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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett


    AHH Kim by the time you read this I bet you'll be home. Hang in there, we love ya. I have my core group coming over tonight so Curtis will have a whole bunch more prayers going his way and yours.
  2. sunsett

    Where is Everyone....

    It is nuts! We had church this morning them went out to Celebrate birthdays with some friends then we have a concert at church tonight and a party after that. What are we going to do come January and February...lol...well all be saying how bored we are! I don't know about you guys, but I have been having bites of sweets. Really how can you not this time of yr!
  3. sunsett

    Not Use What To Do About My Fill

    I hate this it isn't fair!! I will call the office tomorrow and talk to them about it. We now have named it Clifford!!! remember him, the big red dog!!! (kinda sick I know, but funny and true!)
  4. Hi gang, I was hoping for some suggestions as to what I should do in regards to my first fill. As a lot of you know I was PMSing and going nuts for food and chocolate! Well as of today, I have no cravings and I'm not hungry. So I guess those hunger pains/thoughts were all related. I haven't even cared about eating today. So do I need that fill? I was doing so well that the last time I had a Dr.s appointment he said lets hold off. Of course that was back in October. I also got a suggestion from a friend to increase my wellbrutin when I was pmsing. my RX calls for a lot more that what I've been taking. So I think that was a great suggestion. Of course I will notify the PC about that next time I see her. Thanks ahead of time for your help. di
  5. Hi gang, I was hoping for some suggestions as to what I should do in regards to my first fill. As a lot of you know I was PMSing and going nuts for food and chocolate! Well as of today, I have no cravings and I'm not hungry. So I guess those hunger pains/thoughts were all related. I haven't even cared about eating today. So do I need that fill? I was doing so well that the last time I had a Dr.s appointment he said lets hold off. Of course that was back in October. I also got a suggestion from a friend to increase my wellbrutin when I was pmsing. my RX calls for a lot more that what I've been taking. So I think that was a great suggestion. Of course I will notify the PC about that next time I see her. Thanks ahead of time for your help. di
  6. sunsett

    Where is Everyone....

    Wow we all have a lot going and and we all seem to be struggling with some type of head thing! Aren't we lucky!!!! You know I was real crabby today, I mean a real SUPER _ _ _ _ _ on wheels. The house is a mess with the transition of decorations and shopping bags. The laundry is backed up, the dishwasher is full, and I'm really tired. My sisters are flying in for my birthday on Thursday and of course I want everything perfect. I took a few minutes for a quickie-nap and I started thinking that I am making everyone one around me on edge. I have a wonderful husband, (even though he makes me nuts at times) and 2 GREAT kids who are old enough to live on there own but still live home which I LOVE! I am prclaiming that these days are special and memorable. I am truly blessed to have a relationship with my Lord, my children, husband and friends. So I am going to get ALL this stuff done, But I'm going to do it with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. No matter what we have going on, December seems to make me more sensitive than other months. I think we all need to sit back a minute and think about how blessed we are for what we've got. We are all praying for our little Curtis and I know in my heart he will do great and be running around with big smiles on his face in a real short time. How cool that he is having the surgery this week so when Santa comes he can feel GREAT! Even though these are scary times for you Kim, take a deep breath and feel all our prayers and love.
  7. sunsett

    ornament exchange

    I love that idea. Consider me in!!!
  8. sunsett

    exercise ....dance dance revolution

    Cool Melissa! Were would be a good place to find this. We do not have play station or xbox?
  9. sunsett

    I Have A Date!!!!

    How exciting just think 12 more days and you'll be n bandland....
  10. Welcome to bandland it is wonderful. Sad and scary news about the man. I will pray for his family and also for you that must have been hard to be there during that. You will love your new life with your band! Congrats!
  11. OH my goodness!!! I can't not have chocolate in the house cause then I really go nuts. So I have a bag of Hersey's Kisses. I know that 9 a day is 230 calories. So I am at least keeping it to no more than 9, but so far today I've had 6 and tonight Im going to bunco which is surrounded by FOOD!!!! I swear the bag calls me! All I've eaten today is a protien shake 220 calories, Stoffers lean chicken marsala 140 calories, 3 small bites of stuffing 2 of sweet potatoes and now SIX kisses!! So thats a clear total of 513 plus those small bites, I have no idea what to count them as. Do you think I'm doing horrible? I hate this I know I shouldn't obsess, but...... I'm hungry but i'm not hungry. I just need that taste of chocolate especially this week!!! Please tell me what you do to help the chocolate addiction! I pray I will eat no more today and just eat a tiny bit of dinner tonight at bunco. (the dice, eating, gossiping and drinking game!) Sorry this is so long I just feel real insecure these days. thanks, di
  12. sunsett

    December's Chat

    Eileen, I miss the great Italian resturants, Johnny and Hanges and pizza, they sure don't know how to make that here! They try but it just doesn't cut it. I'll let you know when I'm going to be in the Oakland area again maybe we can meet up! Have a good night everyone.
  13. I didn't even think of pudding! Thanks. I didn't do to bad at bunco tonight. I did have a few pieces of chocolate but not much dinner so I think I'm still ok. I'll do better starting right now!!!
  14. sunsett

    NSV for me!

    that is so exciting!! Congrats!
  15. sunsett

    well, not so good of news..

