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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    July Chat

    Well your all going to have to kick my butt I need it bad!! So guess whos PMSing!!! I can say though that I haven't had any kisses! I think I need to add jelly beans to my list!!! Crud I'm hungry! Just saw doc and Monday and we desided to hold off for now on the fill! So since then I've been HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! I think I'm at 1.3 and like Cindy I really don't want to have another fill. I know it's PMS crap is there a drug out there that I can take for 2 weeks a month that will help, rather than a fill? My magazine is called Carolina Party & Event Planner www.carolinapep.com I started with Jennifer the publisher before we even had a magazine published. I had never done sales before, but I think because I'm an artist I saw her vision and ran. We've gone from nothing to a good size imformative magazine. We lose advertisers becaue there contracts run out, but that goes with the business. Thats why I run around all the time and try to get more advertisers. I'm losing 3 this qtr and I have gotten 3 new ones so far. I have 1 week to go and I'm professing I will get 3 more by next Friday. Well I'm going to hang with DH. Darcy I hope you guys are doing better it sure does get tough at times. Have a good night. love me
  2. sunsett

    I am so pissed!!

    I'm sure you are and the joke is on them, they'll gain it back you won't... Some people can be so inconsiderate. Your doing great!
  3. sunsett

    Its July

    Hi, Is it Tonya? Welcome! Where are you from? We have a great group here as you can see. A lot of laughs and we all help support each other when things get tough. I'm off to bed I've been p late everyday this week. Hope you all have a good night. Oh now that we know we have some shy people out there checking our wonderful NC thread out, if any of you are in the Ballantyne/Stonecrest area and would like to join me in a support group with a theripist who has been where we all are for 9 yrs now. Please PM me. She said If I could get 4 or 5 people together she would put together a group. I know of one other person interested that lives in this area. Have a good night.
  4. sunsett

    Saturday Aug 5th

    Well I'll be with the inlaws and thinking of you guys. Does anyone have TXt messaging with a camera on verizon? You sould send me pictures and updates...lol...have fun... Do you guys want to try another weeknight dinner for September? I'm away the 30th I won't say where..lol..but your all welcome to come with us! Have fun
  5. sunsett

    July Chat

    Darcy-I LOVE YOUR LOWEST WEIGHT!! LOL I'm so proud of you for doing that!! Sherry-I can't believe your still wobbly! I have had that on small boats but never a cruise ship. Maybe you have an inner ear infection. Feel better. Cindy-Good luck on our challenge! I'm not having any kisses today! So far so good. Ice cream I do not have to often, so I'll be cool with that. How did your fill go? Eileen-Go for it! LOL I just wonder how many of us will be going through PMS during this time..lol...do think we'll be able to tell who it is? Did you order that German Chocolate cake from Wyckoff Bakery YUMMMMMMM I remember how great they were!! OH NO.. Kat-I'm sure it will be hard to give away that Blizzard! I'm sitting here thinking about the Blue Bell nuggets out in the freezer yummy, but I won't I'll hold off. I do wish we were starting Monday though... I got my hair highlighted today and a slight trim. Our core group girls wanted me to go swimming with them but I hated the thought of my hair smelling like pool after she made it so nice. My GF's dog ate something they think in the garbage today and died! He was only 1 1/2 yrs old. So now I'm a worried wreck about Lucy. Were closing out the magazine next week for this qtr. I'm hoping and praying I can get at least 3 more advertisers before next Friday. I could use the $ right now. I HAVE TO go to Costco tomorrow and get food in this house. I'm not kidding there is NOTHING HERE except SF pudding , deli turkey and protein shakes! Well sleep tight and have a good night. OH I got my car back today! They painted it and it smells real bad but it looks better than it did before. night night
  6. sunsett

    Its July

    Kim- I'll for sure let you know about the next cruise. I want to find one out of Charleston. That would be awesome. The Personal Trainer is cute. How cool that she's making up a work out for you! OH I forgot to tell you all the NJ crew is starting a no ice cream for a week thing. You know me and my chocolate kisses! So I'm giving that up too. Wanna join. Darcy has been having a hard time, so we are all joining together to do something to help her and ourselves. Angie-Thanks for that stuff. I'm hoping to hear back, so far I haven't. You sounded good yesterday. I'm so glad your neighbor noticed. That is a huge amount in less than a week! WTG! I'll call you next time I'm heading to Gastonia. Denika-Congrats on your anniversary! Now listen, you don't have to gain ANYTHING BACK! Didn't you lose before you had a fill? You can maintain and even lose right now. I suggest you stay off the scale! This can only frustrate you right now. I'm not saying you'll gain I'm just saying that we all fluctuate and that alone can make you feel bad. So hang in there, your doing fantastic and I'm sure you;ll continue to. Melissa-I'm glad your footsie is better. I once dropped a jar of Hellman's mayo on my foot in the grocery store, actually it fell out of the whole in the wagon. I landed up having a hairline fraction. Today is a slowish day. I've been doing follow-up calls for the magazine. Kim, I really want SE Bariatrics to advertise! I could, we could write an article about our wonderful bands. Go talk to him again, think about it 11,000 magazines how many over weight people do you think will read it! Sorry I'm in the sales mood..lol... Anyway have a good day I'll be back later I'm sure....
  7. sunsett

