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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi Clementine, NewHopeBariatrics and Dr Voellinger is the only outpatient center in Charlotte. No other surgeon in the area does it in an outpatient facility. The cost is 15.9 you can click on the top of this screen and it will bring you to the website and me if you click the click to call button. I can not say enough wonderful things about Dr Voellinger or NewHope Bariatrics. I started working for NewHope in July never knowing that someday Dr Voellinger would be involved with us. You can not go bad with the combination, that I can promise you! Welcome Jeannine! How is your pre op stuff going? It is an exciting and scary time, but so worth it. This saturday is the Charlotte support group. We meet at Dr Voellingers office, however many people come from all differen't surgeons. the address is 2300 Randolph Rd Charlotte. PM me if you need more info. Back to work. I love my job I get to talk to people all over the US considering the lap-band!
  2. sunsett

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    WOW Pat when I look down at my belly I think..oh well not this year, but then I look at your pics you look fabulous!! I am having my other leg taken care of on the 15th. Just got the date yesterday. So that's it for a while for me I think. Sorry no time for personals, just wanted to pop in and say hi! HI
  3. Hi I thought it would be fun to post a monthly chat thread. If any of you live near 485 and are interested in a short term weekly support get together let me know.
  4. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    WowEEE you look great! when do the tubes go away? Thanks for the kind words about my uncle. It was good to go home for a quick visit, but it's so nice to be back in my own element! OK I have a confession...I have been eating like an idiot for the past month and a half and it caught up to me. So I went in for a fill on Tuesday and came out with a slight unfill! WTF I love my Dr, her really is wonderful. Anyway because of all my PBing and sometimes throwing up he wanted to give me a slight unfil send me back to my therapist and to the nutritionist and then go under fluro in 2 weeks and start to fill up again. My attitude is well I did great at 1.6 before I can do good at it again! Kat I also went to Curves on Monday! My first time in months! It did feel good. I am going to try to go tomorrow after work if I can if not Saturday morning. I do roll out of bed and on most mornings get on my sationary bike for a bit I try to do 30-40 minutes 4-7 miles, but even if I just get in 2 miles I'm happy. I am waiting to hear back from my vascular surgeons office with the date of my next leg surgery. URGH I really don't want to do it, but I know I need to! Got to get back to work. Diane what info was I suposed to give you I forget, sorry.....
  5. sunsett

    January NC Chat time!

    Hey Gwen I'm so glad your here! I had to go out of town thats why I haven't been on here. I'm back though. Let me know if you want the protien powder to try. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. It will be fun! I guess no one else wants to chat here..humm Come on NCrs!
  6. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hi guys, Welcome Chell, I'm from NJ Bergen and Hunterdon county, but then I moved to NC, but once a Jersey Girl ALWAYS a JERSEY GIRL! I had to fly to NJ on Thursday for a funeral. My Great Uncle died. He was 88. My grandmother is 99 and doing wonderful. It is sad that her baby brother is now gone. Service and funeral was in Brooklyn Thursady and Friday. Flew home Saturday. The really hard thing for all of us is that my aunt and uncle were going to have a big party next month, I had already brought my ticket to fly up. They were celebrating there 60th wedding anniversary.:tongue: I'm going for a fill tomorrow. I have gained :eek: but I love the band cause I know I can stop!!! Diane and Pat you both have no excuses not to come to the big 2008 bash in Charlotte NC! Everyone is invited of course! I will get out more details as I get them. It will be the last weekend in April. OK back to work I'll check in later.
  7. sunsett

    Oh Crap!

    Well I guess it could be a lot worse. I haven't been on the scale since the end of Sept and tomorrow I'm going in for a fill, I've gained 10 pounds. Are you ready for my excuses! I had vein surgery end of November so I couldn't exercise. Christmas was here and so were the sweets. Life has been really stressful! I know...I know..I know... So tomorrow is my fill. Do you know what I love the most about the band? I know that even though I gained this weight, I would have been a lot more without the band, and the bast part is that I can get my little tweek tomorrow and be back on track in no time. So I am not going to beat myself up (to much) for the weight gain, and I'm going to get back on track cause unlike before I know I can!!!
  8. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Shiela that would be great! I have a few people who are interested. I'm thinking Thursday evenings may be best. I will let you know when we get started. Also I'm going to PM you about something work related if you don't mind. Cheryl I totally agree with you! People are strange Women can be so mean! How is everyone else doing these days?
  9. sunsett

    What does this mean to you? (BCBS)

    Yes that is what participating means. You always want to call your insurance company and the Dr's office to reconfirm that they are in network.
  10. good luck on your decision! It is very exciting! If you need any support were here for you.
  11. sunsett

    60g of protein!?

