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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Open Support Group..

    I plan on it now. I think this is great and I'm thrilled Bobbi will be there also. Don't forget Debbie.
  2. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    Happy May, I haven't been on much running around to much lately. Had my fill yesterday, I'm not at 1.3cc. And my 1 cc was still in there yay it's working!!! liquids today and yesterday, alothough I did have a few bites of a quiche shh don't tell the doc Kim.... So far so good. I'm about to make another shake and then shake my body outahere! My cars transmission died on Sunday. It's been lovely. Have a blessed day. di
  3. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Oh I love SPRING! :hippie: Sorry I missed you guys this morning. I want to see pictures. The :eek: sounds like a great idea for the 20th. When I went to NJ for the batzmizpha(sp?) :kev: We had a horrible hotel experience. It made hair look good! Trust me you never want to stay in the Holiday Inn in Clinton NJ I don't want to write what was on the sheets, but it was BAD! Well I'm off to bed:notagree . Kathy a friend of mine may be calling you she maybe going to MX to have the band and I believe she is going to use your Dr. I hope you don't mind I gave her your #. Kim, Can you still do lunch. I have an appointment on Monday at 11 right on Randolf. If Bobbie is in maybe the 3 of us could go. Let me know. Happy April!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  4. sunsett

    food diary

    Melissa....Melissa...I can hear your pain. Girl you are being to hard on youself! You just beating your self up to much. So down a second. If your hungry you should go for the fill. I think wven if your not hungry you should go for the fill. This is not easy but it also shouldn't be so horribly hard. It sounds to me that you are thinking scale thoughts and numbers 24-7 Am I right? You know a lot of my personal story and history with stuff. I learned so much when I was in the eating disorder hospital. I would love to meet up with you so we can talk. Call me if you'd like to. We can meet over by the Pineville Mall if you want. I'm free today and most of tomorrow. Big HUGS I know it stinks sometimes. But I know you can do it! Love ya
  5. sunsett

    Where were you at six months post-op?

    It seems to me from looking around on here that these # for 6 months are average. I am 7 months out and down 61 total. I go down 1 and then up 3 then back down to the low and lose another pound then up 3. It is crazy, but that is just the way my body is. Stressing out about it all can't help. Weight lose as you all know can be a visous cycle of emotions due to an object that has #'s on it. I have thrown 3 out the window. We may lose slow but we are losing! Think about where you were 6 months ago. Remember huffing and puffing. Shopping in the women sizes and thinking there was no way I'll ever get out of this department!! Now you can look and say I'm not where I want to be but I"m well on my way. Congrats to all of us for chosing to make our selves healthier and in the long run happier.
  6. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Cindy I love that book! And you are so right! Thanks for reminding me! Anne-We still have the flags, I think we are going to have them till the Fall..lol..Today I decided to wait to start Lucy because she is getting neutered on Monday. She has enough trauma in her little life right now. I'll start her next Wednesday or Thursday I guess. When my DH was 2 she decided to take my brown paint and paint the carpet, which was new and pink. DH was baby sitting sound asleep on the chair! Thanks for letting us know Ira. Kat- Congrats and Welcome to bandland!! Eileen- Hi I'm trying hot chocolate with whip cream of course..to help me from eating!! It's only 11:55 but so far so good. Why did God make chocolate? How cool your going to see 4Him!!! Can I come. Donna-You are so right about food addictions! AHHHH You know when I was thinking about the surgery I was talking to my therapist and saying that a puppy would help me mother it and keep my mind off food. I could comfort the puppy. I am so thrilled with Lucy. She just makes me smile all the time and I guess because of her I am not eating as much because she wants to play or go out ALL THE TIME. One thing I do with her at night, cause she won't let me eat anything in front of the TV peacefully, is I have her on my lap and hot her bone for her. It's our quiet time before bed. And now that I think about it, it sure does keep me from munching!!! So DH and I are off to Charlottesville in a few minutes. I haven't even packed or taken a shower. I'm going to take a spinach chicken salad in the car with me to munch on. I'm looking forward to our weekend. Cancun is only 2 weeks away!! AHH I still haven't received my passport, but I'm not going to worry until next Wednesday. I hope you all have a great weekend. Bye for now.....di
  7. sunsett

