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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisee68

  1. Daisee68

    Healthy Snack Ideas?!

    Sliced apples already in a package for single serving with almond butter. (Amazon sells Barney's Butter in single serve packages. A little expensive to eat everyday but very portable.) Beef Jerky (I like Krave brand which is very tender). 1 ounce portions of nuts. (You can buy these individual servings or just break them out in sandwich baggies yourself.) Mr cheese O's are AMAZING if you like cheese crackers. (I found mine at Target but Amazon carries them also.) Individual serving packs of tuna (the Hickory Smoked flavor and Lemon Pepper flavors are great.) If you can refrigerate, definitely string cheese or Cracker Barrel 2% cheese sticks or Greek Yogurt (boosted with a half scoop of Protein powder) or sugar free pudding snack (boosted with a half scoop of protein powder).
  2. Even with desk job, I was off 2 1/2 weeks. The first few days back, I was especially tired. If you can find a way to take a 10-15 minute break and go to your car and rest and/or rest at lunch, it might help. Good luck! Make sure to focus on fluids and getting up and moving every once in a while. Those were definitely challenging for me.
  3. At 9 months post-op, I increased my calorie intake (per NUT) to 1000-1200 calories per day. I found that at 1200 calories, I do not lose but seem to do ok at 1100, so I am trying to go back down a little. At 1100 calories, I am aiming for 40g fat, 80g carbs and 105g Protein.
  4. Daisee68

    Mind games = my worst enemy

    On the evening before my last day of liquids, I arrived home where my sister has come in and hung post-it notes all over my house. Since I cannot get in to your house, I will try that here! YOU CAN DO IT! ALMOST THERE!! THE END IS IN SIGHT! YOU ROCK! JUST THINK HOW EXCITING YOUR NEW LIFE WILL BE! (Ok, maybe that one didn't fit on a post-it note...) YOU GOT THIS! ONE. MORE. DAY. :D
  5. Daisee68

    Exhausted! 6 days post-op

    Getting 40g of Protein at this stage is actually pretty good. You will get to 60g very soon. And yes the exhaustion is normal. I remember feeling very different at day 8 (no idea why) and then a bit of a relapse at week 3. Your body has been through major surgery / trauma. It will take a while. I took 2 1/2 weeks off and was exhausted the first week back. Take off more time if you can. If you can't, then maybe you can plan little breaks where you can take a 10 minute rest / power nap in your car? (This is what I had to do with some other prior surgeries.) Hang in there. It will get better!
  6. Ok, I went back and looked at my food log. I was between 600 and 700 calories (closer to 700 most days) at that stage. I was drinking 2 Premier Protein drinks per day at that stage and then filling in the other meals with a couple of tablespoons of hummus or 1/4 cup (or less) of refried Beans with 1 tbsp. of lowfat cheddar melted on top or 1 ounce (weighed) of deli turkey with a Laughing Cow Light cheese wedge or 1 egg white scrambled with a little cheese or 1/2 container of Greek Yogurt (I like Dannon Light & Fit Greek strawberry Cheesecake or Key Lime) mixed w/ 1/2 scoop of Protein powder (I use Precision Engineered whey Protein Isolate vanilla - also love the chocolate) or Ricotta Bake from theworldaccordingtoeggface.com. At this point I was still having some broth and/or sugar free popsicles if I thought I wanted something else. You will find in the beginning that you will repeat a lot of meals. At least I did. You have to add in foods so slowly so when something works for you and you eat so little of it, you tend to eat it again for a week or so. I stayed at 700-800 calories for the first 6 months or so then transitioned to 800-900 for a month or two then 900-1000 and now 1000-1100. I sometimes have 1200 but find I don't lose at 1200 so I am trying to transition back to 1100 max until goal. Hope that helps!
  7. Daisee68

    Photo Allergy after sleeve?

    I personally would see a dermatologist just to rule other things out. I have not had this issue, but I have a friend (non-WLS person) who occasionally has this when using sunscreens that have coconut oil in them. By any chance are you using a different sunscreen when you are vacationing that might cause it? Hers only occurs when we are vacationing and she uses it several times in a row. Using it here once in a blue moon doesn't cause the problem. Just thought I would share that...
  8. What stage are you in? Are you post-op or pre-op? 500 calories is very restrictive and only lasts for a very short while (if at all).
  9. Daisee68

    Can I stay alone after RNY?

