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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sunsett

  1. This is good to read! I am about to start my pre=op trying to set my mind for my revision and sleeve on the 13th. I know what needs to be done I was very successful witht he band the first 5 yrs even though I could never be completely filled and got stuck constantly.

    I know the band has to go, I just pray there are no complications with the surgery and the sleeve.

  2. Hi gang,

    I've been missing in action for quite a while due to my work. But I'm back!!

    I had my surgery done by Dr Voellinger. He has a very good program both pre-op and post-op. It takes a while to go throught he process but I think he's worth it.

    Where is everyone from? I'm in the Weddington area I would like to start a local support group around here if any of you are interested.

    Monthly SEB, Dr Voellingers office has a support group that meets at Presby on I think the second Saturday of the month.

  3. As far as insurance goes, it depends on your employers agreement with the isurance company as to weather or not they will cover the band. Then if they do cover it they go by BMI if your BMI is under 35 they will not even consider you for the surgery. 35-40 you may qualify if you have any illness due to being over weight. 40 and above, they most of the time just go with BMI.

    I was too chicken to do any other surgery the band is 10 time safer than anyother WLS out there. For me that was all I needed to hear.

    Good luck!

  4. Well I'm 3 yrs out and just had my thyroid removed so I may not be the best one to tell you that it regulates itself. I am cold alot I have a blanket on most all the time.

    As far as sleeping and waking up goes. I have more energy so I do wake up earlier. I just lost my job, but I plan on continuing to get up early and ride my stationary bike or do wii fit. I have also heard that exercising even for 20 minutes late in the day helpd with sleeping.

  5. didn't want to lose my post! Anyway we had relatives fly over from Norway and she even got a letter from the King of Norway and the USA. It was a great party and wonderful to see all of my family. Sorry I didn't call you we were up and down really fast.

    I have been baking and decorating cakes over the past several months. Really enjoying it. Now I will be doing more I guess. I may even take a decorating class.

    I can't catch up but I'm back now and look forward to the future with you guys!!

  6. Long long longggg time since I've been here!

    How is everybody?

    I was working for a company and got canned last Thrusday. Can't talk about it because I am sire there are spies out there!!! I enjoyed helping people very much. But now that door is closed and it is time to open a new door. My boss had it out for me from day one and she got her way..lol..so she thinks! God is good!

    I've had my thyroid out end of August had an unfil before that and am slowly getting filled up again. I have gained about 30 pounds but that won't last long. I am motivated to move on heal all my wounds and be ready for whatever is next!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Eileen my Grandmother turned 100 on the 20th of this month. She and my grandfather put Oaklnad on the map because of The Hansen House which is now Portabello's. My family and I flew up for her birthday party. We had it at the resturant the only thing that looks the same is the fireplace in the front room

  7. Hi Gang!

    Working has been nuts. Talking about the Lap-Band ALL day long is great and I love helping people and giving them help for themselves but it is hard to then come home and even loov at the word Lap-Band!

    So I know it's a poor excuse, but I just veg at night.

    I do miss you all and will try to peak in durning the day and say hi.

    Hope your all doing good. I got a fill this past Monday and I can really feel it. I want to get to my goal by Nov 08 20 more pounds! The only major concern I have is my thyroid surgery the end of August. My understanding is that the thyroid medication takes a while to get adjusted and there could be weight gain! So I guess I need to kick butt before then. I am going to get a conplete unfil a few days before the surgery in case I have another bad reaction to anatesia.

    Have a good SAturday! Hugs to all!

  8. Welcome!

    I have been banded for 2 1/2 years now. It does get tough but this is a life long commitment.

    I have gained back a little and went back in to see the Doc and now I'm back on track. If you haven't seen your surgeon in a while go check in. Hopefully he/she will be supportive to you and give you what to do and the help you need.

    I'm sure you'll do great!

  9. I get so mad when I hear this!

    All WLS types are tools! Yes the bypass does make you lose in the begining without trying. But afer time many of these patients wil go back to thier old eating habits and eventually thier pouches will begin to get bigger and if they don't work at eating the right things they will gain weight back. I know of a few people personally who have gained 40 plus pounds back. I also know 2 that have had the lap-band ontop of the bypass.

    I talked to one of those friends one day and she said that she wished she had gotten the band. I asked he why she had lost over 130 with the bypass. She explained to me about stretching the pouch and eating to much and lossing the restriction feeling that she had in the begining.

    She said to me you are so lucky because you can always go in for fills and never lose that restriction!

    If you can find a Dr that only does the Lap-Band and if you can go to a seminar you will hear a different side I'm sure.

    Good luck.

    Where are ou located I may know someone in your area that just does the band.

  10. My Dr tell us the 30/30/30 rule. Nothing to drink 30 before take 30 to eat and nothing to drink 30 after.

    The reasoning for this is so that your pouch is empty before you eat. Eat protien first then veggies fruits and startches.

    2 things can happen if you drink while eating.

    1. You can push the food into you regular stomach to quickly. This would mean that you would be hungier sooner so you will end up eating more.

    2. liquid can dialate the food in your stomach which can make you very uncomforatble.

    I never thought I could do this. I have no problem with the during and after but the before I am not always 30 minutes.

    Hope this helps

  11. East Coast Band Conference 2008

    May 1-4

    Charlotte, North Carolina

    Special room rates for those attending the conference.

    Rooms will be available at a discount price of $89/night.

    Contact Kim at lapbandkim@yahoo.com for more info!

    A great line-up of speakers that includes lap band surgeons, plastic surgeons, psychologists, physical fitness experts, and nutritional experts whose lap band specific topics will empower bandsters with what it takes to succeed with your lap band.

    Hope to see you there!

  12. I'm very happy for you. I hope that you continue to do so well.

    When I talk about a relationship with your surgeon, I'm not talking best friends. Of course the goal is to not see any Dr to be healthy and to stay away from them.

    I hope that none of us have problems. I have, and that is why I am glad that I have the same Dr that did my surgery to take care of me when I have trouble.

    So many Dr's don't know ANYTHING about the Lap-Band. ER Drs and nurses are not educated very well on the band. To me it is extremely important to have consistant care when needed from someone who is an expert in the field.

    This is just another viewpoint. I know some who live in the same house they were born in, work at the same job for 40 years, have the same doctor forever...hey, that's great for them!

    I know some who change there jobs like they change their underpants...move once a year because they don't want to clean their tub...Go to the ER for medical help instead of with a group that knows their medical history where they can help them best..Like you said this is just another viewpoint, whatever works for you works and keep it up.

  13. I'm sorry but I have not heard great things about them. A friend had her band there and when she had a problem they told her basically oh well live with a band that doesn't work.

    I'm sure there are many good stories, but remember they are a teaching school so the Dr's are in and out of there. The band is something that you need to consider and have a relationship with your surgeon for the rest of your life.

    If it wasn't for my Dr and the support system that he provides I d not know how successful I would be.

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