    Trish S. Happy Bandiversary

    Happy Banniversary! 1 year wow how exciting! This next year is going to be even better!!
  8. I have a 20 year old daughter. She has know me as 268 most of her life. She is 2 something not sure what but wears size 16-18. She is very supportive and excited for me. However she is having a difficult time dealing with me fitting into the same size and smaller than her size. I went out to et with her and my GF and her DD. GF is having the BP surgery in a few months and the first thing she said is I don't want you fitting into my size. How do you handle this? Any of you who have been there I'd love to hear your experiences so I can learn how to help her go through what she's going through. Boys are easier. My DS pokes me and say theres nothing to poke anymore, and thats about it.
  9. My DH said to me when I told him that my GF and her DD and us were getting together for dinner. He said I hope you won't tell them they should have the surgery..errr... I would say that she only has 30 pounds to lose. She is very tall and big boned. My fear is that she's thinking in the back of her mind well if I get big enough I can do it. Thanks for your suggestions. Thanks for the daughters perspective. That is very helpful. Bottom line is She has to go through whatever she has to go through. When I encourage her to eat healthy and SLOW she gets upset with me. When I mention calories she gets upset. And of course I get upset to see her do what I did for so long. Talk about guilt!
  10. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Eileen- How was who' who? How are they old enough to know? I bet it was cute. LOL Darcy-love the word twoterville!! I'm so sorry about the panic attacks. Maybe more sex will help those! My Hubby says more sex is the answer to EVERYTHING...lol..I sure wish I felt that was! I do have energy these days. It feels good I sure hope it lasts! I walked in the grocery store this morning and felt like a fool without a cart so I grabbed one so no one would think what is that lady rushing around here for..lol I haven't been great with food so I'm hoping the exercise will help. Ok What I'm I doing wrong with Sandy and Lucy. Sandy got trained on the fence a few weeks ago and she is still getting zapped once in a while. Lucy, or Lunny Luse, as I like to call her, we just put her collar on her Monday. She doesn't even act like she hears the buzz. We still have the protector on the collar so she hasn't been zapped, I'm I just being impatient! I have to tell you, she cracks us all up! You know I put a bell by the door and now she rings it when she wants to go out..HOW CUTE IS THAT...anyway this morning she thought it was fun to watch Mommy jump up everytime she rang the bell. Talk about exercise! Donna- Give your self a hug! We ALL go through ups and downs. I'm on an up right now, but I've had more downs than ups. Do you look at the scale everyday? I HATE the scale!! I look once a week at the most and try to only look every other week. It makes so feel like a failure when it goes up. So I will grab more Hershey kisses, what the heck! This is all a process and these feeling are all normal. My last down time I brought home a puppy...be careful....Hugs.. Patty-I can't wait for you do get your date and shock the heck out of him as your going down!! GL with the paper work. Hang in there..think of the mouse, I'm sure he makes you smile...hugs... Beannie-I wish I could do that, but I'm chicken. My doc told me that I now have a 10% chance of slippage so I really have to stick with all the rules...bummer huh. Looks like I'm going to be in NJ on June14. Maybe hopefully you'll be there. I'll keep you and Eileen posted. I may come up for a longer visit in August. Pat-Ummm Olive Garden! I have been having cravings for that salad since before my second surgery! I'm on a spinach salad kick this week and totally enjoying it! Hope work gets better. Maybe your son will get her sick to her stomach!!! This exercise thing I'm going through I hope it lasts! I have been doing more because of the upcoming Cancun trip and also my poor snacking! I really need help with that! Today I'm eating like a jerk! Well not really but I haven't had my PT shake yet and I've munched an a few nuts and raisins. I know I'm setting myself up for a fall if I don't do something smart about eating now! I brought a new bathing suite at Sears yesterday. I think I look pretty good in it. I also think it is the cutest BS I've ever seen. It looks like a black dress and then by the boobs there is another piece of fabric that black and white almost looks like a little jacket. Anyway I'm ready for CANCUN!!! I hope you all have a good day. It's coldish her today and off and on much needed rain. bye for now SherryW-Talk about Superman..wow how scary, but exciting at the same time. You are good with your list of everyone's names!!! I use the email to remember to get to everyone, other wise I forget who said what by the time I finish reading. Betty-How are things going?
