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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Monday, Oh Melissa, believe me, I feel like the queen of sweets! B-10AM-Pshak L-12-1 chicken strip(not fried at least) applesause S-Oh this was bad, handful of peanutbutter M&M's maybe(12) then omgosh...home made baklava! My girlfriend makes this for Christmas and brought me some. It is the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted. I bet there are 10thousand calories in 1! I think I am going to break down and give a bunch away tonight at my circle. That will be hard and sad for me..lol.. D-6:30 cup of chile over 8 chips and melted cheese.
  2. sunsett

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    I'm in and so is Debbie.
  3. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    yup...it's all the process...When I start for no reason, I remind myself, this is a process that I need to go through..as wierd and awful as it is! See you at lunch I'm heading down in a few minutes.
  4. sunsett

    Bought a bikini

    LOL How fun..Bet that will be to small in no time!
  5. sunsett

    Yay! My mom is joining me!

    That is wonderful news!
  6. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Well then you should sit next to Debbie! Hang in there. I think we are doing lunch today right? I'm coming down for it. Do you have my cell # and home #? I'll give you a call on my way downtown to figure out the time. I think Kim said 12:45? I just have to be back home by 3 the latest. Were taking both the cat and dog to the vet today!! One of the best things that Debbie ever told me, when I was crying all the time, was that this is a process. These emotions that you are feeling are important and it is ok to feel them and let them out. So your not cracking up, it's ok and you/we all have to go through this to succeed. I hope that helps a little. I remind myself of it constantly!
  7. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Good morning everybody, What did ya'll think of those Panthers yesterday!!! Now living in NC I love the Panthers, but I really wouldn't have been upset it the Giant's won either, since NJ will always be called home to me. I hated FB until I moved here, now I understand it so I like it. Doc, your going to love your band. Just think this time next week it will be all over with and your new exciting life will begin! Pat and Betty- Your weather sounds wonderful! This week we are supposed to be in the mid 60's today may hit 70. I'm so glad I didn't buy a lot of heavy sweaters! We sold our showel for 25 cents when we moved here! I wish I could say I cook ahead also, but I don't. Although we have enough chili left over from our FB party yesterday to last at least a week! Yuk..I like chili but I don't like to OD on it. Have a good day....
  8. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Do you guys mind that I invited Debbie? I haven't heard anything. I thought it would be a good time for us to ask questions to someone who has the personal experience and the psychological expertise. I don't want to step on anyones toes.
  9. sunsett

    Obesity is a disease......

    I'm so sorry you have MS. MY Dad had it and I know how painful it was for him..(((hugs))) I had the surgery on 9/26 so only 3 months ago. I feel so much better physically. The mental stuff is the harder stuff, thats for sure. But with Faith, and support it can be done. It is not always easy, but when you begin to feel physically better it sure helps! Good luck to you
  10. Sherry, Welcome to LBT. We have a great group of people here. I also want to thank you and your husband for what you both sacrifice for us. I applaud both of you. When he comes home please give him a hug from me. I'm so glad that you found Dr.G As you can tell Kathy is very happy and comfortable with him. In the mean time have you found a nutritionist? Our minister talk today about leaving behind the past. We all mess up, thats human nature. Look at today as a new begining. Be proud of yourself for reaching out. We are here to support you. Take a deep breath, ask the Lord to help you and take the steps that you need to take to help you.
  11. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    B-8AM-PS with 1/2 banana-1/2% milk 8AM drinking very slow...... L-2PM-Cup of chile small piece of italian bread with butter (not much) S-4PM really desert/sliver of cheese cake S-6PM 8 CHEESE DOODLES! 1 cheese and cracker, a piece not big of brie cheese D-7PM Cup of chile piece of bread with butter We had a party, I did not have chips and salsa...yippie!
  12. How do we find this article?
  13. sunsett

