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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    LOL Hang in there girls! I have done a complete turn around on my attitude in the past 24hours and I have to tell you I am so excited I could SCREAM (where is that jumping banana?) I am not preaching here I just have to give the credit to God because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here to begin with. The power of the spoken work is so important! Yrs ago DH and I read alot of books about the power of the spoken word. I can go into depth if you'd like, just call me or email me. Anyway I realized through struggling over the past week that I have really lost my trust in myself and in God. I opened the bible and where it opened to it talked about words and how they effect the outcome. W Well my words have been down, my thoughts have been negative so of course I'm going to feel like crud. There is so much more to the story, but it was all comfirmed again last night when I went to a seminar for work and they talked about Freeing the thoughts that bind you! Hello... I took notes so if you want to hear more let me know. So my resolution is to be positive no matter what the scale says. Oh there is so much more but I hope you get the gist. Melissa-FEEL BETTER!! How is the dog doing and Karah today? Kim- How is Curtis? Are you home too? Ok I'm off to make positive choices for me today....
  2. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Kim- I feel Blessed! I am so excited about my life changes I could jump up and down, even if my boobs were to hit me in the face..lol...I just had to.... B-PS with small banana and 1/2T PB L-peanut butter and jelly sandwich D-6 meatballs, 4 choc strawberries
  3. Thanks for that! You are doing great! This is very encouraging to see. I started at 268 and now am 16 wks out and 221 so thats a 47 pound loss. How did you handle those months mentally that your lose was slower? How often do you/ did you go on the scale? Did it alter your attitude on the days that you weren't pleased with the results? How did you help yourself on those low days to stay positive?
  4. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Sure can't beat that! B-Oatmeal L- very thin pizza 160 cal per slice S-PS D-4 shrimp, 4 pinwheels, one chunk of cheese,1/2 brownie And now I think I need something else, or maybe just bed. God has really REALLY worked on me today. I'm so excited! night night
  5. sunsett

    January's Chat

    OH I have great news! I brought a thing of fancy string cheese with caraway seeds in them and I finially opened it because someone, I can't remember who mentioned the word string cheese!!! Thats all it takes these days! Well it tastes HORRIBLE! I'm so excited...... I know I'm nuts, hope you all are having a nice day.
  6. sunsett

    Scary and painful!

    It sounds like reflux to me. Do you take anything for that? And yes you should notify your Dr. GL
  7. sunsett

    January's Chat

    LOL you guys crack me up! I love this site. I'm home alone everyone out. First time in my LIFE I'm watching a football game by myself! I only started liking FB 2 yrs ago. I don't know if any of you ever heard of Hope Stout, she was a young girl that lived near us. She was diagnosed with cancer and when the Make a Wish foundation came to her and aske her what her wish was, her wish was for all the other children to get thier wishes...There were quite a few of the Panthers who help Hope achieve her wish. Hope died 2 yrs ago. But her legacy continues and still many of the Panther player help to make it continue. So that is really the start of me realizing that a lot of these mocho guys have a huge heart and a very strong faith. So I'm off to watch the game now alone with my water bottle.:clap2: ttyl, di
  8. sunsett


    wow good luck with everything.
  9. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    So Kim it must be the restriction that your at. Do you feel full and satisfied? What about the chocolate devil? Does he still call your name? I'm sitting here, not hungry but thinking constantly about what I'm going to eat next! B-slimfast 2 deviled eggs (I made those yesterday to grab) L-chicken and cashews, orange wedge, piece of really good chocolate BD cake S-100 C bag of cheesitz D-3 deviled eggs,2slices margarita pizza (costco sells this great really thin stuff and it is only 110C for 1/3 of pizza) 3 olives,1 gerkins pickle and 1 bag of mini fudge stripe Cookies.
  10. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Sorry your not feeling well Karen. Glad your feeling so well Angie. Kim, can I bring up my laundry? I sure hope this medicine helps Karah Melissa. Things are quiet at my house today. Jim's at GF house till half time. Kelly's at youth group and Garry is on a flight to Florida for the week. I'm feeling a bit low but hopefully I can SNAP OUT OF IT! soon. Have a good day, and go Panthers!!!
  11. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    OK I"m upping my protien today... Brunch 1:00 egg/tuna salad about 3/4 cup 1 piece whole wheat bread and a protien shake. D-Chicken, 5 olives! (can you believe that!) piece of brie cheese thin I have a large piece. Bunco time...forget it I blew it:faint:
  12. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    So KIm does that mean your not telling us all the stuff your eating? Thanks for the advice on the protien. My shake is 21P plus the milk which I think is 8. I will try the pb tomorrow. I can't tell you how crabby and upset I am tonight. We did go ut to dinner so my finial meal of the day was...alot.... chicken parm, 1 cutlet, 2 & 1/2 garlic knots. urgh, now we have a movie for the night and of course with that comes twislers. I am full so hopefully I won't eat any. I've done so well I hate to blow it!!!! Kim you are doing fantastic I don't know how your doing it...what about chocolate!!! I feel like I'm slipping into depression...please say a prayer so I don't! I'm going to go write in my journal now. Hopefully that will help. Night night.
  13. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    I'M SCREAMING HERE!!! I'M STARVING!!! 2CC AND WHATS UP! I'M CRABBY, YOU SHOULD BE GLAD YOUR NOT HERE. Curves 7:30 scale says up 3 pounds..no wonder why I'm CRABBY! B-PS with banana 9:30 (by this time I had 32oz of water) L-Oatmeal pack, babybell cheese thingy, 10 peanuts 12:15 S-sliver of brie cheese, packet of crackers D-Chicken parm, 1 cutlet, 2 & 1/2 garlic knots:rolleyes: :help:
  14. sunsett

