I was like that too in the beginning. I wasn't going to tell my mother and then just surprise her the next time we made the trip to see her. Then she broke her leg and needed surgery. I realized I better not have surgery without telling her so I did and she's been excited for me and supportive from the jump. We have a small circle of people who know, but I haven't made any grand announcements. I didn't say a word on facebook. I just felt like this was my deal and I didn't want it to be about everyone else. I didn't need anyone commenting and cheering me on or questioning me about it. I needed to focus on doing what I needed to prepare and not on answering their questions. So I don't offer up the information, but I don't particularly hide it either. I don't have a good relationship with my dad and haven't talked to him in several years, but I know if he catches wind of this, he's going to take all the credit and come out of the woodwork. My weight has always been an issue for him and he hasn't been kind. Forget that he's the one who taught me all of my bad eating habits. Of course he's freaking skinny. Must be nice.
I keep a nice tight inner circle that I can trust to be supportive and non judgmental. The rest of them...well, they can piss off as far as I'm concerned