    Saturday Aug 5th

    If I can come I can only make it early but I'm not sure if I can do it.
  8. sunsett

    July Chat

    I can do it if we do SF pops! I just had a handful on jelly beans..ahhh.....I'll do ice cream and kisses starting tomorrow and if we officially start on Monday then I'll just continue this is good I'm going to try to get our NC girls to join us!
  9. sunsett

    July Chat

    I can do it if we do SF pops! I just had a handful on jelly beans..ahhh.....I'll do ice cream and kisses starting tomorrow and if we officially start on Monday then I'll just continue this is good I'm going to try to get our NC girls to join us!
  10. sunsett

    July Chat

    Eileen-Cool no boss today! I think my biggest regret about all these years is that I was a huge mama. It must have been hard for the kids to see the "normal" moms and then there was me. I know they love me but I was embarrassed for them and me. You so lucky that she's so young and yes your on your way down, how cool what a great example you are for her and everyone else. You GO GIRL! CLAP CLAP my legs are doing that! You crack me up! Kat-I'm so sorry you have all this going on. 1 week will go by slow and fast at times. You know were thinking of you and DH. WOW what a DICK, DD's almost X is! The nerve of that jerk! Come on we all need to go smack him. (DICK is my new favorite name..lol...for DH's) My MIL is also highly medicated some days she is so off balance it's scary! I'm glad your going to speak with someone else. I think it's horrible that these Dr.s are medicating the older people so they don't have to help them. EWW That gets me mad! You have such strength, your such a wonderful lady. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Darcy-I have been thinking about you ALL DAY. I haven't givin you that kick in the butt and I'm feeling like I gave you the ok to give in...WELL I AM WRONG...GIRL it is time, you can do this, you will do this, you are doing this!! I know how hard it is to give up those wonderful things. But we all made a choice to have the band to help ourselves. No it's not easy. Yes we are going to have to say no to certain foods, but yes we can do it. YOU CAN DO IT. That dark cloud that is hanging over isn't cool...kick it out! Don't look at the scale for 2 weeks! Take a walk to the mail box it will make you feel better. Check out the clouds, aren't they awesome! Change you signature you don't need to look at lowest weight and feel bad all the time. Have current and highest. You can do this I know, you have. We are here to kick hug and support you. Now I feel better...I hope you do to. Love you. Cindy-I bet you can make that goal. It seems reasonable. I'd like to also lose 25 by then but I learned the hard way no to pressure my self. I wanted to do it in 3 months, not good. The more I thought about it the more I messed up. But you are giving yourself a reasonable amount of time, so that's great! I was tempted to join the no ice cream club for a week, but I don't want to set myself up for that but if you guys do it I'll do the no hersey kisses for a week! Those I have everyday and really need to skip them! OK so I"m a slow reader. I see we are on with no chocolate or ice cream! please be one or the other. Ice cream would be easier for me than chocolate, that's why I want to go for the chocolate. And Monday sure sounds better than NOW like right NOW! Darcy- you give us the ready set go and I'm in for the chocolate part..oh I hope I can do this....I LOVE my hersey kisses!
  11. sunsett

    Does Lap-Band help with emotional eating?

    Well you sure have gotten a lot of information here. I hope it's helping you make the desision. I strongly recommend seeing a theripist before hand and after. The emotional stull is tough, but there are things you can do to help that. I got a puppy, every night we sit together and watch TV. She wants whatever I have, so I have learned to bring her a bone and hold it for her. Where food used to nurture me, Lucy has taken that place. Don't get me wrong it sure isn't all the time there are those times I eat and enjoy it. But the band has givin me an option I can either grab onto it and use it or not. Good luck I love my band and I'd do it again in a heart beat!
  12. sunsett

