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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! I sure have had my round of that. But Tuesday the 25th is my annivesary. Today I go see my Dr. I'm not going to get a fill. I've lost 96 pounds. I want to hit that 100 so bad. I just keep messing up with jelly beans! It would be nice to keep our 9/05 updated more often.
  2. Go to the New Jersey site on here. There are quite a few people from TX that hang out there. I am sure they can help you.
  3. You all are so funny! My stomach has resently started talking a lot. It has all along but lately it is louder than normal. I just laugh. Since you are all new with the band, look out for the hiccups! For me they are a warning that I'm eating to fast and I'd better slow down or else. Glad your all feeling well. Keep walking!!
  4. sunsett

    NJ September Chat

    Hi, Well I'm in a funk! I am tired of a lot of things. But the main one is DH! So he is out in the garage cleaning and here I am. I'm heading out to the store in a few, alone by my self, why not! I hope you all are having a good day. My kids are great and so are the pets. DBIL is now staying with us. It's been ok except all his stuff is in the bonus room and the living room. I swear my home hasn't been mine since January. WTF... Enjoy your day.
  5. sunsett


    Good luck to you it is so worth it. When is your surgery and who is your Dr?
  6. I would continue to call your Dr and get in to see him TODAY! It could just be that your to tight. Like jojo said anxiety does make it worse. You could try mixing some food tenderizor with some Water and drinking that in the mean time. If you do have any food stuck that will help disolve it so I have been told. Good luck...CALL YOUR DR
  7. DRIED APRICOTS!!! I ate 6 once and almost went to the ER it was horrible!!!
  8. sunsett

    3rd Fill a mental disaster

    Don't let anyone including your doctor deside how your going to do with the band! Those are just words right now and there is really no way to tell. My Dr told me a while ago that most likely I would not be able to tolorate andother fill and that I may have to switch to another surgery. I have NEVER mentioned this to anyone! I felt like a failure and I was confused as to why. Since that time I have really paid attention to my eating habits including the speed of them! I have had 2 more fills and he has never mentioned that again. Take your time with the band, stick to the band rules and you will hopefully be fine. Other peoples words can sometimes jepordise our success. They can really mess our heads up. Try your hardest not to let that happen to you!
  9. sunsett


    Good luck don't give up. It will all work out.
  10. sunsett

    Bye-Bye Band

    Dr. Pleatman, How can you tell if it is slipped. In the past week I have had reflux a few times but this happens every once in a while with me and then I'm fine again. I do think it's been from eating to late lately. Thanks
  11. sunsett

    feeling faint

    I think that if you have enough protien in you you should be fine. I have been told to have at least 60-70 grams of protien a day.
  12. sunsett

    Out patient?

    I haven't but I know that it is pretty common now depending on the insurance and the agreement they have with your company.
  13. sunsett

    August NJ Thread......

    Hi everyone. I haven't had a chance to even look at the site. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been working a lot and haven't been able to check in. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to check in!
  14. This is a great thread! I am 172 the last time I checked which was about 5 weeks ago. I am pretty sure I'v made my 100 mark but I won't check for a few more weeks. I'd like to be 155-150 I think. I am fitting into 10/12 pants which is very exciting! I do have a question though. Whats the deal with an unfil before surgery? I had breast reduction in March and everything went fine. I have to have surgery on my legs soon, actually 2 separate surgeries, so do I need to get an unfill?
  15. NewHope Bariatrics has opened up a brand new surgical center in LA. NewHope Bariatrics develops and operates Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Short-stay Surgical Hospitals that serve the needs of the morbidly obese. Dr Davtyan is a prominent and respected bariatric surgeon. He specializes in Lap-Band surgery and has the Lap-Band himself. I have heard only wonderful things about Dr. Davtyan. 1-877-639-4673 is the number for more information.
  16. sunsett

    August NJ Thread......

