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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    Thanks, Dr V said that I can use creme for the rashes not near the insisions. The zanax is to calm my nerves at night so I can sleep. Speaking of which nap time....
  2. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    Hi, I can't read much today just wanted to fill ya'll in. Went to Dr. V and he seemed suprised to see how bad the rashes are. He gave me RX for perdisone which 4 drugs stores didn't have lucky me. I am ging out of my MIND! He said it wouldn't be the glue because the other insisions have nothing by them. So I'm doubling up on the benadryl..which doesn't do a bit of good so far, and taking zanax and pain meds. So hopefully I will get the steriods early tomorrow. Please pray that I get relief SOON!!! I really can't take it! thanks, night night
  3. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Hi, I can't read much today just wanted to fill ya'll in. Went to the Dr. and he couldn't believe how bad the rashes were. He gave me perdisone which I tried 4 drugs stores with me luck. I am ging out of my MIND! He said it wouldn't be the glue because the other insisions have nothing by them. So I'm doubling up on the benadryl..which doesn't do a bit of good so far, and taking zanax and pain meds. So hopefully I will get the steriods early tomorrow. Please pray that I get relief SOON!!! thanks, night night
  4. sunsett

    Bandster from Norway visiting Orlando and Miami

    I hope you got to meet some FL bandsters. And Velkommon to America. I'm also a Norsk, although I was born here.
  5. Wow time sure flies when your having fun. Before we know it it will be SPING!!:xena_banana: We all have a lot to look forward to this month. We have new bandsters joining us.:clap2: We have another month to change our eating habits :hungry: We can begin today to think positive thoughts even when we don't want to.:decision: We can look back at the clothes we were wearing a month ago and say that old thing just doesn't fit right, time to get a new one!!:whoo: We can continue to support and care for one an other.
  6. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    I gave him a call today and told him what was going on. He said it was most likely the same allergic reaction I had in the hospital. He told me to not cover it up unless it stars to ozz and to was it. It may be a reaction to the glue they use or the morfine or antibiatic. I swear it is spreading. Kim I'm so excited for you..and us!!! That is great news!
  7. sunsett

    What to do with my recop. period.

    Susan, feel free to come here anytime!! We have a great time! I hang out at the NJ site also. I think most of the people there are from other places also. I was a Jersey girl all my life so thats why I went there to begin with. Jennifer, You sound like your doing great. The 10 pounds of lifting is what I have been told, well actually no more than a gallon of milk. My puppy is only 7 pounds so I can lift her. I am also going a bit nuts. I'm sure not up to driving yet. But movies and cards good old solitaire, work well. Hang in there before we know it we will be out running.
  8. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    The rash is around the port. I also have bumps behind my ear on my arm and leg. DH just got the benedryl so I'm gonna take it and see. I think I'm gonna call a friend in the neighborhood who is a nurse and see what she thinks. I'll keep you posted thanks.
  9. sunsett


    I should have that would have been nice. I was so out of it though. I'm glad that part is over I just wish this itchy stuff would stop, it's all over!!! ARGH
  10. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Hi gang, I'm real crabby today...I'm itchy and I have a wierd red marks around the large incisions. Itchy on other places of my body..urgh..Sorry for grippin I'm just frustrated. Can I _itch more...On Monday in GM and DH are both flying out. DH is going to Puerto Rico for the WEEK....so they leave at 10:30 in the morning. THEN at 4:30 in the afternoon....HIS PARENTS ARE FLYING IN TO CHARLOTTE FROM FL!!! They live in Columbia SC which is 90 minutes from here. So they are planning on cocming here for the night and then on Tuesday on of the kids will drive them home. They are not like my GM they want to be entertained and FEED!! I'm so not in the mood!!! OK enough...It is rainy here. Lucy the puppy still does have puppy breath and her new favorite place to nap is behind the toilet. She is so cute! Sorry no personals today. I'm going to take some benadryl and hopefully stop itching. Have a good night sleep tight and stay warm.
  11. How wonderful!!! You should go buy a new outfit to celebrate! We are very proud of you!!!
  12. sunsett

