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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Where are my ?? going!

    I went from a 48DDD to a 34 FF! Had a reduction and now I am a 34 C or a 36 D I love my new girls!!!
  2. sunsett

    How Long Can Sweet Spot Last?

    Kat I totally agree with you. I have been really slow with my fills. I figure I have this band in me for the rest of my life what is the rush in filling it up. If I've lost fantastic if I've stayed the same great, if I've gained then it's time.
  3. sunsett

    Raleigh NC

    WOW $500 for a fill! The most I had heard of was $450! Ouch! Hope your feeling better. Did they recommend liquids? I have heard that sometimes if you go on liquids for 2-3 weeks the band will move back into place.
  4. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    OH Pat Thats great! Glad you didn't chicken out and that your doing well. Don't over do it though!
  5. Diane that is a great suggestion! Alex thans for adding the 2005's now where did they all go?
  6. When did you see your Dr? You need to call him and tell him that your pain is worse and that you are going to the ER. I agree wioth everyone here GO TO THE ER and then let us know how you are.
  7. sunsett

    i even failed at this....

    Congrats to Tracy for calling and making your appointment! WTG your on your way! Lala same to you! Bonnie- No surgery is a sure thing, no diet is a sure thing, we all know that! It takes a commitment to yourself and forgiveness to yourself! Have have to band your head with your stomach, and that is the hard part. We have all gone through the professions of today is going to be a good day, I'm going to start my "diet" then someone brings in chocolate chip Cookies, that are still WARM! Oh crud, ok I'll have 1 then before you know it you break off a corner of another one then a few minutes later whet the heck you eat the whole thing. Well great you've screwed up your day so why not eat a dozen and start tomorrow. Those thoughts do not go away once you are banded. Those battles I should say. You have to forgive yourself for breaking down after the second cookie and take out something healthier rejoice in the fact that you enjoyed the taste of those cookies and that you didn't eat 12. Giving your self permission I believe is a big key to success. Forgiving yourself after you have indulged with out thinking is another big key to success. Prove the staff wrong with there stats. I know several people who have had the bypass and now have the band because they lose there restriction after 3-5 yrs. Start a support group if there isn't a local one by you. Stay in touch with your Drs office get in there 3 times a yr at least so that you can both stay on top of whats going on. And lean on others just like Tracy and Lala are doing here.
  8. It is enough if you feel comfortable with him. My Dr at the time had only done 30 bands. Someone tried to talk me out of using him and going to someone who had done much more. I am so glad I went with my gut and stayed with him.
  9. sunsett

    Sit ups...

    Is it your port or are you feeling your ribs?
  10. sunsett

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    I'd love to see the list also.
  11. sunsett

    Anyone weigh <200 and have lap-band

    My understanding is that if your willing to pay cash for the band and you have a BMI of 30 of above you can have it, if your Dr thinks it is best for you. Insurance companies won't even look at you unless your BMI is 35 and you have co morbitities. To answer your question Mom, yes I have heard of people having the band under 200. If you trust your surgeon and he believes that it is the correct tool for you, then you have to trust your self and you will succeed! Good luck
  12. sunsett

    Confused About What To Eat Sometimes

    It's our band!! LOL Actually your not abnormal at all. This happens to me and I know it happens to others also. Our bodies change everyday. Sometime we retain more Fluid than other days. I think it's just one of those band things. You may also be eating it faster than you did the day before or not chewing it as well. Thats my biggest problem.
  13. sunsett

    ever feel a cramp or soreness after fill?

    Are you eating solid foods? A lot of Drs reccommend liquids then muchies then regular foods. My Dr says liquids for 48 hours mushies 48 then start regular foods. The reason for this is because of swelling. Perhaps that is what is going on with you. You may want to do liquids and I would for sure call your Dr and let them know whats going on.
  14. sunsett

