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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Update on my Wound

    WOW Trish, I didn't realize you had this going on. Why do they think you got the infection? It sounds like it is separate from the leak. OMGosh I'm SO SO SORRY!!! Keep me posted please. I'll keep you in my prayers
  2. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Angie, You'll get it. I stupidly ate a whole ice cream from Cold Stone last night. OMGoodness it was awesome and I enjoyed every single bite! I brought the 3 hour diet book. Bobbie a nurse from our office, had the by-pass several years ago. To me she doens't look like she needs to lose an ounce, but she told me about this "diet" she tried it for a week and lost 2 1/2 pounds!!! So yesterday I went to www.3hourdiet.com and got the book through amazon. I will hopefully be picking up my copy over at borders today. I figure it's worth a shot. I tried eating every 2 hours one day and that helped with the hunger. It is a little harder with 3 hours, but I'm trying. Yesterday I was doing well with the 3 hours, then I went to costco and brought there fabulous chicken. When it was time to eat I made a wonderful plate fresh string Beans applesause and chicken. While I was waiting for the SB's to cook I ate 2 wings. By the time I sat down for my wonderful meal.....I was PBing! Bummer! I'm off to Harrisburg later this afternoon for a meeting at 5:30. Anyone want to meet up earlier? My meeting is at the Hibernian Hall. There is a lot of stuff around there. Bye for now
  3. sunsett

    June Chat

    OH Betty- I am so sorry. I will be praying for all of you. God Bless
  4. sunsett

    June Chat

    Sherry-What a mess at work. Sorry to hear that. I hate that snoring stuff! GL Beanie-How's the hangover? Sorry about your team. Enjoy NJ/NY. Sorry we were on the wrong week! Pat-That baby sure is a cutie! The boys sure look comfy! Cindy-Congrats on the good news at the Dr's! Darcy-Thanks so much for your support! I'm glad you have a sick free dog day! Once I learn how to make the pictures smaller I will be boring all of you with Lucy, Sandy and Poose pictures.... Donna-How nice, you must be so proud. Thank him for me, and thank you! Well I'm off to sing my heart out..lol..now that would be scary! Tonight is our last choir practice until August. Tomorrow I have a Dr appointment with a new PC I feel bad about leaving the old one but she's so far away. I still may go in and see her one last time, she hasn't seen me since December and she has been very supportive. Besides that not much going on around here. I hope you all have a good night and stay cool!!
  5. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    WTG Karen you can do it. Angie-I can't imagine all that your going through. 4 pounds is not the end of the world. Don't beat your self up to bad. You have been the inspiration for myself and so many others here. You will do fine. Trust in the Lord and ask him to hold your hand. We all know you can do, cause you have! (((hugs)))
  6. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    Aww thankyou! Sherry how did you make me smaller?...lol... I've tried to take a picture every month.
  7. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    how do my make it smaller? And how do you put more than 1 picutre ont he same screen. I could get into this. You all may be sorry...
  8. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    This was exactly 1 year ago. I hope this works!
  9. sunsett

    The Picture Thread

    I'm trying to do tis and I"m stuck! How do you get it from the advanced screen on here?
  10. sunsett

    June Chat

    Hey gang, I just got back from NJ a little while ago. For those of you who haven't met our fearless leader!!! You Must. Eileen and Gracie are wonderful! We had a really nice time, and I feel so blessed to know her, and all of you. Thanks for all of your friendships. Eileen- CONGRATULATIONS on saying good bye forever to the 220!! It's GREAT isn't it!! Thanks SO much for meeting up with me. Your DD is adorable and you are so sweet. How lucky we are to get to meet! Thanks for posting the picture. Betty-Thanks for making my night by calling me small!!! I WILL get my before picture on here soon. Patty I love the picture of you and the boys! What a great family you have. Darcy-bummer on the Hyperthyroidism. I hope they can figure out what to do soon. Don't let the Calgon take you to far. Kat-I've been thinking about you and DH. Beanie-What a bummer we missed each other by a few days! Have a great time with Eileen. Maybe one of these trips I'll get to meet you too. Tish and Mary Happy Birthday! I know I missed a lot of you and I'm sorry I'm exhausted. I had one of the nicest visits in a long time. And it is so exciting to see family when you haven't seen them in a very long time. My Father said where did you go! How cool and blessed are we all to have the opportunity to change our lives and feel so good about ourselves. The ups and downs come with it, but when it's cool it is so cool! And it's could right now!!! Night night
  11. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Kim, How how it go today? Your guys are making me smile! Thanks for the compliments! It sure makes me smile! All of us are doing great. I can't waot to see everyone. When is the next get together? Eileen (NJChick) is so sweet. I got to meet her DD also who is 4 and adorable. We are so lucky to have friends everywhere now. This site is so cool. To go to another state and meet a fellow bandster is COOL! OK fill me in on Stacy, sounds like shes made it tell me tell me!!!
  12. sunsett

