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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    I'm New Here!

    Hi, and Welcome! We have a great group of people here in NC. I hope you will join us at our next meeting I think it's around the 18th in the University area.
  2. Hi gang, I was great seeing all of you to (Melissa, Kerah,Angie, Kim, Kathy, Karen) today. We missed the others that weren't able to make it. Hopefully we'll see you next month. So we all agreed it is time to get chatty! Easy for me to do! I made Cookies this afternoon. I can't taste them because f my cold, but that didn't stop me from eating the cookie dough! OH my stomach hurts! What a fool I am. I have desided that today is the last day I am ever making cookies again as long as I LIVE!!! I've always liked the odugh better than the baked ones anyway, so what was I thinking! Had a little chicken parm at the party we went to and a bite of fudge. Now it's time to relax and hit the boob tube. Karen I can't wait to hear how the concert went tonight! Have a good night. di
  3. Bashing yourself and pointing out all the "BAD THINGS" we do isn't the way to win with anything. You are doing a great thing for yourself and should give yourself a pad on the back for coming here and asking for help. Like with all things help has to come from ourselves, but we sure do need others input! You will feel better after you have your fill. I just got mine a few weeks ago. I had my first real band experience last Wednesday night. My daughter had a party and there were chips and dip and Cookies and candy. I just ate and ate. I couldn't sleep until after 2am and in the morning I still felt like crap. I have been sick since a few days before the fill and hadn't really eaten anything much until that night. My CHIOCES were really bad...and I did learn that a few is one thing a lot is another!! Yesterday I cooked and ate ALL DAY, you know you have to taste the stuffing at least 75 times! And then the cookies and other stuff. I started beating myself up and then STOPPED because I made those choices yesterday. It wasn't a demon it was me. It isn't once a day it's once in a while. My suggestion to you is to get a fill, and be kind to yourself. Remember everything that you put in your mouth is a choice. It takes patients and love of yourself, and friends and family to help lift you up. Today be kind to yourself. Start fresh this morning. and just keep thinking to yourself, I'm an adult, I can make differen't choices.
  4. sunsett

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    WOW There is so much going on with everyone! I had a lump on my wrist also and it hurt like heck. It was a ganglion(SP)cyst. I had it removed and at the same time had carpal tunel surgery. I'm fine now, but I could do the dishes for 3 weeks.....OH NO....... I have been on the predisone since Tuesday but I have not been able to take all 3 tabs every day, so that will extend my use. I am to tired right now to take it I really want to sleep tonight more than 4 hours! So tomorrow AM I will take it and runnnnnnnnn.........to get everything done. It it so wierd though I am coughing again!!! Well I think I'm going to bed I'll just get up early and take the meds and finish everything. Hang in there everyone. Loretta called yesterday to say Merry Christmas. She sounds good. Got another fill, everything went perfect. She says she'll be meeting with us next time. HOHOHO Love you guys, I am blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life...another God thing HUH.... Merry Christmas
  5. sunsett

    Went to the Doctor

    Oh I'm so glad he can do it for you. Be careful what what you eat between now and then.
  6. sunsett

    Two days down

    Congrats and Welcome to Bandland!
  7. sunsett

    December's Chat

    OH CRAP!! I just told all of you a whole bunch of stuff. I was telling you all basically my life story! I'm exhausted and will probably write more tomorrow. Have a good night, I'm feeling better and I sure do need to pedisone!
  8. OK I need advise please. You all may think I"m being stupid, but here goes. I started with a really bad cough over a week ago. I do have asthma that comes and goes, never that bad though. A week ago today my cough added a bad cold to it. Last Wednesday I went to the doctor. She did not take an xray, but gave me an antibiotic and Predisone. I remembered how nuts my daughter was when she had been on Predisone so I decided I'd wait to start that. The I remembered the weight gain also goes with the crazy moods. I'm crazy enough as it is, I sure don't need help! My girl friend told me that she was on them for a few days and she had the weight gain and her face got puffy! Just what I want when I have relatives who I haven't seen for months coming over. (I'm down over 40 pounds) Well I finished the antibiotic yesterday. I still have the cough, but not as often and the cold is still hanging around. I went to the chiropractor today and she nothing in my chest was moving and that I had phemonia. I just hate the side effects of that medicine, and I would do anything not to take it. So if you have any suggestions I'd really appreciate them. Thanks for your help.
  9. sunsett

    This is killing me!!

    I LOVE the pickle idea! I'm going to get some today!!!
  10. sunsett

    Do you have a New Years resolution?????