  11. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Melissa-Where is the Target in Pineville? Do you mean Stonecrest? If you do I'm 2 minutes from there LETS MEET!!! Ok I brought a bathing suit last night and I love it! Got it at Sears it was 30% off I think I paid 50 but it is so cute! I'm not modeling for anyone in the house till Cancun..suprise...I plan on taking my other 2 bathing suites to the tailor and see if she can do anything with them. I have not been on the bike since Monday but hopefully today I can get on it. We should all get our bikes and meet at Freedom Park for a bike ride and picinic! We'd be doing something healthy for ourselves and having fun! 3 cars crashed into Kelly on Satuday. She's feeling fine, but I'm making her go to the chiropractor tomorrow anyway. Now I'm waiting to hear from Enterprise about my rental car. What a big pain in the butt! Lucy has the potty training down real well. I hung a bell on the door and she rings it when she needs to go out. She is so cute! Although today she must be board because she is ringing that darn bell every 10 minutes! Hopefully she'll wake up from her nap and forget that she had mommy up and down all morning. We are going to Charlottesville VA this weekend for the steeple chase there. One of Garrys associates from works rents 2 spots by the fence we've been going every year for the past 5 or 6. It's fun. I'm hoping the weather will be good. Well thats it for now. I have my next fill on Tuesday. I really am learning what my band feels like and I like it!! Have a good day.
  12. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Hi gang, Isn't this weather fantastic! I rode my bicycle tonight for the first time in a very long time. I was scared half to death when I got going, but then I was fine. My butt hurts though! Have a good night, thinking of all of you.
  13. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Hi all I took the weekend off of the computer and just spent an hour trying to catch up. Friday was real quiet around here, glad everyone's back. I went to curves this morning then did my grocery laps and then I can't believe it I took out my bicycle! I haven't done that in a LONG time. I'm always such a chicken when I first get back on it. Wow my butt hurts! I only went a mile but that's more than yesterday. Hope you all have a good night. I'm going to watch 24 and them hopefully sleep straight through the night! I'm trying to get all my water in by 4:30 so I can sleep ALL night! Pat- I sure hope things calm down soon for your son I feel so bad for him. How is his finger doing? How cool that you caught your dinner! I'm impressed! I live near Charlotte NC. SherryW-Congrats on Passing! How exciting for you! Beanie-How is your restriction going. I go for my 2nd fill next Monday. I had to be on liquids for 2 days then mushies for 2 days. You only had to do liquids for 1 day? Wow lucky you. Betty-Hi I hope you got your Harley ride in yesterday. Patty-I'm so glad that you brought yourself flowers and had such a wonderful day. Eileen-Wow Rabies shots! Are they still as terrible as they were years ago. Oh awful! I hope today was a nicer day in NJ. NC has been so pretty and perfect temp. You should move here! Cindy-I'm so sorry about your FIL. Anne-What grade is your son in? It is nice to have them off and also relaxing when school gets back in. Even now with my kids at the community college, when they have a day or week or month..lol off it is fun for me to give myself permission to sleep late make English muffin pizzas and watch soaps. Darcy-Spring is a good pick me up time. I totally understand about not taking drugs. I stopped my wellbrutin since my last surgery. Well today I finally took it again. I just seem to be edgy and impatient. Hugs Bubbame-So sorry to hear that your having such a tough time. It makes me so sad to see the crap that so many people have to go through because of relationships gone bad. Prayers for comfort and peace.
  14. Ok here is my ? Is BP one of the ways we learn to stop eating SO much. Isn't it a warning like slow down or hey thats to much! I have had 2 mini slimes I guess in the past 2 weeks.
  15. sunsett