    June Chat

    Darcy you hear looks good! Eileen- SherryW- You'll do fine on the cruise. You don't want to be to tight. Randi- Hi welcome. Remember just like the news, negative seems to be the thing that draws people in. I believe most of us are pleased with our decision. Some lose faster than others, but that happens with By-pass too. I am thrilled with my band. Had to have it replaced after 5 months because of a leak, I'm one in many thousands so don't worry. If I had to do it again I'd do it in a heart beat. My band has changed my life, and I love it. Anyone can have problems, it's the attitude you take with them that makes the difference. I'm sure you'll do great! I think guys lose faster, lucky you. Cindy-Glad your enjoying VBS. Kat-Thoughts and prayers are with you and DH. Betty-Sorry about the lose! Do they continue to play or is that it? OK I gotta get packed and out of here!! I'm excited! It is raining here and cold, can't wait to see what Jersey is!!! Eileen-I'll call you ! Stay healthy and happy gang. I'll be back on Tuesday. Oh I did the 3 hour diet yesterday and it went real well except I was off at dinner time. I'm hoping I can stick with it today. I guess the biggie is nothing inbetween. Can't wait to see the scale. I'm hoping to stay off of it until Monday the 26th. That will for sure give me 5 days on the 3 hour plan.
  13. sunsett

    Is This Cheating?

    I think your just fine. Sounds like you didn't eat much and you chewed till mush. I won't tell....lol.... Aren't you on creamy thicker soups?
  14. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Hi, I'm getting ready for my NJ trip. I have a luncheon at the Duke Mansion today...gotta make this quick...then I hope to get my nails done. Monster doggie visitor WET our bed at 5am!! She goes home today YYAY!! MY back has been spaziming (cant spell) I can hardly move in the morning. So it has been a cruddy doggy day! Laundry already going! Bobbie told me about this book I totally forgot the name but it is the something 3 hour diet! She said she tried it last week and lost 2 1/2 pounds. So I'm on it now! Other than that everything else is good. Have a good day. I'll try to stop by later ir tomorrow morning before I go.
  15. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    hI EVERYONE I am at 201 the scale seems to like 201 & 202! I heard about this new great diet. You eat every 3 hours. My friend/nurse tried it last week and lost 2 1/2 pounds! So I"m trying that! I would just love to be at 100 pounds by our anniversary! Everyone looks like they are doing great. Tztmana where are you?
  16. sunsett

    June Chat

    Jan-Those old habit are tough to break. GL Enjoy your last week of school sounds like a lot of fun stuff happening. Betty- I bet everyone had fun. Hope you have a good day at work. Do you have a voice? LOL Someone left the cake out in the he rain was just on the radio..lol...don't we all know that feeling..It took so long to bake it, I'll never have that recipe again...OH NOOOOO..lol..The panic in the singers voice about the cake is just cracking me up. I know that panic over food..lol..now I would say oh well that's a shame, I didn't need it anyway, I'll live..and the truth is that no one really does care! I'll check in more later. Have a good day, Dr at 3:15 I'm starting to eat different today. I'm going to try smaller meals throughout the day and see how that goes. I may even try to eat one in the rain..lol...Oh I'm sick today!
  17. sunsett

