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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    I'm home

    Oh Karen don't worry I'll be asking tons of stuff on here! So Kathy is it a must that I hear the girgle? It seems like it takes a long time to hear that, and I've been thinking is my stomach growling..so now I'm paying more attention. I did have 6oz of protien this morning. I took it VERY slow over an hour. I felt so dizzy earlier. I'm feeling better now, but ready for my nap. I took my pill that I was scared about taking this morning with milk like you suggested. And you were right it was fine. I'm just not sure that I am feeling the new stomach fill up and empty. Should I is there something wrong (like my brain) with me that I can't differenciate the 2? Loretta is in bandland and lala land and doing well.
  2. sunsett

    I'm home

    So how long should I wait to lay down after drinking something? I'm laying in a sit up possition still. I'm kind of sore tonigh, but haven't had protien or pain meds in hours. I hate the idea of waking up with a headache again in the middle of the night being hungry. Trial failure, thanks for the tips! I think I'm going to have an ounce o protien now and then in a half hour have the pain meds then a half hour later sleep. Should I wait longer than a half hour for bed? Should I wait to eat when my port hurts? Thanks for your help and tips!! I spoke with Starr earlier tonight. She is feeling weak, but I think excited. She just wants to have it over with. I asked her to have her daughter give me a call and tell me how she did when it's over. She'll do great, I told her we would be praying for her. She is schedualed for 7:30.
  3. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    I'm doing good! No shoulder pain. Trying to get used to the hunger/full feelings.
  4. sunsett

    Just got banded on Monday

    Hey Glo I had my surgery on Monday also. I'm sorry you had such a rough time. Take it real slow. Did they really make you have all that stuff to "eat" before you went home? My Bariatric nurse came in to see me and told me she wanted me to have 4 TBLS of water an hour and increase that over the next serveral days. I have not been able to do every hour but I'm trying. Perhaps your trying to take in to much to fast. I stop eating "drinking" when I feel uncomfortable. They also told me to start with 2 1oz cups of protien drink. I had my first last night. I was stuffed until 4am then I woke up STARVING, had 1oz and slept soundly. I hope this helps, feel better, take it easy it is a scary time for us learning how our bodys react now. Let me know how your doing.
  5. sunsett

    I'm home

    Hi, Forget the "GREAT IDEA I HAD" That mattress cover thing didn't work well. Lots of pillows are working for me. Kim and Kathy, did you feel a new kind of full and hunger? had protien shake at 7:30 last night, 4 TBLS. I was stuffed and uncomfortable. But then at 4 AM I had a headache and was starving. Went downstairs, like an idiot, and drank 2T of PS. Felt really wierd went back upstairs and I'm ot sure if I had anxiety attack or what but I felt like I was gonna get sick. I didn;t and it passed. I finished my 2nd cup of PS and slept till almost 8. Oh 1 other thing. My one pill I take I can't crush it is a small gel capsul. Do you have any suggestions as to when would be a good time for me to take it. Nw I'm ready for a nap again so off I go. Loretta, You'll do fine! Trust me! I am also thrilled to say that the gas pains have been very little, PTL!
  6. Can I ever have a milk dud again? Or is that a food that pulls your fillings out and may just pull your band out! Are there any foods that are for sure a nono for life? I know cokes are gone for over but what about tonic or club soda? I LOVE how my father in law makes me vodka tonics. Do I have to have my last one for life on Saturday night when I see him? I don't mind, I just need to know. And is Saturday to close to the surgery date to have alcohol? What about McD's?
  7. Hi, I am glad I was able to make it today. Thanks for all the support. I painted a wall mural today in less than 4 hours. It was great therapy! Looking forward to our next get together. Dont' forget there will be movies playing at my house all week no popcorn but lots of Jello being served, if you get it your self out of the fridge!
  8. sunsett

