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About annelisem

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  • Birthday 06/15/1989

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  1. annelisem

    Any PCOS sleevers?

    I have PCOS and had the bypass - my insulin resistance has been sorted out, the first time in my life I have had regular periods and I've lost 7 stone. I'm so happy, I never thought I'd be in this position!!
  2. It's worth getting a MRI check. I went back 3 times with pain on my port site, I knew something wasn't right. It turned out I had an incisional hernia on the port site. Just a small one but they can sort it out. You know your body, so keep getting it checked if you know it's not right I hope it's nothing though!
  3. I really hope that's the case. You can't help but think it's because you're doing something wrong. I didn't know if cardio would help with it? I know what you mean about the hard stomach - I have exactly that! And wondered if it's still swelling internally as well. I just didn't want to make up excuses if I'm not doing something right! I do eat the odd bit of chocolate if I'm under my calories for the day and wondered if that had an effect!?
  4. Hey, I hope you're all losing well!! I'm now just over 3 months post op and have lost 64 pounds. The only thing is that it's coming off everywhere except for my stomach?! Although my legs have lost a lot of weight, my stomach has only gone down 1 size of trousers. Has anyone else found this? What can I do to shift it?? Everyone keeps asking when I'm due haha!!
  5. Thanks, I am a big lover of my fitness pal!! It's so useful!! I think it might be down to Water - mostly I get 2 litres in, but there are some days that I only do 3/4 of the target and I feel soooo bloated!!! I always hit my Protein first, and then do veg then carbs. The only way I've been able to hit the1200 calories a day is to have peanuts or something to give a big boost. You just feel stupid for eating when you're not hungry!! I wish there was just 1 set of rules for everyone!! It's all so different!
  6. I think you become a lot more open after this operation lol!! I'm going - every other day usually, and usually a couple of times that day for some reason. I feel like 1200 is too much, 850 would sit better with me as well but my nutritionist said it had to be 1200-1500 calories a day!! It seems like way too much to lose weight!! My other question was does what you eat have an effect on how much you lose? For example - if someone only ate chocolate, but had 800 calories a day, would they lose weight? This doesn't mean I am doing this!... Just how much of an effect does the food we choose effect our weight loss?
  7. I am choosing good options with this. I don't get dumping, so I can eat more carby things like muesli or potatoes and Protein bars. I'm not exercising in the gym yet - I've had a hernia develop over the last few weeks. But I am walking a lot every day. Getting stressed out, as I've had a long stall now!! Plus the putting on weight!
  8. I am having one of those days that my mind and body is a mess. I met with my nut last week who said that I should be eating more. I was at 700 a day (2 months out) she said I have to eat 1200 now. I do get all my Protein and Water in. I had a big stall 4 weeks out for 3 weeks and since then I have only lost 4 pounds. The last few days though, I've been putting on nearly a pound a day and I'm absolutely stressing out. I feel all bloated and just want to cry I don't know if this is normal - it seems unnatural to put on weight, but I'm also thinking how will I lose weight on 1200 calories a day!?
  9. annelisem


    I was the same, Your body heals while it sleeps, so don't see it as a bad thing. You have to do what your body needs , but you'll have to put more thought into getting your liquids / Protein in
  10. annelisem

    Low grade fever

    I would definitely call your surgeon. I have had 2 things since that I was concerned about - including a temperature the same as yours. He said to go to A&E. Luckily it was nothing, but they want you to be safe and check these things. It's good for your peace of mind as well
  11. annelisem

    Gross topic, but I need to know

    Mine was the same. It's the liquid diet and the antibiotics etc. my wee smelt funny for a few days too! The more you move through the diet stages, you'll see more of a 'consistency'. I'm 5 weeks out and my bowels are still a bit up in the air. They take a while to get into a rhythm I think.
  12. I'm 5 weeks out. I wouldn't change it at all. I had second guesses for about a month beforehand, and got really emotional.... 'Could I just do this by myself?' 'I suppose I could give it one more try' but really, I was just scared of the change. It is difficult sometimes, and I've had a few complications along the way, but I am so happy with the decision to do this. I would be open with a few people around you about it, so that if you are struggling you have a support network as well. I'm saying this as if it's going to happen loads, it's not, but sometimes it's nice just to talk about it! You won't look back, I've never thought why have I had this done. You'll do great
  13. annelisem

    Totally failed today :(

    Thank you all for your beautiful words, they're so helpful! I think we can be so hard on ourselves sometimes, when really we're doing amazingly well!! I'm stuck in a stall at the moment and I suppose eating a bit of pizza was not helping in my mind!
  14. annelisem


    I had anxiety too, I didn't make a big deal of saying bye to my family when going down. I also told the team and if there was something that I felt would calm me down, I would tell them. I also focused on breathing and calming thoughts, and started doing that the week before You will be fine
  15. annelisem


    Ah that's lovely that he said something. Congrats

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