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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Ok I have big news to tell you all!! I will be working for New Hope Bariatrics based in Charlotte NC! I will be working in the calling center. Which will be really cool. People will call and have me to talk to about the band! Eventually I will be able to go to the differen't centers to do seminars. I am very excited! The people that work there are wonderful. I will be starting in about a week or so it looks like. I just have to go for the drug test and I'm on my way to my new career!!! Check out the link for them it's under Lap-band in the news
  2. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Cindy you look GREAT!
  3. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Hi everybody, Wow that vacation sounds great Cindy! My leg is ok. I'm taking it easy. Although I have to run around today with my son looking at apartments, I will keep it up as much as possible. Tuesday is my little sisters birthday. It is just so hard to comprehend what her mother did to her! I know it's going to be hard for her. She is with or older sister so thats good at least she's not in the city. Kelly DH is in Cuba on a mission trip with our church. She called ans said it is such a beautiful place and the people are just wonderful. She is there another week. I have a feeling that she is going to get healed there emptionally. I'm excited for her. Well it's almost 2 am what am I doing up!!! I'm going to bed have a good sleep.
  4. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Yeah where is everybody? I'm on the sofa...hot and bored out of my mind and I'm hungry and pmsing...
  5. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Hi all, Patty I still want you to adopt me! Well I have a blood clot! A superficial Throbphilitis in my right leg. The kind of blood clot that is just annoying and not dangerous. I had it once before about 6 yrs ago when I flew to NJ. Ever since then when ever I fly I constantly move my legs. I was in such a funk when I flew to NY that I didn't even think about doing my leg exercises. My leg has been hurting for a few weeks, but I really didn't think anything of it. I have horrible vericous viens. So I guess the flight did the trick and then sitting in the car for so long driving home. I feel bad because our NC group is having a picnic tomorrow which I have to miss. But I will be on here alot. So I'll get to catch up on everything. Have a good night I'll check in tomorrow.
  6. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    wow lots going on here! I got home tonight around 5:30. It was a long hard ride. We started yesterday. 95 was terrible only made it south of DC. We had the Memorial Service Saturday night. It was very nice, very differen't. Just like Natalie. I'll fill you all in when I have the strength. Right now I can hardly stay awake. Hang in there stay cool, dry, and feel good! Mandy feel better!
  7. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    hi guys things are tough but getting better. I'll be back soon...
  8. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Hi all, Kat you and Rick are in my prayers I hope all goes well today. Boy you guys have gone through a lot. Well I'm here in NY actually today I'm in NJ DS's uncle flew in from New Zealand last night so she is spending time with him today. It has been a whirlwind. Lots of details still getting together. It is so overwhelming at times. Marianne is doing really well. She has feared this all her life. She even guessed how it happened. She is asking for help and support groups. She has gone to her therapist everyday. She really is doing good under the circumstances. Lynn and I (my other sister)feel sick to our stomachs. We are so proud of her. Lynn had to go to work today and we both felt that MM needed a day with her uncle. So that is the lasted in this horrible sad situation. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.
  9. sunsett

    NC gang

    YAY Starr. I'm here for you girl!!! I'm excited to hear from you!!
  10. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    This is so hard guys, and so sad. To see my little sister like this. It is just horrible. I feel like I"m going to get sick.
  11. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Thanks so much. It is scary..I need to sleep, power nap time.
  12. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    My step mother died. Got a call tonight from my sister that she got a call from a detective and she committed suicide on Thursday and they found her today. My little sister is of course beside herself that her mother would do this to her! I am flying to NY tomorrow morning to be with her. I feel like throwing up! I am so angry and upset. I can't believe that she would do this! Well the sad thing is actually I can believe that she would but never thought she would. I know you will pray for all of us and thankyou so much. PLEASE say extra prayers for DS.
  13. sunsett

    Good Luck Alexandra

    Oh I'm so sorry. Hang in there it will work out. Keep fighting you'll get it.
  14. sunsett

    UHC's new policy on fills!?!

    Maybe when J&J come out with there band they will know how to inform the right people including Medical staff!!!
  15. sunsett

    UHC's new policy on fills!?!

