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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Tomorrow's the big day!

    Congratulations. Welcome to bandland. Your gonna love it here!
  2. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Where is Angie? Is she ok? Souvenirs..no problem, anything special? Today is a mushie day for me. My GF who had the bypass is back in the hopsital. I spoke with her this morning. That girl NEEDS to get better. She has lost 47 pounds in 7 or 8 weeks. I feel bad for her. I may go visit this afternoon and see how shes doing. If you think of it pls say a little prayer for Amy.
  3. sunsett

    Saturday April 22nd?

    I'll have one for you though...
  4. sunsett


    Karen-DON"T please don't sit back and be quiet! You have done that for to long! You should call the insurance company everyday and bug them until you get a yes! Really I have heard this over and over again about the squeky wheel they will just say ok to shut you up and who cares if they don't like you calling it is there job to denie you, it is your job to get approved. Sorry I just get so impatient with insurance companies and other offices that think they know it all and are right all the time. hugs
  5. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Ira- How exciting for both of you! I wish my DH would consider losing. He says he is but then he opens up the last bag of jelly beans! Eileen- Thanks for the hugs and kisses! Paula- Were having a major drought also I didn't think of the poor birds needing a bath! I came up with a GREAT idea! You all are gonna think I'm nuts but I think it is a good one. Today at curves, which is right next to the grocery store, I was talking to this girl who had just lost a lot of weight and she was talking about walking and how much it help to ton. Anyway she said that you should walk 10tHOUSAND steps a day if you want to lose. She is going to curves 6 days a week and walking 5 miles almost everyday. After curves I went to the store to get milk and then I got my great idea. Walking the isles! I mean we always need something. Ok so the key would be not to go when hungry, but people walk in the malls why not pick up toilet paper and lose some weight at the same time. I always come up with it's to hot, it's to cold, I'm to tired...but I have no excuses to not buy milk cause of the tempature! If the Subway guy can eat subs and lose we can do the isles and lose, and keep our families happy cause we have food in the house! I know I'm nuts...but I'm going to get a counter and see how many steps it is to do the isles..OK I need a life..have a good day...
  6. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Anne- OH OH those kiddies are adorable! I loved Easter when the kids were little. Hiding those eggs were so much fun. LOL now my son hides them cause I forget! I know the feeling only to well about trying to catch up! It is not easy! Pat- Sorry to hear that you may have to wait so long. Psych eval sounds like a good idea! Patty- I hope you did it to the X today! Your so funny. I think we have 40 and it seems to be enough for us. With ours you can save the ones you want longer if you want. But 40 hours seems to be about a week worth of CSI's and what ever else where recording. Kelly- I'm worried about you. We are all here for you. Hang in there. Praying for you. Beanie- Thanks for the encouragement. I've been battling the same 4 pounds for a few weeks now. This fill will hopefully help!! I did have a VERY SMALL..don't yell...Sunday tonight. I promise I won't do that again for a very long time. Tomorrow is MUSHIES yay, I'm so excited! Well I took crazy Lucy to the vet today. I got another advertiser..yay..I was a real crab earlier in the day. I had liquid days when I'm not alone! I'm off to watch something on TV and relax. Hope you all have a good night. Hugs coming from nc also! Night night
  7. sunsett

    Saturday April 22nd?

    I'll be drinking pina coladas in Cancun....have fun
  8. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Kim-LOL..sorry, but Im glad they got it! I heard you were the handler when Judy called. I'm so glad I have to only wait 2 weeks to have another fill. We go on our vacation on the 13th so it will be perfect timing. I sent Karen an email and talked about lunch also. I could pick you up on my way down. I have no idea when though, I have to hurry and get more advertisers the next 3 weeks. But you know me and lunch I'm sure we'll be able to do it. I haven't looked at Saturday's plans yet but I won't be able to make it if we are meetin in the AM I have choir practice. Hope everyone is having a great night. type at cha tomorrow
  9. sunsett