    Our Next Get Together

    I'm good any time but the 18th if March which isn't a choice. I know there is an IHOP right around the corneer from Tuesdays
  13. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Hi gang, Honey I'm home...I said that to Lucy when I got home. She has grown!!! Second time around is much harder. The surgery was 2 1/2 hours and he had to do a lot more than last time so that's why it was much hard. I had some oxygen problems nothing major just had to have abuterol treatments every 6 hours and use the oxygen all of Tuesday and Wednesday. Then I got some kind of an allergic reaction to something. Not sure what that was but they took me off morphine and onto demurral. Gave me some benydrl and the bumps left for a while. Came back in the morning so more benadryl and more sleep. I am heading to bed will try to NC'rs will join us all. Time for drugs and sleep. night night, Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
  14. sunsett

    I'm Home...

    Welcome to WLS land!!! Glad your home and doing well.
  15. sunsett


    I'm home! :confused: Hi gang, I'm home got home around 11 today. Second time around is much harder. The surgery was 2 1/2 hours and he had to do a lot more than last time so that's why it was much hard. I had some oxygen problems nothing major just had to have abuterol treatments every 6 hours and use the oxygen all of Tuesday and Wednesday. Then I got some kind of an allergic reaction to something. Not sure what that was but they took me off morphine and onto demurral. Gave me some benydrl and the bumps left for a while. Bumps came back in the morning so I got more benadryl and more nap time. Sorry I missed the calls I had the cell phone on and off, and I still haven't checked the messages. Well thanks for your thoughts and prayers, it's nap time.:notagree BTW Demoral cacked me up! My girlfriend came to see me and I got the major giggles! My mouth was so dry that I couldn't talk without my lips or tougne getting stuck. And then I couldn't stop laughing. She was afraid they were gonna kick us out. So no naked movie star but a real good laugh. Love you guys
  16. sunsett

    I'm terrified and crying

    Sunta-This is the beginning of the rest of your life! These feeling are normal. I bet if you asked most of us bandsters if they would do it again, you'd hear from more than me, in a heart beat. I promise it is really not that bad. I was amazed at how little pain I was in. Trust in God and he will hold your hand....
  17. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Betty-What you said on that thread was great. And I agree with you 100%. Tammy- What a bummer..hang in there, you'll feel better soon. Sherry-Glad your feeling better! Cindy-You and Betty rock..well everyone on this NJ thread rocks.. Well night night...talk to you guys in a few days.
  18. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Kathy, I'm glad to hear your Dads surgery went well today. Jennifer-GL KIM- WHERE R U? I want to hear the good news!! Should I ask him myself..on drugs....lol don't worry I won't Ok I'm stressing...I know been there done that, but it's kind of like having that second baby when you remember all the stuff from the first. I know everything will be fine, I'm just stressin...time for some zanax I think..Garry's meeting went the way we thought it was going to go. So that adds to the stress, why tonight!!! Oh well all is good and all will be fine. Thanks for your prayers. I know I will feel the peace I did last time. Love you guys...night night...OH OH talk about more stress...I think it really stinks! That Leaha is leaving this site. Lets pinky swear that we will not leave NC site..ok..oh and NJ is real cool too!! Sleep tight, I think I'll be up a while tonight... OH OH OH one more thing...:angry :angry :angry I gained 2 pounds!!!!! BOY am I ready :clap2:
  19. sunsett

    It's Time :-)

    Leatha, I hope that you will consider staying. Perhaps the people who are making this site ugly will shut up and or leave. I rarely post on general threads and I hate to say it but I don't tell people to come here much anymore. It used to be a positive place for people in all stages. I have enjoyed reading you comments and threads. You have been a huge help to me and I truly want to thankyou.
  20. sunsett

    I met NJ Chick

    I will hopefully meet NJChick in March!!!
  21. sunsett

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    Angie, I love tht hat! I like this picture I think we all look good. "The Incredibles"
  22. sunsett

    February talk time.

