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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Surgery update

    Just check that sex thread. Maybe it's something to do with living in NC Kathy....lol
  2. sunsett

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    LOL I thought I'd be a nimpho by now.....oh well..glad your all having fun.
  3. sunsett

    Surgery update

    Actually I am going to postpone her coming most likely. I spoke with my aunt today and she agrees that we should reschedual her for later in March or early April. I feel things being lifted right off me!!
  4. sunsett

    Another Erosion

    WOW that does stink!
  5. sunsett

    Feb 18th

    Angie what a bummer insurance can be a pain!! You should still go on the 18th. I'm going to even if I'm on mushies. They have great white chili there that is soft! You have been doing so fantastic. You mental attitude is what is so great. Don't let this get you down. I know how easy that is to say and how hard to accept!!!! Hang in there. Write in your journal how difficult a time your having. It might help. It ususally does for me.
  6. sunsett

    Update... Worst week ever. (Long)

    Wow that is terrible. I am so glad that you found this wonderful Dr. She sounds great! It is so true that something good comes out of something bad. Feel better.
  7. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Good morning. I slept ALL NIGHT! Yahwhooo! LOL You know before I had this band I spoke with a friend who had had the gastric stapling band surgery/they don't really do it anymore but back then it was the safest WLS around. She had it in 97. I asked her if she was sorry that she did it. Her reply to me was it was the best thing she ever did in her life and she would do it again in a heart beat. So Beannie, and everyone else, I have to tell you, I am doing it again in a heart beat! It is scary I did have doughts and do now, but I have gone from a size 24/26 really pushing those 26's to a 18/16 from 268-222 in 4 months and 5 days. It is the best thing I ever did for me in my life, and I would even do it again in a heart beat..lol...kicking screaming and crying...lol...but thats just normal head stuff. The recovery, I have to keep reminding myself, really wasn't bad at all. I remember waking up and I was amazed at how it wasn't bad at all. So hang in there and just remember it is so worth it! And thanks for reminding me!!!! Eileen I will PM you thanks. Your really great. Sherry you go girl! Kick that dude! What a jerk! Jan thanks for the exercising encouragement. I have to tell you I have been feeling like why should I bother I have to stop during recovery for a while anyway, but after reading your message, I'm getting off of this and dong my crunches! thanks Patty- That box has been on my mind, did you ever open it? OK I'm off to my crunches thanks guys all of you!
  8. sunsett

    Surgery update

    You guys are great! I have actually been thinking liquids wouldn't be to bad, but not that I think about it 3WEEKS ugh..lol...I know the first 2 will be no problem. Ok I am thinking and you know how I do that, but I want to run this by you. My grandmother as you know is suposed to come on the 16th. I'm thinking I should wait till she leaves to have the surgery. Garry and my mother think I'm nuts. I don't want to wait but I don't want to be on mushies while she's here and be sore. I don't want to cancel her visit because she's 97!!! So am I crazy to wait till she leaves. It is on my mnd I do want it over with ASAP. Ahhh I don't know what to do. I know I'm worring before I have anything to worry about but, I think it's planning rather than worrying. If I could change her flight then I'd do it in a second and have the surgery as soon as possible. blahblah blah..sorry
  9. sunsett

    Happy Birthday Denika...

    Happy Birthday. Isn't it cool to have a new outlook on this coming yr!!!
  10. sunsett

    Feb 18th

    I ate 2 1/2 slices pizza last night! Not good if I want to lose 8! Urgh
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! I have been in New Jersey for a week and away from the board for a LONG time. I miss ya'll. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years. I ate like a pig! And a fool. I've been eating even when I'm full. Not much past the full point but still...a big no no! I'm glad to be home and start back in my new normal regular life. I even had McDonalds today!!! But I had about a 3/4 of a burger a few fries. So I guess I shouldn't beat myself up to much. It's just this eating when I'm not hungry, like Im afraid I'm gonna miss something. Like the cookies or candy will never be around again! AHH I guess it's time to call Debbie and check in. Kim, I see V on the 5th also. 3:00 what time is your appointment? Also where is the picture everyone is talking about of you. I want to see it. OK so now that I feel fat and full I do need to tell you all the exciting news for me. The day after Christmas I went to the store and brought a size 16 jeans!!! I totally skipped size 18. 2 weeks ago I brought a size 20 jeans and now a 16. I don't dae try on anything new for a few weeks now cause I feel like I will be back in 26's, but I sure am excited about my week old jeans! So tomorrow I'm back to my breakfast protien shake and making good healthy choices. Wednesday curves and if I get a chance I'm going to go by DDR..I got the kids (really me) Xbox for Christmas (not the new one). I'm looking forward to a fill on Thursday. Have a great night everyone. This is our year!!!! God Bless:nervous
  12. sunsett