    Karen, I bet you feel better now that the letter is done. Hang in there God knows what he's doing even if the insurance companies DON"T!
  10. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Betty-It was to so much fun I still laugh about it when I think of it. Patty-I'm a ditz! CA is far wow. I didn't realize you were all the way OVER THERE..lol. Well ya never know sometime I may visit. We have DVR which is thought the cable company. I don't remember what we pay for it but I love it. I'm watching my soaps right now!!! Cindy-I remember those state tests I hated those things! Hope you get to relax during Idol. Eileen-Get rid of that boss!! Yello to you too. SherryW-6 pounds Wow that is fantastic! I had my first fill today. I haven't lost in about 3 weeks. What are you doing? How many days of liquids and mushies? I have liquids today and tomorrow and then mushies for 2 days. It is nice that you are so close with your mom. Hopefully your siblings will open their eyes and see that you are such a loving caring person and how lucky they are to have you. Beanie- 101 wow stay cool. You are so cool girl. I hate scales mine hasn't been behaving lately. I'm thrilled that I had my fill today I am so ready! Ok I'm off to bed. Have a good night. Hi to everyone I missed.
  11. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Hi all..I'm alive.. I hope everyone had a great Easter. I sure did. We all had a wonderful weekend. I'm crazy nuts with the magazine right now. Had a business meeting at Discovery Place tonight and got to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. If you haven't been, go! I hope to go back with the family. They are there until May 29th. Karen- How are you doing? I'm praying for you. Enough is enough!! Maybe tomrrow will be the day! Kim-How are you doing? I have to call you one of these days for lunch! Melissa, Kathy, Angie, Denika, Jennifer and everyone else hi. Seems like we are a quiet bunch this month. I had my first fill today. Ran around all day had a lunch meeting and a dinner meeting. Came home and had a can of Soup. I got 1cc. I'm going back in 2 weeks for another fill because we are going away in 3 weeks to Cancun. I'm hoping that I can start to lose weight again. I've been gaining and loosing the same 4 pounds for a few weeks now. Well have a good night. Lets see how many of us write tomorrow!! nightnight
  12. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Hi all and Happy Easter a day late. I tried to get on several times since Friday and just couldn't. I must say I had one of the nicest weekends in a long long time. Today is DH BD 50 holy CRAP I can't believe I'm married to such an old timer..lol..I am enjoying the heck out of pickin on him. Friday we hung around the house and then went to the park with DS and his GF. DH and I rented a canoe..can you tell what's next...We decided to go down this small river. We were watching the turtles and enjoying the time. DH was so busy looking around that I fell on my back in the canoe so I wouldn't hit a branch. He said look out for snakes, I bet we'll see them...thanks... the water was muckie...we continued down the river and I have no clue what happened but over we went...lol...It was so funny...this gross water...and the snakes yikes...my sandles were floating so I put them on. We finally got the boat turned over and I couldn't believe I got back in with no problem. ( I guess that has something to do with losing almost 60 pounds) We smelled real bad, but it was worth every second. Saturday night we had a BD party with our close friends and Sunday church and in-laws. It sounds like it was a nice day for everyone. I hope today is too. Patty-If you buy TIVO do you still have a monthly charge with it? Wow Patty, I will have to try to hitch a ride with my husband when he goes down to FL for work sometime, and hopefully see you. I don't remember what town the office is in but he said it's near Orlando. I love the fact that you go to Disney at least 1 time a week. That is so special. Shackdog- today is your day! congrats! Welcome to Bandland! Darcy- I love the bunnies! Anne-I hope you took a picture of your 2 yr old witht he spaghetti! SherryW-I'm so sorry about your brother and sister. If you want to vent more personally I'm here for you. Feel free to PM me. Donna-You sound so happy. Lucky to wake up and look out at the beach. I would like exercising also if I could do water aerobics. You go girl! I'm from Charlotte NC area. nothing works for me before the 7th of July. Good luck on this, I think it's great your doing it. Pat-I forgot where you lived in VA. DH and I are going to the Steeple chase in Charlottesville on April 29th. We go up every year and meet some friends that have 2 spots. It's a hoot. This year I'm going to get the sun dress and not worry about my arms being to big. I think I may even get a big girlie hat! I am planning a big bash for my DH today is 50! We had a small get together with 6 other couples to celebrate. But on May 27th were having a huge party with a band and