    Its July

    Eat until satisfied. If you eat till full then you have the risk of that one more bite and PB trust me you don't want that! Be sure to take AT LEAST 20 minutes to eat. That will slow down the amount you take in. I did notice in the begining that when I'd eat I would get up and when I stood up I'd feel fuller than when I was sitting. So try to get up and answer the phone or do something for a second and see if you feel any differen't. I don't notice that as much anymore now, but I sure did like it. In May we didn't go on a cruise we went to an all inclusive place in Mexico. It was like a cruise though cause everything was included. We have been taking 1 cruise a yr for the past 5 yrs..wow..5yrs already! Our best friends got married 3 weeks after us and we are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year! We have always said that were going to do something for our 25th with them. But then Laurie finds these fantastic cruise deals so this will be our 3rd cruise with them. The first cruise we took with them was out of NJ going to Canada it was a 5 day cruise and $ 347 each! We couldn't pass that by. I forgot what last yrs was but it was under $100 a day. Then this one is 9 days and it's also way under 100 a day. Cruises can be so reasonable! Angie-I have an appointment in Gastonia at 12 aren't you near there? My appointment should be no more than 1/2 hour please call me on my cell and let me know if you want to meet. I'll PM you with my cell #. Well our curves contest is ending this Saturday. I am in 4th place my team is in 3rd or 4th. I really want to be first..lol..so I'm digging up people to come and be my guest thats 5 pts. I think I can get 4. Plus I didn't know that you can go more than 1 time a day. So I may try to kill myself and go a few times more today. Thank goodness it ends on Saturday! lol I never realized how competitive I can be. Wish you guys lived closer so I could bring you as guests! Maybe I can get Loretta she's not to far from me..lol.. Have a good day.
  13. sunsett

    flying solo for 8 months

    Congrats! That is just wonderful. You should be very proud of yourself! We sure are!
  14. sunsett

    July Chat

    Darcy- that would be so cool! Thanks I'll try first then let you know. I am SO sorry. You deserve a pitty party. My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain emotionally you are feeling. BIG HUGS NEVER LEAVE US PROMISE! Cindy-Did I already tell you how fantastic you look!! Give DD a hug for me, she sure is a sweety and she sure did bring tears of joy for you to my eyes. It is awesome! Donna-Thanks for the pictures that was great. I know your proud and you should be. Patty-Have a great trip! Pat-Good to see you. Eileen-Hows it going girlie. Well I'm off to bed yesterdays Dr appointment went really well. I don't go back for 2 months. Actually it works out to be the day after we get back fromt he cruise! YIKES. Have a good night
  15. sunsett

    Its July

    Hey Angie, You know we'll help. My appointment went very good. Of course it was after 4:00 when I got on the scale, so it was 197, but who cares, I really just count the curves scale since thats the one I go on regularly and in the morning not at 4 in the afternoon. I love Dr V and the office one staff member inparticular..lol..but, the waiting..AHHHHHHHH..He is wonderful though and takes his time with you so I guess it's all ok. I do think next time Ill go a half hour earlier and maybe get to see him sooner. I'm not a problem patient TG! so I go quick. He doesn't want to see me for 2 MONTHS! WOW I can't believe it. I'll be on a curse when the 2 months are up so I'll see him right after the cuirse..yikes...I do want to see how I'm doing I may get a slight fill before the cruise. I've lost 70% he said. I have to take extra Vitamins double up on the daily's and add B complex other than that everthing is good. Well I'm going to hit the sack I'm exhausted. I can't wait to see what the B Complex does for me. Have a good night.
  16. sunsett

    The band just isn't working for me

    Hey you guys are ALL beating yourselfs up! STOP! It is not going to help the scale. Jamie, Julie hi Charlotte girls. Hi and welcome to everyone else. OK here is my story. I have been averaging about 7 pounds a month since my surgery. That is far from 1-2 pounds a week, but it works. For the past month I was going between 202-200 back to 202 again. Talk about frustration, guilt, anger, sadness...wow you know the feeling...Anyway I got so mad one day that I desided not to go on the scale until my next measurement day at curves. In 3 weeks I lost 5.5 pounds. Perhaps your all looking to often, it is a visous cycle..I can't spell.. The other thing that I did was I went to a new family physician off of Rea RD if any of you want his name let me know. He explained how our bodies (women that is) lose slow much slower because it thinks we are starving out in the jungle somewhere. He wants me and I have heard almost everyother women patient he has, to eat every hour of the day. Here are the rules: Eat 6 bites of sometype of protien or fruit within the first 20 minutes your awake. Every hour have 6 bites of something healthy Eat a regular lunch and dinner Don't worry about the calories, because your only having 6 bites. Sometimes I only do 4 bites it depends how hungry I am. Today I had a piece of deli turkey then got dressed and before I left had another slice. An hour later I had a protien shake. I was on the road all day today so I had a total of 2 protien bars which I ate over 6 hours. Other days I'll have 1/2 a yogurt then I go work out come home and have the other half. Take a shower and then I usually have my protien shake. I have to think ahead and prepare a baggie of nuts and protien bars to take with me when I go out on the road. It was very hard to get used to doing and I messed up a lot in the beging but now that I see the scale moving it sure is getting easier. Don't forget at least 60 grams of protien a day and 64oz of Water. You guys are doing good. I totally understand the frustration, we all go through it at times. Hang in there. We Charlotte girls are here for you all.
  17. sunsett