    I have a protien shake in the AM sometimes its a hot drink which is 15 gms sometimes my Matryx shake with I double scoop for 40. A hamburger with out the bun is about 28 gms Piece of chicken about the size of a deck of cards is about 20 It really isn'tthat hard.
  12. How exciting! Write a list of every single thing you can think of that you want answers too. Even if you think it is a dumb question! Your on the journey of a lifetime! ENJOY!
  13. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    LOL the banner on the top is the company I work for! It brings you to our website and from there you can go to our forum which I've been trying to get us and going. :: LAP-Band® System :: Surgery Weight Loss Procedure the forum is NewHopeTalk.com :: Index I would love feed back from you all on the sites!!! You don't need to click the top banner. Hows our flat tummy sister doing today?
  14. When is your scope? glad your feeling better. Continue to baby yourself and your band!
  15. sunsett

    Confused About What To Eat Sometimes

    LOL thats interesting!
  16. I am 10 months out from my reduction and lift. I didn't have anything like that. I did have my one side that was very tender a concern. I stayed on top of it with my Dr and now it is much better. It wasn't an easy surgery at all for me. I have been doing well the past few months, however the past week or so my one breast has become VERY painful to the point that I almost took my pain meds in the middle of the night last night. Everything looks fine it just hurts really bad! Has anyone had anything like that happen? I will call today and set up an appointment.
  17. Oh I'm going on and on here this morning, but I did want to mention that Dec 2006 over a year with the band I hit rock bottom. I couldn't walk out of the house without crying I was a mess, angry anxious I really couldn't function. My GYN, PCP and Surgeon all said that it was based on the changes in my body from the weight loss. So we have to give our heads and body time to all catch up.
  18. I personally think that this is an on going thing, most likely for life. At least for me it is. I'm not inbarrased about it it is just the way I am. I am lucky enough to have a huge support team, here and also a theripist who has gone through WLS, actually she had her stomach stapled over 10 yrs ago. When I feel the anxiety and depression kicking in I give her a call and see her for a few weeks. What I have learned is that this is all normal and it does lesson, but it never really totally go away. There are days that my anxiety of failure is so high! I have to remember all that I've gone through. I'm not alone in this and I will continue to succeed. You have just been through a major life change. The unknowns are huge for you right now. It will get better, trust yourself, I need to trust in the Lord and that helps me so much. Try to erase your negative thoughts of the past. You can change and you are starting to. eenerms, this site is wonderful support. Also if you can find even 1 other person from your Drs office who has the band or is getting the band support on each other. Start your own group, you can do it because everyone in the group will help you by sharing there feelings.
  19. sunsett

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    WOW Jesssica and Diane you guys are doing great. Jessica, if you don't feel like you need a fill then hold off. My theory is I will have this band for the rest of my life. If I'm losing ten why do I need a fill. They only fill up so much! Thanks for asking about my FIL Diane, he is not doing to well and I just got off the phone with my MIL she is quite upset about how they are being treated at there place. I made a phone call and do feel a bit better. Mandy how are you feeling? Pat! Hows that flat tummy! thinking of you! Cindy-JOB I missed that one! Didn't you just retire? I think your making the right choice for DD. And in our eyes those auditions are Broadway shows! Ok back to work. Trying to get some banded people together locally for a few things and I thought it would be a piece of cake! HUH
  20. sunsett

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hey Sheila, What hospital Is your Dr with? Glad to see your doing so well. Statesville isn't to far from Charlotte. I'm thinking of trying to get a weekly 6-8 week support group started. If your interested let me know!
  21. sunsett

    Hello Sept 2005 Hows it going?

    LOL Hi Diane, That is so funny I forgot too that your Sept 05. I asked Alex to ad us and he did instantly. I was not able to find out anything on the discount. I wonder it that was just something for the first week. If I remember correctly I think Darlene said that they would be coming back in for another support group at some time. How are you feeling? Hows the Tummy tuck going? I have been starting out everyday with starting to get back on track! I sure hope today is that day! It's rainy and cold here today. We had some snow. You would think that the world was going to end! Have you seen any of the TV ads? I'd love your feed back from them. I'm so glad you posted here! Your right we should somehow notify all the 9/05ers.
  22. sunsett

    Will we ever be happy? ( compression garments)

    Oh that upper tire! I put on these pants this morning and they felt ok but I thought I'd put on a pair of my suck it in undies. Well I did and sure enough under my boobs was a tire so off they went. I do have an old faithful pair on that help. I will let you know what kind they are. They are cotton and comfy. I'll get back to you on that. I agree that PS is in the cards for me also. I do feel frustrated at times, well alot about all the skin, even though I know its not that bad. Will we ever be satisfied, I highly dought it. If it's not the skin it might be that our noses now look to big, of our hair needs to be shorter or longer. Or our feed are so ugly! But when I look back at my pictures and see the progress I forget about the skin and the nose and the feet and hair.
  23. According to what you said with your weight and height your BMI is 43.5 plus you have co morbs, so if they do cover the band you should be included. If your BMI is under 35 w/o co morbs then they won't consider it 35-40 with co morbs they consider 40 and above sometimes all you need is your BMI. Good luck
  24. sunsett

    Never thought I'd see a NSV...BUT>>>

    Thats wonderful news!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
