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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    May's Chat

    Hi Everyone, I haven't caught up on everything yet, but I hope all is well. The surprise party on Saturday night for DH was GREAT!! He was shocked!! We all stood out in the driveway because there was no way to hide all of the cars. As he pulled down the street all he could think about was a hot shower and rest. Wondered who was having the big party and then it clicked! It was really nice and fun. I'm back to working hoping I can save the magazine! Well I'm off to vote and then I hope to go to the pool for a swim. I REALLY want to lose 34 pounds by September 21st. We are going on a cruise with some friends. Do you think there is any way on earth I can do it? I'll catch up and do personals soon....I hope....
  2. sunsett

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    I wasn't in this one but I'm in for June!!!
  3. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    Hello strangers..lol..Wow It's been a while since I've been on here. I've been crazy all week getting ready for Garry's surprise party. It went great! He was shocked!! We had over 90 people. I prayed and claimed perfect weather and of course we got it. I'm exhausted! Still cleaning up inlaws still here. Cat rean away yesterday but came home this morning. We had a tough time getting him back in the house but he's here safe and sound. NSV Went to hechts to buy a shirt and took a XLG and lg int the dressing room. The slaes lady told me I needed a medium! I brought it! My eyes filled up when she told me. I said to her are you sure, do you know your talking to me! I still go to the other department!! Everytime I go past the Women sizes now I just praise God for all he's done for me! Who, what is avatar? Clifford IS Aunt Flo's BIG RED DOG!!! LOL aND cLIFFORD has left!!! Thanks Kim, you look great too! I love my band! WTG Melissa thats awesome 50 pounds gone for GOOD and it feels so great to know that it really is for good! Jill- What a bummer about your D and H. Pylori When did you have your surgery? How often do you have your blood taken? gotta run. bye for now. miss you guys.
  4. It is so worth it! I went to the store the other day for a shirt and brought an Xlg and and lg in the dressing room with me. The sales lady told me the lg was to big. I brought my first medium shirt in YEARS...It is so so worth it! Try differen't protien drinks. They are all differen't. I love mine and have it every morning for Breakfast and sometimes for lunch.
  5. You look wonderful! Its so exciting isn't it?
  6. sunsett

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Everyone is doing so great how exciting and encouraging for all of us!! I'm not sure what I'm at now, but I think I'm about 70 down. I'd like 40 more and then see what happens. It sure is exciting!
  7. sunsett

    Were Hiring...

    Well you never know if I don't sell more I may just take the course and join you al....
  8. sunsett

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    WOW YOU guys look Awesome!!! talk about shrinking wow look at FEbs pics and then this one!!! Wavy hi! I'll meet you one of these months. Angie that hot blooded caring boldheaded hunk of burning love is out there and he is going to treat you the way you desive and your cute little ones. I haven't seen you smile in a long long time you look good!
  9. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    Boy I go way and so much is happening!!! I'm sure pictures..lol...actually last year on our cruise, we went to a nude beach. I took some pics not of us but friends for black mail not close up at all cause I was to scared. We deleted them before we left the ship. I someday want to go topless on a beach....that's empty....There was one set of hooters that we saw in Cancun. My son took a picture but deleted it also. Hey Tonya Welcome!! OK I thought for sure I would gain on the trip I kept hearing Doc V saying fish and chicken no Pasta. Well I had a few drinks mostly sips of everyone elses. And I ate, I thought to much at meal time. Had 3 wonderful PBs but figured out I needed yogart for Breakfast rather that eggs first. I was feeling bigger and sure that I had gained at least 10 pounds. I ususally go to curves in the morning and Clifford is coming any second. Well I finially got to curves at 5:30 so thats a few extra pounds at least one. I was only up a 1/2 pound!!! I'm so excited!! I think I lost!!! Yahhhhh If it wasn't for Clifford I mght just swing by the office tomorrow AM before my fill, but he is a big red dog so I'll wait till next week. Can't make the 17th. Will be flying to NJ to my Godsons graduation party. Sad story he's 21 and has been in a special school all his life. Very very sad. He functions but has many differen't things wrong. He will never be able to drive hold a job live on his own. He breaks my heart. He wrote on his list that he wants us to come to his party. The whole family won't be going but I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love him so much he's such a sweety. OK I"m getting tearynow so I"m off to see your Saturday picts you incredible shinking women!! Kim I hope the meeting went well tonight I would have gone if I didn't just get home. Astalavista baby.....
  10. sunsett

