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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    What'ya eatin in February?

    B-I can't believe this...Captain crunch! Yup! Haven't had a bowl of that in years!!!! L-Tomato soup, crackers and PB 5 kisses 4 choc 1 real!:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: D-
  2. sunsett

    A RE-introduction

    You guys are all cracking me up!! Congrates Melissa on your fill. Ok now comes the truth as to why I'm doing this all over again.....I saw a naked man in my hospital doorway..yup some of you may remember....he was a bit old, (actually I remember lots of grey hair everywhere) so I'm doing it over again hoping it will be a young hottie this time..... Couldn't tell if he was a Dr. or not... I'll let cha know
  3. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Thanks Denika
  4. sunsett

    Yay, I found you!

    Welcome, Us NC folks are great! Hope you can make the drive.
  5. sunsett

    I Have A Date!!!

    Ahh another NJ girl?...I used to me... Well congrats on your date. I am suprised you got a date before all your stuff was in. I'm sure if it changes it won't change that much. Good luck
  6. sunsett

    Day of Surgery question

    Hey Diane, And welcome to bandland. You'll love it! I love it so much I'm doing it again!! I spend 2 nights in the hospital. Most people go home after the first night but it is becoming more common to go home the same day. I wore comfy sweatlike pants. Soft bra, no wire, thats for sure... I would bring pillows for the car ride to put on either side of you to help you feel comfy. Heated seats would be nice. You will most likely recline and then sit up. I suggest getting out and walking during the ride 2-3 times just to stretch a bit. I have no idea about the motor cycle. The pain isn't bad at all. I was sore by my port area, but I remember thinking I can't believe how little pain there is. The band has changed me life. I'm so excited about having the chance to have it. You will love yours.
  7. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Melissa, thats a bummer, I'm sure she will be fine, maybe shes just taking a break from growing. Angie, Yuck, so sorry to hear everyone is sick. I've got chills cold feet, and a headache today. Kelly hasn't felt good all week. Kim-I did get most of the cleaning done..lol..it is funny. I will be going crazy for the next week because my Gandmother is cming next Thursday. I have to clean extra because...... I have a date...February 21st. 7:30 Am have to be there at 5:30. They wanted to do it the 16th but thats the day she's coming. I'm hoping and praying that Clifford will come next week rather than the 21st! That would really stink! Ok so I'm worried about a few things..stupid things... 1. What if he can't put the band in!!! No reason for this thought, I know where it is coming from, but it's there, the fear of waking up without a band! If thats the case I want the by-pass..I Know I know.... 2. Lucy, I'm am the main Mommy for her! She is pretty good with going out, but thats because I watch her almost every second. Plus I have her on a real stricked eating schedual. I know she'll live..... So thats about it. I did find out today that someone from my church is going to MX in March to get the band!! I have to call her and invite her to our lunch. I hope she'll come. 2 more friends are having the B-P I guess thats why it's on my mind. I'm taking a nap now....
  8. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Bene glad to hear your doing well. I can't believe how long a post you were able to write! I'm not on drugs and I can't remember all that stuff! Eileen- You crack me up! Hello everyone else, I'm feeling dizzy headache and tired today! I have bible study to night which I hate to miss, but I think I'm going to stay home. One of the girls is going to India in a few weeks to get her daughter! Her name is the same as hers. We are sll so excited for her and her DH DH is the youth pastor at our church, so we have all been praying for this for a long time. So that is the only reason why I would go, but I guess that would be selfish on my part wouldn't it. I'll see what the nap does. Ok so hear is the scoop....February 21st 7:30 AM....yup just found out this afternoon. OK so smack me now pls because I actually have gotten this new fear..are you ready...my fear is that for some stupid reason he will not be able to put the band back in! I'm I nuts or what! So in the past 2 days I have found out that 2 of my friends are having the by-pass, so what does my head start thing...yup...that I should tell the dr, that if he can't do it to just do the by-pass. I mentioned it to the nurse today and I know she thought I was nuts. She said there is no reason why he won't be able to do it. Oh so here is the other thing. My Grandmother (what is the letters for that one) she is coming on the 16th. So she will be here for the surgery. I am a bit nervous about doing everything before she comes. I'm also worried, (another stupid worry) that Lucy, the puppy, will get table food and move backwards in her potty training while I'm recouping. So no wonder why I have chills and a head ache. Oh OH there is another thing (suprised) Clifford, (The BIG RED DOG) better come sooner than later I do not want that in the hospital, Maybe thats why I feel the way I do right now. Ok I'm shutting up and taking a nap.
  9. sunsett

    Got the date

    Just got the call today. My new band will be in place on February 21st. They said if I wanted to do liquids for 2 days before it wouldn't be a bad idea. I am very happy it's not 2 weeks again! I can handle 2 days. I am so hungry :hungry: these days and eating to much although still not as much as before, which I'm greatful for. I can't imagine being full on a half a piece of fish! I can't wait!:clap2:
  10. sunsett

    Kinda Bumbed-help Family

    It will all come together when the time is right for you. Don't worry when youget your date it will be perfect.
  11. sunsett

    Tilapia Fish

    Ive never made fish in my life but I do like Tulapia. You all are making me hungry. Big Paul did you just have a fill, is that why your on liquids? Can you really only eat half a filet? So thats what a non leaking band is like!!! Cool!
  12. sunsett

    The Drama That Is My Band

    Jonathan, So sorry to hear your going through this. Can you please give me more details. Did you have to have surgery the first time the band slipped? What does it feel like? How do you know it's happening? Have you lost a lot? Is insurance paying this time? Best of luck to you. My band has a leak and I have to have everything redone. It really does stinck doesn't it!
  13. sunsett

    What The.....???????

