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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Got my insurance approval letter

    what a great idea!! November 9th! There is one surgery before me, then mine (10:30)why not you after mine! Then he could grab a sandwich and run over to CMC for Starr! Congrats on your date! I know it is so exciting! Maybe you'll excite me again. I've been down in the dumbs thinking about how far away it is. It's like it's never gonna get here! But I know it will. Did you get a verbal ok or a written ok? I recieved mine before they got it so I faxed it to there office. The front fax! After they get the letter they put on on Dr V's desk, he has to sign off on it then it goes to Bobbi. Bobbi then has to coordinate with the surgical staff. Then you get the date. It took about 2 weeks for my date. I bet your stomach is driving you nuts right now with the anxiety of that date. Once you get it you'll feel so much better! Can't wait to hear. Hey has anyone heard from Starr?
  2. sunsett

    I had fun!

    Sounds good to me I just need directions from 485 please
  3. sunsett

    New Here

    Hi Gang, I've learned to go with the flow, hang in there Melissa you'll be sooner than you think. All is good. I'm ok with it. We booked a 9 day cruise in mid October to help the days go by! I've never heard of Timothy Kirwada, where is he from?
  4. sunsett

    New Here

    Hi, Welcome, I have my date for November 9th. My original date was for Sept 19th but Dr.V had an emergency and now I'm moved to November. Oh well it's all for the best. From day one when I was thinking of doing this I thought November would be a perfect time for me. Then I got the Sept date and was ready for that. There really is no rush for this. Preparing your self mentally and physically before hand can only help you more in the long run. This is all a process. It is also a grieving process. So take it slow. If you need a counselor, I have a great one in the Weddington area. She has had WLS and truly understands the fears and excitements of this whole process. As for me and this process, the most important I can tell you that has helped me through this process is giving it to God. He knows the right time for you. TRY, to let things go and trust him for the money, dates and procedure if you can. I have, every once in a while I take control again, and thats when the fears and doubts enter my mind. Good luck, I hope you make it to our next get together on the 19th and then on the 24th. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like more info on my counselor.
  5. sunsett

    I had fun!

    I'll try with my picture tomorrow when my daughter gets home she's a wiz at this stuff. I really dont' care where we go eat. I have no clue where Friday's or Chilis is. Fill up your gas tanks! Have a good night.
  6. sunsett

    Pray For Storm Victims

    I hope this thread stays up. We all need to pray for everyone in the area. I wish I didn't live so far away so I could help. Don't forget to give blood if you can. Don't we have someone on this site who is suposed to have her band in a few days?
  7. sunsett

    I had fun!

    COOL thanks! Oh not to be a pain but I HATE CHILI'S if I'm the only one it's fine I can deal with it, since food isn't the focus of our get together!!!!
  8. sunsett

    Mississippi Bandsters!

    I'm praying for all effected by the Hurricane! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
  9. sunsett

    debb_hoff wants to be "big loser" :)

    Wow Please let us know you all are OK! I'm praying for all of you who were effected! If there is ANYTHING I can do please don't hesitate to let me know. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
  10. have lost my old user name and for the 3rd time had to change it. Now I have to use a yahoo address because the old one doesn't accept it! I tried sending Alex something and did not have is address.
  11. sunsett

    I had fun!

    It was great meeting everyone. The way I think we left it was that we are all going to go to the general support group on the night of the 19th (which was suposed to be my surgery date:ermm ) Then we are going to meet at Chili's in the University area on Saturday the 24th of September. We left it that we are going to rotate places of meeting between University and Arrowood. I think it will be good to go as a group and hear the speaker on the 19th. I went to yoga tonight. It was fun but painful!!
  12. I am so frustrated! Does anyone know what is going on with log in on this site! I have been trying for over a WEEK to get on. This happened once before so I had to change my name and use my work email address. Now it has happened again, and I had to OPEN a yahoo account! I don't want a yahoo account! There does not seem to be a way to get in touch with the webmaster. It says you can and an email pops up so that you can however there is no address for the webmaster. If anyone knows a way for me to get back my old user name and use my own email address, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Dianne, formally know as sunset!
  13. sunsett

    Pain on drinking water

    Hey CeeJay, I know what you mean about to much good stuff to live for!! Me too. Hope your feeling better.
  14. I'm excited for you! Very good question! Someone was telling me yesterday about a gastro tube that they can put through your nose, (while your out) and that it is good to keep while you are in the hospital, it is suposed to be a life saver for gas pains. Has anyone had this or heard of it? I'm thinking of you DeeDee
  15. sunsett

    Log in problems

    Thanks I'll try that. But what is pm?
  16. Hi gang, I have been so frustrated with not being able to log in! I'm hoping someone will get back to me and I can have my original stuff back agian! I'm so excited about us all meeting next Saturday. This will be my first time meeting the group. Well off to get a pedicure this morning! Why not right. Have a good day. Dianne
  17. sunsett

    I was Approved!!!!

    How exciting! Have you started your liquid diet yet? Can you sleep at night? I keep waking up thinking about the future and being able to buy clothes in regular stores! Heck I can't wait to fit in sizes at COSTCO..lol I can't wait to hear how your doing!!
  18. sunsett

    Log In Problems

    I am so frustrated! Does anyone know what is going on with log in on this site! I have been trying for over a WEEK to get on. This happened once before so I had to change my name and use my work email address. Now it has happened again, and I had to OPEN a yahoo account! I don't want a yahoo account! There does not seem to be a way to get in touch with the webmaster. It says you can and an email pops up so that you can however there is no address for the webmaster. If anyone knows a way for me to get back my old user name and use my own email address, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Dianne, formally know as sunset!

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