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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by SelyGee


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SelyGee


      @Vernica Page ????

    3. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      Instead of going through a conventional bank it is where investors lend people with not so great credit money, How I paid for min. Just google it and tons will come up. Worth a shot also don't know how much you co pay is but I got a credit card through Medloan.

    4. SelyGee


      Thank you for the great advice @Veronica Page. I spoke this morning to my boss. Im a loan processor. He had no idea that I was trying to get the lap band and I explained my situation and accepted to give me the loan! YAY! Its been a big struggle and a long and stressful journey at times but I'm finally going in for my pre op next week and could possibly be getting the lap band as soon as 08/07! Im so happy I want to cry! Thank you for all your support. Sites like these really helped me through even when everyone around me kept trying to pull me back and discouraged me to continue moving forward.

  2. Question.. what does being stuck feel like? Is it the feeling of fullness that wont go away? I've been this way for a day now and it sucks/ :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SelyGee


      Thanks. .. All i ate was humus :/

    3. pr_pitbullgrl


      ya i hear you on that too. i can hardly eat anything and i was sleeved in oct. different things affect us different ways now :(

    4. LaurJo


      I'm wondering if you might be having esophageal strictures....like cramps in your esophagus. I was having that and my surgeon said it would get better and it did. There was a medication that also helped called Levsin 0.125 mg tablets. They were a huge help! Hope you get feeling better!

  3. I think the most annoying thing about having my band is the constant coughing. Mostly at night. I don't feel too restricted I actually am happy wit the restriction. I still feel hunger and I still eat just very small portions, but I have this lingering cough that wont go away. Anyone else here experience that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daisee68


      I was thinking GERD/Acid Reflux too. I have not had that symptom but I know several who have (non-WLS).

    3. SelyGee


      Thanks @Djmohr @Daisee68 @WLSResources/ClothingExch I have experienced some acid reflux at night but I find it's only if I eat past 7 and usually if I eat spicy food. I cut that out and I haven't had it since but I do still have the cough. I have it during the day too.

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      SelyGee, do ask your surgeon's office about it. An unrelenting cough is something you don't need. There must be a simple solution. Also, do you attend the practice's support group? It's a good place to compare notes and get some reliable info. If yours doesn't have a group, check with other hospitals nearby. Most welcome patients from other surgereons.

  4. Its been a week after my 2nd fill and I definitely get fuller with less food now, I can feel a little bit of more restriction but very little. I'm hoping 3rd time's the charm but we will see. I'm well aware it's different for all of us. On a side note my elliptical has made its way back into my bedroom. Hopefully I can make my way onto it :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SelyGee


      @Veronica Page I know I know i'm getting to it ....eventually lol JK thanks :)

    3. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      I know the struggle is real. Don't worry when you are ready you'll do whatever it takes to move. I loathe exercise but I do it cause I love the rewards! Hang in there!

    4. SelyGee


      I bet! Im trying to get in to hiking and stuff too but again... we'll see heheheheh. MOTIVATION WHERE ART THOU! lol

  5. So today I got a call from my patient advocate (if we can call them that) It seems that they are considering the Lap Band as an outpatient procedure and my insurance (BCBSAZ) will NOT give authorization before the surgery. So where does that leave me? Turns out if I do go through with it they may not approve it and I will pay out of pocket!! After all the Dr visits and all the money spent, NOW they decided to tell me that! UGH!

    1. Liz5012


      Was your BMI at least 40? Insurance companies stink, mine was rejected when first submitted. I felt the same as you, the exact same! My insurance company didn't think it was necessary. My Surgeon wound up dealing with them and I was approved. I will tell you though from my situation, they wanted a BMI OF 40 and 100 lbs overweight. Good luck!

    2. snarkychef


      Ask for your doctor to do a peer to peer consult with the medical director of the insurance company. The nurse at the office told me less than 20% of people are approved more than 7 days before their surgery date.

