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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Port Question

    Yes! And it still does at times. I have mentioned it to him before and he told me to take tylenol and if needed put the heating pad on. It's never been sore enough for me to get my lazy butt up to get the heating pad though..lol..feel better. I've skipped crunches on the real sore days. Wish you were coming tonight
  2. sunsett

    July Chat

    JerseyJan-WOW you are doing fantastic. How exciting to be down 90 pounds in that short of a time!!! I know what you mean about those 2 pounds they are staying with me for a while also. Have fun at work. Eileen-15 viles WTF is right! Cindy-Why have you waited so long for another fill if you don't mind me asking? I am debating whether to have another or not. How many cc are you? Enjoy those blueberry pancakes!!!!and lobster, yummmmmmm Patty-Have fun with your hair. Let us see a picture pls Darcy-I'm so sorry your having a suckie time! It's not fair! Hopefully this new medication will work wonders for you. In my eyes you are a super success story! Donna-How is dh today and you? Ok I went to curves then to store to get my pudding ran home and went to the pool and worked out real hard in the pool for a half hour. Came home and had a stupid Ice cream sandwich 210 calories what a fool! But I think over all I did good with calories all day. DH called and he is not sounding to convinced that the company is going to go in the right direction. He says the president is clueless as to the problems. Isn't that encouraging! Tomorrow morning I'm up early and then out of her. Heading uptown for an appointment and then further North for another. Then meeting the Charlotte girls for dinner at 7:15. I'm exited I haven't seen them in ages. I do so much better when I'm out he road. I won't waste $ on food anymore so I bring my shakes and a packet of crackers or nuts, lots of Water and sometime some string cheese. Not sure if I'll be able to swing by before I go so have a good day and I'll let you know when the latest Charlotte girl picture is posted. Night night...........
  3. sunsett

    Its July

    Cool! I'm snuggly fitting into 14's. I'd love to see them. My DH is fitting into my 18 and 16's so I won't be able to bring any of them. I'll check to see if I have bigger sizes. Thanks
  4. sunsett

    July Chat

    Hi All Had 8 vials of blood taken. Only 2 needles my veins were behaving. Got Clifford today so I am feeling crumby! I don't want to go to curves but I am making myself. I can't describe how much I don't want to go! But they are doing a competing thingy and I have to be the best on my team cause I can be. So I'm going to drag my butt there. All I really want to do is stay home and relax on the couch and have a chocolate pudding...but no my DS ate my last cup!! AHHH Well I'll check back later after curves..urgh..can't I skip today......STUPID CONTEST!
  5. sunsett

    2 months post surgery

    Burning? Are you sure it's not just real sore? I'm 9 months out and sometimes it hurts for what I think is no reason. If it continues I would call the Dr tomorrow. Take some tylenol and put a heating pad or ice on it which ever makes it feel better for you. Good luck
  6. sunsett

    Its July

    Whats the coffee drinks I'm not up with all this cool stuff. Can't wait to see you guys on Tuesday. Jill I don't think we have ever met have we?
  7. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    Oh Karen.....BUMMER.....Whats up with the pool party? When where?
  8. sunsett

    I have butterflies........

    You will be so happy that you did it! We all go through the butterflies and the cries and the am I NUTS thoughts. Hang in there you;ll do great.
  9. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    Yes 7:15 Ruby Tuesday's Arrowood instead of Saturday. I spoke with Loretta and she in. This will be so great I'm excited! I have to try to remember my camera.
  10. sunsett

    July Chat

    Gotta run to have my blood sucked out of me. I have heard they take over 7 viles! I'll let you know. Anyway I just wanted to say good morning. I'll be back later. Have a good day
  11. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    COOL! I'm excited! Tuesday it is!!! Angie I'm so glad your coming. I haven't seen you guys in so LONG! What about the rest of our gang? I have to go for blood work this morning..lucky me. It will be the first time on on my Dr. scale since December I think. Can wait for tomorrow night! Summer time is great isn't it. Is Kim out of town this week?
  12. sunsett

