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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett


    I love this show, but I HATE that they make us wait so long all the time!
  2. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    Well I'll bring them and if we get together for lunch soon I'll throw a bunch in the car for you.
  3. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    OMGoodness! Kathy and Angie, what is this a porkin PB party weekend!!! lol Kathy- I would go to the Dr if I were you. I don't know how you can STAND it!! I was in misory with mine! I didn't care that I had to take predisone. I just wanted HELP! You poor thing. I feel so bad for you. Kim-Wow tomorrow you'll be flippin! How can you take Curtis to the Dr on Wednesday? Will you really be up for that? Do you need a ride? Let me know if I can do anything. Karen-Your so good. I'll have to call you when I go Uptown so we can do lunch. Well everybady else hi. Tomorrow I go see Dr.V, I'll remind him to take good care of you Kim. I've been thinking of question over the past 3 weeks and now I have forgotten them all! Urgh getting old. I drove to the Arboredum on Friday for the first time really driving. For some strange reason driving really hurts! It is so wierd. Being a passanger is fine. I even had to take my pain meds! But today I have to go out and do some stuff. DH, you know Kelly, and I are going to NJ on Thursday for the weekend. Big party and hopefully I can meet up with a few of the NJ girls, that would be so cool, they are so neat, like us friendly and fun loving NC girls. Anyway it is a Bat Mitzvah that we are going to. So I have to go see if I can get something to wear. I have TONS and when I say TONS I mean TONS of Summer stuff. 2X and 3X and size 24. Let me know if anyone wants me to bring them on the 1st. I don't know about you guys but I had NOTHING that fit me this weekend. Went to Stienmart cause I have a gift card and found nothing, so today I'm off to Walmart to get some tie shirts. So I'm talking enough here. Have a good day. Kathy....DON"T SCARtCH!!!
  4. sunsett

    One year later

    That is so wonderful!! So encourgaging for all of us.
  5. sunsett

    Very nervous, complications

    Wow Jen, That is scary. Have you been tested for sleep apnea (SP) My husband has it very bad and was having all kinds of problems. He has been sleeping with a machine now for the past yr and a half and he is like a new person. Has anyone said anything to you about this?
  6. sunsett

    I am having my Band replaced

    Trish, Welcome. I had my band replaced on the 21st of February due to a leak in THE BAND and also the port. So you are not alone, and I guess I'm not either. We are the unnorm. I sent Inamed and email asking them how common this was. I got an email right back and they asked me to call them right away to discuss it. I didn't want to do it before the surgery, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure if Im up to it right now or not. I requested to have the band and the hospital would not let me have it back. I have my follow up appointment with my Dr tomorrow so I will try to find out where it is and if Inamed is getting it back. Most likely they will. The was a pin whole in my band. I will find out more tomorrow and let you know. Now as far as the surgery goes. Last time was a piece of cake this time has been harder for me. He was able to put the band back in the same place so that was good. I got sometype of an allergic reaction to either the antibiotic or morphine, so I was a mess. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks out. I still have this week for liquids and mushies. It is like a new start however. I lost 9 pounds the first week, Ican't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow. Some one asked me if I would do it again, and I said in a heart beat, which turns out came true. It is frustating, but for me it is the right way to go. I even asked the dr that if he thought I should go with the by-pass instead and he said absolutly not, because I have done so well and the band and I work well together. It is scary and frustrating and strange that we out of millions had this. But for me I know that this is what God lead me to have and I still truly believe it is for me. REBAND HUGS ((()))
  7. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    Kim- What is HSA? Angie- WOW you sound busy. At least the weather is beautiful and you can enjoy your time outside. You are doing great with your weight loss! It is hard to stop drinking with meals. I just decided in the very beginning that I was going to do that. However I would drink up till I ate. So now I've stopped that too. There are some meals I have to have a sip of milk with and I do, but other than that I'm real good with that. GL you can do it. We need to Celebrate Kathy's bandaversary (lol) Karen-Your to good. It's Friday afternoon I know I couldn't wait through the weekend without knowing something. You'll be in bandland soon I'm sure. Well, I'm feeling more like me everyday, yay!!! Slept crummy last night but that happens once in a while. I hope everyone else id doing good. Have a good weekend.
  8. Jo Ann and Lena- Wow I'm so sorry! Prayers are with you both. It is a very personal decision on what to do next. When I was having my band replaced I had decided that I would have the ryn if I couldn't have the band. I don't know if I would if push came to shove. If you go onto the NC site there is someone there who we won't let leave, who just had the rny. She is doing really well and I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you. jjtaurus is who she is. I could be spelling that wrong. God Bless big HUGS
  9. sunsett

    Is This True?

    Wow you've been through a lot. Sorry to hear this. I know that in the US they test the band several times in the operation room before placing it in you. I am one of few that actually had a band and port leak. I just had everything replaced a few weeks ago. It is VERY rare for the band to leak. I sent a PM to Dr. Ortiz and asked him how many band leaks he's had and he said none. He has done thousands and he's in MX, so don't let people scare you with negative coments on getting your band in MX. We found out that it was a band leak through fluro. Have you been tested under fluro? I watched it come right out. As for what you should do? That really depends on you. I have not had a pleasant time this go round, my recovery is longer than last and I also had some type of an allergic reaction to either the morphine or the antibiotic. However, for me, I am pretty darn sure I would even do it agian if I had to. The band, even though it has never worked properly, has truly changed my life fot the better. Good luck with everything and if you want to talk you can always PM me. I know it stinks, but you'll get through it and will hopefully be happy with your results.
  10. sunsett

    30 months and my band has slipped!

