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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    The seminar should help give you a better overview of everything. Good luck. Let me know if you have any questions. I haven't been on here as much as I used to so you can always PM me.
  2. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Ok this was mothers day we had such a nice day, and I wore stickies for the first time in my life!!!
  3. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Ok here is the day before surgery and then 2 months later.
  4. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    HI everyone. Patty how are you feeling? I'm excited for you!! Well please say a prayer we for my nerves, today is DH last day at his job that he has had for the past 17 years! I am very excited about the new venture that he is taking, but I am nervous I hate change! Anyway it's not about me and I have to just remember that! We are heading to NJ for a wedding tomorrow morning and doing our normal whirlwin of hello's to as many people we can. And hopefully one of those people will but our NJChick! Eileen I couldn't find your email address but I do have your cell # I think. Hope all is well. I won't have DH'd aircard for the trip to NJ so I won't be able to check this while driving. take care. I will post my boob pictures on our photo thread. I am feeling better and really enjoying my new look.
  5. sunsett

    NC gang

    Hi Carl, I haven't been on here for a few weeks and we are heading out of town for a few days. But WELCOME I don't even know where Franklin is. Congrats on your band. I can't go on enough about how great my life has been since I had the surgery. Don't get me wrong I have had challanges, but but through all of them I have grown. I will try to check in while out of town. Again, welcome.
  6. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    Cindy-Congratulations on becoming the new president! Betty-How scary for you and your neighbors. I'm glad your ok! Patty-I'm so glad your moving ahead. Perhaps insurance will catch up later. I'm so excited for you! Your gonna love your band you hot mama!! I'm so out of it today! Clifford came and I just want to sleep. I have so much to tell you all but I need to go back to sleep. Boobies are good though! Still not sure what size I am, but they feel much better. I still can't lift much without pain or put my arms up in the air, but I'm feeling better everyday. Now I need t look into TT before insurance stops. Patty I will have to talk to you about cobra at some point soon. night night
  7. I was quoted 5300 for the arms alone! I didn't even ask about the other stuff. I did have a breast reduction 7 weeks ago but insurance paid for that. Good luck. I will be looking into my next surgery soon.
  8. sunsett

    Same day surgery? Not here :-(

    I stayed 2 nights and was very glad I did. I was ready to go home when it was time though.
  9. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

  10. sunsett

    It's been a year!

