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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    ? about flour and water!

    LOL that is cute..and true..
  2. sunsett

    Tentative diagnosis

    Sorry to hear about this, but hopefully you will get a clear answer soon. ((Hugs)) Hang in there....
  3. sunsett

    Took a little vacation

    Sounds like a great time..WTG
  4. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Good morning, I haven't had time to check all the posts, but wanted to say hi. My plan for the day is to make healthy food choices. Already did 80 crunches and more to go later today. Thursday I go for my fluo so hopefully we will find out if I have a leak or not. I am thinking I do, but I also think I'm thinking to much. Bye for now, di
  5. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Hang in ther Kim, Let us know if you need anything. My prayers are with Curtis and you. Hopefully this will be the only surgery for 2006 for you guys!
  6. sunsett

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    Sorry you can't be there Sherry. Hopefully next time.
  7. sunsett

    sweet spots ??

    I'm 2cc and all I think about is food and am I hungry, and where is the chocolate! Urgh...I may have a leak, Hopefully on Thursday we will find out. It seems like I am totally obsesed with food thoughts! And at night even when I've had a "good day" I have to munch! I can't stand this struggle! I pray everyday for it to go away. I hope once I get to where I need to be I will put food on the back burner and have other things to think about.
  8. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    WTG Beachbabe! Welcome to Sharon also. B-PS, the last of the PBrounds TG! L-2ricecakes with PB D-steak,sweet potato,some bread,8 kisses Today I will make healthy wise choices....
  9. sunsett

    2nd Fill and NO Restriction?

    I go for my 3rd on Thursday. I to get full, but it seems like I get hungry pretty fast. I am also thinking abut food all the time trying to see when I'm hungry and how long it takes. So thinking about the hunger really stinks!
  10. sunsett

    Ready to leave in the morning

    :clap2: Congrats and welcome to Bandland, you'll love it!
  11. sunsett

    Ready to leave in the morning

    Congrats and welcome to Bandland, you'll love it!
  12. sunsett

    Ladies In Charlotte - Update

    What great news. You must be so excited. Will you have help with your little one after the surgery, when your home? Are you in the hospital 2 nights? Hope you can make it on Saturday. I love this idea of monthly individual pics!!!
  13. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    It is so exciting loosing! I have some 22's and I think a few 24's can anyone use them? I'll bring them on Saturday if you want. What a bummer of a game! Hey if you guys love chicken parm like I do I'll tell you a secret. You don't need to fry the chicken in order for it to be good! I cut chicken breast in half and then beat it up...tenderise it... then dip it into egg and bread crumbs. Put it on parchment paper add mozz cheese slices and sause bake 350 for half an hour and whala...By pounding the heck out of the chicken it makes your head thnk your eating a lot more than your normal sie piece, and when it comes to chicken parm for me thats what my head needs. Well I have my fill on Thursday. I am anxious to find out how much I still have in me cause it sure doesn't feel like anything. Have a good day.
  14. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    B-oatmeal packet L-chicken breast, 1/2 bar of zone protien, popcorn airy things about 30! D-chicken parm, few bites of corn, 2 puddings, 8 PBrounds I can't figure out how you all eat so little!!!:thankyou:
  15. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Kim you are doing GREAT!!! Saturday If I can remember correctly B- 1/2 of a hm waffle/low cal mix with low cal jelly on it and tsp butter L-chicken breast slices with russian dressing on the side to dip D- few bites of salad/1 cutlet chicken marsala/1 slice bread (we were at Carabbas) S-I blew it. PB rounds I guess about 15 Sunday B-PS L-beef fahita(sp) 1 1/2, few chips some more PBthingys D-low cal chicken parm, few bites of salad, ice cream cake
  16. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Hi Everybody, I have missed alot being away for a few days! Doc- How are you feeling congrats. Patty- When do you go back for BP check? Anne- I need a check too. Last yr I was with my daughter and went into the office with her to try to make an appointment. She bet me that I wouldn't tell the lady at the desk that I neededa boobage check, I think the bet was for M&M's or something. Well I did, they just cracked up, then told me they wouldn't see me.....(because of my new insurance) Work has been nuts for me this week. I've been out every day and every night. Clifford (the BIG RED DOG) arrived yesterday a week early, which helps explain my moods last week! We have a 7yr old lab and a 3 yr old cat. My daughter and I were looking on line and found a 5 month old B&W Sheltie/collie and something else mix. Her name is Ellie Mae. Do any of you know anything about this mix. She sounds wonderful. I'm waiting to hear if they'll let me come see her. I might be nuts, but I miss having a dog sit on my lap. We lost our cocker/mix a yr ago this past September. So I'm off I guess to make dinner...urgh I don't feel like it!
  17. sunsett

