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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunsett

  1. sunsett

    August Chat

    Kat-That is wonderful news! I'm so glad it went well. Have you had a chance to breath? Prayers continue for you both and your DD. Sherry-What a ditz! This Dr of yours are you sure she's good. How could she forget you had the band! BP thing does make sense, I hope thats not what it is though. I draggieahass to curves 4-5 times a week. urgh..but if I don't I know I won't do a thing and I just have to go. It's to hot for walking or anyhting else. Once you get out of the routine it is hard to get back into it. I've been a member since 03 but only in the last 10 months have been going regularly. You should try it you see the same people a lot and then you all suport each other it's nice. Plus being measured every month is a good thing. OK big growling in the sky this afternoon. It's a perfect nap day. I did finially drag the butt to curves and exercise. I've been trying to get to the pool every afternoon also for more exercie but the bowling alley in heaven must have a full house playing. I've been bad with food again today alothough I do feel that I have it under control better. I'm going to send you guys a PM so look for it I have an idea!! See ya later.
  2. sunsett

    "september Showdown Challenge!!!!!

    whats everyone playing?
  3. sunsett

    De-banded this week

    Cathy- BIG HUGS- you have such a great attitude I'm sure that with the band rules you will lose. I say to people all the time that if everyone took 20-30 minutes to eat thier meals we wouldn't have such a weight problem in this nation. Keep you watch on and watch yourself. Good luck and keep us posted your always welcome here.
  4. sunsett

    New here...

    Welcome this is a very exciting thing!
  5. sunsett

    Morning Tightness... How to cope...

    I have heard that the reason why people are to tight in the morning is because they have eaten to much and to late at night. It is suggested that you tough it out at night by eating very little and then you will be loser in the morning. Plus I would think you'd lose faster if you eat more in the morning and at lunch time. Good luck
  6. sunsett

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    YOu guys look like your having a good time. Sorry I missed it.
  7. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Quiet group here today! Christmas party could be on a Saturday or Sunday I just know how nuts Saturdays get for everyone in December!
  8. sunsett

    August Chat

    Eileen- Happy Birthday to you,:note: Happy birthday to you,:note: happy birthday to Eileenie skinny winnie with the ring onnnnn,:note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO youuuuuuuuu:cake: :happybday: Anne-You need to take a picture of the hopscotch! 50 squares! WOW you know you can always go back to him when he's older and say look what I did for you that HOT summer day back on 06! Sherry-I bet that's what it is! This has been going on way to long GIRL! Darcy-I was bad all weekend! You know your not hungry but you want something! I would have gone for a walk but it was to freaking hot out! URGH! Good thing I don't live in NJ anymore or I would have gone to Eileen's house and ate the rest of the cake! Cindy-WTG on the walk! Thanks great! I'm dressed and ready to go to curves now it's a matter of getting off my ARSH. Well I haven't been the perfect eater this weekend. I have finished all the kisses in the house!! Well the specialty kisses. I still have the bag of regular that I brought last November from costco. I haven't broken back into them yet I have a goal to make them last a year! Do any of you know who owns this site? Is it Alex? Does he have the band. How come he is so nice to put all of this together for us? Just wondering. Well I'm off to curves! See you later
  9. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Red Robin has the BEST CHILI! Kim-I will try to make tomorrow night. It's an hour right?
  10. sunsett

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    Where are the bathing beauties?
  11. sunsett

    Yummy food from our get together...

    OK NOW I"M crying!!! I missed not only all of you guys, but this wonderful food! Kim did you ever get the txt message I sent you around 4:30? I'm sure you guys had a great time. OK Christmas party at my house with husbands! This way I can't go to the in-laws..lol... A Friday night in December, bring your favortie appitizer.
  12. sunsett

    Monday is my Big Day

    Good Luck. You are really going to love clothes shopping!!!
  13. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    I hope you guys have fun! Angie+Kathy, I met Joe today. Very nice guy. I'm excited to see what the future will be bringing to us! I'll be out with the in-laws. Have fun and Kim can always send me txt messages and pictures!!
  14. sunsett