    3. SelyGee


      My thing is the patient advocate is saying she CANNOT submit anything. She said that my insurance wont pre-authorize my Lap Band because its considered outpatient surgery, so I guess they want me to just get the surgery w/o auth and then submit for it after? Does that sound right? I'm so confused!

  6. Its almost one month post op with no restriction and my eating habits are slowly starting to get worse. I'm glad tomorrow I go in for my first fill and hope the restriction starts helping with the amount of food I can eat. Staying positive! :)

    1. Mountaingal


      Good luck tomorrow. I am sure you are ready to get some restriction.

    2. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      be positive and question everything you eat before you eat it! you will do great!

    3. SelyGee


      Thanks guys! And so it begins. :)

  7. Day 2 after 3rd fill and I feel some restriction. I kept my liquid diet the first day. Today I ate humus. I tried a bit of chicken but got stuck... not fun, but im ok, I still get pretty hungry though so we'll see. Two weeks from now I have my 4th fill.

    1. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      well the restriction won't take away head hunger or actual hunger but over time it will. Don't worry you are doing great!

    2. SelyGee


      Thanks for all your support Vero I find myself pissed off for no reason. Then I stop and think wait a minute I havent eaten or drank anything. Breathe!

    3. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      Its really tough. This is life changing and you need to just enjoy the journey!

  8. Just heard back from my insurance (AZBCBS) surgery was denied. Turns out the nutritionist I saw wasnt good enough. They didn't agree with my diet. I'm lost and don't know where to go from here. If I go to another nutritionist it'll take another SIX months before I MIGHT be able to have surgery!! I'm so bummed :(

    1. Daisee68


      Gosh that stinks!! Who told you it wasn't good enough? The surgeon's office or BCBS? I would call BCBS and ask for their specific requirements and which you didn't meet. I think I read somewhere on here that many are denied first time, so don't despair. Get hard facts so you know what exactly what you are dealing with ask if the surgeon's office is resubmitting or what the next step is. Don't give up!


    2. ProudGrammy


      Appeal - if you have to wait 6 months it will be worth it so you can have surgery

      god grant me patience just hurry up about it


      good luck kathy

    3. SelyGee


      @Daisee68 it was the surgeon's office that told me that. I feel like my patient advocate just wants to get rid of me. Anywho I have an appt with another Dr next week and Ill also be calling my insurance office to see exactly why it was denied and what I need to get it approved.

  9. So I called my insurance co (AZBCBS) today and they said that my LAP BAND is considered an outpatient procedure however I CAN submit all my info for pre determinationm. I dont understand why my patient advocate would not do that from the beginning. Sometimes I feel like because I opted for a less invasive procedure they dont take it seriously. Or because It wont pay out as much as Gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve, Im being left out in the cold to fend on my own. Anyway I told that to my patient advocate and provided her the # for my insurance PrIor Auth department and she was a little shocked that I called. Yeah Take That!! Not giving up!!

    1. highdesertblue


      Advocating for your self when it comes to your health is SO important. Wishing you good health!

    2. SelyGee


      Thanks! I guess I thought my patient advocate was doing it for me but with all the patients they have it must be hard! I have to do what I have to do!

  10. Ok so my cough looks like just about went away however now I feel extremely full and I havent had anything to eat but green tea. Hmm.. Still having trouble sleeping. Also **warning TMI** constipation!! NO BUENO! Not a good day im having to say the least. Any advice?

    1. Djmohr


      I was right there with you yesterday!

    2. Steph Anie

      Steph Anie

      Purelax for constipation...it takes a few days, but it is gentle.....or a suppository (my doc said that works better)

      If the cough is from drainage... take Robitussin---look for the sugar free kind.

      Drink lots and lots...


  11. Reading some of the stories helps me look forward. I just submitted all my paperwork to my insurance company today. Let the waiting begin. Fingers crossed.

    1. ProudGrammy


      fingers and toes crossed

      hope you hear in the positive soon!!!!~ good luck


    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Good luck! Hope all the news is positive!