    I've been zapped! Laser Weight Loss

    My sister in law has a place in Stewart Florida that does that. Her and her husband went for smoking a few years ago and had such great success that they opened a place. I will get the name of it and the website address and let you all know. I wish I lived closer to her. I know that she has some WLS patients.
  14. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    I'M excited! I know you all have heard me talk about Debbie, my friend, and right hand,WLS person. She had the gastro stapling band thingy I don't know the true name for it, but she had it back in 97. She is doing fantastic. I invited her to join us on the 28th and she said yes. She is the one who did my phyc eval, and has offerend to do a group with a few people. I spoke with Dr. V about her and he said she would be a great fit with the band people because of the restriction issues. I'm 2 cc's now. I have my curves weigh in and measure on Monday. I"m looking forward to that. Gotta run to Columbia. Kim and Karen I can make lunch on MOnday as long as I"m back in my neck of the woods by 2:45.
  15. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    I have not fallen off the face of the earth just the face of FOOOOD!!!! Kim and Loretta can tell you I'M STARVING!!! Friday B-protien shake Lunch- protien shake Dinner- protien shake with banana, and FF pudding Can you see why I haven't posted how boring can you get! B-protien shake L-cup of Soup, 1/4 hamburger (mushie soft burger) Snack Protien shake...check this out sometime...1TBLS PP,dash of vanilla, choc protien, ice. Not bad for a differen't taste. D-3/4 crab cake(mostly crab, 1/8 of a bite of bread, 1 bite of chicken, 3 bites of creme brulee, 2 hersey kisses. Water water and more water.. Since this is food I can ask you good bandies, HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY LIVE A DAY WITHOUT SWEETS!!!!
  16. sunsett

    January's Chat

    I hope you all don't mind that I don't do the personal stuff all the time. I do read everyones posts. It's just my brain, maybe the radon from living in High Bridge so many years..lol...It would take me an hour and a half to do it! I'm old and slow what can I say. Patty-I would get the knief out and rip open that box if I were you!!! I went for my fill on Thursday. How many days do you have to wait to eat? I am on liquids for 48 hours then mushies for 48 hours. How can you tell a differece when your just drinking? I now have 2cc I go back in 3 weeks for more if I need it. Well we are off to Columbia SC to see the in-laws it's an hour and a half ride there, we say hi have a drink and then go eat, come back to the house talk for 10 minutes and drive home. 3 hours in the car and 2 hours with them. It's wonderful having them closer than Florida, but 90 miles away is a drag. Have a good day. di
  17. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    I've heard that to about the snow storm. Wasn't there a thunderstorm last week when I was in NJ? I'll start that food thread! I hope it doesn't take away from this one though. I'm 2 cc's now and 2 pounds more than I was 2 weeks ago...HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!...... Time for bed! Night night. di
  18. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Hi Gang, I got my fill today! The yodels are gone!!! Yippie. I'm 2 cc's now. Zan and Renebean I know that there is a train station in Suffern NY near Mahwah. Not sure if that helps. Time to hit the sack. night night.
  19. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    This is so much fun! I also have an email from the Ballantyne girl. I will have to dig it up she goes just about right past my house to go to work we were going to try together. OH biggest losser is on I never saw that. I got DDR today haven't opened it but tomorrow I will have Kelly shpw me. I'm not sure of the game in it. If it is nopt the same as yours Melissa I'de love to borrow yours. Well the Yodel box is gone..lol...last night Garry wanted something so I suggested he eat a packet. Then he wanted more, It was the last pack..so guess who helped! I'll start that food link later tonight or tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is our fill day Kim!! I can't wait!! Karen I always think I can handle not being on my Anti's. I would run out and my girl friend would know in a day. One time she even picked them up for me. I have come to the conclusion that I have to take them. It took a while but I think I have it now (((. Hugs))) ok hubby time I'll be back later...........
  20. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Words of WISDON..DON'T BUY ANY YODELS!!!! Thankfully DH and I just finished the last of the yodels and they only sell them in NJ! I won't be there again until March and if I get a Yodel urge, I'll buy a pack of 3 not 23!!! OK I need a kick in the butt..Fill on Thursday so that will help. Yodels are gone. Some Cookies I wanted to open I put in the car to give to a customer tomorrow instead of me! Sounds like you all are really trying hard to get back on track. WTG gang! keep it up. I did 60 crunches this morning. Tomorrow morning curves by 7:30 and then making smart choices not stupid ones. Have a good night ya'll, di
  21. sunsett

    I'm New Here!