    Lunch 1-19

    Hey girls, I talked about meeting today at Showmars for :hungry: and haven't heard from anyone. So how does tomorrow look? I have a 10:00 at Queens College then I"m open. So if we could meet at 11:45ish that would be great. I'll call Loretta, she doesn't come on here much anymore.
  18. sunsett

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    Right the 28th.
  19. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Melissa- I was afraid I was going to cough my band up..lol..I was coughing so hard for about 5 days! No I haven't dne any murals in Doctors offices lately. But thanks for thinking of me. I figured out suprisingly today why I had been in such a funk, Clifford came today! It makes all the sense in the world! Thanks for reminding me of my journal, I haven't written in it yet today.
  20. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    LOL B-PS L- chicken few bites of the pita bread, 1 smooch(kiss) 1 not 3-5 or 10!!!! S-1/2 bag of mini fudge stripe Cookies D- You know we all are doing good even when we have cookies! Even if the scale isn't moving. Think of what we did before! I feel good about today, so far, even with my cookies and perhaps the other half to go..lol...
  21. sunsett

    Lunch 1-19

    Oh I'm sorry Kim! I forgot that I said I'd call you. We went to our usuall spot, Showmars. We missed you. Pls if I do something again like that don't hesitate to call me. Tomorrow I have an appointment at 10 we could meet tomorrow if you'd like? I'll be in the Ivy building.
  22. sunsett


    Hi- I'm Dianne the one Kim talked about about throwing the scale out of the window. I did that 3 time. Eash time with a new scale! It makes me nuts. I go into depression even though I know it goes up and down I get in a real bad mood and I usually would eat more that next "week" because what I was doing didn't make a difference anyway. I weigh in at curves once a month and then at the doctors appointment. Last week I thought I could handle the scale again, so every time I went to curves I got on it. I was wrong. For me I just can't do it. I suggest consentrating on the sizes rather than the #. After all all they really are are Numbers.
  23. sunsett

    Lunch 1-19

    No problem I'm leaving soon so I'll call you or you can call me. I have a 10 off Providence I'm looking foward to it. Hope you can make it. Anyone else want to join us?
  24. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Good morning! Journals are great! I am not as good as I should be but when I do it first think in the morning it seems to help me focus on my daily goals..of course not the chocalote part....but I'm trying! I think we are all doing great. Melissa I was in the same frump. It is hard to get out of. I totally understand. It isn't easy to think positive all the time, but I'm trying to watch myself and stop when I do. I'm telling you guys the best book I ever read was called What To Say When You Talk To Yourself it is written by Shad Helmstetter We got so much out of the book that we brought 10 copies and gave them all away. Everyone that we gave them to agreed that it was an incredible book. I want to buy it again and reread it. Ok wish me luck today I have had a crazy week with work. I need to cose up on stuff, the hard part! But I will...lol..
  25. sunsett

    fill update !

    Glad things are moving forward for you. I love carb solutions, I use the cans when I am in a rush. I also get the big jugs of Whey Sport Pharma from Costco it only has 1 carb 20Gms protien That is my breakfast everyday just about.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