    My is to write in my journal at least 3 times a week...I think I'll start this week not next! To continue to do curves 3 times a week To do crunches 5 days a week! Good luck everyone.
  11. sunsett

    Prednisone & weight gain

    Well I'm sucking it up and taking it. It is only for 5 days so by saturday I'm done! Hopefully it won't be to bad. I did wake up at 5am and I feel very energetic, I'm ready to clean shop and runnnnnnnnn. Thanks for all of you advise.
  12. sunsett

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    I love this yakking!!! Well I broke down and started the predisone today...PLEASE PRAY that I don't gain!! I am so scared that I will. I hate this fear of numbers!! It's what got me screwed up years ago. I called the dr.s office thinking that they would say new antibiotic and hold of on steriod. But no, they said the anti is in my system for 10 days and that I do need to take the steriod. I still hesitate and think that if I feel better tomorrow morning I'll stop and just take expectarent (sp). OK here I am yakking to much sorry. I just am really upset about this! So is everyone done with shopping, wrapping, cleaning and baking! I did some internet shopping this afternoon, not enough to keep me out of the stores though. So who is having company over and who is going somewhere? We have Garry's whole family coming here starting Friday, Saturday there will be 11 sleeping here!! Then on Tuesday we are off to NJ till the 2nd. Any news Angie? Kim sorry to hear about your back! DON:T miss those appointments! Have a good night, There is a BaBa Waters special on tonight about heaven.
  13. sunsett

    December's Chat

    Ok I took the medicine!! Just please pray that I won't gain because going to NJ and seeing everyone, I'd really like to be at least where I am now! Betty, What exciting news for you!!! 10 more to go wow! So how many different' kinds of cookies and candies did you make this season. Talk about willpower, you go girl! Thinking of all of you and praying for everyone. Have a blessed night, talk to you tomorrow.
  14. sunsett

    Went to the Doctor

    OH I'm so sorry to hear that Angie. My friend kept putting off the surgery. She finially couldn't take it any longer and had it done last month. She felt great the next day. So you can think of it that way. Your lucky it's now and not 19yrs ago! I was in the hospital for 2 weeks after! Still a bummer I know. Keep us posted. di
  15. sunsett

    December's Chat

    Jan, good luck tomorrow. You are so right about the right time! Pat, I hate the sound of 25! I live in the south now. Ohh how I hate the cold now when it's 45 here I'm freezing what am I going to do next week in NJ!!!! Eileen, sorry to hear about the inlaws! Oh I hope everything goes ok. I took my predisonce this morning but then read that Mothernature gained 20 pounds on it!!! So believe me I don't want to take that! Did you have to take it? If so how much did you gain and how fast did you loose it! I have a call into the PC to see what she wants me to do. Cookies are aweful! I ate 3 yesterday! Have a good day everyone.
  16. sunsett

    Prednisone & weight gain

    I am really conserned about the weight gain. It is only for 5 day, but 20pounds Mothernature! Did you loss it as soon as yu stopped taking it. After hearing that I sure don't want to take it! YIKES
  17. sunsett

    Went to the Doctor

    Angie, I'm sorry I called you Melissa, I keep getting your screen names messed up. Feel better and let us know if we can help. I had my GB out 19yrs ago. It is so much easier now to have it out. I sure hope you won't have to though.
  18. sunsett

    Prednisone & weight gain

    Do you usually gain a lot? And does it come right off when you stop?
  19. sunsett

    Liquid stage help pleeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!!

    I won't see why not. It is like jello
  20. sunsett

    Time is ticking away

    I'm so excited for you. The fact that you are so calm is wonderful. I had a complete peace also. My prayers are with you, can't wait to hear from you and welcome you into BANDLAND!
  21. sunsett

    Went to the Doctor

    Melissa, That would stink! I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering like this. Feel better and if there is anything I can do to help let me know.
  22. sunsett

    December's Chat

    Hi All, Check out the NC thread, look for LBT Charlotte bandsters pictures. I don't look to happy in Saturdays but I really was. Beanie thanks for the tips I lucked out and didn't have to post them but I really appreciate your help. So I stopped my antibiotic yesterday and I still feel cruddy. Went to the chiropractor and she told me that I have phemonia. I have at least 30 more people to buy for shop clean and then pack for NJ! We have company coming hear starting Thursday by Saturday night we have 11 sleeping over. Monday morning we kick everyone out and then Tuesday we head to NJ. (Monroe area) AHHHHHHH Have a good day. di
  23. sunsett

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    I love the picture thread, thanks Kathy! It is so cool to watch the incredibles shrink!!! Kim our dog got sick today to, I have no idea why. Karen that is awesome about your concert I wish I could have made it. I stayed in jammies all day yesterday. Today I feel like crud and the tummy isn't behaving. Finished antibiotics yesterday. Went to chiropractor today and she said I have phemonia! Isn't that lovely. Then I spoke with a friend and she told me that I really needed to be careful because of my port and that sometimes phenomia can cause staf infections. Anyway she scared me. I'm giving this until Wednesday and then I'm calling the doc again. I still have at least 30 people to shop for..AHHH and I have no energy! Any tips?
  24. sunsett

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Pat that would be awesome. Karen, Glad to hear it went so well, I bet tonight will be even better. Melissa, We were at the same center! And I always though the pickle was an Italian myth. I sent both November's meeting and Decembers meetings to Kathy to post, someday maybe I'll learn how to post. My cold is even worse today!!! I need to get rid of this, to much to do this week!!
  25. sunsett

    Doctor Called

    That was really nice of him to cll you personally!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
