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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. I also did bypass. I thought I wanted sleeve but had very bad reflux the day I had my first consultation and the surgeon said sleeve would make reflux worse if it was already an issue. I believe that many here that chose the sleeve felt it was a better option because you do not have the malabsorption issues that you have with bypass. While I was not happy at first that the dr was insistent that I not do sleeve, I am very happy now with my choice.
  2. Daisee68

    Sriracha sauce!

    Yum! I love sriracha!
  3. Daisee68

    Healthy Crackers?

    Ok, I just found the best tasting snack! Mr. cheese O's. Different flavors and it is made of cheese, quinoa, oat bran and spices. I bought the Sweet Chili flavor. SO good - 150 calories / 9g fat / 6g carb / 10g Protein. Not saying this is something I should eat every day. The fat content is definitely too high to have too often AND they certainly didn't fill me up, but I will definitely have them again. I wish I liked the Quest Protein chips but all I can taste is the Protein powder taste.
  4. @@gpmed - not sure if someone else addressed this part but I still have a Premier Protein shake everyday to meet my protein goals and I am 8 months post-op. I know that we all want to get it from food sources and that is certainly a goal for me eventually but in the meantime, I actually like the Premier Protein and always have it for breakfast or morning snack and get 30g protein right off the bat. Sent from my HTC One M9 using BariatricPal
  5. Daisee68

    Stricture questions

    Oh yes! Instantly! I actually had it done twice one week apart. The first was my surgeon's partner who I think was a little anxious to stretch it too much so she stretched to 9mm and then a week later, they had me go to a GI Dr who did the procedure again and stretched it to 15mm total. He was surprised the first Dr hadn't done it but as I said she is newer and it made her too anxious. That was back in September. I haven't had any issues since. (Well I do occasionally get sick but it is because I have eaten too fast or not chewed well enough and now it happens maybe once every other month or so and it is totally my fault.). I was only asleep for maybe 10 minutes, had slightly sore throat from the scope and then walked out on my own from both). Sent from my HTC One M9 using BariatricPal
  6. Daisee68

    Stricture questions

    I did have a stricture. I had trouble keeping food down for quite a few weeks but figured it was just because I was eating too fast or not small enough bites. At right about 3 months, I had 4 days in a row of not being able to keep anything down. It wouldn't be too bad in the morning but as I ate throughout the day, it progressively got worse (now we know it is because the food couldn't get through) so surgeon did an EGD with a balloon and dilated the space. Surgeon said the space was so small that she was barely able to get the instrument with the balloon through the space. Not sure if that helps. Let me know if more questions.
  7. Daisee68

    Food variety

    @@Kindle @@jess9395 - I think the biggest difference in what you can eat and I would should probably be eating is that you are both at goal and have been for quite some time and I am still in weight loss / recovery mode. At least that is what I keep telling myself. Not that reaching goal and being in maintenance will give me an excuse to go wildly off plan, but once I am at the point you both are, maybe I can live with a little more variety like you guys do! That gives me hope anyway!
  8. Daisee68

    Frightened of failing ... Surgery in a week

    Not only did I fear that, I still do! It is actually something I discussed with my therapist this week. One thing she said to me that resonated was that the only way we can have something to worry about is to worry about that which has not yet happened. She told me to just stay in the present - one meal at a time. If I am mindful of that meal and think about that meal only, then I have nothing to worry about. I hope that helps. I have been thinking about that all day..
  9. Daisee68

    Valentine's Day Treat - Protein Drink

    @@liannatx - That would be! The original recipe was for chocolate / strawberry, but I didn't have strawberry syrup or any strawberries, so... raspberries it is! I would like to try it with cherries and strawberries at a later date too!
  10. I just had a GREAT Protein drink that satisfied my chocolate Valentines Day candy craving. I need to give credit where credit is due for the inspiration, but for some reason because it is from a different website, I am getting the message that administrator does not allow link to. (It was from ObesityHelp.com. PM me if you want the link. It popped up on my Facebook. I didn't have the same ingredients, so this is how I made it... 1 scoop Precision Engineered whey Protein Isolate, Chocolate 1 Tbsp Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Cocoa powder 1 Tbsp Torani sugar free Raspberry Syrup 2 oz Fairlife Fat Free Milk 2 oz Water 4 ice cubes 3 fresh raspberries Nutritional Info (for my specific ingredients): 158 calories 1 gram fat 5 grams carb 34 grams protein 2 grams sugar 2 grams Fiber Will definitely have this one again!
  11. Daisee68