    May's Chat

    Hey all I'm back!!! We had a wonderful time! It was really really nice. Weather was great. We got upgraded thanks to my sister the travel agent to the presidential suite. It was huge and perfect for the 4 of us over looked one of the pools and of course the ocean. We were dumb and didn't go in the hot tub until the last day cause I am a nerd sometimes! We laughed a lot. Ate to much and drank to much. I got stuck 3 or 4 time one was horrible. I'm afraid to go on the scale today because I'm also PMSing so I know that will add a few pounds. Tomorrow I go for a fill and hopefully I can get it right. I didn't each in between meals there had no desire to. I was pretty good with the drinks stuck with a sip here and there of the rest of the gangs and that was good enough, except for the one day when the tequila sunrises were really good!!! I think I had 3!! Then danced and laughed. Kat-How are things going with you DH? Eileen-Looks like you had a great time at the concert! OK I can't read every single page so just tell me was he surprised? How many people didn't show? Mine is this Saturday and 86 have RSVP'd should I plan for 100 or 80 or some where in the middle. SherryW-WOW what a horrible case. So sorry that you had to go through that and that poor little girl and her family. It is so sad how things can effect so many, especially the innocent children. Darcy-How's curves going? I have my clothes on to go now I need to just get in the car. Well I started this at 9AM I'm still in my curves clothes and not out the door yet, But I will as soon as I finish with this. Hang in there you and you DD look good. You'll be ok we all have faith in you and each other. Cindy- Is school out? Yah...enjoy congrats on the 5 pounds! Becky-I'm sure you have already said but I can't remember. Why didn't you have a fill? Is everything ok? Hey Tammy- Welcome! I'm a true Jersey girl I lived in Northern NJ my whole life up until 5 yrs ago, now living in NC 5 miles from SC. Welcome. I know what you mean about the pain. When we were away I got stuck I don't think I've ever PB but being stuck is not fun. It happened once at lunch because I ate some FF and twice in the AM so I went to yogurt after that I usually have protein shake in the AM. I have a fill tomorrow I'm hoping all will go well. GL with yours. Patty- How are things going with the insurance and do you LOVE your TIVO? What an emotional day for you yesterday. bubbame-WOW I'm only up to 5-17 in my catch ups of reading but I sure hope your doing better. A taco messed you up? Oh no I'm so sorry. Pat-I'm so sorry to hear about your son and then enemy. How frustrating and upsetting for you! OK I really am off to curves now right now....I need it. I have to make my self go on the freakin scale and suck it up!! Clifford is well on his way so I know I can add 5 pounds right there. Maybe I won't be so upset. Well it was vacation... I know I missed a bunch of you sorry hi though I'm still thinking of you. I'm sure I'll be back on later with sad news.
  11. sunsett

    May's Chat

    Hi, Wow Patty, I'm so glad that Lewis is doing so good! I got a PINK bathing suite! I really tought no way but it looked nice. Fit the hooters perfect! And with these hooters, thats not an easy thing! I'm just about completely packed. Please pray that we have a peaceful vacation. DH is under more stress than ever and really needs it. I'm excited. I know it will take me 2 weeks to catch up with everyone when I get back, but know that I'm thinking of you all everyday. I will have that Pinacolada with ice cream!:spit: Why not!! Have a good 8 days while I'm away, don't :hungry: to much bad stuff and most of all stay healthy and happy......... I'ma leavin on a jet plane dahdah dah ...........ok I'm going......................:Banane41: :Banane41: :Banane30: :nanahump: I'm a little can you tell....
  12. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    Well bye...see you all soon. I'm off to Cancun in 7 hours..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...please pray for us to have a great time and for the food not to get to me to much!! I'll be back on the 21st
  13. sunsett

    Date for Angie

    YOu guys are all cracking me up!!! I still haven't seen idol! But now I really have to! Angie you sound so much better. I hear spunk and peace in you! I will keep my eyes out for a hottie baldheaded young hunka burnin love typw for you.
  14. sunsett

    Whose getting a bike???

