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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    Band Too Tight??

    You can damage the band if your to tight. Thats a big warning t people. I've never been t tight but I have heard of a lot of people who have. He won't take the whole fill out just some. I would go back ASAP and get a little taken out. Your doing great with your WL. Try not to put that I'm not doing enough pressure on yourself. BELIEVE me it doesn't make you lose any fast. For me it slows it down further.
  2. sunsett

    July Chat

    Darcy-I'm sorry your having such a hard time with the band. Hang in there. Take one day at a time. Ask God to lead you and hold your hand. It will get better whatever your meant to do. I'm so sorry that your feeling so down. Exercise sure does seem to be a major answer. Anne-Hi how are you doing? Were you on vacation? I can't remember who's going where and doing what these days. Cindy-WOW how cool are you!!! Let me tell you you are way cool. I love what you wrote. You really have it together. I still have tears in my eyes. What an inspiration you are. How true it is about those brownies being there..lol..I also look forward to your year 2! I'm sure it will have it's ups and downs, but it will sure be exciting to go through the next year together. Congratulations, your doing great! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. Eileen-Your so cool! I'm so glad I got to meet you. You are such an inspiration to me. You are so right about what you said to Darcy. It is true 10 pounds a yr down with the lap band rather than 10 pounds up! I'm so sorry you have to wait so long to get the test results back on Jessann. My prayers continue for all of you. Does your sister have another children? I just can't imagine what your all going through. God Bless. Betty-WOW I'm SO SO SORRY! We have been VERY LUCKY to have never gone through that. I can't imagine how scary. God will provide, he always does. He knows the fear you have just lean on him and some how some way he'll take care of you guys. How are you feeling these days? How's the footsie? Patty-Good to see you. I bet your excited it sure sounds that way. Have fun on your trip. Sherry-What a great time it sounds like! Welcome home. We are going to Bermuda on September 21st on that ship that just tipped! I sure hope it will be fixed by then! It's the new Princess Cruise ship. Yikes...how many stops did you make? Bermuda is one of our stops so I really need you to tell me where to go and what to do. I bet you didn't gain much if anything. You do so much walking on those ships. I'm sure you'll be fine. I have decided to really try to wait 4 weeks now before I go on the scale again. You may want to wait also. Bettina-Welcome. I am a former Jersey girl born there and lived there for 41 years. Moved to Charlotte NC 5 years ago. I am now a southern girl, but there is no place like home. I lived the past 14 years in High Bridge, near Flemington. Grew up in good old Bergen County, River Edge, Oakland, Hawthorne, Hackensack, Fairlawn. Do you have a band date yet? DH's interview went good. They want to see him again. He seems to realize, I think, that what he has isn't to bad! So we will wait and see what happens. I'm hoping that as he looks he realizes that at this time he's in the best place, if it is the best place. I hate for him to leave after 16 yrs, but I hate that he is so miserable. I know God will direct him and I believe he is listening. I'm heading off to the pool for a swim before they close. Tomorrow I have my Dr's appointment. I haven't been in 6 weeks. I don't think I'm ready for a fill yet, but we'll talk about it. He may want me to in a few weeks. Other than that, everything is good. Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend. It is so hard to keep up with everyone these days.
  3. sunsett

    I made ONDERLAND!!

    I finially made it! I'm so excited! I had been staying between 200 and 203 for over a month now. I STEPPED AWAY FROM THE scale for 2 1/2 weeks and kicked up my exerise. I'm so excited! Finially All the glory goes to God because without him there is no way I could do this. And with out all my bandster friends I wouldn't be able to Celebrate this way. You guys are awesome! Thanks for helping me get there I still have a way to go, but I no longer feel like it will never happen!! YAHOO:banana :bananapartyhat:
  4. sunsett

    Its July

    Well I saw Kim today, and she looks FABULOUS!!! She really is doing great! We ran into each other at Boston Market. You know I think I have known Angie, Melissa, Kathy, Loretta and Kim no for a year. I think the first time everyone got together was last July. I didn't make that meeting but I did in August. So happy Anniversary gang! It's so cool to have this board and your friendships and support. Have a good night.
  5. sunsett

    July Chat

    Hi guys, Eileen-How cute that she wants to g shopping! I'm so sorry that she will have to have MORE surgery. She sure sounds like she is a swwet full of life little girl. hugs to both of you. Is this your brother r sisters little girl? Please et them know that we are send ing prayers and hugs to them also. How incredibly hard for all of you. Kat- How are you? Betty- Hows the foot? How is everyone else doing today? Thanks for all your encouragements about ONDERLAND! I'm still feeling wonderful! I have 2 prayer requests if you guys wouldn't mind. My Step Grandmother, Grandma Gay, is doing VERY poorly. Please pray that the Lord will take her quickly. She is 93 and it's just real sad. DH is having an interview tomorrow morning. Need I say more....:phanvan I have to go to curves tomorrow morning. I haven't made it there 3 times this week yet and we are having that compatiton, so I have to go. URGH at least they are open until 12! Have a good night and I'll check in with you'll tomorrow nighty night
  6. sunsett

    I made ONDERLAND!!