    Food variety

    Thanks everyone for the great advice as usual. @@Inner Surfer Girl - I forget that people on the mobile app cannot see my status / tickers, so you are right my info was a bit out of context. Appreciate the advice about Soups, etc. @@CowgirlJane - Thank you very much for that vote of confidence! Means a lot coming from you! I like the tip about very literally Protein first. Part of where I got caught up is that I was SO sick in the beginning with what turned out to be a stricture and I was having to be so very careful with the kinds of foods I ate only being what I thought I could "Tolerate" (before we knew it was the stricture). We didn't figure that out until 3 or 3 1/2 months post-op. Then the next few months I had a lot of nausea and slowly had to figure out what I could tolerate. In that journey, everyone (including myself) was so excited when I ate a new food and didn't get sick! So I think what that turned in to though was more of a challenge to see what I COULD eat and even though I was meeting my nutrient goals, I wasn't necessarily always paying attention to what I SHOULD eat. I have never eaten a healthy diet and I struggle with really knowing what that means. For me, for now, it means going back to limiting some food choices because clearly the broad range of foods was more about testing to see what I could get away with. I am a food addict. Period. I don't want to be, but I am. And I am realizing that I will always be a RECOVERING food addict. It will be easier some days than others, but the more tricks and tips I have, hopefully those become habits and the harder days are fewer and further between. @@OutsideMatchInside - I track everything I eat. If I am at home, I weigh and measure everything so I have an accurate count. If I am out, I estimate how much I ate. Frankly 2 bites of most things is probably 2 Tbsp or 1/8 of a cup. Translates easily into a food logging system. @@Djmohr - As always, I so appreciate your advice and mentorship. Wouldn't have gotten through this journey without you! @@Julie norton - You are absolutely right! It was the mindset part that I got all out of sorts. (Does it help with the sympathy factor if I tell you I got laid off December 31 and have been sitting at home pouting a bit? Still with that, I have lost 15 pounds since Christmas and a year ago, I would have easily gained 15 pounds sitting home feeling sorry for myself in the same circumstance!) Anyway, mindset is definitely my issue. As I said above, I got caught up in what I COULD eat and stopped focusing on what I SHOULD eat. To show you that I did learn something from this, I have been out all day for soccer games again (nephews). I packed items to eat which included beef Jerky. I went to eat it while ago but also had a choice of apple slices and all natural Peanut Butter. I grabbed the beef jerky and then literally said out loud to myself "You have already had enough processed food today. Eat something closer to a whole food." I think that was a good choice. To be honest, I don't love apples and peanut butter. I don't dislike it either, but because it isn't as good to me as beef jerky, it isn't something that I would eat too much of and I feel a bit virtuous getting in some good whole food with Vitamins. At least I think that is what this whole thread means about making good choices. Again, much love to you all for all the guidance! I talk about all of you all the time to my family and friends like you are true friends whom I have known forever. They look at me like I'm a bit nuts but oh well!
  12. Daisee68

    Husband left me!

    Preach it sister! @@Elode - That is the best answer so far!
  13. Daisee68

    Food variety

    Thanks again for all the feedback. Having thought about this a lot now, I do realize that even though I am meeting nutrient goals and losing weight that the desire and attachment to food is creeping in. I really pray that one day I will not have this attachment to food, but for now, I can see how limiting my choices somewhat can help decrease my desire for food. After all, if it is something I really like, I can see how I would be taking that "one more bite" and as my restriction changes, the "one more bites" lead to extra calories. For what it's worth, this was my therapist not my NUT and we just didn't have enough time to explore it thoroughly so I didn't truly understand what she meant. Thanks to @@CowgirlJane for doing the research and to the others who called me out on this. I defensively thought "I wasn't trying to disprove her!" but after thinking about it for a while, that really is what I was trying to do. I am someone who processes and needs to know "WHY" but I am also tend to rebel and buck against authority if I don't like the rule, so now armed with the knowledge of the "WHY" and the feedback of people calling me on the rebellion, I will go forth with a more healthy attitude about what I will eat (or rather maybe how I will eat) on my Mexico All-Inclusive vacation buffet. I don't leave for just over a week, so I have some time to put this in to practice first. Oh and PS - just to clarify, the 125 includes 15 pounds pre-surgery diet and 12 pounds in the liquid pre-op diet, so technically 125 pounds in a year. I just like to clarify that because I know when I am seeing posts of massive losses, I always wonder how much was surgery and how much before.
  14. Daisee68

    Valentine's Day Treat - Protein Drink

    @@Cervidae - You are welcome. It was great!
  15. Daisee68

    Food variety

    @@CowgirlJane - Very interesting. I have always loved food with more variation. For example I really liked salads (and have missed them) because of all the different flavors and textures. Or I liked the appetizers which you could "choose 3" different kinds. I never really thought about wanting all those flavors and textures would lead to eating more. Reading it this way really does make this make more sense. Thanks very much for finding and sharing. So can I ask all of you, do you really limit your meals to say 2 items? chicken and 1 veggie? Turkey and veggie (no cheese)? This concept seems really foreign to me know. I thought I was doing good to be able to eat several different items at once. This is throwing me for a bit of a loop.
  16. Daisee68