    So sorry to hear your going through this. It is a very personal choice. I was just rebanded due to a leak in my band and port. My recovery is much harder this time around, however if I went in next week and he told me that he needed to do it again, I am 99% sure I would do it again. I have only had it for 5 months and I am thrilled with the help that it has given me. Best of luck, don't give up on yourself, hang in there, hugs
  11. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    Kathy-Curves is great. I haven't gone back since the surgery, but I'm hoping the week after next I'll be back there 3-4 times a week. I made the 2 foot club in January and got a free T shirt. I can't wait to see what the 3 foot club does. Kim- I think we should get together this Saturday!!! WHY NOT GUYS!!! It's been to LONG!!! Next weekend I'm out of town. I'm going stir crazy even though I don't have much energy. You are so right about the positive attitude! Even though I'm tired and down in the dumps, don't get me wrong, I am still happy with my NEW BAND and glad I did it. I just want FOOD!!!! Karen-You are to good. When did you call? I would think if it was last week you could call again by now. jttaurus-Be a teenager, why not! Reality life will be starting up soon, so enjoy. Well I'm off for a walk. Not with Lucy is just doesn't get that leash thing yet. Maybe that will wake me up. Have a good night! Where is Angie, Melissa, Loretta, and everybody else...
  12. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    Wow it is quiet around here! All is good here. Still exhausted, but feeling a little better everyday. Saw Dr.V, ya know the cute one!!! and he wants me on liquids and mushies for 2 more weeks! Yuk scale says I lost like 9 pounds since the 21st!! 216 now! I am very happy! I can't tell you how happy I am that I decided on the band! RNY is way to scary for me. My GF had it last Wednesday and has some unknown fever going on. I'm sure she'll be ok. jjtuarsus, I'm so glad that you are doing well and so brave. I'm just to big of a chicken. Kim-I feel so bad for Curtis and you! That must break your heart. You have such a great attitude! I cried when Dr.V told me about your port, I know he can't wait for me to get off the predisone! Speaking of predisone, today is my first day off. Last night I was itchcing again, but so far so good for today. Have a good night.
  13. sunsett


    Hi Sandy and Welcome! We have a great support system here. Hope you can meet up with us on the 1st. This is a big desision. I am very happy with mine. Research and don't be afraid to ask anything! Good luck with your test.
  14. sunsett

    Our Next Get Together

    I can do whatever. Camping sounds like fun!
  15. sunsett

    Hot Flashes Anyone?

    Karen your younger than me!!! I've never had one yet THL!!
  16. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    Ok I'm going to go crazy. I have reddness and bumps around my large insision! I have few few more of those redbumps in other places. I'm sending DH to the store to get me benadryl and hopefully that will take care of it. Did any of you put anything on your insision to prevent infection? I'm thinking of neosurim or something like that.:omg: Other than that I'm just using tylenol. Crushed darvaset is horrible! Well I think it's :notagree time for a bit.
  17. sunsett

    NC March Chat

    Hi guys, I've been in the pits and on the drugs. I have been hungry which really stinks. Last time I couldn't eat hardly anything. It could be the predisone and my head. urgh...Anyway tomorrow at 10 my staples come out yay!!! I am honestly wondering if I should have had the rny this time. I know I'm nuts I just don't want to go through surgery every agian. This time has really thrown me for a loop. I have to go back and read my journal and then I see how God has lead this band to me and how I had so much trust in him to get me through this. So rereading the journal does help. I know he hasn't gone anywhere. And I know where the dought comes from. It comes from the loser and through Christ I am not a loser. On another note, please lift up a girl from our church, she was in our SS class and then got married and moved away. Her parents are in our class also. Dave, her dad, just lost his mother nad then had a major heart attach less than a week after her death. Now Rebecca got toximia and they had to induce her labor yesterday. Today she delivered a 1.3 pound little girl. She did make a little noice and take a breath. We almost lost both of them the other night. They named her Trinity! Hope you all have a good night. jttaurus you sound great! Congrats!
  18. sunsett

    redness and itchy

    Thanks all, I am begining to feel a bit human today. Even went to the hospital to visit my friend who had the RNY yesterday. Today is the first day I haven't had to take the benadryl every 3 hours. I'm still a bit red and itchy but so much better. I just can't believe how this surgery has knocked me out this time. And made me depressed.
  19. sunsett

    Please Help Me Find A Doctor!

    Dr. Voellinger did mine and many others in the area. Although RNY still seems to be the # 1 choice, he has been very honest with me about the band. I feel very comfortable with him, he is an honest man who will help you make the best choice for you. Good luck.
  20. I had the same feelings. It is so normal. This is all a process and it is very emotional. Hang in there, you'll do great.
  21. sunsett

    WLS is the easy way

    And it really sucks when you go through the surgery twice!! But hopefully it will be worth it!
  22. sunsett

    Infection of port site?

    I don't think it is than common, however it does happen. Good luck with your banding. I just got rebanded on the 21st. I never had a port problem and I can already sleep on my stomach.
  23. Same here I was 128 when I got married then first baby I gave my self permission to eat anything I wanted while I was pregant then got pregant again..wow before I knew it 268
  24. sunsett

    I Did It!!! (50 Pounds Gone Guys)

    WTG that is wonderful and so fast!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
