes on? With my loose skin I don't look like have that much of a pooch... And they just seemed so sad. I don't think I will watch it again
  19. There are A LOT of autoimmune disorders other than RA, and working with a good rheumatologist who will run a lot of tests will help you get to the bottom of it. I do not believe anything actually causes auto-immune disorders. The stress from the surgeries and pregnancy may have caused it to finally reveal itself but not cause it. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (an autoimmune disorder affecting thyroid) at age 43. It runs in my family. My first cousin was diagnosed with it at age 23. Mine just didn't raise it's head until after some other physical stressors I went through. I know it is scary, but do your best to try not to focus on it. You cannot change anything and a good rheumo will help you treat it. Best of luck to you! Keep us posted. And meanwhile do your best to stick to the program.
  20. Daisee68

    Problem with Elliptical Machine

    This is probably unlikely but the thing that came to my mind is rhabdomyolysis.
  21. Daisee68

    New to the board

    Very common to stall early on. Just stick with the program - fluids, Protein, Vitamins. It will come off. You just have to trust the process. During the stall, your body is catching up. As @@Inner Surfer Girl says "Embrace the Stall". - http://BariatricPal....brace-the-Stall Hang in there!
  22. Daisee68

    Problem with Elliptical Machine

    When is the last time you had your Vitamin levels checked? That is probably where I would start. And any chance you aren't getting enough Fluid? Yes, meantime, avoid elliptical or anything that would overstress your major muscle groups.
  23. Daisee68

    International Travels - Fears and Concerns

    How exciting! You are going to have a blast! And look what you have done so far - 190 pounds?! That is amazing! Don't be paralyzed by the food and let it derail your fun. We all have to still live life. (Don't use vacation as an excuse either but you have to enjoy it!) Stick to the basics - Protein first, drink lots of Water and listen to your pouch. You will get so much exercise in from all the walking. (Take a pedometer or other fitness tracker. It will be fun to see how many steps you get in.) And promise yourself now, that if on the very off chance you gain a couple of pounds while gone, you will NOT beat yourself up. It WILL come off again! PS - Just think of how much more comfortable you are going to be on the plane and how you can walk for days without it hurting! Have a fabulous trip and be sure to post pics!
  24. I was in the same boat as you. At my consultation, I was having very bad acid reflux and the dr suggested that bypass would be much better because many with sleeve (not all) have increased acid reflux after surgery. I was dead-set against bypass and left there upset but did finally come around to it (a lot thanks to this site). I would say this though - not every with bypass gets dumping syndrome (likely the drs reason for saying it would be best for you because of the foods you eat). I do not have dumping (or at least haven't thus far at 7 months post-op but I am very careful about what I eat - so far). In the end, I am quite glad I did the bypass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
