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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Melissa your oldest daughter looks just like you!! You have a really good looking family. I got the approval. Now waiting on the date. Oh boy, and I'm sick of all the negative stuff on here about the band I am going to tell my story which even though it sucks, it is still the best thing I ever did.
  2. sunsett

    February's Chat

    So glad your home and curling up under that blanket!!! Glad to hear the pain isn't bad. Hang in there sleep tight.
  3. sunsett

    new puppy!! we need a name

    Everybody LOVES LUCY....Lucy is adorable and so so sweet. She has already gained 3oz. Thanks for your help!
  4. sunsett

    Good Luck Today Renebean

    Thoughts and prayers are with you!
  5. sunsett

    new puppy!! we need a name

    I was considering Zoloft, Xanax, and Prozac...but voted out by the family..I really thought Zoloft would have been cute. LUCY is her name because everybody loves Lucy!!! I love all of your suggestings and thanks.
  6. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Oh Kim, I cried when I read your last post. I pray for you that you WILL have a month of nothing happening to anyone in your family. I'm glad to see that he i doing better. Are you ok? Cry time is a good thing once in a while. This is an awesome site, and welcome. I haven't been on for a while I guess some of it is frustration and of course my new baby is keeping my very busy. i will see if Kelly can post a pic here she is the good one at that! Well I have been having the BEST time with LUCY!! We didn't name her till Saturday night. I wanted Zoloft, Prozac, Xanax or Lexapro...lol...but I was told no way. I really think Zoloft would have been cute! But she is a Lucy She is so sweet and good. Right now she is sleeping under my desk between my legs...ahhh I can't stand it!!! I'm getting frustrated with not hearing anything about my surgery!! I did send a private message to Dr. Ortiz the other day when he posted that thread about erosion. I told him about my leak and asked him if he has had many band leaks. He said NEVER! He seemed suprised and said that the manufactures test them really well before hand. My Dr. told me mine was also tested in the OR. I also posted a thread not saying that I had one but asking if anyone ever heard of it or had one. I had 1 reply and it was from someone whose Dr. told her before having the surgery that he had done 200 lapbands and had 1 band leak. So I guess I really am 1 in a WHAT!!!! several hundred. That is good new for you guys. Part of me is afraid to call the insurance company. OK sorry enough blabbing. Time to love on Lucy
  7. sunsett

    A RE-introduction

    Welcome back!
  8. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Beanie, I've been thinking about you all weekend. My prayers are with you. Can't wait to have you home and back on here. Eleen, That stinks, and I know the feeling! When I had mine done in the office I got stuck a least 6 times. And then when I went for fluo it as at least 3. My abnd and port just don't know how to cooperate! I will pray that Wednesday goes better. Betty, your little ones sound so sweet. Patty, I can't believe they didn't tell you all that stuff. I thought that was all normal pre-op stuff. Hang in there! Well I have been having the BEST time with LUCY!! We didn't name her till Saturday night. I wanted Zoloft, Prozac, Xanax or Lexapro...lol...but I was told no way. I really think Zoloft would have been cute! But she is a Lucy She is so sweet and good. Right now she is sleeping under my desk between my legs...ahhh I can't stand it!!! I'm getting frustrated with not hearing anything about my surgery!! I did send a private message to Dr. Ortiz the other day when he posted that thread about erosion. I told him about my leak and asked him if he has had many band leaks. He said NEVER! He seemed suprised and said that the manufactures test them really well before hand. My Dr. told me mine was also tested in the OR. I also posted a thread not saying that I had one but asking if anyone ever heard of it or had one. I had 1 reply and it was from someone whose Dr. told her before having the surgery that he had done 200 lapbands and had 1 band leak. So I guess I really am 1 in a WHAT!!!! Part of me is afraid to call the insurance company. OK sorry enough blabbing. Time to love on Lucy
  9. sunsett

    new puppy!! we need a name

    You all are cracking me up!!! I'll let you know when we do..
  10. sunsett

    new puppy!! we need a name

    If my girl friends dog wasn't so BAD and named Bandit I think that would be neat. Lappy...lol..
  11. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Well you won't believe what I did yesterday afternoon. I think that instead of a new band I need new brain! I brought home a 6 wk old PUPPY! Check her picture out under general...She is adorable and has no name yet so we need help with that! Kids and I like Zoe, but DH isn't so hot on that. Sandy our lab is adjusting great and Poose our cat is being pretty cool. The puppy is sleeping a lot which is great. I put her in a crate on a low table next to my bed last night and she was a real good girl. I guess I've been feeling sorry for my self lately so she is taking my mind off things. I can't wait to hear your suggestions. She does look like a furby, or one of those gizmos, what was the name of that movie where the cute little creature turned into a monster? I have heard nothing from the insurance company. I'm trying to let it go. But Patty if I were in your shoes I would call he insurance company and ask them where they are at and how much longer before you get approved. Beanie-WOW only a few more days!! I painted a mural the Saturday before. It helped a lot. I think I may do another on e this next time. Cindy- My kids are 20 and 22(on Saturday) they live at home and go to cccollege for now. I still worry and have a little panic when I'm traveling. 3 months after we moved here I went back to NJ for my friends 50th BD party. That was September 9th, well on September 11th I freaked out not being near them. I went to Walmart to by shes in case I would have to WALK back to NC. Of course I had been reading the Left Behind series so I was ready for anything. Try to enjoy. Well I have done no work today! What a putz I can be. Bye for now,
  12. sunsett

    new puppy!! we need a name

    I love all your suggestions so far. I have been calling her little Missy. Kids like Zoe, DH and I like Ginger and Abby. I love suggestions and I will keep you posted. Thanks
  13. sunsett

    February talk time.