    That is no fun. Good luck, feel better at least it is 2005 not 86 when I had mine! You have no idea how lucky you are compared to the old ways they used to do things. I sure hope it isn't though. Feel better.
  16. sunsett

    Come On SC!

    WELCOME and good luck next week. I'm 5 miles from SC I live near Waxhaw. Good luck next week you will love your band!!!
  17. sunsett

    December's Chat

    OH you guys realize your killin me!! I'm PMSING and starving!!! Now I may have to make them tomorrow or Saturday they sound tooooo good. Hey whats the deal with splenda, can you really use that instead of sugar? Is here really no difference in taste? How much or is it the same as regular. Thanks for the welcome..Jersey folks are great and the state is beautiful!!!! REALLY much prettier than where I live now, just south of flat Charlotte, it is pretty here but NJ is much more scenic. OH I"m so HUNGRY TODAY!! I guess I'll go take a shower! Can't eat in there.
  18. LOL thanks each of you have put a smile on my face!! I just had 15 nuts! and a bottle of water...today is going slow. I love your suggestions!!!
  19. sunsett

    December's Chat

    Once a Jersey girl ALWAYS A JERSEY GIRL!! Even though I love NC and would only go back to visit family and friends, Jersey is still home, so I guess thats the reason why this is pretty much the only other state I check into! Do you guys ever get together? I used to live in High Bridge, before that Hawthorne, Hackensack, Oakland, and River Edge. Bergen county most of my life. Feeling kinda down today, even though I have so much to be thankful for. Have a good day, stay warm!! And maybe someday we'll meet! di
  20. sunsett

    I'm being a nuisance

    it can be a pain, This is the hardest time I think. Good luck
  21. sunsett

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

    That is great news!!!!
  22. Welcome!! This site is for everyone. Many people come here just thinking about the band and doing research. I found out about the site from my surgeon, and have gotten a lot of questions answered and a lot of support. This is truly a site for everyone and anybody thinking about WLS. The reason why I chose the band was the fact that I could have it adjusted for the rest of my life. I hope to get to my goal weight and then maintain it by using my tool. The band is a tool and you have to remember that. Just like exercise is a tool, journal writting is a tool, nutritionists are tools, theripists and support groups are all tools and of course this website is a tool. I recieved my band on 9/25. I have lost 26 pounds with the band and a total of 38 with the preop diet. More exciting than the scale are things like I don't need BP meds anymore, I don't need the X-large BP cuff anymore. I can sit in an airplane seat and have more than 1/4 inch of the belt hanging out. I can go to a colisium and feel comfortable and actually put my hands on wither side of my legs at the same time and have room. I went from a 3x to a 1x in tops a 26 to 20 in pants. I'm now he first to get offer to run back into the house to get something we forgot, because I want to and I have the energy. I have not had my first fill yet. That is coming on Dec 14. So far, this has been a cake walk for me. I love my band!! I have had 2 minor eposides with food. neither la sted longer that a few minutes. A few weeks after I got my new best friend, I was out to lunch by my self and I was starving! After scarfing my first 5 bites I remembered I had the band and needed to slow down. I take a minimum of 20-30 minutes. That can be a real drag at times, but it is really not a big deal. I play games with it. If Im alone and have the TV on I try to watch the news and when they change topics I have a bite. I've noticed that when I stand up after eating I feel fuller. You wiil automatically start looking at all the calories, sugar, carbs and fats on every box you pick up. It isn't ainful it's a choice that you make as to wether you want to eat whats in there or not. You will get tears in your eyes when you go to the store and try on a smaller size and you can't believe that you can fit into it so soon after the surgery. You will glow from ear to ear when people tell you how great you look. You WILL have the best new pictures of yourself and your son. And you will LOVE chasing him all over the park and the house playing hide and seek. I know this is long, but I hope it's help. I say it all with excitement. I just love my band and the fact that I can make choices now and feel good about them. I don't feel deprived although PMS time isn't easy, but I still have my hersey kisses just 5 or 6 instead of 30or 40. I know that it is scary, but I can tell you from my past 2 months I couldn't be any happier.
  23. How scary! I will pray for you.
  24. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Ok so you all know how I have a scale phobia! Well today I went to my PC and got on the scale for the first time in 6 weeks. I lost 12 more pounds. So I"ve lost 26 with the band and 37 total with pre op diet. I have not had a fill yet but I'm getting real hungry. But then I wonder is it my head, pms or that I really do need a fill. Tonight I have eaten a lot of poppycock! Which I know is one of the stupidist things I could do! Tomorrow I will get out and walk and start over again. I do worry about the holidays though, we have a party every weekend now. That sure doesn't help!
  25. Don't worry it will feel better soon. I am almost 2 months out with no fill and starting to feel hungry more and more. I do feel on and off like I did to many crunches also, but I think that is just a part f the healing process.

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