    Wow it sounds like UHC SUCKS!!! Sorry to hear that. It makes no sense to me at all why they would do this. Inamed, or what ever there called now should really get off there butts and get some proff to insurance companies and employers about the band! What is wrong with them! I went to a support meeting today for WLS and half the room was bands the other half bypass. So many bypassers have had to go back in for revisions! How scary is that! This just make me so MAD!!!
  16. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    Betty- Sorry your not feeling well. Take care of your self. Sherry-I hope your headache is gone today and your feeling better. I wish I had the courage to get on a motor cycle. The last time I was on one was BH..lol..before husband! Have fun with your son! Mandy-Hi how's things going any results? Kat-I have missed so much these last few weeks. Sure sounds like you have a lot going on. Hang in there! Patty- Yes today I rejoiced for mushies. I did cheat a bit and had some soft cheese though...shhh don't tell. Apple sauce is good cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, tuna fish, oatmeal. I'm going to have some oatmeal for dinner. I'm so glad your band girl!!! Well I went up to 1.7 from 1.6 I only lost 1 pound since I say him but I got Clifford that day! So I'm sure it's a few more pounds. I wouldn't have gotten a fill, but with DH changing jobs and insurance stuff going on I figured I should. Dr.V said that he was fine if I did or didn't. I think it was the easiest fill yet and the nurse told me my port was so easy to get too. I was thrilled and so relieved when she pulled out the 1.6...nothing like a working band! I have been terrible with exercising since the boobs. I'm going to get off of this and go over for an hour otherwise I'll say I should have gone. DH has been away this week and we haven't talked much but he is VERY happy with his new job. The people don't complain about how the company doesn't work and they all work together. It is a huge difference from his last job! Still change is hard he was with them for 17 years! Have a good night
  17. sunsett

    The low point

    Oh I'm so so sorry to hear about this. Hang in there God will pull you through it. JudyBellyBand has a leak in her 3 yr old band she has spent the last 8 months fighting with insurance and also gained 20 pounds. Yesterday she got word that the approval letter is on it's way. She is on the other band site more than this one I think so you could try to sent her a PM on there. Anyway it may take a while but don't give up. Youhave been such an insiration to me and so many others on here. I thank you for your help in so many times of needs. I will say a prayer for your approval.
  18. sunsett

    Back from surgery with my band..

    Thats great news! Congrats!
  19. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    HI Hope your all doing well I have to run to choir but I wanted to say hi. I had a fill yesterday also I'm now at 1.7 I HATE LIQUID DAYS!!! Can't wait for mushies tomorrow!!
  20. sunsett


    I have heard that it could cause erosion. You may want to ask him for another type of anti-inflamitory. There are some out there that are ok to take with the band. Another option is to ask him if you can take Celebrex if your taking and antacid. I presonally wont take the chance with the Celebrex of Aleeve or Advil. But I will tell you pretty soon your knees will feel so much better as you lose weight and use your band. Good luck and feel better.
  21. Wow you are doing fantastic! Isn't it wonderful to have a band! I do wonder if I will ever be totally satisfied. I'm sure the answer is no, but I sure am a lot happier than I was even a few months ago. If you feel good then stay that way! What an inspiration you are thanks for posting!
  22. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    I'm going to do a quick clean around the down stairs and then dd and I are heading to the pool for a little while..oh no I just remembered that my bathing suite is in the trunk and dh has the car...crud! Hopefully I can find one around here. Have a fun day. I'm going for a fill tomorrow, I think, so I'm going to try a hot dog today. Mt Sinia hotdogs I get them at costco, I hate hot dogs but these are fantastic! Have a fun day!
  23. Welcome! I love my band! I'm sure you will too.
  24. sunsett

    Plem in chest!

    I don't remember if it is, but I know it is very important to cough keep the air moving in your lungs. Be sure to walk as much as you can also. They gave me a thing to blow into after my surgery. It was like an asthma flow thing it had a ball in it and I had to blow it a few times a day. I'm sure you could go to the pharmacy and ansk them if they have anything like that. Good luck and welcome to bandland!!
  25. sunsett

    May Chat for NJ!!!!

    Hi, Sounds like your all enjoying this weekend! Thats great we are too. It is 88 here we should have spent the day outside but instead we watched Piarrites the second one. It was a nice relaxed family day. Then the In-laws took us out to dinner. DH starts new job and Tuesday. We are both excited about it. The change will be good. We went to the main office in NJ last week and the President tok us out to lunch. It was really nice that he wanted to spend the time with us. I'm going to be starting a new job pretty soon. I'll fill you all in more when it is officially offical, but it is exciting! I'll be helping people and making money what more could you ask for. Have a good night

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