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Everything posted by bfloguy82

  1. Ok so im having surgery on Feb 5th and im currently into my liquid/low sugar/no carb required liver reduction diet. However since I started this diet, I've been nauseous and dizzy. Also suffering from severe migriane attacks. Now I understand I had huge caffeine dependencies as well as high sugar and carb meals. However im wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so what did you do to overcome the pain? I did call my nutritionist she advised me I could have very small amounts of whole wheat if it helps with my nausea. And it has. I actually have some hummus with whole wheat crackers and it seems to help in the short term. Any other ideas since I'm unable to take any OTC medication for my symptoms.
  2. So ive realized that im stubborn and should follow directions. I had my sleeve completed on February 5th and im currently 13 days post op which caused me to THINK I could handle soft foods before my designated time. BIG MISTAKE. I should have taken it slower. I became a bit sick because I rushed the process. I guess what im trying to say is dont rush onto the next step because you test certain foods and feel ok. It will eventually catch up to you and cause more harm then good. Im now following the doctors instructions to a T. I dont want to stretch the sleeve or cause any leaks. Its difficult but I have to remind myself its temporary and necessary in order to heal properly and set myself up for long term success.
  3. Its a relationship between body and mind. My body knows the limits my mind however needs to catch up. We decided to complete surgery because we had an unhealthy relationship with food. Its so hard to retrain yourself to work with your body and not push it too far
  4. bfloguy82

    Cheated postop...concerned

    I myself am 8 days post op. Its so tough but you physically cannot cheat because you will get sick. Im on clear liquids for one week, full liquids for another week (my current situation), and then pureed foods for 2-3 weeks. Then I can move to trying solids. Its very tough but each surgeon is different and those rules are in place for a reason. They know better than us when it comes to what we need. And what I really learned in the pre op diet, they want you to get use to that small amount of liquid/food because that's what you'll have to deal with during the healing process.
  5. So I had surgery on Thursday February 5th, currently 4 days post op. I notice the scars and have exceptional gas pains. I can barley sleep because any position is impossible to feel comfortable in. Ive already taken so much of my medicine for pain and I dont want to use it all up before its too late. So really im just at an impass. I dont regret the surgery but im so confused. Im still hungry and im trying to get in almost all my liquids and moved to protien shakes. I want to take the right steps and not rush anything. I guess im hitting that "Buyers Remorse" area. Any tips on how to get past this? Im returning to work on February 23rd only because I know I couldn't handle starting a new job and not having the ability to eat soft foods and function correctly.
  6. bfloguy82

    Damn did I really do this?

    Thank you all. You know when your in the moment you feel like the only person in the world experiencing this pain. So many have gone before me and so many will after me. Its hard to sometimes look outside of the moment. But you all have helped me in some way. Thankful for the support!
  7. bfloguy82

    Damn did I really do this?

    Thanks everyone. I know this will pass but it sucks right now
  8. bfloguy82

    AIR in stomach? What to do

    Are you active enough? Its important to keep moving in order to expelled the gas trapped in the body. It can rest in the stomach and back, chest area etc. Its even more painful then the actual surgery procedure.
  9. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    Damn and I thought I had it bad. Yes I guess I'm not in the worse situation. But it still sucks
  10. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    Yes thats one thing about the fusion drinks. The after taste is very sweet. I have the orange cream and chocolate.
  11. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    Im on the fusion protien drinks 2x a day. I also get 2 snacks which are either sugar free or non fat items. A max of half a cup. For dinner 2oz lean meat and 1cup veggies. And required to drink 64oz of water a day.
  12. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    Yes im truly fighting every moment between nausea and headache/migraines. I just keep telling myself 2 weeks
  13. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    My surgery is being handled in western NY by Dr Pham
  14. bfloguy82

    Less than 2 weeks until the big day!

    Thanks so much. I'm drinking more water as much as I can.

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