    OH Denika-I am so sorry that your mama are going through this. I will for complete healing and peace in all of your hearts and minds. I am so glad that you feel comfortable enough to come here and ask us for prayer. You have come to the right place. God does put the right people in our lives, and he knows just when to do it. Isn't that cool. Feel his love tonight when you sleep. My favorite psalm is 91 read it and make it personal to you. Have you mom and dad do the same. I pray that it will comfort all of you like it comforts me. Kim-WOW sorry about your foot. Take it easy. You sure did a better job than I did. Can't wait to talk tomorrow. I will be running around for most of the mid day, then home. I love your get together idea. I wouldn't mind having everyone here. I love doing stuff like that. I'll ask Kelly to post the picture tomorrow if she has time. Angie-I'm so glad our feeling better today. I am happy we got to sit together yesterday and talk. Hang in there your doing great! Court-It was nice to meet you. Glad we got to sit together. We do have a great family here don't we. Loretta (Starr)- I was in shock, I hope you are as happy as I was that you made it. And you really look good. Your hair is fantastic! Melissa- Your girls are so cute!!! Boy you can't get away with cheating to much with them around! Poster Girl-Your so much fun! You have such a great attitude. It was fun sitting with you also. OK so today I had my last of the last supper..lol...I am about to have a little mike and 2 or 3 cookies before bed, then its off to liquid land!! I am ready now, I can't believe how ready I am. My plan is to go to Curves and get weighed and measured tomorrow morning, then make a few business calls and then it's my time. Well I'm going to the chiropractor hopefully, my back is not behaving! Then I have to go to Wally World for a few things and then hopefully play with Lucy and have a fun evening. Pls pray about Garry's visit with the boss tomorrow. My GM seems to be enjoying herself. I sure am enjoying her. Have a Blessed night...
  23. sunsett

    February's Chat

    Eileen-My house is never clean! I go nut! I did get all of my laundry done today..yeah.. Pat-How cool about the Eagle!! I sure hope you get a picture of him. It would be fun to get together this summer. Our group met again yesterday it was a lot of fun. I asked Kim to tell you guys on Tuesday that I'm fine and on drugs!! Betty- NC birds are stupid!! lol well not the hummingbird but these other birds! I was all excited to get that stuff, oh I forgot what they call it but it has PB and seeds and you put it like in a cage thingy...well I brought 2 of them and I have seen 1 bird! Ira-That's a bummer! When do you go back for your next visit? Anne- Your DD is crackin me up!!! enjoy these days they go so so fast it is sad how fast they go. I know you enjoy them. Be sure to write things like this down so you don't forget and you can always look back and tears will fill your eyes at how fast time has gone by. You are handling all these medical tests really well. Scary stuff, but you have a lot of people praying for you so that sure does help doesn't it. LOL I had to laugh about the bird food..I did that but left it in the garage..the mice found it and had a party and invited all of there friends!! Cindy-Do you like your haircut? Sherry- Be sure to blow your nose before you go outside..lol.. I did have the girlie band and it felt good when I first got it. I think I'll be wearing it a lot this time with the puppy around. You crack me up!! Don't forget to tell him if you want regular, or super tampons. Patty-I hope the rest of the weekend goes well. Sound like you had a wonderful time on Friday night. Beanie-I was getting a bit worried about you. Glad to hear your doing good. Are you still wearing your girlie thing? I couldn't wear it at night, but maybe it will fit better this time around. I have had a really nice weekend. With my NC Banster buds and my GM, DH, DS, DD. You all bring a smile to my face. It is so nice to find nice people. It is so wonderful to know that we are all praying for each other. I am gong to have 2 cookies and a glass of milk and enjoy the heck out of them and then hit the sack. I had my last supper today and it was great! Mommom is doing great! She is really something. I think she is enjoing just hanging here with us. I feel bad that I won't be much fun this week for her, but I guess I really can't worry much about that right now. Have a good night and God Bless...di
  24. sunsett

    I get my fill tomorrow! WOOT!

    Glad to hear it went so well for you. When do you go back again? I'm looking forward to my soup tomorrow. I hope they have broc cheese, I'm in the mood for that!
  25. sunsett

    February talk time.

    Ankle is sprained. I am feeling much better though. I took tylenol with codene and threw up 5 times! OH that wasn't fun! Off to bed...see you tomorrow morning.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