    June Chat

    Cindy-Your not nuts I used to love all that kiddies stuff. I thought I liked it and continued to help with the youth group at church after my kids started college. They would call me once in a while and say can you drive. The last item we drove was 2 yrs ago on our anniversary. There were screaming 6,7 & 8th graders. We haven't volunteered since, except to go on mission trips. Sherry Do you have the hick ups? JerseyJan-Hi, wow your doing great! I know what you mean about support groups! Ours only meets 1 time a month also. FYI Summerset Hospital used to hold a eating disorder support group I don't know if they still do and that's quite a ride for you, but it was good we discussed our food issues. GL Betty-It sure sounds like you made a fuss!! I'm sure everyone will have a great time tonight. Take care of that footzy! Patty-How pleased you are to have that family time with the boys at such a special place. I sure hope this will be your week!!! Glad Robbie is starting to eat. Well I found 2 skirts!! after trying on several dozen! I even went into this plus store, I don't remember the name but it is truly for teens, there hanging on the wall was the exact skirt I've been looking for. Oh I was so excited. I got the 14 and the 16 to try on. HOLY COW THIS WAS A PLUS STORE! I NOW FIT INTO REGULAR SIZE STORE,RIGHT...WELLLLL...This skirt was so snug I kept telling my self I'm not gonna let the size bother me. A 22 was the only one that looked ok and that was still snug around the waste! Well needless to say I didn't buy it cause it looked like crap! So then she measures me for a bra. WTF she tells me I'm a 44DDD the other day I was a 36DDD (the girl said maybe 38 if the cup was to small) I ran out of that demented store as fast as I could. Landed up buying at Hecht's/Macy's a Ralph Lauren size 16 jean skirt and a size 14 pretty black skirt! I am so happy I found them! Now I won't be bottomless when I go to NJ! The day has been good. The monster dog hasn't bit anyone today, she is actually being a bit friendlier, not much though..41 1/2 more hours till she goes home, but who's counting... Hope you all sleep tight..love ya..di
  18. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Kim- HOw are you feeling? I hate that your off tomorrow. It's not fair! I haven't seen you in a while and when I come in your not there!!! Karen are you going in tomorrow? I'll miss ya'll next week. Bt I'm thrilled to say that I'll be meeting up with NJChick, while in Jersey. I'm so excited! However that will make 3 months in a row that I haven't meet up with you'll! Whats the deal with eating at night!! I hate this I do great all day and then after dinner it's down hill from there. Have a good night..night night...pray I STOP EATING!!!
  19. Finially Karen you are less than 24 hours away from BANDLAND!!:violin::note2: :note: :girl_hug: :amen: I'm so excited for you! My thoughts and prayers are with you. sleep tight tonight! Let us know ASAP that all went well.....I bet Kim will beat you to it..... Love ya, di __________________
  20. sunsett

    June Chat

    Cindy-LOL thanks for letting me know what those teams play I didn't want to ask felt like I should have known..duh..great job on the weight loss!! Anne-I haven't had surgery yet I guess the next thing would be injections. All that scares me. Any surgery scares me after my last band, because of the allergic reaction I got to something. I am trying to train myself to sleep on my back or side. I do feel better when I sleep on my back. Got a Temperpedic bed in November and that is helping also. Maybe it's just the way it's gonna be. Darcy-hope your feeling better. Kat-I'm so sorry to hear he's a 4. Hang in there I can't imagine what your feeling. (((hugs))) and prayers coming your way. Yeah Mary-I'll come paint! How old is he what does he like? Eileen-I hope that that's what's wrong with DD no more KartWheel for her! Can't wait to see you!!! I got you in my cell so were all set! SherryW-Well I wasn't 100% perfect, however I don't think I have been 100% since I had my band. Thanks for the encouragement. Your right, in the past it would have taken months to get back on track. Thanks for reminding me of that. I hope your having a wonderful day with you DS. Donna-Come cook for me! I don't cook fish here,at least not yet. I'm to chicken. Anne-42 pokes! wow I'm so sorry! Patty, Beanie, Mary, Betty, Pat, and everyone else, How are you? The little beast bit Kelly (DD) this morning. Lovely, I really need to keep my mouth shut about helping people out with their pets. DH SAT and he's no light weight, on his glasses. Needless to say we are going to pick up the new ones in a few minutes. I'm looking for a jean skirt that is a straight cut blue and black. So far no luck! I could use a nap, but the mall sounds like just as much fun. Have a good rest of the day.
  21. sunsett

    Fast Food List?

    I tried Md's burger a few weeks ago. Ordered it and landed up giving it to my dh because the grease pouring out of it made me want to puke! So I went inside and orderd a sunday...yummy...I got the urge again the other day for MD's and saw the image in my head of all that grease, we went to Bixx pizza instead. Had 1 slice of thier chicken pizza it was yummy and just enough. I love chick-fila broiled chicken sandwich. I have had it about 3 times in 8 months. It i very good and super satisfing. The only other FF I've done is the famous Wendy's chili. And yes cherg-you are doing good!
  22. sunsett