friends from NJ and CA. I'm so excited I can't see straight. I sure hope I can keep it from him. He's starting to scare me because that weekend is the Coco Cola 600 and he mentioned something about going to it. AHH not good. We went to Bucca De Peppo's for dinner if you've never been it is a hoot. We sat in the Pope room. It was great. Thanks for asking. Betty-That joke is cute! Donna & Eileen-Your cracken me up!!! Ira-That is wonderful news about your wife. And you sure are an inspiration! Cindy-How exciting to see the success of your niece! I also give everyone a lot of credit for getting up so early to go to sunrise service. I've never made it and I don't think I ever will. I bet it's beautiful though. Sorry I missed some of you. thinking of you all. Have a blessed day. I'll try to check back later today.
  13. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Sherry- I hope you had a wonderful BD. Patty- It is so wonderful that you can go to Disney when ever possible. DD and I just went to the Biltmore Estate on Monday. It's 2 1/2 hours from home, but well worth it. It was our first time there. I liked it so much that turned our passes into yearly ones. DD already has plans to go back next week. Kelly, Life does seem to get in the chitty chitty bang bang spells. Try to keep your head up. That is great news about the clothes! WTG! I went to Dress Barn to try to find an Easter outfit and I spent over 3 hours in the store thesales help was horrible and I walked out with nothing. The good news though is that I fit in some of the regular sizes, bit mostly 16/18's As far as the ins co goes, I would tell them your going to make payments. They can't cancel you now!!! Pat. I have missed so much in the past week plus. haven't been able to complete reading all I missed. I am so sorry that you have so much sad stuff going on. My prayers go out to you and that poor mom and her little boy and husband. That is so sad. I'm truly sorry. I hope the lawyer is good and can help your son. Eileen-I love that guy!!! Anne-Yummy coffee cake! We are not going to be home for Easter this year so I won't be making anything. Makes me kinds sad. Have a good one enjoy. Beanie and Eileen-I want to check out this waiter when I come up! Sorry I didn't get to do everyone. I get so stressed about trying to keep up! I'm working on it though. Things with me have been crazy. I'm losing more advertisers because their 1 yr contract is up. That's a bummer. $ with my "job" isn't good at all these days and with gas going up I'm wondering what the heck I'm dong! I do enjoy reaching out to others it would just be really nice if they would sign the agreement and then I could move on. God gave me the gift to paint. I paint murals, and haven't picked up a bash in months. I got 2 calls with in the last week about possible murals. I think I'm going to take the jobs. I never went to school for painting and if you ask me to paint a wall a solid color....I can't do it! Whenever I get stuck on what to paint I ask God to give it to me and he does. It is so cool how he works through me with the brush. I have been eating pretty poorly lately. Tuesday I go for my 1st fill. I'm excited to get my journey going. I'm planning a huge surprise party for DH on May 27th his BD is this Monday the 17th, but I couldn't get my act together. He will be shocked. We have friends coming in from NJ and other places. I have a friend who plays in a band and the band is coming! I've already started praying for great weather, cause if it rains I'm SCREWED! But it won't. I plan on borrowing 5 or 6 tents from friends last yr the local grocery gave away green and white striped tents. So I'm going to put them here and there throughout the yard. I'm very excited. He scared me today and told me he may be going to the coca cola 600 that weekend. I have to somehow find out who wants to go with him and tell im he can't take him. Well I'm off to relax. I'm looking forward to relaxing tomorrow and reflecting on what Jesus did for ME. In the mean time I will try to catch up so you may hear from me again tonight. Have a good one. Were going to watch the Winn Dixie movie.
  14. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Hi all, I am so far behind it is awful! I will try to catch up. Kelly your in my prayers! Gotta run now just wanted to say hi.
  15. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Oh everybody is having an anniversary. We are having our 25th! on August 22nd. So we are going to Cancun for 8 days with the kids/adults. I will get a mam soon I promise. Tomorrow is my Dr appointment. I brought a bell and hung it on the door. Lucy just went to it and rang it, so I let her out. I think it's gonna work!!! Better than barking to go out!
  16. Does it feel like it is in a differn't place when you are laying down or standing up? I would call the Dr. But it could just be the differen;t positions your in. Go see her tomorrow to put your self at ease. Then let us know that your ok. I would call tonight if the pain gets worse though.
  17. sunsett

