Hey, we are Air Force and I had my surgery at Wright Patterson AFB in January. 5 weeks after my surgery, Tricare "Okayed" paying for fills, before that, you were on your own for fills. I am 6 ft and had a BMI of 36. I also have (or had at the time, I just had another sleep study and I don't have it anymore!) sleep apnea and had to be on CPAP. My PCP was a hinderance! She actually told me that the military didn't do that surgery and even if they did, I would n't qualify. So, she wanted to send me to the psych clinic to get meds! So, I pushed for a consult with the endocrinologist, who happened to be friends with the general surgeons that DO do this surgery for the military. I would call the Tricare office and ask them WHY you were denied. The regulation states that your BMI must be at least 35 and have ONE of the three co-morbidities.......Diabetes, High blood pressure, or sleep apnea. I'm not sure, but I think that what you might be running into is the particular facility that you are stationed at. WPAFB only started doing these surgeries in March of the previous year. The surgeon had only dont about 50 or so lapbands when he did mine. There is a fully functioning hospital with emergency room at WP. Before that, you couldn't get it done. I think that you may have to be stationed at or travel to a base that has a hospital. Which, from what I understand, aren't very many, only 3 or 4 in the country. Maybe, like the fills, at a later date, they will give people referals out for the surgery. Before they changed the fill thing, my surgeon said that I could just fly back, because we just PCSed to California, and he would do my fill. So, be encouraged......wait for the results for your sleep test. If that comes back positive, you DO qualify, that is not the issue......it's whether or not they will pay some civilian doc 30,000 to do the same surgery that they can get military docs to do for a lot less. So, I would try to work this angle with tricare..........if I can get to a facility that does the surgery, can I get it done? Hope that helps.