    I have a bike and everyday I say I'm gonna ride it again. The past week and a half I have been terrible with exercise of any type. Good luck. I like the look of that Walmart bike.
  15. sunsett

    Happy Birthday Jennifer!

    Happy Birthday. Have fun today!
  16. sunsett

    So, who should I bug?

    I hope you have better luck today. You'll have your approval before you know it! KAREN you crack me up by saying your not the most patient person!!! I think everyone would agree with me, you ARE!
  17. sunsett

    I Have a Date!

    I'm so happy for you.
  18. sunsett

    May's Chat

    Eileen- I think that's great that you brought that ring. It sure is pretty. And your right now you need earrings and a necklace to match. Did you have the big party yet for DH? We have at least 80 coming I'm praying for perfect weather!! It will be outside with a live band he has no clue...I hope... Donna- I agree with you Betty- I'm taking drink orders, is there something you'd like me to have for you?..lol..I know all those drinks will be calorie free next week. Cindy- I'm so glad the migraines are GONE!!! I pray that that will be for GOOD! Beanie-I may have to try the low carb diet. I'm just not one for a "real diet" I was better yesterday until I went out to dinner and everyone ordered chips with blue cheese. If I had skipped those I would have had a great day. Hopefully my calories weren't to bad. Good for you with the gym. I've been terrible about curves the past week. Just been so busy that it's been almost impossible to go. bubbame-I hope she gets the message. Anne- Sorry about your fill going so bad. Are you going to do fluro next time. I am only doing fluro from now on. Kat-Congrats on the WL!! WTG. I never knew that sleeping on your stomach could effect your port. That makes sense! Hello to everyone else. How my Mickey fan doing? I got samples of REALLY good protein powder at Dr off ice the other day. Now I'm going to go search it out. I really enjoy my PT drink for breakfast everyday. I have to go find a bathing suit for the trip yuk and I hate spending the $$$. I hope everyone has a nice day. I think I may be the first one awake this morning. hugs
  19. sunsett

    May's Chat

    Hi, I've been nuts tried to catch up on everyone. We leave for Cancun on Saturday. I'm so excited. I got the bad girl lecture today by my dr. urgh... So tomorrow I'm off to a new start. I mean right now I'm off to a new start. I'm going to look at fat and calories now! Cindy I hope your feeling better. Hello to everyone else. Eileen how cold is it up there? It's cold here in NC. nightnight
  20. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    Hey Kim it was great seeing you today. What is the web site for that Protien drink do you remember? I need to kick my self in the butt and eat better. I've already brought spinach for my salad for dinner tomorrow, except after I brought it I remembered that I have a dinner meeting. So I'll have fish tomorrow for dinner. All else is good here I just wish I could stop thinking about food!!!! Have a good night and don't eat Bratwurst!!!
  21. sunsett

    Surgery Scheduled !!!

    congratulations! You'll love your band.
  22. sunsett

    I hit ONE-derland!!

    That is cool!! Congrads
  23. sunsett


    I just read the email you sent. I'm so Happy and excited for you. And just think if it turns out that you get you band in June you have to other June Bansters to follow! I'm so excited for you! I'm going to do an extra jig at curves this morning just for you!
  24. sunsett

    Happy Birthday - THe Best ME

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday incredible shrinking woman...Happy birthday to you! Have a day and a year filled with smiles and joy.
  25. sunsett

    NC's May Chat

    I forgot to tell all of you that the other day when I got my fill. Dr.V was telling me how FANTASTIC Kim was looking and doing. I am so excited for you Kim, WTG!!! And he was just as excited!!! Ok I have a tummy ache, whats up with this? I almost feel like my tummy has a bottle of soda in it and is all fuzzy. I have been good with food since the fill. But couldn't sleep. I had shake in the morning then chicken for lunch that was shreaded and are you ready for this one, 1/2 a cup of Baked Beans with some cheese oh yeah and a ice pop. Today shake, few bites of chicken salad and PS. Any suggestions? Am I to tight?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
