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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. Hey hubby is out until after 7 tonight. Any of you want to have dindin together :hungry: . Maybe at Ruby Tuesday's or some place different? Let me know. di
  2. How does Wednesday sound? I have an appointement at CC Marriott at 1:00. If I don't get any other appointments I can do it!!! That would be fun. It has been way to long!
  3. sunsett

    July Chat

    Cindy-Thanks so much. You all are great. We all go through so much together. It is a blessing to have each other. How are you doing? How was dinner last night with your Dad. I've been praying for you. Glad you made it through the year. For some reason it is a relief after the date passes. I remember thinking that the very first year. I'm coming up on the 20th year in October. So hard to believe it has been so many years. It still seems like he's on a business trip a lot of the time. (((Hugs))) Kat- Aww I'm so sorry about the timing of the job offer. What a bummer. Thanks for the prayers and hugs. You have mine also. Betty-Thanks so much for your prayers and support. He still has his job it's just he's never been so upset with the company. And we hate the new commission plan it'is a slap in the face for him. He is like the #1 sales person for the company and this is how they say thanks! I'm so sorry your in more pain! Talk about no fair! Take it easy. Maybe you can call in for a different medication. It sure does stink that we can only take a few things to help with pain. Tylenol just doesn't seem to do the trick when your in a lot of pain. Darcy-Thanks for your kind words! Eileen- We miss you. Do you want all of us to come up and corner your boss and tell him what a D-head he is!!!! You know we will...lol.. Well I can't thank all of you enough for your shoulders! When I was reading all of your posts I couldn't help but cry. I am so blessed to have all of you. We really have to plan a get together. Wouldn't that be cool! Do you all want me to look into something. Of course everyone is welcome here! Charlotte NC 10 hours from Oakland NJ I have no idea how many from Texas and California though. Perhaps we could go to Tennessee..Nashville or Vegas. Or we could do our own cruise. Let me know if you want me to do major research and I will. Love you guys REALLY
  4. How exciting for you!! Congrats! You have done FANTASTIC in only a few months!! WTG
  5. sunsett

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Kathy-WOW what a difference GIRL! You look so good now. My sister had a pictue of me on her fridge and it took a second for me to realize it was me. I totally didn't recognize the huge girl! That was really wierd!
  6. sunsett

    July Chat

    Cindy-I'm thinking of you today. (((Hugs))) Patty- I'm so sorry..((((HUGS))))) lots of them. Your right about Gods plan and timing. I'm glad your getting away, it should help. We love you. Kat-How nice to have family time. I bet that is really helping DH and you. How did your fill go? I haven't been able to read back to catch up on everything. Betty-I hope you made it on time!! DH had a migraine yesterday. He is much better today. Scared me and him. Thanks for asking. Sherry-Thanks for your concern. Money and DH's job has got me sleepless. I haven't been concerned about $ in quite a few years. Company changeover has also changed the $ so now I don't sleep and he works harder and longer for less! Darcy-You sound like your having so much fun! I'm so happy for you. You aren't having a brain fart I really haven't said much of whats going on until tonight. Thanks. Howdy dody everyone else.... I did a little better with the food today. I got really upset when I was going through my calendar and saw that in April I was 207! I know I've screwed things up for my self. I sure hope I continue to do as good as I did today!! DH is better. He wrote his resume up tonight. That is a scary thought considering he's been with the same company for 15yrs. Things have changed and it is getting really ugly. The sister company took over 2 yeas ago and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing. I just hope and pray that DH prays about it and asks for guidance. Wifie can only recommend that, he has to do it and believe that giving it over is the only why. I wish he'd read the Purpose Driven Life! God has provided and I know he still is so I too have to give it to him. The thought of moving scares me and none of us want to! Hopefully that will not be a problem. OH well. I'm sorry if I sound winey. There are so many hardships in the world and this is nothing compared to so many others. I am grateful for what we have and I feel blessed for what we have. I'm just pissed at the moment..lol... Hopefully I can sleep tonight! Have a good one See you tomorrow. Love you guys!
  7. sunsett

    Its July

    Karen that is awesome news!! Congrats! OK I have to wine....I was going through my calendar and in the middle of April I wrote down 207...I'm not happy with my self. I refuse to go on the scale again for a few weeks now. I know I could do better with the eating. ERRR I feel fat today and discused. I guess I'll go to curves now so I don't eat!
  8. sunsett

    I Got My Date!!!!!!!!!

    Thats exciting news!! You'll be feeling real hot for the holidays!!
  9. sunsett

    Mad as HE!!!!!!!!