    tomorrow is my day

    I just want to thank everyone for all of your support up to this point. You all have helped have the courage to get in the car go to the hospital and become a bandster. I'm blessed and have been lead to do this. I'll see you soon, on the other side.
  9. Is a real bad headache common with the liquid stage? I was only at 770 calories yesterday. So today I'm going for the 1000. As far as medication goes, like advil, tylenol, how long before the surgery should you stop taking that stuff? I got my sleep apnea machine yesterday, so last night was my first night with it. Perhaps thats why I feel so dizzy and crummy this morning.
  10. sunsett

    preop liquid HEADACHE

    Thanks. Tomorrow is my big day...ahhhh...no more headaches.
  11. sunsett

    please help me

    Try Carb Solutions. It has 23 grams of protien and it really isnt that bad tasting. I cry atr just about everthing. But I'm really not hungry. This past Wednesday I wanted to kill, but then I had 1/2 cup of MP and felt a thousand times better. Cream Soups are good too, but mostly the carb solutions cause of all the protien. Hang in there you don't have much longer.
  12. sunsett

    A Confession

    OK Your scaring me! I was bulimic back in high school. Then on and off over the years. BE CAREFUL you are doing bulimic behaviors which will mess you up so much in the head you can't imagine. I am 45 yrs old. I have not done anything in over 15 yrs, however, I think about it every so often how much easier it would be to chew and spit out if make my self purge. It enters my mind for a second. DON"T GO THERE GUYS! Trust me! if you want to talk to me more about it email me I'd be more than happy to give you details about how this little private personal "not so horrible" thing can screw you up and your loved ones up real good!
  13. sunsett

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Keep me posted please! Glad to hear your doing well! Are you sleeping in a recliner?
  14. sunsett

    Something's gone wrong...

    So glad to hear from you! We are all very concerned. I'm glad to hear that your blood count is good. I will still pray! Be careful with yourself.
  15. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    I guess I'm next! AHHH SCARY!!
  16. sunsett

    The WINDS of change prayers please

    My prayers are with you. Be safe
  17. sunsett

    Something's gone wrong...

    Has anyone heard from her?
  18. You need to be REAL CARFUL of FATS. And there are fats in steak! I would stick with what your suposed to or you may end up with a gallblatter attack! Take it from someone who has been there! I was on a liquid diet for 3 weeks, then I had a slice of pizza the fat put me in the hospital and almost KILLED ME. Steak doesn't have the fat that pizza does but I'd be really really careful!
  19. sunsett

    I'm APPROVED!!!!!!!

    I know that feeling! Waiting is the hardest part! Congrats and GL
  20. sunsett

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Congrats! sleep good and feel good. I'm 3 days behind you so I'll be anxious to hear how your doing.
  21. sunsett


    OK I'm calming..lol...trying to keep that sense of humor straight!. Cleaning the dogs bed, refrig, doing laundry,pacing. I have to go to the store and by stuff to wear at the hosp and home like a new BR! Made more pudding this morning. Those little cups you get when you buy ready made jello are great! Garry want to go to on opening of a bar/resturant of some old friends of ours tonight. I know he'll be mad if I say don't want to go, bt I really don't! I'd rather stay home and organize my life! Plus I'm not gonna drink or eat!
  22. OK Kim and Loretta, called the office today to ask about a capsil medication I take. I also asked about the day before if I needed to be on clear chicken broth type stuff all day. Val, called back and said that I should not be eating cream of whatever soups! Whats the deal with this? When I spoke with Bobbi she siad they were ok but that I should stop the milk and puddings the last few days. Kim what did you do? Loretta what did he tell you yesterday? Am I feaking out just to freak out? My anxiety is at a 20 on a scale of 1-10.
  23. sunsett

    For some reason I am getting nervous!! HELP!

    I've been a total crying reck! I can't help it! I'm getting down to I don't want to go anywhere the next 3 days cause I don't want people to see me cry! It is so comforting hearing what everyone has to say and knowing it is NORMAL! I am so excited!
  24. sunsett


    Thanks. Val is someone new in the office. I've been between 800-1000 everyday and I've lost about 10 pounds.
  25. sunsett

    This is funny!

    Where is Jokes? I still feel new on this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