    Thanks guys.
  7. sunsett

    Its July

    Hi GAng... OK CAN YO HEAR ME SHOUTING!!!! I'M sooooooo EXCITED! I FINIALLY MADE THE ONERDFULS!!! I really think that Dr Sensenbrenner's suggestion of having 6 bites of something every hour has made the scale move. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO 180's here I come!!!! Denika how's things going?
  8. I agree with everyone so far! And I'm the leak QUEEN! I don't like this dr. Sorry, but I don't. When I went in for my fill the Dr couldn't get anything out. He thought it might be a port leak but said the only way to tell was under fluro. So 3 weeks later I went for fluro. It was there that he could see the leak not only in my port but also in the band. Be sure you have a tech do the fluro that know the band and exactly what to look for. I was afraid that for some reason my band would have to come out. My dr told me that there was no reason for concern for that. Band leaks are VERY uncommon I tink there are only 2 other people on here that have had the band leak. Port leaks are more common, but still not very common. Try not to worry to much. Just be sure you have an experienced fluro tech like I said, and I agree with who ever said it, that you should send results and talk to the Dr who put the band in. I was only 5 months out when I had my second surgery. I still wasn't totally healed from the first, so it was no picnic for me. But you are a lot further out so you should do great. If I had to have the whole band replaced for a 2nd time, I would do it in a heart beat. Hang in there and please let me know how your doing.
  9. sunsett

    July Chat

    WOW Kat- I'm SO sorry your going through all this. I wish I could be there for you. Know that you have our prayers and HUGS. Hang in there take a deep breath, feel our love and most importantly feel God's LOVE. Eileen- I'm praying hard you the little one today and for you, the dr.s and your family. CAN I MAKE YOU GIRLS SMILE I'M IN ONDERLAND TODAY!!! YUP 196!!! I STARTED TO CRY WHEN I SAW IT! I AM ONLY 1&1/4 INCH AWAY FROM THE 4 FOOT CLUB! I OST ANOTHER 3/4 INCHES IN MY CHEST STILL NOT IN THE BOOBS, BUT AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE BACK BOOBS I'M GREATFUL FOR THAT! Have a good day. I'm thinking of all of you Eileen and Kat (((HUGS and PRAYERS))))coming your way ALL DAY!
  10. sunsett

    Its July

    Wow lots happen. Denika- I am so sorry about the tough time you've been through. I hope your Dad is feeling better. And you dog oh I know how that hurts. Praise God the little boy is ok. How are you? Fill time..woweee...I think I'll be holding off for a while. I haven't gone on the scale in a while and I'm going to office on Monday so I'll know then. I'll also have my weight and measurements done at curves that morning so I really know whats happening. Today is the first day I have done no exerising. I do think I'm going to take Lucy for a walk now I'm trying to show her who is the pack leader. She still thinks she's in charge. She is still such a cutie!!!
  11. sunsett

    July Chat

    Hi everybody, Betty-I'm s sorry about what the Dr said and the expense! As Darcy said that really does suck! Eileen-I'm glad your feeling comfort about your niece I have been praying that for all of you. I did terrible with food today had to many bites of a piece of chocolate cake! and a slice of pizza. Kat-you and DH need to be careful!!! Everyone else hi. Sorry I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time for personals. Catching up is so hard to do on here. I read everything and then I forget who says what! I went to the PT yesterday and I have some exercises to do and then go back and see him next week. He was VERY PLEASANT to LOOK AT!!! The magazine is exploding! I'm so excited. I don't know if I ever told you guys that I have been with the magazine since before it was in print. We were worried about it last qtr, but now things are hopping which means I'm out on the road and having a blast. I think I'm going to take the lunny pup out for a walk and show her who's the pack leader and then hit the sack. I'll be better with personals tomorrow, promise. Night night
  12. sunsett