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    Camie is going to try. And Loretta says she's coming.
  15. sunsett

    Officially Banded

    Congrats and welcome to band life!!! It's ok to be a big baby right now! It is all worth it!
  16. sunsett

    Officially Banded

    Congrats and welcome to band life!!! Be a
  17. sunsett

    Officially Banded

    Congrats and welcome to band life!!! Be
  18. sunsett

    Officially Banded

    Congrats and welcome to band life!!! Be
  19. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Well Welcome and thanks for the prayers!
  20. sunsett

    Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo (woo Woo)

    GReat news. This Band sure does make you smile doesn't it!
  21. sunsett

    banded today! - ouch

    Congrats and WELCOME
  22. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Well it happened again. I was writting most of you a personal with heartfelt thoughts to all of you and I got kicked off!! So Congrats on the new jobs!!! Eileen- That really sucks! I'm glad that you have a good relationship with your old boss. GL Zan-Panthers should be everyone's team, because they kicked the...who was that that showed up on Sunday, oh yeah the Giants butts! NO they are really a nice team. We are very personal with our Panthers down here and there are so many good men on that team, thats why I like them. Pink eye stinks I hope it's better Cindy. Patty I'm thinking of you today, hope all goes well Sherry I want to tattoo my right hand with what you said! Keri- smaller sizes are the best! WTG Irene-Do you ever travel to Charlotte? Ok I'm down today. I know it's the head mental thing going on. I know it's more the head than the mental. I hate negative stuff on here, so I'm trying to be positive, but I'm getting a bit depressed about this so I'm going to tell you. I got filled last week. My doc who I love and who is great and I would recommend him to anyone said that I may have a leak. I should be 2cc's he wasn't able to get much out from my last fill. He said it's just a wait and see thing and I go into floro on the 26th. So my ? is am I hungrier because this is on my mind? I know that this is one of the things and I'm really fine with it, well sort of, so if I need it replaced (the port) I need it replaced. I felt satisfied up until yesterday. The scale said I've gained 3 pounds since Monday. I haven't been supper fantastic with eating, but I haven't been horrible. I hate the scale and I have really been good with staying off of it until last week and this week. So my New Week resolution is to stay off of it until my next ANYTHING negative about the band. I really feel that I will not have a leak and everything will be fine. have a good day.
  23. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Wow a lot has happened since I've been on last. Angie-Wow, I'm so glad your home and gallblatterless and feeling good. Kim- Goodnews that he can do it back in the office next time. Melissa-It sure sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Glad the little one is feeling better. Spoke with Loretta the other day and she would like to meet us for lunch on Wednesday downtown. 11:45 Showmars our normal spot. So come and join us. I'm not sure this fill is working. I felt fuller in the begining of the week than I do now. The scale says I'm up 3 pounds which really ticks me off. So I'm now going back on my no checking the scale more than 1 time everyother week. errrrr Have a good day.
  24. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Kathy, Debbie is coming on the 28th to meet everyone. So think of those questions. I told her about you and how you want the head thing to work with the weight loss. She was encouraged about how you know they have to go together. It is wierd but so many people don't realize that. I saw her today. I've been seeing her like once a month since I started thinking seriously about the surgery. So I"m getting shrunk while shrinking...lol... I look at her as my girl friend though, not my shrink...my very wise girl friend. It is so great to have her she even gave me some of her 1X's! We went to Showmars yesterday it was real nice, Kim, Karen and me. All went well today. Heading to bed now I hope to leave for curves by 7 tomorrow. night night
  25. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    What a wonderful trip it sounds like your having Melissa. I want details please when you get home. This year is our 25th anniversay. Most people would go w/o kids, but ours are adults and we love family time. We are looking to do something with them, not sure what, perhaps a cruise? Kim-I hope everything goes well with Curtis this morning. Well I"m off, going to see Debbie in an hour, so I can work on more head stuff!! ttyl,

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