    WOW yur doing great! congrats! Good luck with this years goals and especially the baby plans!!
  11. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Patty-You are so sweet. I miss you too! I promise I am going to stay calm from tonight through next Tuesday, at least! Beanie-Sorry for your sad day. Happy for you and your future I'm sure you will enjoy it. Good luck with the interviews and school. Kat-I really want to see the baby! What is her name? Chrispy-You go girl!!! Sorry the tattoo boy didn't work out but better now than later! Have fun this weekend Betty-Thanks for the roses, now all we need are the baby's pictures, hopefully she won't be eating the roses..lol Everybody else hi.. OK I'm going to watch little miss sunshine with DD and maybe eat some popcorn. night night
  12. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Congrats on your date Jenny and welcome to bandland!
  13. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    I didn't want to lose my post. The band is the best thing I ever did for my self. It isn't always easy I do have days sometimes weeks where I go back to my old ways, but it is always there to remind me that I want to be thin and healthy. This picture is me the night before my band then 1 year later and now at 18 months. Please feel feel to PM me anytime to discuss the band. Hope this helps and welcome!
  14. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi all, Perry the weight loss no one can really say it is up to your body and you! Some people loss 30 pounds in a year some lose a lot more. I am 18 months post op. The majority of my weight I lost in the begining. A lot of what goes on with WLS is that your head has to be ready. That is the hardest part. My head is ready some days and other days it isn't. I have learned over the past 18months to make healthy choice but it sure doesn't happen all the time.
  15. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Thanks Kat...
  16. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    you look great!
  17. DH may be changing jbs and that is the insurance company. Well actually they are private I don't understand all this stuff but SouthCare PPO is what they said.
  18. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Oh Sherry I'm so sorry about your son! I will Thank God he is ok. It is terrifying. I worry every time they drive away. Looks like the new comany plan may be pretty good. Dr.V isn't on the plan however he is the only band Dr around here so I'm sure something will work out. They review past history and if it was medically nessasary for me to have the and then they cover it. They also do the same with PS. My PS is in there network. NJ flooding is bad when it happens. Near where Eileen lives it gets horrible. One year when the kids were babies the Passac River came up to the driveway of our house. We packed up and went to my aunts house for 3 days. I have had so much personal stuff going on. DD went to hospital while I was just out of surgery a week. Depression and other issues! Just what I needed. Now all of these changes between my body feeling like I have no real friends here in NC I'm just ready to cry and curl up. I try I guess maybe to hard to be a good mother. She fears I'll fall apart and she feels that she has to take care of me! So I have screwed her up somehow! I walk on egg shells cause I don't want to upset her and I don't want DS to move out even though he is rarely here.
  19. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Ok I need prayer and advice and guidance from you guys. Good news, scary news, exciting news, Garry is being made an offer!!! Ok I'll tell you all about that later. My news is that his current insurance company will pay for the tummy tuck goround if medically nessasary. So what do I do! is it a ne brainer? do I wait and take the chance of the new company not covering? Or do I just take the plunge and do it all now. AHHHH The other thing is that he will not e traveling he will be losing 5 weeks vacation. I will gain a living room. I will lose the king size bed to myself but I'll have him at nights, wish my addiction had turned to sex! lol anyway from a 50% of the time hubby home to a gone to the office all day and home every night hubby, I'd like a mix, I hate all the traveling but when he is home he is here not in an office so if we want to go to lunch or if I need him to go to costco with me I say lets go at 4 and off we go. gotta run oh money will be better and he will get a company car
  20. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Thanks guys! I went to curves this morning and an oncology nurse was there and she saw me holding my boob. We started talking and she looked at them and said the insusions look great but the pain means I'm doing to much. URGH so I am backing down having Kelly take MIL to store today instead of me I'm not going to drive and puch the wheel chair, I'm going to take my pain med and rest. She told me I really need to be careful. I thought I was! But the good news it that the scale said 176.5!! that is 92 pounds lost! woweee and I'm real close to my 168!! I just wish I could exercise more...But I know it will come. Gotta go get dressed to take MIL...I have so much to fill you guys in on...
  21. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Ok this is 18 months later..Kelly put this together for me last night. Sept 06 Sept 06 and March 07.
  22. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    What happened to our photo section? I want to send you guys boob shots if you wat to see them. Well this was taken this past Saturday in charleston sc Kelly took it.
  23. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Such horrible news at VT. Our old neighbor from NJ goes there, she's ok thank God! Boob is still very painful, I'm getting sick of it! Hope all is well I hope I can catch up...
  24. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    M Cindy-I miss my baby too! They grow so fast it's so sad! Sherry-Not to worry about personals. I'm the worst but everyone still welcomes me! Our kids driving is scary I pray all the time for them. I think I even got some grey hair about it. Eileen- Ouch..hugs...big hugs...You are not a low life you are a beautiful young woman not only inside but out! Love you.. Beanie-Wow that is so cool that your taking classes! I wish I had the courage to do that. I would have to go back to the ABC's and 1 + 1's! If I did have the courage I think I'd go in to be an ultrasound tech. Cindy-Can I come!! lol Blizzard world what a BLAST that place is! Mandy-Thanks for your PM. We are looking for a vacation we sure need one this year it has been the most stressful yet for all of us! Well I went to choir practice tonight the first time since January! It was nice to go. When I went into the building it was 80, got out and it is in the 60's and the wind is blowing! DH is flying home tonight from FL he is changing flights in Atlanta I sure hope his flight won't be to horrible. Well it's time to try to find ANOTHER bra that feels comfy to sleep in. Have a good night. Eileen smile.
  25. sunsett

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    The boob is ok! He said it was fluid and that he could just stick a needle in it and drain the fluid, or my body would absorb it. So I'm going to let my body do the work! I didn't go to the MIL meeting cause they wanted to see me at my Dr's. Everything went well. She is going to be moving into assisted living this weekend. DH is going to take her to the storage unit to she what she wants moved in there. I plan on avoiding all that crap! I think I'll color eggs while they do all that! I did really well with eating today! I totally let myself eat guilt free last night and today I was so into being careful. It really worked! I went for a walk with DH, Lucy and Sandy. Lucy is doing great on the leash! I told her we were going to go on a lot of walks! Cindy MIL and FIL's dog is still here and still barking and pooping and throwing up all over my house! I am totally frustrated with her. Soon she ill be moving in with FIL, I just feel bad cause I have no idea how he's going to be able to take care of her! Beanie-Thanks! That would be great but don't worry about it I'd hate to get your allergies in an uproar. I missed the whole Spanish thing. If you don't mind fill me in, is it something with work? Deb-Sorry the little one isn't feeling good. I hate the scale. I go on it seldom. My brain and heart doesn't need to see the fluctuating! Are you eating slow enough and chewing good? I try to take 20-30 minutes per meal when I don't urgh! Well I'm off to put PJ's on and watch some TV and go to bed early night night

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