    July Chat

    Donna-What a nice way to start the day! I just got back from the pool and moved now stop for a half hour. The ocean would have been a lot nicer! WOW Donna, what a bummer about your house. I'm so so sorry for you. I'll pray that it all falls into place quickly for you. Patty-Glad you enjoyed the movie so much. We went to see it Friday night and could hardly get into the parking lot. Then the movie was sold out so we saw the Fast and Furious...dumb predictable, but lots of fun. Do you have Cobra for only a few months or for an unlimited period of time? Sherry-Hang in there. I have found only 1 store where things fit and that's Coldwatercreek. Unfortunate they are expensive so I try not to go there unless I really need something. There should be good sales going on right now for summer stuff. You can get stuff on line from them if you don't have a store near you. The sizes go from 2-24 and they are really nice things the size 2 pretty choices are the same as the 24's. AWW I love you DH! Darcy- HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SNEAK FOR NOT TELLING US!!! I HOPE YOU HAD/HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! How did the camp drop off go? Betty-I'm glad your calling the doctor tomorrow. I hate that your is so much pain. And if this job is really meant to be for you then they will understand. Keep us posted. Are you using crutches? Well DH/Garry is off to the big 3 day meeting. I am praying that things work out. You all have been great. DD was a dummy today honestly I don't understand her sometimes. She is the sweetest most caring girl. She wants to be a youth pastor and counselor. But she acts like a 12 yr old alot of times. She was driving with her girl friend showing her these new multi million dollar homes and she ran into a sign. I bet she did a thousand dollars worth of damage to the car! Then she was upset because we were angry and "disappointed in her and we hate her and don't love her" AHH. Well I'm trying to get the NJ girls to go to dinner on Tuesday night. Looks like were gonna do it! I'm excited I haven't seen them in 3 months. I keep missing the monthly meetings. Have a good night Hugs and prayer for all of you.
  13. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    I haven't met these girls yet!!!
  14. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    Angie, you know you can bring the kids if you need to, they are always welcome.
  15. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    Whatever time works for you guys works for me. How about 7:15..lol...
  16. sunsett

    Itchy rash after surgery

    I started breaking out in hives int he hospital they stopped my antibiotic and changed the pain meds gave me a shot of benadryl and everything was fine...until I got home. The day after I got home I was full of rashes on an old insision the new one and then on my thigh. Take benadryl NOW largest dose and don't stop for a few days. I had to go on predisone which really stunk. My Dr wants me to go to an allergist to see what I'm allergic to. It was not the glue because the small insisions had nothing on them. Good luck I know this is terrible. Take that Benadryl! Call the doctor tomorrow if you still have it and go in to the office to see him.
  17. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    Yes Karen I was talking about this Tuesday. Lets see what everyone else says. And please twist her arm to join us!
  18. Do any of those nights work out for any of you? I am a free woman anyone of them. Want to meet up...:hungry:
  19. sunsett

    Beaten bloody,last night.

    John that is terrible. Those medical bills should not be on you. Have you spoken with the police already? I guess your back on a liquid diet for a while? Thats good and bad. I will pray for no pain and quick healing.
  20. Jill, Kathy, Dianne, Melissa....what about the rest of you chickies. I'll call Loretta since she never comes on here anymore. Does anyone have Courtney's #. If we can get more of us for Tuesday night dinner maybe we should just do dinner this month. What do ya think.
  21. Thats the probelem with Saturdays we all have so much stuff to do. So how about Tuesday night? Lets get a count.
  22. I can do Saturday I wasn't sure of the details. Maybe we can get more people for dinner and we all won't be in such a rush.
  23. Donna you know you can stay with me!!! I don't know how many people can make it on Saturday or not. I'm pretty sure Karen and Kim can't. OK so now lets narrow our dinner to Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
  24. sunsett


    I'm sorry sorry for your pain. You are just begining your life at 40. Try to pull the thorn of pain out and enjoy your new body and life. I'm sure that is easier said than done....(((Hugs)))
  25. Eileen I'll buy!!! lol Kim lets talk on Tuesday if I don't call you PLEASE call me you know I'm forgetful these days. Karen-I go to Harris Blvd sometimes so if you do go there we can still meet up. Have a good night gang.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