    If you are used to caring for yourself at home, then you will be fine. My mom was at the hospital with me and I only stayed one night. And then she stayed with me the second night (i.e. my first night at home) just to be sure everything was ok and then I was on my own (not that she and others didn't check on me). Mostly you just sleep, drink, walk, take your pain meds and repeat for the first week or so. I would agree you are probably more comfortable at home (well I am anyway). Maybe they can stay with you the first night and then see how you do from there?
  10. So as I get closer to "goal", I have been asked by lots of people (including my therapist and NUT) what my "goal" is. Truth is, I am not quite sure. At first, I just wanted to get below 200 which was my surgeon's "goal" when I first met her at my first consultation last January (and she told me I would have to work very hard to accomplish). Then, my "goal" was to get to 27 BMI because my NUT said that was a reasonable recommended goal pre-plastics. My BMI is 27.1 so I am just about there and now considering what my real goal would be as I start considering plastics and need to be stable at my goal for at least 3 months. I suppose I have a random number in mind and that is to get in to the "normal" BMI range which for me would be about 15 more pounds. I am still losing at a pretty good rate, so I think it is doable. Yesterday, my hair guy said my face actually looked bony. I don't know if that was a good thing or not. I told my therapist I wanted to at least be in a size 12 pant and a Large tops (which honestly after plastics is likely achievable without anymore weight loss). But through this whole journey, I have tried not to get hung up on a number. Honestly... And I had a conversation with my sister yesterday that sort of confirmed that "number on a scale" thing as not being my goal. See, my sister is super fit and always has been. I mean she works for it - taught pilates, yoga, did CrossFit, even a runner when she was 6 months pregnant. And I have always desired to be like her (she is 11 years younger than me). Every once in a while though, she says something that reminds me that even life-long skinny people are consumed with their weight. The story she tells me is she went to the dr this week and the dr was saying amazing things like "heartbeat of an athlete", "very strong abdominal wall", etc. But right before that, she had to weigh and weighed in at 148. The most she has ever weighed (not pregnant anyway). And she said "she is saying all these positive things, and all I can think about is that damn number - 148, I freaking weigh 148". She knows it is just a number on a scale but it bugs the crap out of her. (She is about 5' 7" I think so this is by no means an unhealthy weight. No telling what her body fat percentage is but I would venture to say it is well in the healthy range.) And all I can think of is, "doesn't she know how beautiful she is no matter what that scale says"? I mean seriously y'all, if I could get away with posting a picture of her, I would. She works HARD on her body and it really shows! I would give anything to look like that - except maybe work as hard as she does at it. So, here is my lesson from this..... I want to be "normal" and "healthy" and seen as that by doctors mostly I suppose (I guess because I am so tired of being told the opposite all my life by them), but I just don't know what "normal" and "healthy" really means in terms of a number on a scale. Maybe it isn't that number that is what matters. Maybe it is BMI (though I don't really like that measure) or maybe it is body fat percentage (though I don't think those goofy scales really reflect that accurately). Or maybe, just maybe, it is when I finish that 3 mile walk without gasping for air and look in the mirror and smile and realize I did it. (But just to be clear, that will be WAY easier to do AFTER plastic surgery... ).
  11. Daisee68

    One 2 days post op! PAINFUL

    @Christina_rny - Hope you are doing better now that you are a few more days out and at home. And just k of the "wth have I done" emotions are very normal. I did the same as well as many others on here. This is a long journey with many ups and downs but I promise you it is worth it! Check in and let us know how you are doing. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  12. Daisee68

    Curvy girl clothing issues...HELP!

    Ugh. Ivan having the same problem and my LB T3 jeans in 14s are getting too big! I am really having anxiety about not having a go to clothing store like LB. I know that's weird. I should rejoice but I knew the sizes I wore and loved many of their styles. I went to New York and Company yesterday and was happy to fit in XL tops and I bought a pair of capris in 14 but they do gap at the waist. (They even have 4 different fits and this was the curviest one.). Tops will be great to shop smaller but I dread the pants. Let me know if you find anything! Also, consider shopping Poshmark.com for LB jeans in 14. There are many on there that are slightly worn or even still new with tags and MUCH cheaper than retail. It is sort of an online thrift store and you can shop by brand. Careful though....it becomes quite an addiction. Great way to sell your clothes that are too big too and make some money to buy new stuff! Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  13. Daisee68


    Woohoo!!! CONGRATS!!
  14. Daisee68

    What can I do with...berries?