    Food variety

    @@Inner Surfer Girl - I'm 8 months post-op. I have lost 124 pounds and am only 15-25 pounds from goal (depending on my final goal which I haven't determined yet. Surgeon original goal for me was under 200 which I reached this week). The food choices this weekend were just odd because of the situation - I was out of town all weekend with family for a soccer tournament. They chose the places to eat so I didn't have a lot of choice. I chose a bloody mary because it just sounded good. And it is only the 2nd time I have had alcohol since surgery and then I only drank half. The different choices these 2 days were from the appetizer menu and were shared with others at the table. They weren't the type of restaurants where I could really order a an entrée just for myself. I ate out 3 other times this week (I eat out a lot) and generally order any type of entrée with grilled chicken - i.e. salad with grilled chicken, fajitas, etc. and I always have leftovers. I get a minimum of 80g of Protein per day and generally get closer to 90 or 100 and I drink minimum of 64 oz of Fluid, generally more. And I take my Vitamins religiously. When I eat at home, I often have 3 to 4 items of food - for example: 2 to 3 oz of chicken or turkey (protein), an ounce (or less) of cheese (protein), and cucumbers (veggie) sometimes a couple of whole wheat crackers. At breakfast once or maybe twice a week, I have 1/2 of a Cobblestone Flat Bread round. I think my diet is fairly well rounded honestly, but the counselor was alarmed at my choices last weekend. To be fair, she only focused on those 2 meals and not what I had eaten the rest of the day or for that matter what I had eaten for the rest of my meals over the last 2 weeks since I had seen her. I logged all of my food and still met my protein goals, calorie goals and fluid goals each day. If I was eating like that every single day, I agree that would be a very bad idea, but I don't. I think I just didn't ask my question very well. Thanks to all for the input.
  17. Daisee68

    Food variety

    Thank you. I can assure you those are abnormal choices. I was stuck out with my family and while I had packed healthy Snacks (which I did eat during the day), I just had a couple of meals where I could either go without or make the best of it. Maybe not the best choices. Only the 2nd alcoholic drink I have had in 8 months, so it is definitely not a habit. Nor is the pizza (though it was flatbread with chicken, artichoke and no sauce and very very small amount if any cheese). I do likely eat chips more than I should (maybe once a week). It was those meals though that alarmed her (as it did you) and as I am preparing to go to a vacation where all food and alcohol is included and I will be at the mercy of what is on the buffet that meal. Really my question is more about the food variety at one sitting. For example, she said, even if healthy choices, to limit each sitting to only 2 or 3 food items - i.e. while on vacation - a piece of cheese and a small piece of fruit for Breakfast. If I were to choose, it would be more like - a few bites of scrambled egg, a piece of cheese, a Protein (probably small slice of bacon or small slice of ham) and a few bites of fruit. Her argument is that type of meal will stimulate the taste buds to desire more food. My argument being the variety and enjoyment of the food (as long as there is sufficient protein) is better served to keep me from getting bored. I am also taking quite a few snacks to make sure I get to my protein goals (Protein powder, Protein Bars, beef Jerky, individual packets of natural almond butter, small packages of cashews, etc.) So what I am looking for perhaps you did answer and that is that variety staves off boredom which hopefully staves off poor food choices.
  18. It was truly the worst side effect I had/have. I remember one day early on, calling the PA at my surgeon's office and crying I was so miserable. When she told me this is something I may have to face forever, I had a total meltdown! I promise it does get better but may always be a little bit of an issue...
  19. Umm yea, that absolutely happened to me too. I remember having to lay down for a while afterwards. Who knew something like that could give you chills and shaking?! So weird. And BTW, I still have these issues 8 months post-op though not near anything like the first month or so. I take Colace or Senokot-S or Miralax every few days (if not every day). Part of the issue is high Protein which can cause constipation and fewer bathroom times because we are eating so little.
  20. Daisee68

    Chat Room

    Ditto. I didn't realize it was there either. Will try it in the future though. Love chatting...
  21. Daisee68

    Maybe a late stage complication?

    Hope the ultrasound went well. AND I hope you are sipping, sipping, sipping trying to catch up! I have had to do the same (without food or drink until late afternoon) for several things and it takes a while to catch up on that hydration.
  22. UGH! How awful. I am glad you went to the ER now and now have some relief!
  23. Daisee68

    Husband left me!

    What an a$$hat! I cannot believe someone would do this! I am so terribly sorry! Sounds like he has some serious issues and insecurities and neither of those allow him to treat you that way. Are you seeing a therapist on your own in preparation of your surgery (and post-op if you can)? If so, call them. I am sure they can find a way to squeeze you in if even just a phone call. I know you don't need solutions right now; just sympathy. I'm sorry. I tend to be fixer. I'm with @Valentina. Kick, scream, etc. (when you are out of hearing range of your children of course.) HUGS!!
  24. Daisee68

    Four Months NSV

    Look at you go!! I remember wearing heels one day and suddenly realized (and said outloud to my co-workers), who knew 90 pounds could make walking in heels easier!! Then I got laid off and now I got a new job but will be working from home. I may just have to put on all my lovely shoes to wear around the house.... I miss all my pretty shoes

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