    August Chat

    Cindy-Congrats on your pound! That is great! It is so much fun redoing rooms for DD. Mine was on a mission trip all last summer and our core group girls and I redid the whole thing. If I didn't have those girls help I would have never made it. She has the classiest room in the house. Darcy-How ya doing? Sherry-I did the same thing! Only it was my own doing! Took my DS to Carvel for a Sunday on Wednesday you know buy one get one free day. I would have gotten a small but he wanted a regular. I did tell them not to make it as big as his though, but I ate the whole dang thing!! I'm still craving Cold Stones German chocolate..OMGosh it is good. I'll be thinking of you this weekend. My in-laws used to pull that crap too. I hated it! Hang in there good luck. Eileen-Your birthday's coming! Yippee! I'm feeling better thanks, I laugh everytime I think about it, so that's good thanks for asking. Your so right about the craziness with focusing on a "diet" That was a big thing at the Renfrew center that they talked about. I need to write a book! lol We all should write a book together! Hey I'm not kidding I have ideas but I don't want to broadcast them on here. Have you guys noticed that on August 1st we had 81 people look in on us and we were the only one's posting! HUMMM makes ya think huh. Betty- Have a good weekend! BEANIE-WELCOME HOME! We have missed you! Congratulations on the weight loss That's great news! How was your trip? Well I claimed 3 but then said ok 4 but really felt 3 more advertisers would come in by today. I called all the people I've seen in the past 3 months to follow up the ones I thought for sure were coming in didn't..WTF...Then I called the person the other day and they got in and as you know I now also have a cake section because of them, Do you think that count's as 2? I don't get anything from the 2nd section, but to me that's 2. Then out of the blue someone I went to see 5 months ago called and is signing up!!! I hope I get 1 more so I can officially call it 3. It' just cool how it's working out. OK I'm off for another appointment. I'll catch cha later.
  15. sunsett

    August Chat

    Sherry- you are to funny! You said no to many things yesterday I think you did GREAT! You could have said yes to that lunch time ice cream. Darcy-Hang in there, I break down too as you know! 1000 calories is great for the day. I had a huge bowl of spaghetti last night. It was mostly sauce but it was a regular size bowl. I enjoyed every bite of it and didn't feel guilty at all. Your doing good come on help me go to the gym I am having trouble getting my butt there also so lets drag our butts together! Wanna! Starting tomorrow weather it's going some place or doing stretches or walking or swimming as long as it totals 30 minutes a day at least! Cindy-LOL did you have that ice cream? Eileen-Good choice on your personal challenge! I was in an eating disorder hospital about 16 yrs ago and that was exactly what they told us, not to restrict our selves from anything because then we'd go back and make up for lost time..lol.. OK MY personal Challenge for the rest of August is to exercise by doing something whether it's curves the pool walking or floor stretches. The other thing I started today was to put the timer on every hour. Remember I told you about eating something every hour? Well I'm hungry today! and I was noticing my hours were lasting only about 20 minutes at times..lol..some hour huh...so I'm putting on the timer and when I want to grab something I look at how much longer I have to go. I only have about 6 bites but I sure look forward to those bites! So for today when I see I have more time I'll set the timer. I wrote this earlier, Now I'm in a real pissy mood, I hope you guys have had a better day! I think I'm so pissy cause I'm HUNGRY and can't get satisfied! I'm doing pretty good with my small bites. Sorry for _itching.
  16. sunsett

    August Chat - NC

    Happy Birthday To You! I Hope You Have A Wonderful Day And Year!
  17. sunsett

    NC Picture Thread

    I thought we had one, but I can't find it! Melissa I'm sure this will be huge could you please shrink it. Sunsett (Dianne), Bondgirl (Angie), Dragonwillow (Melissa), Wavydady (Jill), Angie's 3 adorable girls, The Best Me (Kathy), Amy, she a by-pass girl who doens't stop by here. July 2006 get together.
  18. sunsett

    August Chat

    LOL I am caught up! I gotta go to bed maybe I really did hit my head to hard yesterday..WOOOSHHHH, splash, bang.... Hi Anne, thanks for starting August.
  19. sunsett

    August Chat

    Eileen-Great idea! I'm in! I want to challenge myself to keep exercising at curves 4-6 times a week. My PT wants me to take it easy and take a break from curves. So I'm going there but mostly just doing the "resting stations" it's a half hour of something I wouldn't do at home, that's for sure. Darcy-Bummer! hope your feeling better. Hey I go nuts with those 100 calorie baggie thingies I have a pantry full. But the fudge stripe Cookies always win out! still only 100 calories and I think I'm going to pour a glass of milk and have me a bag as soon as I sign off here. lol don't I sound southern! Wow I'm so proud of you for going over a week w/o ice cream and chocolate! Ahh you guys are to fast for me and I have to go to bed so I can't read all the posts now. Real quick and I'll tell ya more in the morning. I got an advertiser. He has the BEST and I am not kidding when I say THE BEST chocolates on earth! anyway it is very unusual and he has it with passion fruit..wow better than sex chocolate it is!!!!! I am not kidding! He also makes cakes so we will now have a cake section! This is GREAT NEWS. I'm claiming 3 more advertisers, I don't know how Gods going to do it but it sure is fun watching and dong my part! I'm hoping for 2 more tomorrow. OK cookie time then bed will catch up in the morning, did I tell you that already. Cindy-Good luck with Mr scale!!
  20. sunsett

