Hey there U Look great! I saw you said you had the sleeve, that is what I want...did your insurance cover it if so what insurance do you have...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
HeY!! i JUST WANTED TO CHAT WITH YOU ABOUT YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY...I SAW YOUR BEFORE PICS!!Are you in VA? Just trying to get more info on your progress with the insurance and everything...thanks
hey wussup! I had my fill last week and it was not painful. Just when they numbed my stomache hurt a lil but its nothing serious...good luck with ur fill
Just redid my labs on Saturday and have an appt w/ my surgeon on Thursdays...I will let you know how it goes. Tryin to stay positive to complete this sleep study requirement
GO GIRL !!! Let me know how that fill goes...that's what I am scared of...I don't like needles. Just redid my labs on Saturday and have an appt w/ my surgeon on Thursdays...I will let you know how it goes.