    I hate that!! And there is something to be said about mothers and there coments, approval, disapproval and eyes! Not only do I have one I am one! When I first had the surgery I wanted NO ONE to know. I had been thinking about having it for months before I even mentioned it to my husband. I told my sister first and then eventually my mother. I told her I didn't want the rest of the family to know. Well I found out in December that everyone knew. Last night she asked me how the food has been going. I told her I've beenhaving a tough time. I could hear the disaproval in her voice. But she is supportive and said it sure isn't an easy thing. You will lose and you wil eat less because you have no choice. I'm sure your family will turn out to be great cheerleaders as mine have become. Try not to fret. Do for you what you have to do. They obviously love you and are concerned. Don't forget this online family is the best!
  10. Hey Partner, Whats going on? You are doing great! Why are you so nervous? So many more people are being banded these days, so of course there will be more complications. It's a #'s game. The band is still the safest WLS there is. Stop reading the complications site. You know if I had to do it for a 3rd time there would be no question about it, I'd do it again. PM me or call me if you want. Hang in there, you can do this. Don't worry. My Dad always used to tell me that the main thing is not to worry!
  11. Cngratulations! I am 200-201-200 I haven't hit the onderland yet, but I'm sure I will cry all day also. That is great news!!! Pretty toe nail polish also!
  12. sunsett

    Its July

    KIM-WTG that is so exiting!!! I can't wait to see you. Are you buying new clothes these days that show your lose off? Angie-Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I keep looking for a friend with a boat! We used to have 2 friends with sail boats and had a blast! I did better with food today, so hopefully I'm on a turn around. Went to curves and then took a mile walk. Got an awful migrain. I'm tempted to take him to the er if he doesn't feel better soon. He's having trouble thinking and talking. Gott run
  13. sunsett

    July Chat

    Patty-Please sign below. Fun "girl" who doesn't want to grow up is in need of a home near Disney. Looking for brothers and Mom to laugh and have fun with...lol..that sounds weird...You are so much fun! Good luck with the insurance. Sherry-What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing with us. Cindy-((((Hugs)))) Betty-I'm so glad to hear your DB is getting better and that you had such a fun weekend. Take care of that foot! I got a blister this morning between my toes and I've been wining ever since. I'm a big baby. Eileen-I'm so sorry about your brother. How sad to lose a sibling. I can't believe they stopped the lottery and gambling is it for good? It sure doesn't make sense to me I had no idea. Donna-Sorry to hear about Johns Aunt. Thank you for being the mom of a son who wants to represent our country. Last week to went to our good friends retirement from the Navy. He is a Captain and has been for 24yrs. Going to the base and being there gave me chills. The families give up so much letting their loved ones go both emotionally and physically. So my had is not only off to your wonderful son, but to you and the rest of your family. God Bless you all and God Bless America. Beanie-Thanks, me too! I have been better with the food today. Emotionally it's still tough. Thanks for the hugs. Well I'm very happy today I got a sale!! It's been quite a while. I hope and pray I get another one this week! I really need to make 3 or 4 more this month. Sure not the easiest thing to do. We had a great 4th I think it turned out to be about 30 people over for our small get together...but it was really nice. Our neighbors were kind enough to spend thousands of dollars on fireworks for us. We all took our chairs and moved to the front of the house and had quite a show. I ate pretty well today. Didn't sleep again last night, finally took a sleeping pill at 2AM. Got up at 7 went to curves then a walk. I can hardly keep my eyes open right now. DH has a horrible migraine he's sleeping now. I worry about him so much these days. He couldn't even remember his BIL's name and could hardly talk. I don't feel like cooking so I'm not gonna. It's a fend for yourself night. Have a good one. Night night
  14. sunsett

    July Chat

    Eileen-Thanks, I know it is alot of emotional crap going on right now. I know it will pass I just want it to pass NOW!!! I love how they decorate Oakland for the 4th and Memorial day. Well in the olden days when I lived there it was real pretty. You know those HUGE trees over by the middle school, they are pine trees. My mothers kindergarten class planted them! I hope there still there..lol.. Enjoy your day everybody.
  15. sunsett