    Its July

    Hi-Yes car accident. This DUDE was making a U turn I was minding my own business and all of a sudden smash! My right fender is a mess along with the frame and some other stuff! I guess I'll find out more about that tomorrow. Garry thinks it may be totaled because I was going aroune 45-50. I'm ok just a real sore neck. I have fluid in my ear from it which is really wierd and hurting! But this wonderful man was there and he was my witness because he saw everything I really didn't see a thing till abfter I hit him. The first thing the man did after he saw I was ok asked if he could pray with me!!! WOW an ANGLE appearing to help me and PRAY with me. He was awesome and stayed until the police came. He told them what he saw and then left. What a nice guy. His daughter owns 2 Subways around here I'm going to get a card and give it to her to give to him. We have a small group of singers that get up every week and lead our 9:30 worship. I got to sing with them this morning and I had a BLAST! It was so much fun. I really enjoyed it and hope they will ask me to join them. Other than that everything else is the same around here. I might go to Pleasant Grove Camp Meetin tonight. Thats always so much fun. I think I'm heading to the pool first to work out a bit though. Kim I will try to see if I can change my appointment to Tuesday so I can see you next week. Have a good day
  13. sunsett

    My Band Initiation is Now Complete

    Aww congratulations and welcome to the club!!!
  14. sunsett

    you asked for it! WEDDING PICTURES!!

    Congrats! You look wonderful. You should be so proud of your self for losing so much and fitting into a 16. You look beautiful! Laugh a lot with each other it helps make the bad times easier. God Bless you both and your marrige
  15. sunsett

    Different Sizes in Clothes

    I made a mistake by taking a lot of things to get altered. I spend almost $200 and I really only use 3 of the items. The stretchy travel fabric lasts a long long time and those are also the ones that I got taken in. They work real well. I have mostly just been buying tops. A black and blue pair of jeans. 1 nice black pants 1 black skirt. Your going to love this....it's so much fun and so wierd to get frustrated about things being to loose! good luck and welcome
  16. I'm so mad! I went to costco and brought an assortment of cheses in a tray. Gouda, cheddar, Swiss and Havarti. It was all sliced and nice. Well for some reason something went wrong and most of it is melted together. I can still separate the different types, but what do I do with it!!! Can you suggest any not to fattening recipes. Thanks
  17. sunsett

    Its July

    WOW Karen what a day! I'll be meeting with Courtney today at 1:30 then I have to go to Birkdale Village but before all this I have to go to Rock Hill for 2 appointments. I'm much sorer today fromt he accident, I guess thats to be expected. I did go take a mile something walk this morning. Have a good day.
  18. sunsett

    July Chat

    Donna-I'm so proud for you! You must be so excited. Cindy-Have a wonderful vacation. We will miss you! How long are you away for? I remember you leave tomorrow and your packed already...lol...I still haven't unpacked from 2 weeks ago..argh... Darcy-We were talking about hw sweet you are at our NC dinner the other night. Best of Me...Kathy brought you up. How great you are. I agree. Sherry-WOW that's awful about your sister! It is amazing how these things can happen. Eileen-Can't stop thinking about you and your niece what is her name? You can call me or PM if you want an ear. Times like this I wish I was in Jersey. (((HUGS))) Hi everyone else....Well I have a crazy day and I'm much sorer than yesterday. I have to go 45 minutes south of here then go an hour north of here so I will be all over the place. I most likely won't get home before 6 or 7. I don't usually have crazy days like this. The magazine seems to be picking up with really good strong names so I'm real excited about that. I didn't go to curves yesterday or today. I did walk this morning and I'm hoping to go to curves if I'm not to sore when I get home. If not I'll go to the pool and exercise for a half hour. I think the scale is moving, but not 100% sure. When I saw the doctor yesterday she said I was down 2 pounds in 3 weeks. I really only go with my curves scale and I'm not planning on going on that for 2 more weeks. I so hope I get into onderland on of these days soon!!!! Have a good day, stay safe. And as they used to say on Hill Street Blues...BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!
  19. sunsett