    Saturday April 1rst...

    Friday nights work for me most of the time.
  18. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Melissa I think it does matter when you check them. I forgot why, but I know it's right after your period. I have those too I haven't been for a mam in over 2 yrs. dumb huh. Kim I'll call you on my way to my appointment. Have a good night everyone.
  19. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Wow everyone is doing so well! I can't believe it's been 6 months! 6 months and 2 bands, but it's been great. Don't forget the 60 Gms of protien a day. Less than that your body will think your starving.
  20. sunsett

    April's Chat

    TRISHS- YOU DID NOT FAIL AT YOUR BAND!!!!! THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU DID TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! I know how upsetting this is and how hard it is. Boy do I know. I feel your frustration, your tears, and your fear. I PROMISE YOU FROM THE BOTTON OF MY HEART, IT IS GOING TO ALL WORK OUT BETTER THAN YOU THOUGHT! Try to enjoy this time now and think about what it is going to be like when the band does what it is supposed to do! Also think about that wedding and how you'll not have to worry about PBing during the ceremony. I'm home alone tonight so if you want to call me I'm all ears. Eileen- Thanks for asking, I feel really good. I think I'm ready for my first "REAL" fill. Clifford is coming soon and I go to the Dr on Tuesday so the scale will most likely be up..bummer..but I think I can pack it in. It's funny last time I didn't need a fill for 2 1/2 months, and it never worked!!! Are you at your "sweet" spot that everyone talks about yet? I wanna jump in your new pool this summer when I come up to visit!! Pat- sorry to here your not feeling well Cindy-I hate migraines. I get them every once in a while. Perhaps that injection they sometimes give would help. Sherry-Have your husband take up cigar smocking...kidding...but it works real well like a pacifier for a baby! It sounds like you had a real nice day. I was bulimic way back. Anyway I was a fat and obsessed with the scale and foot. I also thought and I think I still do feel, at times that I look better than I do. Well in 1991 I went to an eating disorder hospital in PA. I called it club med for the head, anyway 97% of the girls were anorexia. I could not believe and still have a hard time believing, that they see themselves as really fat. I remember one of the girls telling me I see my self as big as you. I was around 222 then. Satan loves eating disorders! I pray everyday when I look in the mirror for God to show me what I look like in his eyes. Donna- I gave up and now I open my email and type it all on that then copy and past..oh and spell check too! Hope you have a nice time with your dinner guest. Anne-What's for dinner? I'm starving! I forgot to eat since breakfast! So I'm going to take it slow now because I know if I let myself I'll just pick all night! I hope you take a picture of the kids with there dirty faces and miss matched clothes, that's to cute! You know that since the very beginning of my band journey, I have left this whole thing up to God. Many things lead me to the same Band answer. When I went in on 9/26/05 I felt such peace. I stayed close to God for a while after that, then moved away. Then when I found out I had a leak, I was like where are you!! He was holding me up and of course was right there. I often forget who to give the glory of my weight loss too. I don't mean to, but it sure feels good to take the credit once in a while. But I am learning now, that it feels better to tell the truth and give him all the credit. Wow I've really said a lot today. Have a good night!
  21. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    I love your idea of "No more illness, no more frumpies, happy marriages, healthy frindships, and consistent weight loss for everyone! Yay! I never thought of the dog food bags! What a great idea! I had breakfast and nothing else so far today. I may be going out to :hungry: with my GF. But I"m starving! So I'm having my "healthy snack" triscuits cheese and 2 sugar free sweet pickels. Believe it or not it tastes really good. Anyone have any new snack ideas?
  22. sunsett

    Saturday April 1rst...

    The only week night I could do is Monday's all the other nights are booked solid.
  23. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Happy April!
  24. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    KAthy- This time last year I bet you were thinking, what is a year from now going to be like? THIS IS YOUR MONTH!!! I AM SO HAPPY TO KNOW YOU! YOU ARE A STONG SUPPORT FOR ME AND MANY OTHERS. I AM PROUD OF YOU!! I AM 7 DAYS EARLY BUT I WANTED TO BE THE FIRST TO CONGRADULATE YOU. LOVE YA
  25. sunsett

    Saturday April 1rst...

    So did you guys take a picture?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