    Lap Band on THE VIEW

    LOL This is too funny. Why should we really care. We are the true Starrs!!!! We did it admit it and accomplish it! Lets all just keep up the good work!
  16. sunsett

    Altitude Change and Restriction

    wow thats good to know. I'm flying to Cancun on May 13th. I go for anther fill next Tuesday. I've flown for 2 hours and have not had any trouble before but this will be a much longer flight. Thanks for the heads up!
  17. sunsett

    Altitude Change and Restriction

    wow thats good to know. I'm flying to Cancun on May 13th. I go for anther fill next Tuesday. I've flown for 2 hours and have not had any trouble before but this will be a much longer flight. Thanks for the heads up!
  18. sunsett

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    That is wonderful Leatha!!
  19. I am so excited I can't SEE STRAIGHT! :eek: :mad: I actually started to cry when she said yes you made it!!! 3 feet and 61 pounds! Wow I'm so happy I love my BAND!!! I'm so excited I just can't hide it I'm about to lose my butt and I just can't hide it!!! :cool: :cool: :Banane56: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  20. sunsett

    I made 3FT club @ Curves!!!

    Thank you all for your encouragement. That makes it even more exciting!! 2 weeks after the surgery I could go back. I love the fact that it is just for women. I haven't been to a gym yet. Maybe down the road when I'm smaller. But for right now this is great and it is very close to my home.
  21. sunsett

    Do you drink with your meals?

    I try to stop drinking a 1/2 hour before sometimes it's 10 minutes before. I do not drink with meals unless it's spagettti then I sip a little milk. I don't drink for 45min to 1 hour after. I didn't think that drinking right up until the meal would be a big deal but my Dr said it is very important not to. It would be interesting to see the difference in WL with drinker and non drinkers..
  22. sunsett

    April's Chat

    Hey Patty- the 3 foot club is inches lost! For the 1 ft club I got socks 2 ft club I got a tie shirt and now the 3 ft club I had a choice of a sweatshirt or a free month. We have a board that has all those who have lost the differen't feet. I'm the only one on the 3Ft board. I love curves. With my bad back though I ca't do all of the stations, but I do what I can. I feel guilty because I've never broken a sweat there and I think I'm suposed to. After I do my stretches I do at least 60-90 crunches. Not with one of those helper things, I do it on my own. I'm in such a good mood today!!! Have fun with the Disney nerds..I want t be a Disney Nerd!
  23. sunsett

    NC's April Chat

    Oh Angie- I didn't know you were going through all of this. I'm so sorry. Your prayers are with me. Please give me a call anytime if you want to talk or need a listener. Try not to stress with the weight right now, you have to much other stuff going on. I know, easier said than done. My prayers are with you. Miss you all Melissa, I can meet I just have to meet after 10:30. We have a great group here! Ok clothes exchange is in order we can do it at my house if you'd all like I'll even make a meal for us all. I have tons of summer stuff mostly 24's and some shoes that are to big now too. Oh we are going to an all inclusive place in Cancun. I'm excited! I am really not going to have to many drinks since the calories are so bad, but when I do have one I will toast to all of you, my friends.
  24. sunsett

    May Get together thoughts

    I'll be flying on the 13th, I'll wave from the plane. Miss ya
  25. sunsett

    Would I get the Band again?

    I'm sorry sorry your having such a hard time. Do you want the band? I know even being on my second band I would have another if insurance let me. Take it easy on yourself...hugs...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