    Long time no see! I have been working now for 4 weeks and every single night we have something going on! It's crazy! I'm still at work although I'm done working for the day. I just know that if I go home I'll never get on here to say hi. GF is here from NJ. DS is moving into an apartment tomorrow(sad mama) DBIL is moving into our house on Thursday for who knows how long! It's ok he's great and he cooks wonderfully! So I know that if I go straight home I will have dogs, cats, husband, son, friends to deal with! All is good here. I love my job! The people are great and talking about my experience with my band is wonderful. Kat you need to come to NC and take a break!!! WOW I thought I had a lot this year. How is the little one doing? You know I'll never be able to catch up on July. Have a good weekend. It's Summertime summertime!!!
  17. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Hi gang. I'm sorry I can't do personals. This real job thing is something. Not much time. Good thing I have a LOT of clean underwear cause I haven't had tme to do laundry this week... Patty- You'll love the support group they are really great. Just keep going. Sometimes you'll get more out if it than other times. But I am sure you'll get a little of something everytime. OK the leg. Yes Cindy your visual is correct! Especially when I get someone on the phone that is really excited about the band and has lots of questions! I have a cubical by a window. I have my garbage can turned upside down and today I brought in my pillow! So I have the pillow and my heating pad hidden under my desk. It's perfect and quite comfy to tell you the truth. I went to the surgeon yesterday and he told me that I do need to have the surgery. However he said because my sexy legs are so horrible...Not exactly his words, but they are....I have to have it done in the OR not his office. I will have to be put under general instead of a bunch of valium. He is concerned of bleeding and also he said he has so much work to do on my that it will take a while. OK so I"m thinking ok OR good drugs, they told me I could go back to work the next day, no prob, NOPE 3-4 days no work. Then Garry says something I never even thought about saying...Will you do both legs at the same time? Good question to think of although I would not have so I"m glad he came. Guess what the Dr said....NO....They are so bad that he can only do 1 leg at a time! So I will have the blood clot leg done first and then come back and do the second leg a 2-3 weeks later. Now we are waiting on my new insurance to get me in there system before we can set a date. So another thing for this crazy year! I'm going to ask if I can have a leg lift at the same time. I mean if I have to be out anyway, maybe they can get rid of the slapping sound at the same time! So thats my saga. Still no word from Marianne! Although she has spoken with Kelly and Garry at least. Have a good night, and I will catch up soon...night night...
  18. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Hi sorry I haven't checked in sooner. I had a WLS group last night after work and didn't get home till 9:30 then tonight we were running around. So I just have a second before I faint of exhaustion! Kat I'm glad things are looking up! Work is great! I'll fill you all in when I'm more awake. But I have to tell you it is awesome when I get to speak with people and get them excited about the band! It is very very cool! night night and thanks for asking Oh yeah Patty, I go to the Dr tomorrow morning so I should find out more then. My leg is really hurting tonight. I even kept it up at work all day. It's real red again in the one section..urgh...I'll let you know what he says tmorrow, thanks
  19. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Wow where to start! Kat I'm so glad the baby seems to be doing better. BIG HUGS to both of you and your DD. Prayers continue for you all. Go relax. Sherry- I'm sorry your having such a hard time. Feel better. Eileen- I have terrible veracose (I can't even spell it) veins. So they will be removing that and then I shouldn't have the clots any longer. My leg that doens't bother me is actually the worse leg medically and I have to have 2 things done there. I'll find out details Wednesday morning. Thank you all for the best wishes on my new job! I'm very excited. I am going to take something to sleep tongith so that I do sleep good. I will try my best to check in tomorrow and fill you all in. God Bless you guys have a good night. Sorry I can't do personals to everyone. Oh still haven't heard a work from Marianne my little sister. OUCH.... Night night
  20. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Scary stuff with the little one! Kat I'm praying for all of you. God is with you all. I went for another ultrasound today and the right leg is loaded with blood clots but it's not dangerous. I see the Dr on Wednesday morning. Looks like more surgery sooner that later. However it doesn't sound like a big deal and I should be able to go back to work the next day. They don't want me laying around. I won't be able to exercies for 2 weeks, but I haven't been able to do that for 3 weeks! Urgh... Anyway Kelly and I are taking the core group girls to the beach tomorrow morning. It should be fun. Then we come home on Sunday night and I'm off to my new career on Monday!!! I'm so excited!! Have a good weekend. I'm lifting everyone up. Seems like we all need it these days.
  21. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Happy 4th! Any news from Kat?
  22. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Kat- I'm praying for her and for you. You have been through so much. Give me a call if you want to talk.
  23. sunsett

    July Chat For NJ

    Hi everybody, Words can't express how thankful I am to have all of you! Thank you for understanding and supporting me during this hard time. I still haven't heard from Marianne. I will send her a card tomorrow in the mail I think, or an email. This is so hard but she is making it her choice. It just breaks my heart. When us 3 sisters get together we made up a song it's happy sister time....my heart is breaking I wonder if we will ever sing that again. Well Kelly comes home from Cuba tomorrow. I'm so excited to hear about her trip! I hope to go in February. Glad everyone had a nice weekend. Kat I pm'd you..glad the party went so well. Did you post pictures yet? I guess I need to go check. Have a good night.
  24. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    I am just heartbroken. My little sister is a mess. She is so angry and she is taking it out on me and my sister. I feel sick and in a fog. I can't believe how this FREAKIN WITCH could cause such pain even when she's gone! WHAT A _ITCH WHY my father got involved with her I will NEVER UNDERSTAND! He told me when they were dating that he was afraid she's KILL herself if they broke up! So instead the _ITCH has his child, then physically abuses him when he is to sick and weak, leaves him with my little sister. Then he dies, she comes back playing mommy dearest..for the money..and then does this...it's like F U to my little sister. If only she knew what that woman did to our father! If only she knew how she hurt him physically and emotionally. If only she knew how she is so much better off with out her around! OH I COULD JUST FRICKEN SCREAMMMMMMM
  25. sunsett

    June Chat For Nj!

    Hi all, Thanks for the compliments on my new job! I'm excited I'll be going for the blood work tomorrow morning. My little sister is having such a hard time. She is so angry and upset, I know this is going to take a long time. But it is just so hard.

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