    I just read about Jamie. Isn't it wonderful how God puts the right people in our lives when we need them!
  22. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Maybe we should tell each other what we eat everyday as a check list/ support/kick in the A$$ when needed thingy. OK I need the kick! Dwn here they have hoho's in NJ they have Yodels. Yodels are 10 times better than hoho's Instead of buying 1 package while I was in NJ I brought a box..... So this morning I had protien shake, chickfila cutlet no bread maybe 4 fries. Then a YODEL!! a pickel (someone on this site said that if you want something sweet have a pickel. Piece of brie cheese. mini applesause cup/sugar free, about 20 peanut m&m's, piece of garlic bread, less that 1 cup spagetti, mostly meat sause, glass of milk (the only time I drink when I eat is with milk and spag-gets) Then guess what I had another yodel!! (GAve Garry 2 so there are only 2 left TGodness) I feel like a jerk for eating such garbage! Melissa, your MIL sounds lovely!!! I would have offered to put up the SH if I were you. It sure sounds like you made the best decision not to tell them! I'm going to look for DDR tomorrow hopefully. Sometime I'll have you all over and we can have a DDR Party, or just a party. Anything new Karen? Kathy, My house is a desaster!!! And part of me really doesn't care. Sherrie, I am getting my winter erge to paint. You are over 2 hours away from me though. Kim, I'll see you Thursday. I can't wait for a fill! By then the Yodels will be gone..yippie.. Angie just think how good your going to feel in 2006! Let me know if you guys want to do a food list on a separate thread or if you think it's a good or bad idea. Tomorrow I'm going to take 2 customers out to lunch at a local resturant. My goal is to have DS finish the Yodels tonight when he gets home so that there is nothing in my way to distract me. Have a good night,,,di
  23. sunsett


    Oh I know it hurts. I'm so so sorry.
  24. sunsett

    Two days down

    How exciting nana! I went on a 9 day cruise not even 3 weeks after my band. I was so afraid that I would have food problems. I recommend everyone who gets the band goes on a cruise right away! It was a fantatic way to try differen't foods that I don't noramlly want to oder or buy. I had my protien shake in the morning because I am really not a breakfast person. Then for lunch I'd have a little of fish or chicken and some veggies. LOTS OF WATER, and for dinner I had a roll or 2 with butter (Royal Carribean has hese wonderful seeded very small rolls yummm they were good) I would order soup, and a main dish and of course desert. I consentrated on the protien, after my roll..lol...then veggies and a few bites of desert. The midnight buffets I was never awake for so they didin't bother me. I ordered fish which I would have never ordered at home. I even had a few bites of prime rib one night. Anyway I did not feel deprived and I ost 5 1/2 pounds on the trip. So enjoy yourself and don't be afraid to try things. Good luck with the new little one tonight.
  25. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Hi everyone, Long time no talk to. I've been in New Jersey. Wow what a trip! We went from Monroe to Cranford, Denville, Oakland, Ringwood, High Bridge.Stewartsville, Hackettstown to home in Charlotte NC. The car ride lsted 12 hours today. It was great to go back "home" but it is wonderful to be back in 58 degree weather. Even though I have to pump my own gas here, I love it here. I ate like a pig, at l.east it felt that way. I go to the Dr. for a fill onThursday so I'm looking forward to that! love what you said Eileen about getting closer to the Lord this year! My whole lapband journey has been his idea not mine. My goal this year is also to get closer to the Lord and to write in my journal at least a few times a week, not a month. I also want to praise the Lord and give him the credit for my weight loss. It is after all through him that ALL things are possible. I just need to be reminded of that more often than I like to admit. Well I'm off to bed have a wonderful night. God Bless and HNY.

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