    Surgery Date Set and Felling Apathetic

    absolutley you are feeling what all of us have felt. I forgot about the apathetic phase. Youll get the excitement back and the butterflies then the thoughts of am I nuts! I can tell you I am 10 months out almost to the day, and I am so thrilled I can't stand it. The changes in your life are going to be just wonderful. Weather your a fast loser or a slow loser the fact that you are taking your life in your hand, your health in your hands is a wonderful thing which NO ONE can take away. Congratulations on making a life changing desision.
  18. sunsett

    July Chat

    You do look GREAT! I'm hoping to figure out how to do that by my 1 yr anniversary. Dr appointment went real well today he's very happy with my WL and doesn't want to see me for 2 months. My appointment is the day after we get back from the cruise. I asked him how much more weight he wanted me to lose. He said I am already at 70% lose he said another 10-15 pounds would make him real happy then I'd be under 30 BMI. I must have looked shocked to him. Of course I need to go a lot more than that! So my next goal is 27 pounds that would be 100 pounds. I'm love to see that by Christmas then after that 23 more pounds that would bring me to 145 I'd go into shock and faint if I ever got there...lol...we'll see I refuse to put that pressure on myself. Lucy at the carpet in the living room today! She must have been looking for attention and DD was on the computer! have a good night.
  19. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    I'm about 73 pounds down and would love to lose 27 by September 26th, but I don't think that's realistic. I am thrilled with my WL. I saw my dr today and he said that 10-15 more pounds is what he'd like to see then I'm under 30 BMI. Of course I'm thinking more like 30-50 but I'm in no rush. I'm ging to stick to going on the scale only on my curves weigh in days and my Dr's appointments. Good job everybody
  20. sunsett

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    where is everyone?! We are almost a year out. Can you believe it? I'm so excited I made it under 200!!!
  21. sunsett

    July Chat

    Bettina-LOL I have to open up my email and type in response on that. I CRS..lol..that's the only way it works for me. Then I get to hit spell check too...Welcome. When is you bandaversary? Cindy-I don't think were tired of hearing about your retirement. I think its great! I think seeing Stephen Kings house would give me the willies, although I would do the same thing! How cool. Sherry-That 2 pounds could just be water who knows. Your doing great! Eileen- Can you eat hot dogs? That is the one thing I mourn for. I haven't tried them in a while but Costco sell these incredible Mt Sinai dogs. OHGOSH! I always hated HD's but these wow I was dreaming about them last night. Maybe I should try them again! We are meeting with our core group girls tonight. I've been praying about this mess. I I'll let you know how the Dr.s appointment goes. He may want to take the hockey stick out on me because I had a 1/4 of a Philly cheese steak yesterday. I ordered chicken and it came out fried so I had some of DH sandwich the better of the 2 evils. Of course he ate the 3/4 of his sandwich and my whole chicken parm sandwich..lol..and I'm telling him he needs to lose weight! Love you guys
  22. sunsett

    Its July

    Angie-Do you need help with the kids? My daughter is 20 drives and loves kids. I'm working quite a bit this week but would be able to come up at nights for you. Let me know BIG HUGS feel better. Please let me help you. Kim-I wish I knew about the meeting I thought August was the next one. I have to meet with our core group girls tonight. Speaking of that, please pray for our meeting tonight. 4 of the girls are having major issues with each other. We are getting together to get things right! Have a good day. I go see the V man today. I dontthink his scale reads as good as curves but it doesn't matter because curves is the correct one that I have been going by since October. Although if his is better then I'll switch..lol...
  23. sunsett

    Are you a cashew lover?

    now I have to go to world market today!!! How bad are the calories on those cashews? So far I'm been sticking with almonds and peanuts the most. Nuts work great on my new few bites an hour plan.
  24. I just want to say Alexandra could not have said it any better! I too want to live my life and eat what I want. I have learned that making smart chioces is the key and if I want to have a piece of chocolate cake(like I did last week) I'll split it with some one and I won't finish the whole thing. It is comforting to me that I can live my life and not fret about food anymore. And to know that when I leave whatever # I'm on it's gone for good. I met a ryn lady a few weeks ago. She lost 155 in a year. I think she had her surgery in 95. She has gained at least 75 of it back. I'm sure she's a 24/26 again. I was terrified! I kept thinking oh no is that going to be me. But then wonderful wise people like Alexandra remind me of why I chose the band. My grandmother is 97 yrs old she still drives travels shops drinks and has a full life. I want to be healthy like her and have a long full life. Good luck on your desision.
  25. sunsett

    Pain after an unfill, Help!

    Wow sorry to hear your in such pain. What about having your fill done under fluro? That was they can see if it's to tight. Have you had an endoscopy? I'm so sorry to hear this bump in the road. Hang in there and feel better.

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