    July Chat

    Cindy-I think what you told your daughter was beautiful. I can't remember how I told my daughter. I'll have to ask her. Anniversaries are terrible. My dad died almost 20 yrs ago and every year I get weird for several weeks. It is strange but once the date goes by it does get easier. Hugs..you need them right now. Betty-Sorry about your foot. Have a great time away. Eileen- One year we were shooting off fire works in our back yard and a cop came. Garry thought it was a neighbor playing a jock on us and he continued to shoot them off then realized it was no joke. All came out fine and the cop was cool. It was funny. NJ is weird. SherryW-What a nice surprise! Sounds like you got quit a thoughtful hubby. Happy Anniversary. Patty-You are the most fun mom I know. Will you adopt me please! Hi Dave-Welcome Beanie-BBQ sounded great yesterday. Glad your having such a nice time with your DH. Enjoy! Hello everyone else. I have tons of catching up to do. I think I need a fill but I'm really not sure. I just can't seem to be satisfied lately. I'm PBing more than usual but I'm HUNGRY. Any suggestions? Tomorrow we are having a "small" get together. It was supposed to be about 12 people. Well since the 4th is truly a family holiday we are up to about 30..AHHHH...I'm just making burgers everyone else is bring over the rest of the stuff. Hopefully I won't stress out to much before they get here. Well I'm off to bed. Missed you all. Have a great day tomorrow if I don't get a chance to get on here. Night night
  16. sunsett

    Its July

    Hi Everybody, I have been out of sight but you haven't been out of my mind. Have a happy 4th. Melissa that stinks about your card!! What a creep! I need some advice. I can't tell if it's my head or if I reallly am hungry. I think I really am hungry. I made it to 200 and then the other day when I went on I was back at 201 1/2. I've been eating when I'm not hungry and when I am hungry. I don't feel full. I'm talking myself into a fill as I type this. I've been down in the dumps about a lot of personal crap going on. But it seems like ever since I set a goal with a # I've been screwing things up for myself. Sorry for wineing.
  17. sunsett

    One Year has gone

    Angie, Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you 1 yr anniversary. Congratulations!! You have done wondrful. I love the size 12 story. You should be very proud of yourself. Big hugs
  18. sunsett

    June Chat

    Wow It's June and beautiful here!!! I love this time of year!!! Happy Happy June!! I'm happy today.... oh yeah oh yeah.... I told you guys I would like to lose 34 pounds by Sept 21st on the May chat? Well I only have to lose 31 pounds oh yeah oh yeah:clap2: ...I'm walking my butt off and continuing curves and closing the mouth!!! oh yeah oh yeah....I just got weighed and measured at curves and I'm down another 4.5 inches since April 21st so that makes my total inches 41 total pounds according to curves 65 but is really 67 and the best part of all of this is oh.... yeah oh yeah.... I'm 201 not the area code the # on the scale!!!! I'm in a fantastic mood!!:banana
  19. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    It was way cool! Courtney, it was great seeing you!! I'll call you next week about getting together....MAYBE we could meet around lunch time next Friday and whoever can join us can.... We have 2 parties today.urgh. I'm exhausted! I'm off to curves and then hopefully to buy a bra. I don't know about you guys and your hooters, but mine are still HUGE!!! DDD errrr no shrinkage there yet, no wonder why I lean forward and my back hurts. The last time I was measured the girl said I was a 36 DDD...I don't believe her and they didn't have a bra that size. I have to go find a good place to get the correct size. Sorry TMI I"m sure for a Saturday morning.
  20. sunsett

    Leatha comes to dinner

    Sorry to hear about this. Would have loved to have met you. I totally understand the feelings about leaving. God will let you know what you need to do and when. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.
  21. sunsett

    NC June Chat

    Jill I'd be going nuts too! OK I have a really funny story to tell you. Last night I was at a meeting in Harrisburg. There were lots of differen't venders there. I met this florist who looked kind of familiar. We were both at the buffet. I looked over at her plate and she had the tiniest piece of chicken and a few other things. In the mean time I've got a plate with Pasta cheese stick and a regular piece of chicken. I saw her plate and said I should eat like you. I landed up telling her that I had Lapband surgery and low and behold she said she did too....Then we realised we had met before...Can you guess who it was?
  22. sunsett

    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Dr.C, Thanks for being on the board! I also have the same boss as you!! He's so cool. My band had a leak in it and had to be replaced. Second surgery was not fun at all!!! Do you think I am more likely to have slippage now? What can I do to prevent it. Thanks for being here.
  23. sunsett

    New Goal to "twoterville"

    Your doing GREAT!
  24. sunsett


    What great news! Congratulations! You have done fantastic! Do you know what the baby is yet? I bet you look adorable and happy.
  25. sunsett

    June Chat

    I am so sorry your going through this!!! Thoughts and prayers are with you partner!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