    June Chat

    Darcy-How did the test go? Sorry your going through all this stuff! What grade is DD? It is exciting when school gets out! Eileen-I PM'd you with details. I sure hope we can get together. I'm thinking 4ish possibly? How id your DD? Patty- OMGoodness! chin up girl. Can you rent an AC from one of those rental places for a month? That would surely help. I hope you let your dr. know what an A$$ that girl is! He needs to know, that's just not right. EWW that makes me mad. Sorry about Robbie how old is he?How sad. Hang in there. Karen Ms Sabre just got her band finally after waiting almost a year. It will happen and it's God's timing so some how it will all work out perfect. ((((BIG HUGS)))) I got totally off my routine yesterday with food starting off with breakfast! Seems like if I don't have my shake first thing I screw up the whole day. I don't get it! So today I'm off to a right start. Have a good day.
  23. sunsett

    June Chat

    Bubb- the dress is really cute! OK I"m slow, What is your name!!! I got it!! Mary! Cindy-Sounds like your enjoying your summer so far! Pat-Back is better still not great, but I can't keep seeing the chiro twice a week. I only have 20 visits a yr and I think I'm up there already! ERRRR I met this girl 2 yrs ago at a Bunco game and she heard me talking about either putting an ad in the local children's paper for my mural painting or going into some type of sales. She said I'm about to start a magazine, maybe you'd like to work for me. I started with her before we even had a magazine. She started with a total of 4 salespeople and I'm the only one who stuck it out. It's for party and events. www.carolinapep.com is our web site. Things are getting better and I really love selling the ads when I'm busy. Thanks for asking. Looks like were gonna be ok! Betty-Thanks for the advise on the fill. I go see the Doc on Monday, but I'm going to hold off on the fill for at least another 3 weeks. Anne-Hang in there. So sorry to hear about the port flipping. What a bummer. So it's SDS right or does he fix in the office nowadays? Eileen- I'm flying into Newark on Wednesday at 2:30 and then renting a car. I forgot where you are but I will be in the Clinton area on Thursday. I could meet you @ Bridgewater Commons if that works for you? Not sure of time yet, you let me know what works for you. The rest of the time I'm there I will be nuts with family stuff. Wow I just read Beanie's coming up...Hi Beanie. Friday afternoon I will be in Mahwah. Oh I hope we can get together guys!! Kat-Thinking of you and DH. Prayers are with you. Cindy-hi Donna-OK before today is out I will try to post the picts...I'm real slow. I hope your feeling better. Welcome PattyU. I love my band. I wouldn't consider the by-pass for me when I was thinking of surgery. I being 1 in thousands had to have my band replaced because of a leak in the band. That is VERY unusual. If you ask me if I'd do it again, I'd do it in a heart beat. Good luck. Were in Jersey are you? I grew up in River Edge and Oakland and HS in Mahwah. Then lived in Hackensack, Fairlawn and High Bridge. Now Im in NC. Becky-Enjoy your time off! It sure sounds like your going to. Patty-What's happening girl? Do you record any soaps? I record Days of our Lives. I love watching it fast! Any word on the Insurance today? OK I'm hungry today. I drank 64 oz of Water before noon. Talk about running!!! I didn't have my normal routine which I hate not having! So I had a 1/2 a chicken breast 2 string cheeses and a few bites of corn on the cob at 11:50. You'd think I'd be full but NO so I had a 100 calorie bag of Soy Crisp mini's. Have you guys tried them? There really yummy but only 2 gms of Protein. So then I was still hungry and I just finished a Protein Bar. This better do the trick! Went to curves and the chiropractor. We are baby sitting that little dog I told you about. She can't be more than 4 pounds, but she growls and tries to bite..yikes I'm afraid I'm setting myself up for failure with the 30 goal but Sept 21 our cruise day and my 1 yr anniversary. The scale was up to 202 this morning! I know its probably water or Clifford related stuff, but I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF THE 2'S!! Well I hope you'll have a good day. I know I didn't get all of you, bt I'm thinking of you. .
  24. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Oh Kim feel better. You'll have to fill me in on what types of jobs are opening. I worked in quite a few differen't Dr.s offices over the years. We are baby sitting my friends dog for 6 days. She just celebrated her 1 yr anniversary of when they were going to put her to sleep. Lucy is not to sure about her. But so far so good, it's only been a half hour everyone is taking a nap right now. PLEASE PRAY THAT SHE STAYS HEALTHY WHILE WITH US!! We have her because thier 22 yr old niece just died from lukemia and they have to go up for the memorial service. Night night
  25. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    LOL my sister flet the same way...probably still does..lol Went for a long walk this morning. I feel good! Put on a shirt that was real clingy the last time I put it on it was skin tight. Today it is way to big!! I love this!! I printed pictures of just about every month since the band. Very cool thing to look at!! I recommend you all do it!!! Hope the support meeting went well last night. I wish I could have been there. I will be at thenext one...promise!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
