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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    How exciting and encouraging for us newbees! Way to go! Congrats!
  2. sunsett

    Let's stop this madness!

    Ok there is a wonderful book called WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU TALK TO YOURSELF the auther is Shad Helmstedder. He talks about how from the time we are first doing things we are told you can't do that! He gets you to look at yourself in a positive way and to think positily not negatively. Thought and words can effect you! This is a wonderful book! He also has one on weight loss. One of the things he suggests is to write on you mirror in the BR and in the car and refrigerater, whereever, your goal weight. Your subconsious will see this and it will help you get there! I have tried this in the past, but my goal was 165 when I was 265. It helped me make better desisions though. I do think that now I'm going to write a new # on my mirror, perhaps a shortterm # like 198. I highly recommend this book. I never finished the weight loss one, you know how life gets in the way..but everyone that has read this book has told me that it had changed there lives...I think I"m going to read it again, and start talking positive to myself and others about me! I'm going to have a great day, how about you!
  3. sunsett

    I feel really wierd/not good

    Thanks, It was liquid pain med. I get nervous thinking that it was my sugar. I've never had sugar problems before. I'm looking forward to talking to him tomorrow about this.
  4. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Im in! Exercise everyday someway! WAlk at least 1 mile 4 times a week try for 7. OK now I have a funny story to tell you guys. As a lot of you know I was on a cruse last week. It was a 10 day cruse. We avoided Wilma by hours. Anyway for the most part I was pretty good. I had shake in the AM some type of chicken or fish for lunch drank Water like crazy, everyone else was drinking alcohol, so I added lime to my water. But then at dinner time.....they came around with these wonderful little (really they were little) rolls. In the begining of the cruse I had 1 then half way through I went to 2. Then I'd have some Soup maybe 5-6 TBLS then some type of proitien chicken or fish and then a few bites of desert. I have not been on the scale yet, I go see the doctor tomorrow so hopefully I didn't gain. Well the last night of the cruse I went outside to try to see if I could use my cell phone. The wind was so strong I had to hold onto the railing..MY UNDERPANTS FELL OFF! thats right right off! Thank God I had pants on or I realy would have been in trouble! I was laughing so hard and trying to hold myself up, that I couldn't pull them up. This man saw me laughing by my self so hard that he started laughing..I went into our gang just about dying with laughter and told them...We desided to put on the comment card that the food was so bad my underpants fell off due to weight loss! Well I'm hoping I did lose some! I measured my self the day before sugery which was 9/25 and I measured yesterday 10/25 I have lost 15 1/2 inches in a month.
  5. sunsett

    at 99 at last!!

    How exciting! Congrats!
  6. sunsett

    I feel really wierd/not good

    Well I'm feeling better now but all day felt wierd. I think it could have been all of thoses things everyone mentioned. I will be seeing my doctor on Thursday, and I'll tell him all about it. It was pretty scary, I even had the dry heaves. Thanks for all your support I'll keep you posted.
  7. I told a lot of people from church and no one from my neighborhood so far so good. I have told people I had surgery or was having surgery and when they asked why I said girl stuff when they probed I said oh you know the typical. But the gall blatter sounds really good! I had mine out already.
  8. sunsett

    Very depressed

    I had been on just about everything they would work for a while then stop working. Then I started Wellbrutin about, gosh at least 10 yrs ago. When I run out and think I'm fine my girl friend oes and picks it up for me. I don't see myself ever going off of it at this point. I did however go through at least 10 dr's before I found the right one to help me. Don't stick to the same doc if your not getting better, be patient but deffinitly go for a phyc dr they know alot more than pcp. Good luck feel better.
  9. sunsett

    Need some encouragement...

    Hey Kim, I read your post and cried for you. I'm so sorry that Curtis has to go through another surgery. Hold tight to God's promises! Remember what Cindy said about her friends daughter! Call me any time! I'm hear for ya like the rest of us! With Kelly turning 20 today I have only grown ups in my house, I can come anytime and listen anytime.
  10. sunsett

    More Progress

    Good luck today Karen!
  11. sunsett

    I feel really wierd/not good

    I had the soup at lunch time which was 11hrs ago for me now. haven'tt aken temp cause I feel to weak to go downstairs and get it. I did just have a killer huge burp! thought I was going to get sick and then out came the burp. This is wierd with a pretty empty stomach. I am real sleepy though but sort of nervous about laying down.
  12. Hi guys, We are having a nice time. No food problems. Just to much and bites of deserts and some bread! But I'm still doing my protien in the AM. We are heading north to get away from Wilma. Everyone looks drunk when they walk! Didn't have tiome to check on Melissa, so I hope all has gone well. Talk to you all on Sunday when I'm home. Have a good rst of the week!
  13. sunsett

    running from Wilma!!!

    I had just changed out of my skirt, thank goodness for pants!!! I laugh everytime I think about it! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers I really had no problems except for being a little sore some times more than others.
  14. sunsett

    running from Wilma!!!