  12. 4th Fill today. I'm now at 5.25 cc's. Definitely feeling restriction. I'm having trouble with choosing foods I can eat. I tried a piece of fish today and got stuck. No bueno! Not really loosing a whole bunch of weight either... hmm. Any suggestions on food would be great because I'm getting pretty tired of these shakes. Help!

    1. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      maybe since you are just feeling the restriction you should try some high protein liquids to get those in and then really really chew your food. I know that when I first started I had to bite, chew and wait and min or two to make sure I wasn't over doing it. Try a work out plan to lost some weight, a lot of people weight til they have lost significant amount of weight but I feel that the sooner you start the healthier you are and easier it becomes over time. The more muscle you add the more calories you burn and since muscle is leaner you looker thinner when weight loss isn't happening!

    2. SelyGee


      It looks like I'm having to go in and take some fluid out because I was up all night throwing up and can't seem to get anything down. Not even water! This has been the worst thus far. :/

  13. Today marks one week POST OP and I still cannot believe I had my lap band put in already. All the hard work was worth it and I feel great so far. I still have no restriction but ive lost 10lbs thanks to the liquid diet.

    1. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      Wishing you the best of luck!

  14. It's sites like this one that really helped me through some dark times. Im approved for my surgery and also approved for my loan to cover the copay. Life is great and God is good. It's been a journey and sometimes very stressful but hopefully I can have my surgery as early as 08/07! YAY!!

  15. So last I checked in I had fluid out because I was too tight. I feel ok, Im able to eat some things and doing ok. But just last night i felt like my band was too tight which is weird since I havent had any fluid bakc in.

    1. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      I feel like this band is a tough ride for you. I hope you get it figured out real soon!

  16. Post EGD turns out I have a hiatal hernia and also have been put on blood pressure medication. Hopefully my bp will get low enough by the time surgery gets here or ill have to postpone getting my lapband even longer.

    1. lexiemia


      I had the lap band in 2004, mine slipped and they removed it and converted me to a sleeve on the 28th. I too had to be put on blood pressure medicine not too long before I had my surgery. When I went in for surgery on Thursday my blood pressure was 122/78 I was shocked it was that low. It did go up in recovery because of the pain so I spent a couple extra hours in the recovery room but once they got my pain under control the blood pressure came down.

  17. Just an update. Next Friday Im scheduled for a EGD where they will be putting a scope down my throat to make sure I dont have any ulcers before surgery. My only concern now is funding. Hopefully I can find a way to finance my surgery :/

  18. Thank you @highdesertblue for your words of wisdom. Turns out after letting my patient advocate that I called my insurance she let me know she would submit all my info for Pre Determination! Let the waiting begin! Fingers crossed!

  19. Had my 3rd fill just now. Waiting to see how much restriction this is going to give me because I gained 2 lbs! Feeling a little bummed out but I got to keep moving fwd. Restriction where are you? I need you now! LOL

  20. One week post op and feeling great!

  21. One month post op and i've had o ne fill. I feel little to no difference and I can pretty much still eat whatever I want just a bit slower. My question is after how many fills will I start to feel restriction and loose weight. I need that motivation to start working out and help me out more. I feel I waited so long to get the surgery, and somehow Im still waiting. Ugh.

  22. Its been six days and i'm still waiting on the Pre determination to get back to me. I called my insurance yesterday and havent heard from them. Im just trying to stay motivated.

  23. Yesterday was a bad day for me. After hearing back from my surgeon's office that my LapBand pre determination was denied I decided to call my insurance (AZBCBS) myself and found out that they are very supportive and told me the reason why the pre determination was denied was because my surgeons office did NOT submit my nutritionist info. This is my final attempt to go through them. I made an appointment with another Dr. and they sound very helpful and encouraging which is what I need. I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm not quitting and I'm gonna keep moving forward.

  24. One month and two weeks post op and got my second fill today. Im at 4cc's. i just got it so I havent eaten anything yet but Ill know in a few days how much restriction I feel. :)

  25. Better day today. Had a decent night not too much coughing.. although still sleeping with a bucket next to me. I'll wait and see how these next few weeks go by. On the plus side I'm now down 32lbs.

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