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! Did you guys see the threat with my new PUPPY ON IT!!!! AHHH I need a labodamy not a new band!!!! I was on my way to a hair appointment yesterday and on the north side or west whatever that is there, I see a bunchof PUPPIES in a pen on the side of the road. There she is..the only light colored puppy. I'm late for my hair appointment I'm elling my self I'm nuts don't even think about it. Then the next thing I'm doing is calling the hairdresser and canceling and making a U TURN!!! Well the next thing I know she is on my lap driving home with me!!! OH WHAT A NUT I AM!!!! She is adorable! Sandy our lab (7) and Poose the cat (3) are adjusting quite well. Jim and Kelly can't stop smiling and Garry I think is in love..lol...I took her to the vet and she is a TRUE MUTT. So we have no idea what she is. We don't have a name for her yet but I keep calling her Missy. So I need name help gang! OK still no news from insurance company...urgh! Melissa- WTG!! you are doing great! And thanks so so much for all your encouragement! Jen- Shad Helmstetter wrote a book call what to say when you talk to yourself. He also wrote one on weight loss. Well today I have a hair appointment! Hopefully this time I will make it there!! Oh as far as loosing a # for our meeting on the 18th...I'm backing out of my 8 and I will be happy at 2.
  14. Ok so here it goes. Our NC food Dairy..no Yodels allowed! 1-5-06 Not much from me today A GREAT casserole. 2 eggs, feta cheese, spinach, olives 1 bite of potato egg drop Soup Water Water with lemon and more water Doesn't that sound WONDERFUL!!!
  15. sunsett

    so whos working out?

    I'm going to curves 3 times a week and doing crunches everday. I know I need to walk more but that will happen perhaps this month.
  16. sunsett

    DeLarla's DeBanded Den

    And I have a question too, but first I want to tell you all how sad I am. And how great I think it is that you all are still coming here for support. Are you going to get rebanded? How long do you have to wait? Do you have any restriciton from the scar tissue? Do you regret that you ever had it done?
  17. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Happy February!! I am in a much better mood today. I still haven't heard fromt he insurance company, but I am really now thinking that I should hold off a few weeks and enjy the visit with my grandmother. After all I would hate to be on liquids and mushies while she's here. She makes great meals..lol at 97...I don't know thats just how I'm thinking this second. I really appreciate all the suport that you all are giving me. I put out a thread yesterday just asking if anyone had ever heard of a band leak and I only got 1 reply. She said her Dr. told her about it and that after 200 bands he had 1 with the leak. So I am special huh..lol.. I think when I get my date I will then post it so others can know that there is a slim chance, but it happens. Ira- Happy Birthday to you!!! Zan-Glad your mom is better. I bet you enjoyed those 60 degree days! Patty-Any word on the little girl? How are you doing with all this. Jan-You much be so relieved that you are not going to have medical problems due to weight! So srry to hear about your mom having such trouble. Do you think she'd consider the band? She really isn't to old. Eileen-Great hearing from you. I will pray that you fill goes well on Friday. Beanie-Whats your date? Maybe mine will be the same day!! Who else is having surgery this month, I have a pretty fried brain lately, sorry. Cindy-How are you feeling. Just got a call from my girl friend. They submitted her paper work on Friday and she got appoved today. She is changing her mind on the band and wants to see if they'll do the bypass. She has always wanted that anyway. Ok I really need to go sell some ads!!! Have a good day.
  18. sunsett

    Happy Birthday Starr W

    Wow I spoke with her this morning and she didn't say a WORD!
  19. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Wednesday I'm in a better mood today!!!! Do e want to start new monthly threads? B-yogart L- D- 80 crunches & curves I think I'm up a pound. Oh well I am still in a god frame of mind. I'm also thinking that I'm going to wait and have my grandmother come and then have the surgery. I don't know thats what I feel like this morning....
  20. sunsett

    Band leak?

    Good information thanks.
  21. sunsett

    Band leak?

    Has anyone on here ever had this? I know the port leak is not rare. Just wanted some info if you've got any.
  22. sunsett

    Food Dairy for January 06

    Tuesday B-PS hersey kiss L-pizza 1 1/2 slices D-cheese steak sub about a 1/4, few bites of chees, couple grapes, oh yeah kitkat bar...oops no exerciece
  23. sunsett

    Starting a new adventure

    Thats great news! congrats
  24. sunsett

    Surgery update

    :update: Hi gang, :update: I wanted to fill you all in on my surgery. Garry and I met with Dr.Voellinger this afternoon and I will not have surgery this week. We have to wait n the insurance company to approve everything. I do not have to be on a liquid diet before hand:hungry: :clap2: but I will have to be on liquids and mushies for 3 weeks after:faint: I will be in for 1 or 2 nights. If it turns out to be open surgery then longer. It just looks like I'm a lucky one! It isn't that common but does happen. It really does suck, but I have to tell you I am putting it in Gods hands. Everything from the date of the surgery to my sucess. I can't go forward unless I go through this set back so I guess thats what I have to do! Dr. Voellinger made me feel better and as usual took all the time I needed with him to answer all my questins. I'm still in a funk but at least I know what I need to do and success is to follow. I will keep you updated. I'm hoping I can get some sleep. I'm exhausted. Have a good night. Thanks for your prayers and support. di
  25. sunsett

    January's Chat

    How sad and awful. Prayers coming your way and for the little on e and those "parents"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