    I love raspberries. I wonder if you could puree and then freeze them for a lovely Italian Ice type treat. Or (I have seen this when blueberries, not sure if it will work with raspberries) but coat them in yogurt and then freeze them and they are lovely little yogurt covered berry treats? Can't wait to see what ideas people come up with. I need to go find a farmers market..
  15. I think maybe @@AvaFern said it best (except I have never been able to do a cartwheel and not likely to try now! ). Mostly I cannot quite wrap my brain around it, but that is partially due to the denial I lived in that I actually weighed well over 300 pounds. Somehow, I just never really saw myself like that - and because I avoided pictures - I never had to see myself like that. I honestly think that only in the last 15 pounds or so have I really started to notice how much easier things are. I mowed the lawn last week for the first time in a few years and realized when I was done that I wasn't dying. Seriously, I used to have to come in after that and take a nap after lying on the floor for an hour to recover. I went for a 2 mile walk (in 35 minutes) with my skinny sister last week and realized at the end that I kept up a conversation and wasn't winded at the end. I went to get my haircut yesterday and used to, I could barely fit in their chairs. Now, I have LOTS of room on either side of my legs. (I have lost 10 inches from each thigh! How in the world did I fit in anything before?!) I remember when I first joined this board last year and saw all the massive losses, I thought there was no way I could possibly do that. And then even after surgery and I was (only ) loosing about 10 pounds a month (instead of the 20+ pounds some people say they lose), I thought "man, I am never going to get that small". And here I am 10 pounds post-op only 15 pounds from goal and 15 pounds to losing 150 pounds. (I lost about 27 before surgery but trust me those 8-10 pounds a month or 2 pounds a week add up.) Just cannot wrap my head around it.... I texted with the medical assistant at my surgeon's office (who is someone I have known for 35 years but lost touch with and had no idea she worked for this surgeon or was even in the medical field when I walked in to that office last January - but I digress). Anyway, I texted her yesterday and told her to tell the surgeon that I had beat her goal of 200 pounds and was down to 189. Her response was "WTF?! Are you eating?!" Um, yes. Yes, I am. I'm just following the rules. Ok, so I think I got totally off topic. How does it feel - FREAKING FANTASTIC!! Now excuse me while I am off to a "normal" (non-plus sized) clothing store for the first time in 30 years (oh who am I kidding, first time in my life!). I am able to fit in to XL tops and all the pants at Lane Bryant are now too big. I am actually sort of anxious about this venture.... wish me luck! PS - Just realized this was sleeve board not general. Just wanted to clarify I had bypass, but my 134 pounds still feel just as good.
  16. Daisee68

    Suits for plus-sized ladies?

    JC Penney's might work.
  17. RNY stands for Roux-En-Y and is the most common type of gastric bypass surgery and describes something about how the intestines are rerouted. These 2 terms are used interchangeably though.
  18. Daisee68


    I had already met my deductible by time of surgery but not yet hit out of pocket and did have to pay my estimated co-insurance which was overpaid (as the dr ended up filing before the hospital) and I had to get refund from the hospital.
  19. My surgeon recommended RNY because of my diabetes and acid reflux. My diabetes is in remission now without meds. They took me off in the hospital and I have not had to take it since. You will get a lot of different opinions on this and only you will really be able to decide, but definitely take surgeons' opinion under strong consideration.
  20. Daisee68

    One 2 days post op! PAINFUL

    Those first few days are the worst. Try Gas-X for the gas and/or a heating pad. Hang in there! Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  21. @@Roalmc77 - Congrats!! You are going to do great! Check back when you can and let us know how you are doing. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  22. As a southern girl, how about try some homemade pimento cheese with lite mayo (or Greek yogurt) and mix in some unflavored Protein powder. (Non-southern people generally have no idea what pimiento cheese is! ????). It keeps really well and is great with cucumbers, a few crackers, or just with a spoon! If you want a recipe, send me a PM and I will send you mine. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  23. Daisee68

    Premiere Protein drinks

    I use it and love it. At 9 1/2 months post-op, I still drink one everyday and have had no issues with it. It is recommended a lot on this site. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  24. Sounds about right for 1 week post-op. Your body has undergone major trauma and needs to heal. Inflammation in your stomach should go down fairly quickly so try and add in another Protein shake to get more protein, Fluid and calories. (Even if you only got in 1/2 of a Premier Protein Drink that would be 80 more calories and 15g protein which would help. Hang in there!! Sent from my SM-T560NU using the BariatricPal App
  25. Daisee68

    What's with the constant nausea?

    Something they told me about the Zofran is that it doesn't work if you are dehydrated so you have to be sure to get in fluids. Trust me I know how hard that is when you feel miserable. Try to take the Zofran after you have had some fluids and then follow it up by more fluids and see if that helps. Also, it might be your Vitamins. I was told to take them just after I ate and that helped. Also some cannot tolerate vitamins with Iron in them and have to take the iron separately. Just a couple kg thoughts... If he told you to wait then he thinks it is inflammation and not stricture so that's good. Hang in there! You have been through major surgery and it takes the body 6 weeks to heal from any trauma so you may feel so mu h better in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile you have to stay hydrated however you can. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