    NC Picture Thread

    Heres another one.
  20. sunsett

    July Chat

    Eileen-I'm crying for you. I'm so sorry. Your niece, you and the rest of your family have my prayers. Psalm 91 always comforts me when things aren't going well. I pray that you can personalize it to you feel his love around you your niece and the rest of your family. If you cry in front of the chit you cry. Maybe he will have some feelings for you. (((Hugs))) Hey Gang, Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. I'm ok today. Sore, stiff and still kind of dizzy. I went to the Dr. and she is recommending I go to PT. So tomorrow I will call and set up an appointment. I understand more today about what happened than I did yesterday. The guy I hit hasn't contacted the insurance company. I wonder if he thinks it will go away if he doesn't return Allstates calls! I asked the insurance adjuster what would happen if they can't get a hold of him and she said they would go by what the police, witness and I said. Then she said clearly it is our customers fault so we will take care of everything for you. Ok so here is my dilemma. Help I need advice! Last August I got rear ended by a guy. He had Allstate insurance also. I had been seeing a chiropractor for almost 8 months. I went to the ER the day of the accident. (I'm never doing that again, that board is way to painful) anyway went to the chiropractor and started treatment for 6 weeks. She strongly encouraged me to get a lawyer. So I finally did. I'm glad I did because he took care of everything. He had a challenge with my medical insurance company in the end. He wanted to be sure that they were going to continue to cover me without a problem. He got that all done. So I called him this morning. I told him I am still seeing a chiropractor although I hadn't been in a few weeks. He recommended that I take another approach. He was concerned about the insurance of the vehicle being Allstate again since I now have a history with them! Part of me is thinking to just keep my mouth shut and not complain, but I'm afraid I will be sorry later. The other part of me is nervous about Dr's and insurance companies saying here she goes again with an attorney, and what if I really have a much more serious problem later. I wrote this before I read Eileen's post. This is nothing in comparison to what she is going through. I feel so bad. Love you guys.
  21. sunsett

    Tuesday Dinner or Saturday Lunch

    It was fun! do we have a picture thread? I think we do. I'll download the picture and Melissa you can shrink it please. I guess Amy and I left before the strip show...lol... It was nice seeing everyone. We sure did miss those that weren't there. Angie those girls of yours are adorable! Oh what cuties and great huggers! Thanks for bringing them. Looks like I won't be able to make the pool party at the moment. URGH I met Loretta for lunch today. She's falling out of her shirt! I told her it's time to put that shirt away. Way to big. We had a nice lunch and talked about ya'll......
  22. You guys vote. I would prefere Monday or Tuesday for dinner. Everyone is so busy with stuff we may have a more relaxing time in the evening.
  23. sunsett

    Saturday Aug 5th

    i WON'T BE ABLE TO MAKE IT Looks like we have company coming in from OFT. I will let you know if something changes.
  24. sunsett

    July Chat

    Hey-God sent me an Angle today! I was driving to uptown Charlotte for an appointment and a guy cut out in front of me and I hit him. I had no clue what happened. I sat in the middle of the road in shock for a few minutes. This man waited on the side of the road for me. I finially went to the side of the rd and he asked me if I was ok. I was hestericale and said I had no ida what happened. He said I'm your witness I saw everything it was not your fault. He than asked me if I would mind if he prayed for me!!! He stayed with me until the police came. Apparently this guy just pulled out in front of me to make a U turn. Another lady saw the whole thing and she also told him that she would be a witness but when he said he was staying with me she left. I have been crying on and off all afternoon. I'm sore as heck and seem to be getting sorer by the minute. We all thought my car was ok to drive home so everyone went on there way. When I drove a 1/4 of a mile I smelled burning rubber. Called the officer back and he had my car towed. DH came and got me and we drive to the airport to steal DH's car. He always parks int he same spot so it worked out perfect! I swung by the chiropractors office and I was in my cute skirt and didn't want to have him do anything till I changed. He said to ice myself and come see him tomorrow or the next day. This stinks with all my back trouble, I think I may have to get an attorney, again because of prexcisting condition. Anyway my GF who had the bypass a week after my second band is being sweet enough to drive me to our meeting tonight so I can still meet our girls. This man was truly a blessing! I kept thinking he was going to disappear because he must be an Angle. I cried harder when he asked me if he could pray! HOW COOL. I'm going to try to lay down a few minutes and rest before I go. Then I'm going to try not to get back on here tonight when I get home..lol..love you guys
  25. sunsett

    July Chat

    Kat-How cool to WIN! And how special to give it away! I hope the Dr gives your DD a good report today and makes you feel good about DH surgeon. Enjoy the ride! Cindy-NO that is exactly what I wanted to hear! That is how I'm thinking lately. A friend of mine figures as long as she's losing something every visit she will not get another fill. I wish I could say I'm losing a pound a week. I think the last time I was at the office that what they said I was averaging a pound a week. I sure don't see that. I think what I'm going to do is wait and go to my regular appointment on the 24th and then schedule a fill depending on the WL. Betty-GL with finding a closer D I hate and the insurance! Urgh I hate when they change! I think that is my biggest fear if DH leaves his company! Good morning everyone else. I'm off to curves and then my run around day. Have a good day I'll check in tonight and tell you all about our dinner there will be 6 of us it looks like.

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