    I'm home! Everything went really well. We got out of Cozamel just in time. The seas were rough that night but we were ok. The trip was wonderful. I did sit and watch everyone else drink. I'm tired of the taste of water, but I guess thats the way it is. I can't believe how much I want a coke!!! I must confess I did taste a little of everything at dinner time. Stuck with the shakes for breakfast and ate a small lunch. I don't think I lost anything, but I'll find out when I go to the Doctor on Thursday. I do have a really funny story though..The wind was blowing like crazy on Saturday night. I had to hold on to the railing on the deck. I was trying to call someone on my cell phone, and my underpants fell off!!! I was laughing so hard! This guy saw me cracking up and he started laughing. We desided that on the coment card we were going to say the food was so bad that I lost weight and my underwear!!!
  15. I had my surgery on the 26th of September. Went on a cruise on the 14th of October, not quite 3 weeks. I ate a little bit of everything at meal time. Had to taste the food. It also gave me an opportuinity to see what types of fish I like. Today my first day back I'm back to protien shakes and soup. I'm hoping I haven't gained. I feel the hunger too! Hang in there, it does get easier, don't forget to drink your water! That really helps.
  16. sunsett

    Good Luck...Dragonwilo

    Oh Melissa, I"m so excited for you! I painted a whole murel right before my surgery. It helped so much! I will be boarding the cruise ship on Friday morning as you are wheeled in! I will be thinking of you and praying for you. 2 weeks and2 days out I have to tell you, I'm eating normal foods, for the most part and feeling good. I still have more protien shakes that food. I am still a bit sore, but since I got the staples out I feel like a new woman! I am down a shirt size from a 22/24 to 18/20. Haven't checked pants yet, haven't worn anything but stretches, but I"m sure when I get home I will have no problem wearing my jeans again. Good luck, feel the peace in your heart! And remember, Friday is the first day of the rest of your life! di
  17. sunsett

    New Here.. out of Hiding

    Hi Sherri, Welcome! Hope to get to meet you sometime. Welcome to bandland! I am 2 weeks out today and feeling great!
  18. sunsett

    September Bandsters??

    I'm on solids, but not many. I have protien shakes in the moring and wither for lunch of dinner about a 1/4 of chicken breast. I've only done this for the past 3 days, but all is good. I lost a little this weekend, I'm so glad that I lost! June 1st official meeting with doctor 268 264 1st day of pre-op diet my pre-op apt 257 day of surgery 250 current 244 Total 24 pounds went down from a 22/24 top to a 18/20 Not sure of pants yet still to sore to really test them.
  19. sunsett

    September Bandsters??

    I'm on solids, but not many. I have protien shakes in the moring and wither for lunch of dinner about a 1/4 of chicken breast. I've only done this for the past 3 days, but all is good. I lost a little this weekend, I'm so glad that I lost! June 1st official meeting with doctor 268 264 1st day of pre-op diet my pre-op apt 257 day of surgery 250 current 244 Total 24 pounds
  20. I have so much to be thankful for today! My first question to dr V was are you staying....He told me that unofficially yes he is. They are still going through paper work stuff but he is staying at the Bariatric Center...Yippie... I know that the Lord lead him to me and I could not imagine it was for him to leave. He was very happy today as I was. So if anyone is looking for a GREAT and WONDERFUL lap-band surgeon, hang tight and call the office in a week or 2, you won't be sorry! Now the other good news, I've lost 11 pounds since my pre-op appointment on the 19th of Oct. Total weight loss since I started liquid phase, 22 pounds. Staples are out and oh boy does that feel good. They want me to start regular foods so that I know what I can handle for the cruise next Friday. I plan on taking that slow, but I'm excited!!! Thanks for all your support, you all have been great. I go back on the 27th and then most likely a fill the following week. I'm feeling great physically now that the staples are out. I almost meeeeeeee again!:eek:
  21. sunsett

    will I gain?

    Ok now I'm just starting to eat food. Boy this phase is scary! Todays menu, please tell me if I'm being terrible! 1 string cheese=7 pro 8ox protien drink with 1/2% milk almost half of a turkey wrap 20 peanuts..ummmmm (maybe less) 5tsp of creamy onion Soup (Outback) 3 small bite pumpernickel bread with a dab of butter less than 1/4 chicken cutlet 5 bites of sweet potato 1/4 diet low everything Ice Cream with a Tsp of DCool whip I did not drink anything with the meals. I think I only drank about 36oz of Water today. So am I ok or am I screwing up already!
  22. sunsett

    will I gain?

    I started at 268/then pre-op scales I was 257 when I looked on Friday 244. I hate the mental part of all of this! I mean in the real world I would have had a few pieces of bread a salad all the fixins on the sweet potato, instead of asking for the fixins on the side, and a blummin onion! I was bulimic years ago and at times durning my ups and downs I had times that I was afriad of food. So now I'm starting to feel afrain again! Which I sure don't want to. I've just been hungry the past few days. Plus you hear things like people only losing a very small amount in a year. Do they eat so much more that what I ate yesterday? Will I feel full when I'm restricted alot quicker? Is this food fear just me? Ok so far today I ate protien shake 30gm P Terriyaki chicken cutlet, I hate less that half the cutlet a few bites of veggies about 8 mini oreo Cookies..the devil made me do it.... protien shake 30 gm P What I'm I gonna do on the cruise? Will I even be hungeyer then... AHHH Thanks so much for your encouraging words! and for all of your support!
  23. sunsett

    didn't to well tonight)-:

    Well really is it horrible? Can you / we really GAIN from these small amounts? I'm so confused right now and I have the cruise on Friday which really makes me nervous!
  24. sunsett

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Your doing GREAT!!!! You are a real insiration to me!
  25. sunsett

    3 months post op

    WOW MELISSA your days are numbered!!! You must be so excited! I'm so happy for you! You will love your band! I love mine and we are still getting to know each other! So far we are getting along GREAT! It hasn't had any temper tantrums! Just remember to walk!! I didn't walk tons just paced back in forth in the house but kept moving as often as I could. Pain is really nothing to worry about cause it's really not there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