    I was going to say exactly what diane and alex said. I worked in a dr.s office and the insurance companys never pay what the bill is. It shouldn't effect you...hopefully GL
  14. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Eileen- I'm saying a prayer that your fill goes well today. Let us know. Rene-How are you feeling? Watching any good old movies? Nothing better than a blanket and a good movie to sleep through.
  15. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Good morning. Denika-I have a leak in my band and also in my port. The band looks to me to be pretty big. I could see the dye coming right out of it pretty darn fast. I was feeling fine, but getting hungrier. Some of it was PMS and Clifford coming, but most of it was real. So I have to go back in and have the whole thing over again. This is very unusual I am getting a little concerned because I have been feeling great but the day before yesterday my port area started hurting quit a bit. It almost feels like the whole area is swollen. It could just be from lifting something to heavy. The puppy isn't 5 pounds yet so I dought it's her little fault! Oh she is sooooo cute! Maybe I'll bring her on the 18th for you all to meet. She can nap in the car while were eating. Kim how are things going? Karen any news on your surgery yet? Melissa I may have to buy some cookies!! I love those! I have to see when my date is then I'll let you know. Angie how are you? Sherry where are you? Everyone else I didn't forget you how are you doing? Ok I'm off to clean the house before the cleaning lady comes! go figure! Then the magazine has a lunch this afternoon. Oh I went to Chico's yesterday and brought 3 shirts that were on sale 2 size 3 1 size 2! I can't believe I could buy anything in Chico's. I walked in there thinking these sales people are wondering what is this fat lady doing in here...I fouled myself and it sure felt great. I wonder if I will ever get those thoughts out of my head, or will we always thing we are big even when were small sizes. I can't wait to see!!! Have a good day, love you guys
  16. sunsett

    What'ya eatin in February?

    I need to start this again! I have been to horrible to write it out. So for today...here we go B-PS L-Chicken breat maybe 4 oz few bites of mashed(2) veggies(4) Gbread(4) Then I came home......handful of raisins and nuts, few marshmellows(go figure)bag of 100 cal Cookies D-Strogonoff about a cup, stringbeans, cherry pie, oh yeah it was good!
  17. sunsett


    Have a great day and year!!
  18. I would call my Dr. and ask him to call the local one, and or tell him that your going to the ER. Good luck. How long are you away for?
  19. sunsett

    I have a BAND leak

    Thanks everyone for all your support. I didn't suspect anything. I had my first fill in mid December. Went back 4 weeks later and thats when my Dr. suspected I might have a leak. So 3 weeks later Jan 26th I went under fluro and I could see the leak in the band. I also have a small one in the port but the band looked pretty big to me. Vera, thanks for all your info, and your positive attitude. I am ready to get going on this. Just waiting for a date now. The sooner the better, except my Grandmother is coming to visit next week for 10 days. I haven't decided if I'm going to do it while she's here or wait till she leaves. I hate waiting, but I'm not sure what else to do. Oh by the way my new puppy Lucy is helping me get my mind off all this. She is really fun. I gave her Zoloft for her middle name..lol..
  20. sunsett

    I have a BAND leak

    I have been hesitant to post my story due to the fear so many people get from hearing differen't things on this site. First off, If someone asked me if I would do this surgery again, my answer is in a heart beat. Most common of problems with leaks are port leaks. I posted a question last week trying to find out if anyone has even heard of a band leak. I got 1 response. I can't remember who it was, but she tld me her Dr. told her that he had 1 patient who had a leak in thier band after 200 patients. When Dr. Ortiz posted about erosion, I PM him and asked him about the band leak. He was kind enough to reply to me. He has never had a band leak. Hasn't he done thousands of these? So please dont' worry that this will happen to you. Looks like I'm one in hundreds, maybe even thousands. I will have to go back into the hospital and have the whole surgery done again. I asked my Dr. if he thought I should do another WLS and he said this is still the safest and I have done great with it. So yes I :think about it, it sucks:mad: ! No other way to put it. But I trust God, my Dr. and I trust the band and that is why I will do it agian. I found this out on January 26th exactly 4 months after my surgery. I just found out today that the insurance company has approved for me to go through it again. I do not have a date yet and I'll let you know. Prayers are sure appreciated. I felt them on September 26th, and I know I will feel them again this time.
  21. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Good morning. I got the ok from the insurance company so now I'm waiting on a date. I'm off to sell more ads this morning..I sure hope! So I'll write back later.
  22. sunsett

    I have a BAND leak

    Thanks everybody. We won't know if it is a defect in the band or not until it is taken out. I have requested to have the band..Isn't that gross....But I really want to see for my self. I'm am also looking at this as a jump start, which I sure need! I'm hoping to get out of the 220's real soon.
  23. sunsett

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    You are so right!! I have to say though that now that I am waiting to be rebanded I have had a qtr pounder and a few fries. I can eat what I want and since I have to go through this all over again I'm feeling stupidly sorry for myself about it and want to comfort myself. This is a head game as much as a calorie thing. And sometimes it is ok to give ourselves permission to eat what we really want, just not everyday all the time and hge portions
  24. sunsett

    Update!!! NOT THE BAND!!!

    (((Hugs))) So sorry to hear your going through all this. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your hubby.
  25. she is 8 weeks old, 4 1/2 pounds (did anyone lose that last week? lol) She is a total mutt! They told me she was shitzu and laso opso (lol SP?) But the vet said thathe thinks she has some distant chow in her and a whole bunch of stuff he really wasn't sure. She is a sweet heart! Slept really well last night. I just couldn't sleep because I was so excited! Isn't she cute!!!

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