    July Chat

    Cindy-The candy was gone in less than 10 minutes! Thank goodness! How's DD doing? Your such a good mommy. Patty-Are you relaxing? Kat-Thinking of you and DH! Congrats on the size 16 that is awesome!!! WTG. Hang in there I know it's going to be tough, but you and DH will do fine. Remember to breath. Anne-That is so funny that you decided to give up chocolate and ice cream the same day as us! Sherry-What I find is strange is that the new stuff I brought last year is now to big, so I'll have to get rid of that stuff! I refuse to buy another summer thing. I'm just going to live with what I have. I did have a few of my favs altered. I'm not sure I'd do it again cause it was so expensive, but we'll see. That travel fabric is worth doing. Eileen-You crack me up!!! OH I'm SO happy about your niece! You knew it you had that piece about it. That is so wonderful I'm so happy. When are you 2 going shopping!! Darcy-Your doing good. 1 step at a time! Hang in there your going DOWN GIRL! Betty-I hope your foot is ok! That's what DH's are for ya know. killing spiders fixing clogged toilets, changing filters..lol... OK confession time. I had 3 kisses last night! BUT I went from whatever day we decided last week until last night. I haven't had ice cream. I can't help the chocolate cravings although I must say last night when I was opening the kiss and thinking of all you, then tasting it, it didn't give me the thrill I thought it would. Went out to dinner with our company last night. I had the best grilled tilapia ever! I'm not a fish lover so for me to order it out is a lot! This was so good, I can't wait to go back! We went out in their boat yesterday and we went tubing. Well today I see my physical therapist and I know he's going to shake his head! I went airborne for about 50 feet! Thought I might have had major injury..lol...smashed in the water..I'm laughing typing about it...I flew over my GF hit her and the tube I have a swollen lip, my leg hurts bad and my neck and back are hurting...lol...but it was so much fun...we went on it again...no more flipping though...My lip has a natural dark red in spots...DH was afraid I was seriously hurt. As I flew through the air I thought I was going to die or be paralyzed. Anyway it was a blast. Hopefully I won't be sore for to much longer. I'm off for 2 business appointments today. I'm professing that I will get 3 more advertisers, at least, by Friday! Have a good day, ttyl Where is Beanie? Vacation right? When does she come home? Everyone else hi.
  21. sunsett

    Its July

    Karen you never know what the 1 pound is, I bet it's gone today! Hang in there your doing great! Our company just left a few minutes ago. 4 kids, 1 dog, a 24 ft boat, 2 motor cycles, a dirt bike...our driveway looked like the Beverly Hill Billies. We went to Lake Wylie yesterday and I went airborne for about 50 feet. LOL I have a fat lip sore leg, neck and back, but it was so much fun!! We lughed so hard. I'm going back to bed for a few minutes. Angie-Looks like I'm heading your way again tomorrow. A friend from the past is coming to Gastonia and wants to see me. I drove around Ballantyne the other day and saw that building we were talking about. It is not complete yet, however the location is very high end so we'll see. There is so many new things over there everytime I go that way, which is pretty often, I find more new places. Not many medical mostly offices. ttyl
  22. sunsett

    Its July

    Tonya-That is a bummer that you have to travel so far. Keep us posted. You guys are to funny about the new Dr coming. Didn't Dr Kawada win in the hunk group..lol... Angie of all weeks to have a birthday! I would love to come celebrate with you but DH is in town this week. If for some reason he goes out I'll let ya know
  23. sunsett

    July Chat

    I have a new phrase for PMS it's PMO (piss me off)..lol.. I do feel better and just talked to my friend they are going to be about 5 hours late so I may just get to rest a few minutes before they come. Cindy I have a bowl of M & M's out and the rest of the Jelly Belly's so they have 4 kids they should be gone by the morning I hope! Betty- I'm so glad DH got a job. To bad about the car but I'm sure it will all work out. I'm singing tomorrow morning with the small group at church again. I should be fun I had a blast last time. Everyone else hi, have a good weekend.
  24. sunsett

    July Chat

    I have to run we have company comeing in an hour the house is still a mess I have no makeup on I'm tired and I have to go to the store. I will try to check back later. I held the bag of kisses ths morning and was very tempted to have one cause I had about 8 M&M's ..lol...for breakfast but I thought of all of you and didn't do it. I did land up taking a zanax cause I'm barking orders around here and feeling anxious. I'll do personals soon. have a good weekend.
  25. sunsett

    Saturday Aug 5th

    Honestly you should get Costco's chicken I think they are 4.99 and I don't roast anylonger because it is the BEST chicken on earth, we had t for dinner tonight. Weekneds are fine with me too. I'm just home alone a lot at night with everyone running around and I get lonesome sometimes.

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