Thank you Stephanie for the encouragement and validation. Congratulations on your weight loss. I can't imagine what it must feel like to approach goal weight - being obese since age 7, I know I will probably need counseling when I get past 1/2 way there.
As far as my food, the weeks I struggle are the weeks I don't record my food - no brainer, I know. I didn't realize it but I do eat a lot of soft Proteins like cheese and deli turkey - partly because I know they go down easy and partly because I hate to cook. Sometimes I eat frozen meals like Lean Cuisine but even they are soft. I've read a lot on this web site about eating around the band but never make the connection. Guess it's time to break out my George Forman Grill.
As far as exercise, I'm working up to 4 days/week at Curves and have the bariatric weight loss surgery exercise video for the days I have too much pain in my knees for the machines. I really like the idea about the mentor - I'll give it a try.
Thanks so much for all your insight and feedback!! Have a blessed day.