    2006 January Chat

    OH Sherry that stinks! I'll pray that everything goes ok for you. Maybe they can push your date up.
  13. sunsett

    Feb 18th

    Boy I'd sure like to!
  14. sunsett

    January's Chat

    You all are great! Thankyou so much for all of your support and most important your prayers! I saw the Dr. today. I will not be having surgery on Thursday do to insurance! So now I have to wait to get the approval. My Dr. doesn't think it will be a problem, just paper work junk. I think this is better I have some time to adjust and get used to the idea. I haven't slept much the past few days. I know the timing is all in Gods hands, so I am not going to worry about it. This time is deffiniatly giving me a stronger faith and making me lean on God. I will keep you posted. Thanks so much and (((HUGS))) to all of you.
  15. You guys are great. Thanks for being here for me. I really need you guys right now. It is so comforting to have your support and prayers. I am nervous but the encouragment that you give me helps SO SO much. I will keep you posted about the details as they come in. Love you all,
  16. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    B-special K fruit & yogart cereal...YUMMMMMMMMMY L-few bites of mac and cheese, chicken breast and now I am about to have a few kisses smooochieeeee D-
  17. sunsett

    I just have to vent...

    Tell them to get thier paws off your plate!!! It is still your food and you have every right to hang on to it s long as you'd like! People in the begining asked me alot what I had lost and I told them I really don't know. I have lost a few sizes in clothing, but I don't keep track of the scale. It drives some nuts, but OH WELL!!! Soon they stop asking. Sorry about your friend I know that must hurt. I have a friend who said to me well you know you could have saved yourself from the surgery and just done it all your self....errr....NO, that is not true! Years of failure have proven that!
  18. sunsett

    January's Chat

    You guys are great and I really am thankful to have your support. I HATE negitive stuff on here! But this has to turn out positive...right? Ok Thursday I went for my fluo fill. 3 weeks earlier my Dr. who I just love and respect, thought I might have a leak. I got scared and was terrified that that meant a leak in the band. So Thursday was my fluro day. Which was also my 4 month anniversary. You all know how I have been in and out of a funk lately. I really thought I had a leak and was prepared as best as I could be with the idea of a port exchange. Well I have a leak and I have it not only in my port but also in the band. Which means that next Thursday I have to go back in and have the whole surgery over agian. That I wasn't expecting to hear. My Dr. said it is a tougher surgery because of the chance of bleeding and the scar tissue. I asked him if he has ever had anyone else with the band leak and he said I'm his first. I think he has had a few port leaks which seem to be the most common. DH and I will go see him on Monday and then Wednesday I have the presurgical stuff and then Thursday.....Everything is happening so fast. I'm scared. I'm upset. I'm crying on and off all the time. I'm asking God whats up. I'm also upset to tell all of you because I don't want you to worry about your own bands. I know when I read things I hear people panic and that is why I hesitated to say anything. I truely believe that I am one in thousands to have this. This band has been Gods idea from the begining. So I know he will pull me through this tough time and ease my nerves and pain. Thanks for being here for me. Today we meet our LBT local group like we do monthly. I got lots of hugs and support. This whole website is wonderful. I love the relationships that we are making. And I can't wait to meet my NJ group. Hopefully in March. So thats it for now. I'm tired and hopefully will sleep tonight. :notagree night night.....di
  19. sunsett

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    Next time you'll be there!
  20. sunsett

    January's Chat

    Hey guys, I here but not really. Having a tough time. I'll fill you all in soon. Just say a little prayer for me please. Thanks
  21. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Hey gang, I'm not sure if I can do it tomorrow. I have "stuff" going on. My head is pretty cloudy right now. I need to pray about it and see. I guess it's me time right now. I will call Kim and let her know if I'm not coming. Love you guys. If I don't make it PLEASE lets get together sooner than a month, I'll need to see ya'll
  22. sunsett

    I'm Overweight!!!!!!

    Wow that is wonderful!!!! Size 12!!! WTG
  23. sunsett

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    I'm so glad Curtis is doing good. Sorry about the crud going on at the house.
  24. sunsett

    Ladies In Charlotte - Update

    I agree, let them go home and sleep. You'll be sleeping anyway. I was in for 2 nights and the 1st day DH was there pretty much the whole time. I mostly said WOW and then fell asleep. Kids who are adults came to visit and they still laugh at how all I said was WOW..Drugs were good, I felt like I was on a roller coaster you know the wow feeling I'm talking about.
  25. sunsett

    Outpatient or 1 nights stay?

    I was in for 2 nights. No problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