    Angelnurse's Lower Body Lift

    Oh one more question what is LBL?
  15. sunsett

    Angelnurse's Lower Body Lift

    Glad your feeling better. Your scars look like they are healing really well. I bet your excited! What are the prices if you don't mind me asking?
  16. Christy where are you located. I maybe able to help you out. From my experience if your BMI is 30 or above you are not to thin for the band. Under 30 is between you and the Dr. You can PM me if you'd like more info.
  17. Hey Alex, This is a great site thanks! Under the support section you have 06, 07 and 08 bandsters. I am September 2005 how can we get one for the 05ers?
  18. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Pat- I just read your post at 10:56 AM so I imagine that you are in the OR. I'm praying for you! This is exciting, one of our own having this done! PLEASE as Kat said keep us posted! Mandy-How are you feeling? How are you feeling Renee? Kat glad everything is ok, when are you starting your book! Eileen- How is your niece doing? I'm doing ok. loving my job, as you can see the banner at the top says NewHope Bariatrics, that's us! My FIL feel last week, he didn't break anything but he is in a lot of pain. I didn't see him this weekend but DH said he can't even sit up! I am so concerned. I plan on calling the PT today and asking what else they recommend. You know how guys don't' think of things like additional PT or massages or even a stationary bike. My MIL is doing great but she is getting depressed. It's so hard! I got up and rode 7 miles on my stationary bike this morning. Got to the office before 8. Feeling pretty good but I'm hungry! I'm off to drink a protein shake. My job is great part of it is visiting this site!!! What more could I ask for! OH FYI band2gether.net is putting together a Eastcoast Bash, right here in Charlotte, actually Concord NC. It will be the last weekend in April. Of course all are invited! Please let me know if your interested. Pat aren't you in VA? It will be a blast if we could all get together!
  19. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Happy Monday! How is everyone doing today? We had 28 people at our support group meeting on Saturday. A lot of the people were in the process. I missed most of the meeting because I had to take my daughter to Kings College for a tour. Just to let you all know, we are having a big band get together the last weekend in April in Concord. We are doing this through band2gether.net mostly. I will keep you all updated as I get information. Just mark your calendar for that weekend. The meetings will be held at the Embassy Suites in Concord. I got up wrode my stationary bike for 7 miles in 40 minutes this morning. Got to work before 8. I'm feeling good and energized, lol as I yawn! As far as fills goes, it takes me sometimes 3 weeks before I can feel a fill. I do know and I have heard that the new band takes more fills but I have heard wonderful things about it. So hang tight be patient.
  20. I think mine stayed on about 2 weeks. Don't mess with the ones by your port area, just let them come off when they do.
  21. sunsett

    can't throw up

    I've never heard of the juices before. Thanks for the insite! For you newbes....Don't be afraid when you hear us talking about getting sick. It is not like the flu and you have to be in bed all day. Sometimes it is painful, but for me most of the time it is just annoying. Your food gets stuck and your saliva has no place to go so you need to spit it out. Sometime I do gag, but 98% of the time it is spitting.
  22. sunsett

    Big decision to make....Help!!

    I would go for it for sure. I can understand you being nervous about it being his first time, however keep in mind that Allergan is very much on top of how and who does the surgery. I am sure that they will have a very experienced surgeon in with him. This is great news for you. To be able to have the band in the US, have followup care with your surgeon right here in the US. Anyone can do a fill and unfill. Most likely your first will be under fluro. Ask your Dr about all of your concerns. Do not be afraid that you will offend him. This is your body, your band, your life. My poor surgeon went through a 3 page list of questions with me. One by one. He wasn't offened took his time with me and made me feel very confident in my decision.
  23. Those are great questions! Most likely they will go over lots of things. The more you learn the more questions you will have. Follow up care is very important. I would ask what type of follow up care do they provide. Also find out about support groups. A biggie is fills some Drs offices send you to the nutritionist and she determines if you need a fill or not. Thats just not right in my opinion. Determining fills should be between you and your Dr. If your not losng and a nutritonist is having pms and decides that you just aren't living the way you should so you don't need a fill you just need to change your actions, I'd kick her! I know some people whose Band Dr works like that. Good luck!
  24. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Welcome to bandland Renee! How is everyone doing? Patty there are some people in your area that want to start a support group. You should check out the CA forum.
  25. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hey Tarheelluv, This is brandnew NewHope and Dr V. I am extremely excited about it! Dr V did my surgery over 2 yrs ago. This past July I started with NewHope Bariatrics. We have 2 centers now one in LA and KC. Now we have partnered with Dr V. It is so exciting to be able to recommend my own Dr and a band that I know is the only way to go! The cash price is very reasonable! I won't post it here, but if anyone is interested you can PM me. I hope that some of you will come to the support group meeting this Saturday. Tar how are you liking band life? Mel I bet your counting the days!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
